Cuddle Me Clifford
A/N: I don't know whether or not you've read the last part (its called References) if you haven't I suggest you do because this is a continuing it and it would be hard to follow if you haven't read it already. I asked for a second opinion on whether or not I should screw you (In the nicest possible way) guys over xD My friend (larryislife123) and she immediately told me to not (In all capitals might I add). . .
Which completely go against my plans. . .
Being the polite person I am, I'll let you decide whether or not I've screwed you readers over xD Enjoy xx
My body was pressed flush against his, leaving no space for air.
I think both of our eyes were darker than before, not to mention Calum is extremely fit..... Everywhere.
"I wasn't fucking lying about the pout." I growl quietly into his ear, making sure to breath extra heavily against his neck
The earth shook underneath me and a metallic rattling sounded from off in the distance, "Mikey, The phone's ringing!" Calum groans sleepily, shoving me slightly.
"You're going to knock me out of the bunk, gay boy!" I whine equally as sleepy, clutching onto his shirt and tangling our legs together to keep me from falling.
"I'm not even the gay one." He retorts, shoving my shoulders weakly.
"That's not what you said last night!" I shout jumping out of the bunk before he's able to register what I said. I tripped over something and fell forward right after.
"I didn't even talk last night!" Calum exclaimed, looking over the edge of my bunk to stare at me on the ground.
"Yeah but there was a lot of moaning involved." I laugh, sending a wink up to him before standing up.
Ashton appears through the sliding glass door with his phone raised, he lets out a humorous sigh upon seeing me. "I wanted to show the Fam you two." He pouted.
Luke walks up behind him and rests his chin on Ashton's shoulder casually, "Ash, what happened to my massage?" Ashton giggles in response, turning around to hug Luke's waist lazily.
"But Malum is so cute." Ashton's thick accent is muffled by the fabric of Luke's shirt.
Luke extends his neck to put his chin on top of Ashton's head, wrapping his arms around the shorter boys head. The smile on Luke's face widened when Ashton began to struggle, it looked like he was doing some kind of hand signal which involved largely exaggerated hand motions.
"Want to learn how to play drums?" Ashton asked when he'd finally fought his way out of the lanky blond's grasp. The question was completely out of the blue but Luke broke out into a massive grin within seconds. That was all the response Ashton needed because he flashed an equally as bright smile back. Both forgetting about what they were previously doing and heading back into the mini lounge area.
I look over at Calum who was half hanging out of my bunk, still wondering why they walked in in the first place. He's tapping away at his phone and ignoring the rest of the world.
"Shove over, I still want more sleep." I mumble, heaving my weight up and crawling over Calum so he couldn't shove me out even if he wanted to. Against my earlier suspicions he shoves his phone under my pillow almost immediately, looking over at me with a slightly expression.
"Goodnight Calum." I turn around so my back is to him.
"Its only two o'clock , dummy." He mumbles, tone going affectionate on the last word. My breathing slows down after a few minutes.
"But you're my dummy." He mumbles sleepily while wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me closer. He sighs contently and nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, I have to refrain from giggling loudly at him.
"I didn't think you'd remember." He breathes, noticeably gulping.
"Um,Cal, you seem to have developed a small problem...." I snort, this is literally the most sexual I've ever gotten.
The snort causes giggles to erupt from my body, completely shattering the sexual atmosphere that surrounded us.
"What's so funny?" Cal asks, resting his head against the wall when the tension disappears.
"I-I-I. Don't even. Know!" Resting my head on his shoulder, I desperately try to stop laughing because its not even funny.
I nearly choke on my spit when Calum turns us around and presses hard against me.
Or should I say he presses his hard against me.
"Does this seem small to you?" He growls, attracting the sexual atmosphere in storm clouds.
"No." I squeak, completely uneducated in this department. A sloth probably got more action then me up until this moment.
"Ouch! What are you doing?" I exclaim when a sudden sharp pain flourishes on my shoulder where Calum's head is hovering over.
The pain in my neck is gone within a second, coated in what I'm assuming is his spit.
"This is how you give someone a hickey." He pauses a moment to roll his eyes at me, as if he didn't know I always skip sex scenes because they're always straight and it makes me uncomfortable.
