I'm Michael
A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR CONFUSING YOU, I'm a bit confused too tbh. . .
P.S. The youtube video on the side/top works best with headphones I'm also not 100% sure if it works on mobile. . . (its pretty fricken cool and I thought I'd just share it with you, so here you go)
"No Calum." I said firmly, crossing my arms and sitting up.
"Its just sex, what's so bad about me wanting to be in you?" He asked, sitting up too, revealing his bare chest.
"I'm not ready."
"Mikey, c'mon. We've been dating for months."
"If you want to have sex so bad, go fuck yourself!" I exclaim, pulling the covers off me in a rush.
When I turned around to close the door I almost felt sorry, he looked so lost. With his jumbled bed head and crumpled white bed spread thrown over his waist.
"Is he gone?" A voice asks, followed shortly by the brunette from the bar standing up from Calum's side of the bed.
My jaw drops, "Is that my shirt?"
Sure enough, she moves her hair to reveal my Green Day tank top. The worst part was the shirt was bunched up to show off her underwear too.
"Its not what it looks like!" Calum shouts, throwing the blankets so the girl can cover herself.
"There's a girl in here without pants! What else could this look like?" I shout back.
"My name's Martha." She snaps, fluffing her hair up a little.
"And I'm Michael, now that we're all fucking acquainted I'm leaving." Slamming the door shut, I barge into Luke and Ashton's hotel room half expecting them to be playing 'which position should we try tonight.'
"Michael?" Ashton asks, rushing over as soon as he hears the door close. Luke gets up slower, like a concerned parent that's more chill than the other.
Apparently all it took was me to make eye contact with him for Luke to realize what went down. He was striding passed me within seconds.
You could hear yelling as soon as the door across the hall was thrown open.
"Maybe you should lay down..." Ashton suggests, throwing a concerned look over his shoulder at the door.
"Thank god you're awake, you scared me you asshole." Is the first thing I hear when I open my eyes.
"Just because you said that I'm going back to sleep, dickhead." I croak, sending a weak smirk to the person sitting in the seat next to my bed.
"Michael?" He asks, voice quieter than before. I can tell he's dropped the friendly banter we had going by the grim look on his face.
"When was the last time you ate?" He asks, removing his gaze from his fidgeting hands to connect them with mine.
I scoff, "I ate when we went to that coffee place." Racking my brain for the answer because I didn't eat then.
"Michael, you don't eat coffee." He sighs, running a hand through his hair which was already super messy and flat from running his hand through it before I'd woken up.
"I really don't know, I remember eating a few small things here and there but that's about it." I examine the hospital room lazily, "How long am I in here?"
"The doctor says you'll be able to leave later today but you have to eat regularly."
"Stop looking at me like I'm not eating on purpose, I've just been really busy recently and have barely had a chance to eat." I whine, covering my face to obscure his view.
There was a long silence that filled the room after.
". . . Do you think we're allowed to order pizza?" Drumming my hands against my abdomen absentmindedly.
Ha ha, ha. AB-domen.
Get it? Because abs are something I don't have. . .
My stomach groans in agreement as Luke laughs, "We'll get pizza when Ashton signs you out.
"Speaking of Ash, where are they?" I ask, getting a head rush from sitting up too fast.
Luke lets out an awkward chuckle, "Funny story. . ." As if on cue, a disgruntled Ashton and Calum who literally looked like he could star the part of a homeless guy in a movie, walk in the door.
"Are we allowed in yet?" Ashton whines, only having time to meet Luke's heated glare before he ushers Calum out.
They don't even get a chance to look around the room because Luke kicks the door closed as soon as they're in the hall.
"Whoa, mad Luke is mad. What crawled up your butt?" I ask, quickly raising my hand to stop him from replying. "Wait! Is it because Ashton hasn't been all up in there?"
He scrunches his nose in disgust, "I'm not telling you about my sex life!"
"Please, use the term life inside my pants or we can't be friends." I whine, covering my ears.
The next two minutes were filled with Luke yelling sex life childishly at the top of his lungs like some kind of mating call, it worked too. Ashton was throwing the door open in no time.
"Where's the fire?" He asked, looking around wildly like the entire room could go up in flames any second.
"How did you get fire out of sex life? You moron."
>< >< >< ><
"Eat another." Luke demanded, watching me like a hawk across the table.
"What do you think I was going to do?" I retort, picking up another slice of pizza.
In the background, probably in the back of the bus, Ashton begins singing.
"Michael wants another slice. Michael wants anoth-Ow! Don't hit me!"
The mirror slides, revealing an extremely casual looking Calum.
I go back to eating my pizza, trying to suggest things Luke should tweet while chewing. His blue eyes look at me calculatingly, as if I was an alien species that he couldn't understand.
A tanned hand wraps around my wrist and raises it into the air, Calum brings his mouth to the slice of pizza in my hand and takes a bite. He kisses my forehead with his sauce covered lips before walking through the sliding mirror once again.
Recovering from my initial shock, I yell after him, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
A/N: Hello, so I've found out the ending of this. . . I'm going to say there's maybe two more updates left?
But Kayla, that's so soon!1!!
Yeah, I know. But I'd like to add that I'll be writing my Lashton fic (y'know the one that's said 'coming soon' for like three billion years? yeah that one) regularly
AND after some debating and talk with lmaotp I'll be starting up another Malum fic (can I get a fuck yeah? ) Should I type up a little blurb for you in the next update so you can decide if you want to deal with my shit for another book?
FUN FACT: Ducks drink by 'scooping water with their bills'. Which is actually to answer one of your questions in the last update.
FUN FACT: Easiest way to lure me into a car is a) Michael Clifford or b) with a large amount of Hershey's cookies and creme chocolate, not gonna lie.
FUN FACT: All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
FUN FACT: Polar bears are left-handed.
FUN FACT: The house fly hums in the middle octave key of F.
FUN FACT: I had to change my Tumblr URL to malumfricker because while I was off celebrating halloween with my halloween themed URL someone 'saved' the url giraffelegsluke. . . (which is ironic because its also 'saved' on twitter)
So, I'm moving tomorrow which means no wifi for I don't know how long but bear with me when I say I'll update as soon as I can. Hopefully I ca still talk to you malumfrickers via school wifi :P I'm here all night though
✖Peace out Malumfrickers and have a lovely day✖
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