Trick or Treat
Randy is having a slow day today. He was in his history class, barely evening paying attention, looking at Ms. Stalker with drooping eyes. Everything that she said seemed to be blurred with his ongoing imagination. Things with lines of famous superheroes and villains, images of horror movies that he watched the night before. He was on floor 3, the last story of the building, and he was in the middle row of five in the back, so it was easy do things without the teacher noticing. Now I know what you are probably thinking, 'Oh Randy is a trouble maker and all he gets in class are C's'. NO, actually I have one of the highest GPA's in the whole Junior High District. I just happen to doze off at bad times in the wrong subjects. The main reason I doze off by the way is that I like to think about what will happen next in my "Creative Writing". Anyway, Randy was only listening to the parts that sounded interesting and what sounds good to put down in his story. There were parts about Ms. Stalker saying that "in ancient times, people used to believe in creatures of darkness and that they believed in others that were able to disguise themselves as humans." When the class was over we all rushed to the doors, making traffic in the halls. Luckily my locker happened to be just down the hall to the right. As I got to the corner someone tapped my shoulder. As I turned around a demon with dark, cold black eyes with fangs for a mouth and whiskers around the mandibles. The demon hissed and tackled me. I groaned as my head slammed against the hard wooden floor. My blood turned cold as I stared deep in the beast's eyes. Then the hiss went from a snarl to a familiar laugh. The intruder pulled off her mask and came a sweet, devilish smile. "Gotcha!" She said with triumph. Don't worry this isn't some crazy person, is was just my friend Tesla, her last class was the one across from mine. She usually likes to pull pranks on me after school, especially on Halloween. She's nice and all but she kinda ruined it for me and the pranks only get worse the closer it is to Halloween, which just happens to be tomorrow. She was wearing a black dress with long sleeves and a purple skirt. She was wearing her usual prescription glasses with a pointy black witch hat with a purple rim. She had her brown hair combed and she had black boots going up the calves. She then finished the outfit with her piercing green eyes with her freckles dotting her cheeks. You know, she never really cared how people judged on how she expresses herself, even if that meant going to the extreme. Trust me, if you are innocent, I suggest not to be around her when it's Christmas... "You should've seen your face!" she scoffed. She got up off me and offered me a hand. She pulled me up and I rubbed my head. "So let me guess? You are being a witch this year?" She shook her head. "Nah I have something else planned, I got something that will drop jaws back at home," she said as she made a thumbs up and pulled up, pointing at her "house". "If ya now what I mean." she raised her eyebrows and winked. I smiled and rolled my eyes and opened my locker. She straightened her back, brushed down her skirt and crossed her arms behind her back. "So is the crew gathering together at your house tonight?" Once every week we bring our "crew" to one of each other's house to hang, work on assignments, have a nerf war, you know that kind of stuff. Today happens to be my house this time and we all usually all gather up at the front doors of the school to walk together to our houses. As you see, you've met Tesla and there are three more of us. Ron,Tamera and Akir.
I got all the things I need from my locker and stuffed them in my bag. As I shut the door Ron was there grinning, "Hey Randy! How's the weather up there!" Randy frowned. "And the jokes begin." I sighed restlessly and walked past him. I heard him talking to Tesla about me not reacting to his jokes. You know those people who makes hilarious jokes but just keeps repeating them over and over again? Yeah that's Ron. Today he was wearing a white T-shirt under his plaid button-down shirt with khakis and tennis shoes. He still had his humorous eyes, smile and a still never combed, curly, dirty blonde hair. Ron and Tesla caught up with me back to my tempo. Ron asked what we will be doing today at my house today. "I don't really have any plans today," Ron said. "But I do have an idea on doing a nerf war today or even some of our "Series" today." Ok now don't get surprised, even if we are in 8th grade, is does not mean we can't have an imaginary games. Plus, please don't blame us for doing so because we have been doing that ever since kindergarten. It's just happens to be one of the things that is apart of us that never goes away. And trust me we try to make it as realistic as we can like, if you were a knight you would literally have armor, shield and a sword. We don't call it an "imaginary game" we call it either a play rehearsal or an adventure through imagination. Tesla agreed to do one of the two and so did Ron. As we were heading down the great flight of stairs someone shouted from the floor above us and leaped off the edge and landed on the platform next to us. It was Akir. Out of the whole school he was the most popular kid in school, they called him "The Falcon" because he was known for his amazing parkour skills. The crowd around us cheered as he stood up unscathed. As the crowd died down he walked to us and gave us all hugs. Even though with all the gangster swag on, he is still the great loving friend all of us knew. "So how are my homies doing today?" he boasted. We all said in harmonic barber shop, "We are great! How about you!?" and we all laughed. We strode down the stairs out the back doors, just to see our cheerleading squad performing in the lawn of the magnificent yard of the school. They were all dancing to the beat of a little Braven speaker playing the song "Sugar". At the end of the dance they all made a human pyramid and at the top of the pyramid was the last member of our crew, only to be dropped accidently to her death.