He locks eyes with me, his eyes flicker down to my lips, which I lick subconsciously. "Why don't you give it a try when we get to the dressing room." He smirks, dragging me down the winding halls by the wrist.
"Time to get up!" Ashton sings. Usually I'm all for Ashton singing, I'm often the one who suggests it which Luke quickly agrees to wholeheartedly. I didn't even care that it subtracted some of my parts. His choice of singing singing was in the beat of some generic marching band song with some kind of an American accent mixed in but at least three octaves higher.
"Nope." I grumble still half asleep, dragging my blankets closer and taking Calum's hand with them.
"Okay Luke, they aren't getting up. Your turn." Ashton sings running ff.
Calum chuckles sleepily and drags me closer to him.
Two pairs of heavy footsteps make their way towards us and I nearly laugh when one set of feet make a jumbled mess of thumps.
"Are you okay?" The second set of footsteps halt when Luke talks.
"Yeah, I'm great." Ashton replies in a cheery tone, the footsteps continue to thump along the little hall until they stop right in front of us.
"Cute." Luke coos loudly, reaching his long arm into my bunk and ruffling Cal's hair. His hand reaches to the back of my bunk and I snap my teeth at him, "Fuck off Hemmings, you don't know what you're about to get into."
He looks as if he's genuinely considering it, after a few long moments he retracts his arm and silently ushers Ashton out of the bus.
"What the hell? Come cuddle me Clifford!" The kiwi boy yells after me as I trek to the bathroom.
"I'm just taking a piss!" I shout back with a chuckle,washing my hands.
"Don't you just hate it when you pee on your hands." I whisper in his ear, slapping him on the cheek lightly with one of ny hands.
He grumbles something about how low my maturity level was.
I purposely drop all my weight on him as I crawl over.
"Mikey!" He whines when I slap his hand away.
I curl up into his side and wrap both my arms around him.
"What exactly am I doing?" I mumble, blushing like crazy.
"It gets more awkward if I have to explain it." Cal mutters.
Just go for it.
You've got this.
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I buy myself sometime buy kissing him which I'm slightly more experience in.
Michael, you're ninteen. No one else is this inexperienced unless you count Virgin Mary and Joan of Arc and a bunch of nuns and monks or something.
Just go with the flow.
Go with the rainbow.
The amount of gay jokes you make and tell yourself should be unhealthy.
Some people think gay is unhealthy.
Calum doesn't.
I leave little tiny kisses from the corner of his mouth, up his jawline, down his neck and along his shoulder. He lets out a breathy moan when I press my lips to a part of his collarbone, it will have to do.
Just go with the flow Michael.
I was quite satisfied with the final product, I'd have to have a long cold shower in a bit but the bright red mark visible a few inches from his feather tattoo looked pretty professional.
High five for me.
I give it one final kiss before looking at Calum with a triumphant smile, he breathes out a laugh.
"Your welcome." I joke.
"Can I fucking help you?" I ask Luke not-so-kindly after he prods me awake.
"Did you punch Calum or something?" Luke asks, gesturing to the easily spotable hickey.
"Or something." I say with a laugh, closing my eyes once again.
"Maybe we could do something else sometime." He mumbles into my ear as we make it back to the tour bus.
"Night Cal Pal." I laugh, shuffling into my bunk and trying not to wake up Jane at the same time.
"Shut up Mikey." He whines, heading for his bunk across from mine.
I grab the back of his shirt to stop him, "What are you doing?"
"I'm g-" He feebly gestures behind him.
"I meant, what are you doing not getting in my bed."
A/N: I heavily procrastinated until last night. Three cheers for scrolling through my Tumbr dash every five minutes!
FUN FACT: Emma Stone did the coolest lip sync battle on The Tonight Show, you don't even understand.
FUN FACT: Einstein became eventually became a recluse because no one understood him, everyone would call him retarded or stupid whenever he talked. His IQ is said to be 200 but because he was died by the time anyone was able to understand him, his IQ could have gone on infinitely.
FUN FACT: Women invented the bullet proof vest, windshield wipers and the fire escape. Don't even tell me women are useless and not equal to men, these women have saved so many lives because of their inventions.
Have a good day xx
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