They're just stories
I've always been close to my uncle Coran. I guess it's because he always tells the best stories and it seems like I've always believed they were real ever since I was a child. All of the rest of my brothers and sisters always shrugged them off as stories and told me they were fake. I didn't believe they were though.
My uncle would always tell the stories in such detail that it seemed like the place was just as real as we live, Altea. And the people that he mentions sound like they were great friends of his. Everything from the smell of the air to the way the people would act. It seemed like anything but a fairy tale that he had made up.
I've grown much older since the last time I heard one of his stories, and since then, I've decided that everyone has been right. They're just stories. It's all a big fairy tale that isn't real.
People can't crawl through wardrobes and be in a different place. There is no such thing as Galra. There is no such thing as Daibazaal because they're all just stories.
I keep on telling myself that they're just stories but, something in me is telling me that they're real. That I could find a whole empire behind a wardrobe. That there really are two men that live alone, together, in the woods that are close friends with my uncle. That they're just stories about my uncle's past adventures.
The whole drive to my uncle's cabin, these thoughts were going through my brain. Could Daibazaal be real? Could I be put into a mental hospital if I brought it up at this age? Why am I the only one who believes him? Does he really know two Galra that live in the forest of another land?
I shook all of these thoughts off as I arrived at his large cabin in the woods. The one that, according to him, is a lot like the one in Daibazaal but is a hell of a lot bigger because why not. I was going there to house sit for the summer. He's going on a luxurious cruise to try to find someone, or so he says. We all know that he's with Alfor so I don't know why he tries to hide it so much.
As soon as I parked in the driveway my uncle came bounding out of the cabin to give me a hug. I got out and was nearly tackled and squeezed to death by my orange headed uncle.
"Lance my boy how have you been?" He questioned me. It was like how a teacher would greet you at the beginning of the school year knowing full well you'd much rather be somewhere else.
"I've been good! I'm guessing you're doing well seeing as you're so happy right now." I replied. I know exactly why he's so happy because I can smell Alfor all over him. And I can see Alfor's car here too. He's really bad at hiding this.
"I-I don't know wh-what you're talking about boy. I'm always this cheerful!" He stumbles over his words, obviously nervous about what I'd say, despite the fact that I'm gay as well.
As we're talking about this, Alfor came out of the house to see why my uncle rushed out for. As soon as he saw me he, surprisingly, he bounded towards us, put his arm around my uncle and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Apparently he's been wanting to tell others about the whole thing just as much as uncle Coran has been wanting to keep it a secret.
"Hi there Lance!" He spoke enthusiastically, "I was just about to leave but if you're here then, if you want, we can talk a bit. Maybe confessing things to each other?" While he said the last part he nudges the orange haired and red faced man, resulting in said man becoming more flustered and even more red.
"I'm good, besides, I think you two have something to get to don't you? Perhaps a cruise of some sort?" I questioned, knowing full well that it was both of them going on the cruise.
As Alfor and I continued to talk about the two of them my uncle grew redder by the second. We finally decided to stop when Coran looked at his phone and jumped up panicking. "Oh God!" He screamed breathlessly, "we're gonna be late if we don't go soon babe!"
At hearing my uncle call Alfor that I couldn't help but cross my arms and give a smug look. Uncle Coran looked at me with clear fear for what he said but I just walked up to him and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you said it, even though it was an accident." I comforted him. He visibly relaxed in my hold, that is until he remembered that they had to get going.
At remembering he jumped again and scrambled out of my hold. He grabbed Alfor by the arm and dragged him along so they could get to Alfor's car and on their way to the airport. I waved to them as they backed out of the driveway but, before they could drive off completely, They stopped the car next to the house and my uncle yelled to me, "don't forget to clean everything in the house at least once a week please! There are very fragile things that I don't want to break or get so dirty I can't tell what it is anymore!"
I chuckled slightly to myself, "will do! And have fun on your trip!" I yelled back with a wink, making my uncle flush red one more time before they drove off.
Now it's just me and this house for the next three months. The house that I was told the wonderful stories that are, according to everyone else but my uncle and I, just stories.
A/N Hey guys! This is a brand new story based off of one of the short stories in my voltron one shots book. It's a spin off of Narnia but, obviously, and au for voltron. I am actually also working on this with another person who is really awesome! Thank you so much @Pixel_Does_Fanfic and I can't tell you how much this means to me that you're helping me! This book will update, hopefully, every other thursday starting today! Hope you like it!
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