just a moment
Wooyoung felt a tingling sensation on his neck, rubbing the spot from stop itching. But it didn't stop, going up his jaw to his cheek. Peppering his face with kisses, causing Wooyoung to shiver at the sensation. With half annoyance, as sleep was still clouding his mind, he swat the tingling away, turning on his other side to get more comfortable.
"Wooyoungie, wake up. We're gonna be late to class," San whispered, rubbing the youngers back to rouse him from sleep. Only for Wooyoung to whine in annoyance.
"Go away," he spat, more like slurred. İn his mind at least it sounded threatening. San chuckled, the realization that it was currently Saturday and that Wooyoung loved sleeping a lot in the weekend.
"Oh, sorry, you sleep more. I will tell Yunho that you're sleeping because he was the one to inform you about, the outing you three talked about. Yunho said it like that, anyway, sleep well," San said softly, leaving the room quietly, not before pulling the blanket more around Wooyoung.
"I guess he is still sleeping," Yunho sighed, not seeing his bestfriend with San when the other came back from his mission.
"Nope, he wanted to sleep more," San shrugged. The three, including Mingi who clung to Yunho until they were out of the school building, got on their usual route. The weather was sunny, windy yet not freezing like last week, to their relief because Mingi didn't had to carry Yunho's jacket like last time.
San observed the two giants, they were close in height, obviously he noticed before but now that he got to be alone with the two it was more noticable. Mingi's hair, now bleached to blonde and slightly overgrown looked to attractive at that moment. As if Yunho thought the same thing, he ran his fingers through Mingi's hair, holding his neck to pull him closer to his side, placing a gentle kiss on his temple.
"San ah, I'm curious about something, are you and Wooyoung together?" Mingi asked, slapping San out of his mind. Yunho shot Mingi a warning look, lips sealed and grip tightening around his neck.
"Yunho, it's ok. Its not that important anyway, and no. We are not together," San replied with a smile, trying to ease the tension. Yunho dropped his hand to his side, saying something that made the other giant grimace.
"Sorry, Yuyu. I won't do it again, and sorry for asking that, San. It was insensitive," Mingi sighed, running a hand through his hair, though his frown stayed. İn hopes of breaking the tension, San pat Yunho's shoulder, smiling to show that it didn't cross any lines.
Yunho hummed, pulling Mingi closer by his waist this time. "Come," he urged, one arm around San's shoulder. The trio walked in silence for a while until they reached the town hall.
"I'm going to look for new pants, you go with San, Yuyu," Mingi beamed. Rushing off to a store that had pants show on models at the front glass.
Yunho glanced at San, pointing at a shop that sell flowers. "Let's go,"
That night, Yeosang wasn't really into sleep. An hour ago, he texted Wooyoung and the youngers texts sounded angry. That wasn't at all like Wooyoung, he knew his bestfriend well despite not talking everyday day.
Let's call
His message got left on seen though, and that worried him even more. With no reason to wait, as well as he couldn't sleep, he pressed call. Waiting for the phone to go through.
"Aren't you tired," Wooyoung's voice came through.
"Oh, hi hi, how are you? Just wanted to see how you're doing," Yeosang said quietly, careful not to wake his mom that in the other room.
"I'm good," Wooyoung replied, his voice showing how tired he felt despite the effort to sound happy. Yeosang listened to the younger's sniffles for a second, heart breaking at the thought of his bestfriend being in a bad mood.
"Well, that's good. You know I'm always here to listen if anything is bothering you, right?" He reminded Wooyoung again. "I want to hug you right now,"
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be, let it out. It will feel better," Yeosang muttered, thanking the past people to this time that they invented something called phone. "I'm here, you can tell me anything you want,"
"I'm tired, i- i can't do this anymore. I'm so tired of this repeated cycle, never ending disappointment and- fuck, i want to give up, i can't do it anymore. I'm so sorry, i can't-" Wooyoung sobbed, gripping the phone as if it's Yeosang's hand, though the other wasn't able to see or feel the hold. Not until holiday at least.