Ha! Fooled ya! Nah she's ok, that was only a stunt that they pull for her. At the bottom there was six guys ready for her graceful descent from the top. When they caught her they all broke up, Tamera ran excitedly towards us. She was wearing the school's cheer uniform: red, green and black, and she wrapped her short, wavy hair in a ponytail. She was the shortest in the group and we tend to call her "Polly Pockets" as a joke. "So," Tamera proudly said, "How did you think about my descent?" We all awed and then we started our march to my house.
"So did you hear about Tasha on TV this morning?" Tesla rolled her eyes at me and laughed hysterically. The others didn't respond. You see, Tasha is a "supernatural investigator" and she believes in that there are existent of this Earth that are obviously not true. If I ever get a chance, I would verbally show her the truth. Tamera skipped as we went down the street, all cracking and turning to rubble. Akir was staring into space till he came to his senses and asked what Tasha was quoting on the news. "Nah it's nothing new," Ron said, "All it was really, was "confirmation" of sightings of a giant winged beast, like that would happen." Akir nudged him with his elbow. "Dude , you have no room to talk about that, you believe in Bigfoot, like as if that's any better." Ron jumped up and down in a fit, like as if he was only 10 months old. "I told you once before and I'll tell you a million times more, the Sasquatch is real!" Ron protested. I reached out my arm in front Ron. "Yeah and like you think the moon is inhabited by aliens." He pulled my arm away from him and he shrugged. "Fine then, when you get abducted by aliens and you start crawling back to me, asking for forgiveness that I was right, I won't be there to help you." That struck a nerve. And everyone in our group took a step back. Randy laughed in a slow evil way. "Let me ask you something, do you get cocky just because nothing scares you?" He crossed his arms and nodded. "Nothing on this planet or the next, can scare me." Randy grinned menacingly and said, "I will keep that in mind."
When Randy and the others got to the house, they quickly dropped all their things and kicked off their shoes. "Here guys, let's come up stairs, I got something cool to show you in my room." All of them hesitated but came up anyway. Randy's house had two stories with a big green yard, flourishing with healthy trees and flower patches, dotting the yard. In the back there was a tree house were they all grown up together in over the years. The house is what you might call a cottage and a mansion combination, with a castle like look out on the right of the building when you walk up to the front door. When they got up to the next level, there was a hallway that lead to a magnificent space with marble tiles littering the floor. Inside the room had other doors that hid wonderful secrets within them. His room lead up another small flight of stairs was at the far end of the room. All together they skipped up the stairs onto a platform at the top of the ceiling in the room. They then entered a door that had Randy's name emblazoned on the top in a golden text. "I introduce you. Randy's room 2.0!"
The room was a large space with nice soft carpet and a second level with possible other mysterious stuff. As you go into the room, there is a little landing with 180 degree window sat with transparent art drawn all over the glass. He had a very nice desk to the left with a little shelf that had all kinds of books that he has read over the years and years to come. On the desk had a jar full of utensils with a slick looking lamp that had a cone made of plastic, emitting blue light through it. There was a comfy roller chair in the middle of the room stacked high with a lot more books that had titles that related old myths and tales. And to the right there was a great display of old pictures of Randy and his friends, all lining the wall. There was also a dresser that was stuffed with multiple achievements that I have won. The last thing that was amazing about the room was that it was blanketed with all kinds of old weapons that my ancestors collected back in medieval europe. He had chests, turntables, slots and just any kind of storage you can think of. But the thing that awed us all was the great long sword and shield that was displayed on the top of the ceiling and the giant three-barreled shotgun that was holstered above the door. "Well, what do you think?" Randy chuckled. And all four of them said in unison, "HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET ALL THIS STUFF UP HERE?!" Randy laughed under his breathe. "Well you see, just last night, me and my parents helped haul all my crap cramped down from the basement up here." Akir nodded of approval. "Well it was about time." Ron raised his hand. "Ron, we are not at school, you don't need to raise your hand-." "Oh I know I just didn't want to be rude but uh, could we have a look around?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, why not?" and all of them jumped excitedly and began to explore the closet. 20 minutes later, my parents came in the room and told everyone in the room that Randy and they are going out for dinner. "Ah I'm sorry guys, but I got to go, I hope I didn't waste your time or anything." Tesla put her hand on my shoulder and stared into my eyes. "Don't worry Randy, we still had a great time venturing through all this stuff." She gestured evilly with the dagger that was in her hand. "So where are you guys going to do now?" Akir leaned back on the dresser and said, "Well after you it would be my turn for my place, besides it's Friday, the day before Halloween. I think we can manage." So without a word we said goodbye and we parted ways.
