Chapter 3: One More Time
A new day is dawning in France. This morning the sun is pale and the temperature is cold. Winter is approaching very quickly and soon, the snow will be there. In her room, Sophie wakes up slowly after a short night's sleep. Despite this, she remembers the events of last night: the spaceship, traveling around the world in a few minutes.... And especially Daft Punk, first viewed as a simple group, but are in real, alien robots from an unknown planet. However, Sophie is the only one who knows their secret, but also this mafia gang they have talked and who also knows their secret. But why do they want to capture Daft Punk? For scientific experiments? Sophie does not know. She dresses warmly to go to high school, because outside it is very cold. She takes her breakfast, said hello to her parents, and goes through the streets of downtown, towards the high school. Sophie is a little sad because her parents did not even ask her how the concert of Daft Punk was. In fact, Sophie's parents do not really love this group because for them, Daft Punk takes too much in the life of their only daughter and they are afraid that they have consequences for studies of Sophie. While in walking slowly in the cold streets of the capital, Sofia, wearing her winter coat and scarf, looking at the sky, knowing that up there, other life forms exist on other planets. She has the evidence now, but she will not tell anyone. Daft Punk at made swear at Sophie to keep secrecy, and she will do, by love and respect for her idols. While Sophie goes to her high school to a new study day, two men dressed in black, seems to follow her from a distance. They look very dodgy.
(Criminal No. 1): That's her? "
(Criminal No. 2): Yes, I saw her last night, when she is introduced into the lodges of Daft Punk. Follow her."
Meanwhile, Daft Punk are still in their spaceship, hidden somewhere in the clouds, away from view of the humans. Thomas paces the room, while Guy-Manuel looks him without doing anything.
(Guy-Manuel): "Stop running around in circles like this, you give me dizzy."
(Thomas): "I'm worried about Sophie. And if this gang decides to attack her to catch us? I do not want that she has troubles because of us."
(Guy-Manuel): "Sophie is a brave girl, and we will protect her. You seem to love her very much is not it?"
(Thomas): "Of course, do not you?"
(Guy-Manuel): "Yes, but as a friend, you, you seem to love her, but more than just a friend. I'm wrong, Thomas?"
Guy-Manuel rightly in fact, since Thomas saw Sophie, he fell in love with her, but did not dare tell her. Because how a human girl.... Could love a machine? Seeing that his friend is worried about the young girl, Guy-Manuel takes a decision.
(Guy-Manuel): "I have an idea, she must be at school at this hour. Let's send her a message and hope to see her this evening in our stash."
It is noon. Most of the high school students go to the refectory for lunch. Sophie lunch alone today, because her best friend is sick is and not coming today. Several students asked him how the concert of Daft Punk was. Sophie is about to go away with her meal tray, when suddenly a girl makes her tripped and Sophie falls to the ground with her tray. Students begin to laugh and Sophie rises up and tries to stay calm. She knows who did that: Clara.
Clara is a snob and naughty girl, as being the daughter of a wealthy accountant, she feels superior to others. She hates Sophie and doing everything to humiliate her. Clara is very manipulative and managed to get the other girls against Sophie. The young student goes out of refectory in running, tears in her eyes, pursued by the laughter and ridicule of the other students. She goes into the girls' bathroom and looks in the mirror. Tears roll down her cheeks. Since entering high school, Sophie has always had good results and since then she has become a pariah and is rejected by the other students, especially Clara and her gang. Sophie looks the pendant that Daft Punk gave her, and renewed hope through this. She wants so much see them again, she misses them, and they could bring him comfort. But suddenly the door opens. This is Clara and her gang of friends.
(Clara): "Oh, my poor Sophie. You seem sad. I hurt you?"
There are mockery and sadism in her voice, but Sophie decided not to let it go this time.
(Sophie): "Leave me alone! You have laughed at the refectory, now go away!"
(Clara): "How dare you speak to me like that? I was at the concert last night and I can not believe that Daft Punk gave you this pendant. I thought they were smarter than that. Now, give me this pendant!"
(Sophie): "No way! They gave me because they love me and I love them. It is a gift of friendship."
Clara and the other girls laugh at Sophie and advancing towards her, to take her necklace, and perhaps to hit and humiliate her. Sophie can not get out, she is trapped. But suddenly the strange white light appears again behind Sophie and blinds the band of girls, who start screaming in fear. Sophie turned and smiled with happiness. These are the Daft Punk! A robotic voice is heard in the light and speaks to Clara and her gang.
(Daft Punk): "Go away! Sophie is under our protection! If you ever try to hurt him or humiliate him, you'll regret it!"
The light is more threatening and Clara fled howling with her friends. Sophie moves towards the light and speaks with a smile.
(Sophie): "Thank you my friends, I'm really happy to hear you, but where are you?"
(Thomas): "We can not appear in a public place like this, but you can join us. And do not worry about Clara and her band, nobody will believe what they saw."
(Sophie): "But how do I join you?"
(Guy-Manuel): "It's simple: just walk in the light. Do not be afraid."
Sophie has confidence in her robotic friends. She will see them one more time. She walks slowly into the light and through a kind of futuristic vortex, at the speed of light. Within seconds, she arrives in a warehouse abandoned on the other side of town, in the industrial zone. At a few meters, Daft Punk are stand in front of her. Sophie smiled and rushed into their arms. They are also very happy to see her.
(Sophie): "You missed me so much."
(Thomas): "You also have missed me .... Uh, I mean, you missed us."
Sophie is a bit surprised by the reaction of Thomas. Then, Guy-Manuel turns to her and puts his hand on the shoulder of the young girl.
(Guy-Manuel): "Thomas has something to confess you. I'll let you discuss."
Guy-Manuel back inside the spaceship that lies somewhere in the warehouse. Thomas and Sophie sat on wooden crates to speak, though, Sophie begins to guess what Thomas wants to tell her. He took her hands in his and looks at Sophie into her eyes. Thomas's hands are cold and metallic, but Sophie do not cares.
(Thomas) "Sophie, I must tell you that ..... Since the first time I saw you, I am.... Well...... I love you."
Thomas regret having said so quickly, but Sophie smiled and a tear of joy began to flow down her cheek. Thomas did not expect this reaction.
(Sophie): "I must confess that I also felt feelings for you. But what will tell your friend, Guy-Manuel?"
(Thomas) "He sees you as his friend, and that is good for him. He even encourages me to tell you that I love you."
For both, it is better that way, rather than live in the secret forever. Yes, a human can love a machine, and vice versa. Then, having looked into his eyes for a few seconds, Sophie gently advances the head and kisses Thomas on the mouth. A cold and metal kiss, but heartwarming the heart of Sophie and the circuits of Thomas. Now, they are together, forever.
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