"Wooyoung, take a deep breathe-,"
"I'm so tired," he whispered, picking at his plushies fur.
"Wooyoung, breathe with me, ok? İn, and out. Just like that, slowly," Yeosang said softly, making his breathing louder for the younger to hear clearly.
"I'm- I'm trying but i can't breathe, it's too tight, i- I'm sorry," Wooyoung gasped, it felt different from the anxious moments before a lesson or a outing. His chest didn't have the capacity to take in oxygen out of a sudden and ut sufficated his mind.
"Wooyoung, baby, listen to me. Is there anyone around you right now? Or anyone that's in another room? Because i can't help you with just a call. I want you to go to a friend and let them help you, ok? Do it for me, baby," Yeosang said clearly, a softness in his tone convincing Wooyoung to do as told.
"Ok, i- i will go to Seonghwa hyung, thank you again, bye," he replied, ending the call after a bye from Yeosang. His vision got clouded with tears again, and in efforts of finding Seonghwa's contact, he did his best to scroll on his messages. Hoping for his hands to stop trembling, finally, Seonghwa's contact came on the sight. The previous texts being of Wooyoung asking for snacks for some reason.
Hyung, can I come to your room? I'm sorry if it's weird, but I need smn rn
The reply was fast, to his luck.
Ofcourse, I'm in my room
For a moment, Wooyoung felt foolish, as if he had been overreacting for the last ten minutes, but Yeosang's advice pulled him out of the dark hole. Wiping the tears quickly, he went downstairs to Seonghwa's dorm floor, since there are two floors for boys and girls to stay.
Knocking on Seonghwa's door felt even more suffocating but he did it, expecting a weird look from the slightly older but when the door opened and Seonghwa saw his condition, he pulled him inside. Sitting Wooyoung on the bed quickly.
"Hey, it's ok. I've got you darling, you're ok, take a deep breathe. Slowly," Seonghwa instructed, voice soft and caring like a mother's. A hand rubbing his back, Wooyoung gripping Seonghwa's shirt, burying his face in his neck for some needed physical contact which Yeosang couldn't give.
Just as expected, Seonghwa's heartbeat and deep breathes did help calm him down, the olders hand rubbing his chest in circles to slow down the panic. It felt like hours for Wooyoung, it was just a few minutes, but he couldn't help but get fuzzy in Seonghwa's hold. Head tucked under his neck, he stayed like that.
"That's it, Wooyoung, you're ok," Seonghwa said softly, rubbing his back in soothing circles at the same time. "Do you want me to get Yunho or Mingi?"
He didn't answer that question, just shook his head as no. He didn't want to be seen weak and useless.
"Ok, well, let's wash your face. Can you sit up?"
"Hmm, i can," Wooyoung hummed, though his legs felt like jelly for a minute. After feeling fresh and well, less panicked, Seonghwa gave him water to drink.
"Do you need San?"
"Ok, well I'm calling him to tell-"
"No, no no no, you can't. We are not like, like that close. Plus it's my problem. Only you and my bestfriend will know this happened," Wooyoung rushed, throat dry from crying and babbling nonsense.
"Wait, Oh, sorry. I misunderstood you two. I'm sorry, well, do you want to stay here tonight? I won't mind. Also in that sense, i want to get closer to you, if not, we can sit in silence," Seonghwa said, frowning. Why was everyone frowning these days?
"It's ok, uhh, can you just stay with me please? Like, a presence beside me but not talking. I don't know if that makes sense, I'm tired," Wooyoung sighed, eyelids getting heavy by the minute, probably from the panic attack. He thought.
"Ofcourse, lay down if you want to," Seonghwa offered, a soft smile on his face.
"Thank you," Wooyoung breathed out, curling up on the soft bed, the older pulling the covers up and kissed his forehead.
"Sleep well, i will be here," he whispered, going back to his own activies while Wooyoung drifted off to sleep.
Ngl today was bad, and i ended up crying a few times eheh anyway have good day,! To say, this is a positive thing because crying is actually good, makes u feel lighter:))))
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