A/N: When you realise one of the people who this is about finds the book.... Hey Keaka...Though,,, I do question how you this so quickly, you found it the day i publiched it......... is there something you need to tell us??/j ...i mean unless lol
In the city of Kans there was a large population of people, all working together like bees for the Queen of the hive. They all buzzed around doing their part, even the children had a vital roll in how society worked. They became slaves to the eduaction system, all having too follow the system, become branwashed to the orders of these senseless adults. They-
"You're so dramatic" Amy said leaning over Keaka's shoulder. "I'm bored okay, school is really dragging, plus tell me I'm wrong." Amy looked at Keaka precessing it all before rplying with "Okay, yeah no, your right."
"Thank you" they laughed backing up their stuff for their next lesson. Buckling up their bags and slinging them over their shoulders they walked to the final lesson of the day, excited for it all to end.
The school was basic, wooden walls, wooden floors, wooden door. It was entriely wooden, all amber bamboo. The only gap in the wood was the small fogged windows. "This school sucks though, I mean this is place is falling apart."
"Shh, what do you think your doing, if someone heard you."
"Nobody listens to us, we are nobodys."
"No problem." Keaka said laughing as Amy walk off to going the others. Once again Keaka was left alone, only their thoughts to play with their minds as they headed on to work.
It wasn't much of a walk, the school was a small forest way from the main city, right near the Palace gates.
Spring and Summer, the best times of the year, it's when the daisies bloom. Such an innocent flower, and yet some call it a weed, a pest. Plus the trees had never been greener, the sun had never been brighter, along with that, their birthday edges closer each second, being just over a week away.
They got to the main city, being Friday people rushed around to get fish, chips, to go here, there and everywhere.
And as per usual the guards stood proudly at the gates, leading to Keaka's inability to talk. They always struggled to say a word to strangers, unless they began to panic or feel bad they wouldn't talk at all. They just couldn't socialise.
The guards regonised them and opened the servents gates, Keaka couldn't help but breathe out in relief, it scares them everytime. What if they are some wanted criminal and didn't know?
"Ayy! Keaka" Called a familiar voice from their side, they turned to see Daniel. "Oh, hey Dan." Daniel and Keaka always talked when they were on shifts together, not many people want to work at the Castle, well most teenagers. Adults work here all the time, in fact other then the Gong farmer's kid they were the youngest there.
"What's up?" Dan asked as he picked up half the washing pile. There was a moment of slience before Keaka snapped back to reality. "Mhm? Oh- nothing, I'm just thinking really."
"About what?"
"Why would I tell you? You literally sat in class today and hit me with a ruler for half of it."
Dan paused thinking about it. "True, but, I did ask if it was okay if I could test your reslilance, and you agreed, and your suprisingly resilaint." Keaka laughed nodding dropping a few socks as they walked to the laundry room.
"Shit, guess we'll have to retrace our steps."
"Oh!" Cried an angery voice from behind the two of them, they both span around. "Pick these up now, boy. You, girl? i don't know, the other one, drop that for him and follow me." The angered woman, Costello, called pointing at Keaka to follow. Without a word they listened moking Costello as she had her back turned on them, Dan even flipping off Costello.
The sun began to settle past the Castle, the shadow ever growing as night desperatly reached over. The maidren Costello strutted over followed by a sheepish child. Shauna stood up, brushing down her dress only to gain a disappointed look from Costello.
The mortified servent was shoved forwards to assist Princess Shauna back inside for the day. Costello walked away without any explianation.
The differance between her usual ladies-in-waiting and this servent here was the fact they were all fake, but this person, their reactions where genuine, there was no smiling. The only time Shauna noticed their face light up is when a bird flew past or they started at the daisies as they walked. "A daisy chain would suit you." Shauna said suddenly.
The servent didn't react for a moment, and just ended up shruggling. "You can talk to me, I'm not posionous."
"I don;t have some weird biting kink." Shauna burst out in laughter as Keaka just calculated what just happened. This was the first time they'd ever even see the Princess let alone speak to them, and that, that's the first thing they say to them.
Keaka began to blush out of embrassement, "aww, but what if I do." Princess Shauna said with a wink. Keaka became unable to function. "I- WHAT!? I- why? just why? It's offical, i'm having a mid-life crisis."
"Aren't you like.. 12? Your about the height of a 12 year old."
Keaka stared up that them in pure rage and frustration. "For one, I'm almost 16, and two, who know's I could die at 30, 32. You never know when your going to die."
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