"What do you want to eat? It's on me."
Bryson asked Daisy while they were waiting in line for their queue to order. He wants to bring her to his favourite diner but since it's a popular eatery, Bryson was sure customers were piling up at the moment and he doesn't want to waste their time waiting for someone to assist them on their seats and get their order.
They just agreed to grab a bite at McDonald's. Yes, very typical but it was better than nothing. She seems to like the nuggets though 'cause she keeps on looking at it on the menu.
Daisy didn't answer his question, but instead tapped her phone and using her index finger, pointed the messaging application. He checked his phone and saw that there was one text from her.
I think it's better this way for us to communicate. What d'ya think? Oh! And btw, you don't have to pay for my food. I have money.
She avoided looking at him and just stared at the back of the customer in front of them.
He leaned in close to her ears and whispered. "Sound great. But, I'm still paying for it," she squeaked and touched her ears while glaring at him with a blush on her face down to her slender neck. He chuckled because of her reaction. Cute.
Daisy typed on her phone frantically and distanced herself, but Bryson just closed the gap while she was busy texting.
Whenever she stepped back, he took two steps forward. It was amusing for him.
Don't do that again! Geez. Okay, I'll let you pay for now but next time my turn 'kay?
His smile widened, even more, when he read the words 'next time.
Did she mean to say she wants to go out with me again? His chest burst with so much happiness just by that two simple words.
Are you asking me out on a date? You must really like hanging out with me huh cos you even insist on paying next time.
He replied, looking for any kind of reaction. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line and instead of an embarrassed expression that he was hoping for, she just gave him a confused look.
Yeah, he should probably get used to it now. She was too innocent, she doesn't even know what he was implying.
What d'ya mean by 'asking you out on a date?' I just only want to repay you. Is that bad?
Bryson runs his hand through his locks then placed both of them on her waist before pulling her close to his chest. She gasped but didn't flinch so he continued.
"Shorty. It's not bad okay? I'm just kidding about that. Of course, I will be the one to ask you on a date every time. So just forget about what I've said and let's just order our foods, yeah?"
His hands were on her waist tightened when she pouted her lower lip like a five years old kid and played the seam of his shirt. If only they weren't in a crowded place right then, he will fucking bite the bottom of her kissable lip and suck on it until it bruises.
As much as he wants to tease her even more, it was their queue to order so he will just save the teasing some other time.
The cashier looked to them with a wide smile on her face then waved her hand on shorty that was standing in front of him. His hands were still on her small and curvy waist.
Daisy eagerly signed something that the cashier returned with the same energy.
Do they know each other?
Seems like most of her acquittance knew sign language. Except me.
Bryson thinks about if it was a good idea to study and learn sign language too. In that way, they could communicate with each other like easily.
It's not like he was complaining of their set-up though, he was content with what they had and he will take any measure just to communicate with her.
Bryson knew how hard to learn such a thing and he was proud of Daisy because, despite her tough situation, she was still friendly and sociable.
"What is your order, sir?" The cashier asked.
"Two burgers, two large fries, one spaghetti, two dozen of nuggets, two large sundaes, and two Mcfloat," the girl behind the counter looked at him like he was some kind of a weirdo trying to impersonate gluttony.
"W-was that all sir?"
When he looked down at Daisy to silently asked her if she wants to add something, she was already staring at him like he had done something wrong. What?
Did he order the wrong foods? If she doesn't like it he could just buy her whatever the hell she wants. She signed again something to the cashier.
"Sir. Daisy said she can pay for her meals since you ordered a lot for yourself and she'll feel bad if you pay for hers too."
Bryson tried to process what she just said and then a realization hit him like a brick. He felt like an idiot because of his ignorance. He definitely needs to study sign language next time.
"Sorry I didn't know she already ordered for herself. Just add on a burger, regular fries, and coke," the cashier nodded and punched their orders while he digs the wallet in his jeans pocket.
