Hair Dye Again
I snort, shoving another handful of popcorn in my mouth, "Idiot pig, you can't fly."
I nearly start choking on the buttery snack when the movie scene cuts to the adorable main character is strapped into a small carrier plane with an old fashion leather helmet and goggles. The pig checks the planes readiness before starting the little yellow and red plane and taking off flawlessly.
"Way to trick the system, damn pig." I grumble, placing the empty bowl on the floor beside the couch.
"Its a kids movie, Mike. You can't just crush the pigs hopes and dreams because it's brain isn't developed enough to fly the plane. Besides the message of the movie is you can do anything you set your mind to." Ashton explained, playing with the edge of my pant leg.
He wasn't even watching it, in fact he was facing away from the TV entirely. I had my legs thrown over his waist and we were both under a thick blanket.
"The message of the movie doesn't apply to the real world." I state flatly. "Not to mention the pig actually wants to fly a plane in World War Two, how is that a kids movie?"
"What do you mean it doesn't apply in the real world?"
I pause, trying to put words to my thoughts. I watch three enemy planes go down by the hands of the pig before I'm able to word my opinion. "Well I want to do Calum." I start, automatically getting a famous Ashton Irwin 'are you fucking serious' face featuring a raised eyebrow.
"But if I set my mind to Calum, I still can't do him because life is cruel." I finish my point and shove my hands back under the thick blanket because the back of the Gus Bus was the polar opposite of how warm Calum is. The coldness could also be because Calum was sitting with Patrick, as far as he could sit away from me without actually exiting the bus.
"You know, you could probably achieve that if you weren't being such a dick and apologized to him." Ashton scolds, taking on the typical band role of being the dad father.
"I'm being a dick?" I question, sitting up and crossing my legs. "He's the one who told me to tell the truth, and then proceeded to tell the world we're dating. He didn't even ask me out! I've been waiting for that moment for the better part of my life! And I'm the one being a dick. I thought asking someone out was supposed to be special because you're stuck with them for how ever long."
"And if you tell anyone I swear to god I'll cut off Luke's dick." I threaten, causing Ashton to subconsciously glance around the small space for eavesdroppers.
He leans in closer, gritting his teeth and keeping his voice down. "How in the hell did you know?"
"Which part? You and Luke or the fact that you'd ride him like a cowboy riding a bull?" I smirk.
"Luke an--Wait! How in the hell--I'm not even going to ask. Luke and I." He shakes his had at me.
"So its true? That's really fucking kin--" Ashton slaps a hand over my mouth just as Luke walks into view, probably headed for the bathroom. He stops, taking a moment to smile and wave at Ashton. He doesn't even question what we're doing.
Ashton's hand could probably cover half of my face, holy mother of pearl.
No wonder Luke's so smiley, look at how long Ashton's fingers are!
What if he used this hand.....
My eyes widen and I slap Ashton's hand away as fast as I can, repeatedly screeching 'ew' at the top of my lungs.
Calum's in the back room, cupping my face before Ashton has a chance to react to my outburst.
"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Do I need to go on a killing spree?" He asks frantically, flattening my hair in an attempt to check if I'm injured in the facial area and surrounding hair.
"Yeah, I'm peachy." I mumble flatly, only to be brought into Calum's chest as he hugs my face.
"That's good. You scared the crap out of me." He lets out a huge sigh, relaxing into the one sided hug while I pat his back awkwardly.
A flush breaks the silence as Luke casually walks out of the bathroom trying whistling the guitar and drum parts of Never Be at the same time. He pauses, staring at the rest of the band. Time seems to freeze as he analyzes what exactly is happening.
At the moment I'm half-laying half-sitting on one side of the couch cross-legged, Ashton managed to snag a large amount of the blanket, resulting in only being able to see his curly hair, green-brown eyes and a single exposed leg that was sprawled across my lap. Calum had somehow ended up lying across Ashton's lap and mine at the same time, he was still cradling my head as if its the most precious thing in the world--well it is but, no need to get ahead of ourselves--and at that moment the back of the bus was warm once again. The furnace of a boy was back and to add fuel to the fire, he was very much shirtless.
How inconvenient...
Speak for yourself Gay Boy, its very enjoyable. If you pay attention you can hear his heartbeat and you can feel the heat seeping off him in waves.
I'm trying not to pay attention, it could equal to awkward situations.
That's true, better check yourself...
So far so good.
Time unfreezes when Luke switches the bathroom light off. He enters the room and in one fluid motion he flops down on Calum's legs and gives Ashton a sweet little kiss.
