Lisa's POV
"Stop worrying, Lisa." Kaizan tried consoling me as the two of us sat on the couch in the living room.
Two months had already passed after Jungkook's quick visit and like what Kaizan promised, my unnies didn't find out about it.
Jungkook literally just went to Australia to visit me. It turns out, BTS had individual schedules for four days and apparently, Jungkook ended up being free for the whole period. He told everyone he'll go home.
But then he had to get back to Korea immediately since the travel time takes 14 hours or so.
It has been two months and Kaizan had been a part of our family. She's older than me for about two years but she doesn't want me calling her unnie. She said she's not used to it.
My heart dropped at Kaizan's words.
Yeah, it has been two days since Jungkook last texted or called me. And I don't have anyone to tell about it but Kaizan.
I know Jungkook maybe busy but this has never happen before.
Within the last two months that we've been officially together, Jungkook would always call me secretly. We'll talk until one of us would fall asleep or if he had a sudden schedule.
Chaeyoung, who had been a little sensitive due to pregnancy, kept on raising her eyebrows on me everytime I am on my phone.
I wonder if she's suspecting me of something.
By the way, Jimin oppa is already here since last week. And he made quite the ruckus.
He announced his marriage with Chaeyoung and created a whole new level of havoc, at least for both our agencies, the idol world and our fans.
He stirred South Korea in a flash.
Imagine finding out that Park Jimin, one-seventh of one of the most famous kpop group, has been married for three years. To add to that, he isn't married to just someone but one of the rookie girl group member from one of Korea's big three agency.
YG Sajangnim went nuts. To be honest, that time before we were sent to Australia and saw Taeyang sunbae, YG Sajangnim apparently used the announcement of his wedding to draw the attention off from the mysterious articles about two idols who are secretly married.
Taeyang sunbae actually proposed it to YG Sajangnim after finding out about Chaeyoung's situation. Luckily, they are indeed planning to announce their upcoming marriage anyways so double the purpose.
The more reason why YG Sajangnim was frustrated. Moreover, we back ed up Jimin with his decision.
After everything that had happened, we decided that staying as an idol will be useless if one of us suffers. For Chaeyoung, we are willing to give up everything just so she is safe.
We can always take a different path. It's not like we can no longer sing and dance.
Additionally, we admire Jimin oppa's action. He decided to reveal a secret that can ruin his career just so Chaeyoung wouldn't be hurt anymore. He knew how much his dating scandals are causing a toll on Chaeyoung's health and their baby. And although we would be affected with his decision, he asked for our approval.
Anyways, the two decided not to share the news of her being pregnant. We don't want an unborn child to receive so much hate that he doesn't deserve.
"He must have a valid reason for not contacting you." I was startled when I felt Kaizan tapping me in the shoulder drifting me off from my train of thoughts.
I didn't even noticed that she's already sitting beside me.
I gave her a a knowing smile.
Smile Lisa. Everything was already a mess. Don't start joining the party and add another.
"Of course," I told her. Beside, my bunny had never disappointed me. He had been the best boyfriend I can ever imagine.
When Jungkook declared his love for me, I didn't know he'll do the cheesiest things ever. But I like it.
I like it so damn much I fell so deep.
Jungkook, even after all those sweet things he promised me when I had a problem with my mom, had been doing things that makes my heart flutter a thousand times.
My bunny, whenever I wasn't feeling okay, would sing me endlessly until I fall asleep. Of course I'd be asleep. His voice was of an angel's.
He would send me ramdom letters which were so cute and sometimea cringy but my insides would melt in instant.
He is perfect, not only for me but for anybody else.
Too bad I can't tell people about it.
He understand that we're officially together but we both agreed to keep it a secret. Tchnically speaking, apart from us, only Kaizan knew of our relationship.
Even Bambam isn't aware of it, though he knew something weird is going on between us. Nevertheless, I still did not confirm anything to him.
"What's witht he long face?" We were bith startled when we heard Jimin's oppa's voice from behind.
Then, in a second, he was already sitting on the oppisite side of the couch.
Kaizan was stiff once again and I almost chuckled at her reaction.
It has been a week but she still shies whenever she sees Jimin sunbae.
"Yah, you're starting to offend us, you know. Me and the girls were idols too but you don't react like that," I teased her and her cheeks blushed red even more.
"That's because you're a girl , pabo," she hissed and her eyes widen when she realized what she just said.
"So you are indeed interested with boys," I chuckled and I can hear Jimin oppa chuckling.
Kaizan was coughing so bad I had to rub her back.
Poor girl.
"There's nothing wrong with being interested with a guy," she pouted but her cheeks are still blushing.
"Actually, I heard she's just interested with my oldest hyung," Jimin added and for once, Kaizan rolled her eyes on Jimin oppa.
"Oooohhhhh," I joked. "Kaizan rolled her eyes on Jimin oppa," and we all laughed whne Jimin pretended to be hurt by clutching his chest.
Kaizan just shake her head in defeat. This would be good. If Kaizan will always be with us, she'll need to get use with Bangtan's presence, though I can't blame her for acting like this. We found out that she had been a fan eversince the boys started, and she's a true blooded Army until now.
Sometimes Chaeyoung would tease her about it. It turns out Kaizan was some badass popular girl in school yet she's a freaking nerd. And with her beauty and personality, she's almost close to perfect.
"Anyways, what arenyou two talking about earlier before I came in?" Jimin oppa asked and I leaned my back uncomfortably on the couch.
"Girl stuff Jimin oppa. You don't wanna find out," I giggled and he cringed.
"Yeah, I already had too much of Chaeyoung's weird habits even though she already passed the mornign sickness stage. Good Lord, attending on her tantrums is even harder than dealing with the hate I'm getting now after announcing my marriage." he chuckled and we all laughed at his words.
It's funny how we're all laughing over their marriage scandal right now but outside of our conversation, the real world is still in chaos and fans are in panic.
Well, Jimin said there's nothing we can do about it now. We're just silently hoping their fans will understood.
"Where's Chaeyoung anyway?" I asked and Jimin's eyes beamed, the mere sound of Chaeyoung's name makes hin excite. Sometimes, I get so jealous about their relationship. I know they have been a lot but their love for each other is so pure.
I wonder if Jungkook and I can withstand everything like they did.
"She's sleeping." he answered. "She made me color all of her fingernails and put some glitters on it." he chuckled and I cringed at the thought.
"By the way, the boys must be arriving in a few weeks," he told us and I did not respond.
I didn't know that.
"I heard they were attending our schedules so they can all visit here. I feel bad for Jungkook. He ended up mostly taking over the stunts that are originally for me." he added and my head snapped to his direction.
"Huh?" I couldn't help but asked. I had to control my facial expression for a moment but my heart almost leap out of my chest with just the sound of his name.
So he's busy.
If he's busy he should have at least told me.
"Too bad, he had to do the dating show with some idol. I heard he attended the meeting the other day." he added and my before I knew it, I already screamed what's on my mind.
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