They were almost done eating most of their orders, but he intentionally chewed his fries languidly just to spend more time with her who seems oblivious because she was too busy slurping her drink.
To get Daisy's attention and start a silent conversation, Bryson asked her something about the signed she used twice a while ago. If he was going to learn some sign language even if it's difficult, it's best if he starts now.
"Shorty what is the meaning of this?" He demonstrated the sign as much as he can remember. It was where you linked your index finger together like a pinky promise. She thoughtfully copied his action to demonstrate it and he nodded his head.
Using her right index finger, Daisy writes something on top of the table and since they were sitting side by side on the leather couch, he swiftly moved closer to her to see what she has written. It say's 'friends.
"Oh, I see. Why did you mention that word earlier?" Albeit, I already have an idea what her answer is, I still want to know it coming from her.
Bryson braced himself for the upcoming disappointment but then tried to think about it positively.
Daisy texted the answer as he read it carefully.
Well, Sharron asked me if you're my boyfriend which I answered her that you're not and just only want to befriend me.
Yeah okay, I got it.
The precious girl beside him couldn't even take a hint if someone was hitting on her but he guess it also provides him with a sense of relief because he was pretty sure if someone tries to flirt with her, she will instantly turn it down casually.
Bryson just only hopes he will not fall on the category of her only friend's list.
"Hey, do you really think that I just only want to be friends with you?"
Okay. Let's start from zero.
Maybe if he explains his true intention, she will eventually grasp the meaning of it.
"What do you mean? You don't want to be my friends anymore? I then—," before she could even finish typing her reply which he already read considering they were only an inch apart. He put his hand on her phone to stop her and place the device on the table.
Then he engulfed her dainty hands with his own. Her eyes followed his every moved without blinking, her mouth was slightly open and a blush slowly rose on her cheeks.
"What I mean to say was, I don't want to be just your friend. I want more than that and do you know what's more than just a friend?" Daisy hesitated, looking anywhere but he then let her hands-free from his captivity to typed something on the phone before raising it in front of his face.
"Yes. So do you want to become my close friend instead? Like a best friend? Megan is already my best friend, but we can still be best friends too."
Bryson nearly bangs his head on the table after reading the text and seeing the innocent looked on her face.
She is so fucking cute and precious.
It was worst than he thought, how could he explain to someone so innocent how a relationship between the opposite gender works?
It's fucking hard honestly.
He released a sigh and contemplated whether he should tell her whatever the hell he meant about his words so that she understands it or just let her thoughts and innocent mind wander to her idea even though it's far from the actual reality.
His different persona which was the bad and good side were fighting over in his head.
Am I too fast? Yes. Did I give a fucking care? No.
But what if Daisy doesn't want to go out with him? Should he take the risk of losing her if she doesn't want the idea of being with him? Or just take everything at a slow pace until the right time comes?
Fuck it! He was not gonna waste his chance. Every time is the right time, it'll not be if he let his chance slip and someone take his spot.
After swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, he slowly raised his hands to cup her face. Their eyes met and he held it captive until she realizes his feelings.
They said the eyes are the window to our soul.
"I don't want to be just your only friend, close or whatever the hell it is. When I said I want to become more than that. What I mean was, I want you to go out with me. Like a date or something a couple do. And I also want you to become mine. Do you understand me Daisy?"
Daisy keeps her eyes on me and I feel like the world became motionless, just only the two of us moving, breathing. I waited for any sign of realization that would flash in her chestnut eyes.
The only thing that he saw was sadness before she diverted her attention to his chest. Her fair skin tinted with rosy pink colour.
Does she understand me or just refused to apprehend it?
Either way, her answered was already crystal clear.
Bryson dropped his hands on her face and instead put it inside of his pocket. He didn't try to further elaborate what he had meant with every word. She just silently stayed seated beside him while her head was hanging low.