"Fuck." Cal groans upon seeing them kiss, earning a collective glare from the pair. "I owe you a massage." He whines, loosening his hug enough to make eye contact and see my facial expressions.
"And I owe you a favour because they've done the do." I groan.
"A nonsexual favour." I quickly rephrase, stressing the non while looking at Ashton who seemed to have gained an extremely smug look within the last five seconds.
"Really? Already! I was half joking." Calum comments before turning to the not-as-cool duo. "You dirty, dirty dogs!"
Ashton just scoffs and rolls his eyes at us.
Without realizing we'd managed to squirm around enough that Calum was sat in my lap and cuddled to my chest and Luke's lanky frame was cuddled into Ash's shoulder.
Calum noticeable shifts around, shimmying slowly into a laying position with his head in my lap. He stares up t me for a long time.
"Can you dye some of my hair?" He asks quietly, to not disturb the other couples hushed and smiley conversation. I look at his hair, at the moment its pushed back a little from laying down flat.
"Can't Lou do it? Its not like we're exactly mates again." At this he frowns, sitting up the tiniest bit so his head rested against my little tummy.
I mean rock hard abs.
"Nope, you lost that bet. Get the hair products." He instructs, throwing his hand in the air and shoving my face in the direction of the hall.
"You should probably get the hell off then."
>< >< >< ><
So here we sat, at exactly four in the morning, cross-legged in only our boxers on the bathroom floor of the hotel.
We'd previously been playing Mario Kart but Calum had insisted the dying of his hair before I was allowed to sleep. In my half asleep defense, its not my fault if it turns out horrible.
"What colour?" I ask, setting my dyes out in a line in between us.
"Depends, what colour are you going?" He asks, gesturing to my currently platinum hair. The question took me by surprise, sure lots of people ask me but Calum sounds like he genuinely wants to know.
"I was thinking pink but I don't really know." I shrug, glancing at the bottles and noticing there wasn't very much pink left anyway.
Calum also looks down at the bottles, picking up a few and reading their labels before putting them down once again.
"I have an idea, how about we do each others hair!" He exclaims, excited to try new things.
"Alright!" It sounds like a good idea, having someone else's hair to experiment with.
"What the fuck!" I screech when something cold and wet meets my side. Calum removes his hand to reveal a newly redone purple hand print, this one more of a blacky-purple.
"You forgot to put gloves on." I laugh, pointing at his soon to be temporarily purple hand.
"Come here Mikey. Turn around too, I don't want you to see what colour your hair's going to be." I follow his instructions, moving the dye to one side so I could sit right in front of him.
>< >< >< ><
"Okay, I'm done now do mine." Calum says, removing his gloves and shoving them into the little trash bin before I could see what colours were on them.
"You can face me, I'm gong to be focusing on the front of you hair anyway. I might distribute it to the back if I think its needed." I comb through his hair quickly with my hands, looking at it from different angles.
"Okay, since your hair is dark I'm going to have to bleach it. Since I really, really like your hair, I'm going going to be bleaching a little bit." I try to distract him with conversation while I do his hair because I honestly don't know what I'm doing to it.
"Are you going to want to shower first?" I ask casually, adding my colour of choice to Calum's now dry bleached hair.
"We could always shower together and save water." He sends me a wink and proceeds to wiggle his eyebrows at me.
I choke on my spit, "Wiggle your eyebrows at me again, I'll bleach your fucking eyebrows." I growl, wanting desperately to poke him with my dye covered gloves.
Instead I settle on drawing a lopsided smiley face on his bicep with my selected dye.
"Sure, why the hell not." I laugh, dragging him over to the shower. Calum laughs to, before shock takes over his features when I remove my boxers.
"Cal, I wasn't joking."
A/N: Ws'up my people?
So, what colour do you think their hair is? Hint: Michael hasn't had this hair colour sequence thing before.
FUN FACT: I didn't do the slide show presentation thing in Law that I was supposed to do ;-; oh well.
FUN FACT: The new iTunes update actually fucked up my iTunes so I had to recycle the update, good news: It works again and I can play the U2 album all I want now (Just kidding, I made a playlist so I didn't have to listen to U2. . . . I'm too lazy to delete it.)
FUN FACT: The bible was actually written by 36 different men who were 'inspired by god to script his words' (I thought that was really interesting.
QUESTION: Who is your favourite character so far?
MY ANSWER: I like Michael and his thoughts.
If you have any questions about anything you can comment them and I'll answer them all unless its about what's going to happen further on in the book because the answer is 7.
Have a good day! xx
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