He broke the awkward silence after a while. "Even if you don't want to go out with me, I still want to be friends with you okay? I'm sorry if I'm moving too fast and I will not force you into something you're not ready for. So uhh. . . Let's just keep whatever you call our relationship for now okay?"
Instead of feeling unmotivated, her rejection only fueled his appetency to make her his. He will wait for her for as long she becomes ready to go out with him. He was not going to give up without a fight though.
Daisy's hand touched his arm while she slid the phone down on the table where he was paying his attention.
"I'm sorry if I make you upset. I just don't know how to respond. I had never been in a relationship before and I'm still not ready. I'll just probably mess everything up. I want to be your best friend Bry because I enjoy your company and you are nice. So I hope you're not gonna leave me now."
She was smiling gently when he tilted his head to the side to looked at her.
That smile.
It really brings a lot of things. It makes him happy, contented, desiderate, and crave for her.
Damn that smile.
Bryson heaved a long sigh and turned his upper body towards her and focus his attention solely on her.
"I'll take it slow for you shorty. Let me prove to you that you don't have to be afraid of messing up or whatever it is whenever you are with me or anything to go by for that matter because I will let you experience something you have never done or experienced before," he paused to take a deep breathe while all along, Daisy just looked at him profoundly.
"I know I might just spewing some bullshits or whatever the hell it is. I know I'm rushing everything up, it's like we only met yesterday and now I'm here spouting random words and all. But I don't know," Bryson runs his hands on his hair frustratedly, "when it comes to you I feel like I have to hurry because someone else might snatch you away from me and take my spot. I don't know why you have so much effect on me. There's something about you that really makes you different from anyone else I've met. I just can't explain it."
What I'm saying? I must be going insane. Feels like his mouth was running water from a broken faucet.
"Honestly, a romantic relationship with someone is also new to me. I might look like someone with lots of experience but I'm not. Far from that," when the memory of his past self momentarily crossed his mind, Bryson couldn't help but to cringed inwardly, "—but I want to find out and explore the true meaning of relationship. I want to discover more of it with you."
"So just give me a chance, please? Besides who says I'm gonna leave you? Coming from someone like me, it might sound cheap or cliché," he unconsciously played the dog tag on his neck with his fingers. Thinking about how to deliver the next words that will verdict his chance for Daisy.
Here's go nothing.
"You know, I already dreamed about my future with you. Every night, I always think about what would happen if we ever became something more than just a friend. Maybe we'll just like anyone else," if he was going to confess, might as well say it all out.
"But you know what the difference is? I can no longer imagine myself with anyone else if it's not you. Do you understand me?" He chuckled, "of course you don't,"
"You see, when I want something, someone, I'll get it whatever it takes. But for you, I'm willing to wait as long it takes for you to become ready. They say, you should chase your dreams and I answered, I'm already chasing it right at this moment. So when the time is all right and you feel like I'm worthy of you. Can you help me fulfill my dream?"
Throughout his confession, he didn't dare to lift his head and looked at Daisy. Asides from he were kind of embarrassed,
Bryson was only being cheesy, but he wasn't definitely making up some crap.
That was the longest, but the most real thing he had said in his 19 years of existence. He doesn't know how deep his feelings for not until he puts them into words.
What the hell she did to me?
He chuckled to himself while looking down and shaking his head, but when he looked up at her again, his smile drop as he couldn't do anything but stare.
That time, Daisy imprisoned his whole attention solely on her and he just realized that over the day and a half time that he had known her. Bryson had already learned and discovered a bit of a piece about her.
About the meaning behind all of her smile like the gentle one, she wore whenever she looked at him. The smile that showed her teeth when she was too eager to do sign language. The smile that made her eyes formed into a slit that held so much fondness when she was doing something she loves, but all of it was genuine and astonishing.
And he willed to discover every remaining bits and fragment, but the smile she has right now was his most favourite one because of the unspoken meaning behind it that even spoken words cannot compete.
Truly, the eyes are the window to our soul.
"I'll help you make your dream come true."
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