Tesla was excited for the movie they picked out at Akir's house. Is was called "Demon from Within", a Halloween classic, that's about witches, warlocks, knights and most importantly the evil dragon that was thought to be made up of shadows. The dragon was named Nidhogg, a norse dragon, that was thought to have an evil laugh and was able to kill living organisms within it's intense radiation of heat, death, and toxic gases. As we got to the scene where the noble steed cried and kicked off the great knight of The Divine, Nidhogg arisen from the depths of the underground and grinned menacing, releasing a tremendous and terrifying roar. Tamera sqwealed. She whispered, "This is my favorite part!" Nidhogg was a great and tall dragon, with withered and wilted wings with cuts, scars and gashes all over his body. Akir stood up suddenly and cheered on the knight. "Come on Great Divine! Kick his big leathery butt" Only then the tv went out and so did the entire house. I, Tesla, yelped a little but. "Ah man! That was the best part!" Ron thrashed. "Don't worry guys, it's probably just a power outage." Akir encouraged. Then suddenly, the most bizarre thing happened. The same laughter and roar screamed outside.
All of us ran to the back, where the sound came from. Akir's house was like any other normal house, but only this time there happens to be woods in his backyard, where we all explored and done activities in. Most of the time it's the safe haven for our nerf wars, where it was naturally accustomed with caves, bushes and many hills and big oak trees. And what we saw in the back, was something that would happen in one of those villages in that movie.
There was fire's crackling and burning wood all over the lawn. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. What we saw there, or what was left of it, was scorch and giant claw marks that speckled in trees, the grass and even on the back of the house. "What the hell happened?" Ron crouched down and brushed his hand on the ground where a scratch mark was. "Well i'll tell you one thing for sure. This isn't the doings of a Sasquatch." And Tamera smacked him on the back of the head. "Well of course not you!-" Akir shushed her. "You guys might want to see this." He was at the corner of the house gesturing us to look where he was pointing at. What was there, was remains of a telephone pole, with a transformer attached to it. Tamera walked to the pole with her hands in her armpits. She glared at it. "Well now we know what caused the energy brake." Tesla was trying to process all of this in her head. What could have caused all of this? "Hey over here." Ron insisted. We all turned and looked at him. "Look." he said with awe. Right at the forest line there was a big smoking hole, punched into it. And leading into the hole was a trail filled with dead grass and branches. All four of them walked to the entrance of it. Tesla was for sure in panic. She never felt this deep crater in her chest before. "Well i'm going in." and with that Tamera marched in the entrance of the woods. "Uh, wait." Akir grabbed her wrist. "Shouldn't we get some help first? I mean a giant burned hole doesn't just come from anywhere like this." Ron sighed. "Always the optimist, Akir." Ron slapped his back and went in the woods. Tamera slipped out of his grip and skipped to catch ahead with Ron. Tesla took a step and instantly was caught in the way of Akir. "Ah man not you too! Don't you think it's a bad idea to go in there?" "Ah come one Akir, I thought you were always the adventure one in the group? Besides, this will be fun, with or without you." And with that she jogged in the woods. "Uh, Hey! Wait for me!" And all of them were in the woods. Where they have sealed their fate to met up with what's lurking, deep within the woods.
They are now all at least 3 miles away from the house and luckily the trail that they were on led them a path straight back. If they just stayed on it they'd have a clear course back home. They all grew nervous the deeper they go, so they thought it will lighten the butterflies if they all grouped together in way they could all "see" in 360 degree measures. One will be looking in the front, two were viewing the sides and one was at the back. I was on the right as Tamera was on the left while Ron and Akir took up the front and the back. The only light we had in the place was the luminescence of the moon peering lightly through the trees and the bright glow of our phones. We were only able to decipher a few things that seemed abnormal. Things like roots being chewed and uprooted out of the ground and full grown trees blasted to smithereens or completely uprooted. "What could have done this." Tesla said. Ron was shaking. "I don't now," there was a psyched tone in his voice. "But whatever it is, I want to to find out. There can be more to this than we now." A shuffle struck the air. We all stopped in our tracks. And there was silence. There was the again roar in the distance. Spiders crawled up Tesla's back. And ever so slightly there was a shadow drifting across Tesla's view. "Did you see that?" A bush behind her shuffled. All of them held their breathe. Tesla shivered, hugging her arms for warmth. Then a cold liquid dripped on her shoulder, soaking in her sleeve. She imagined it was just rain. And a lot more of it splashed on her arms and legs. "Hey look at that, it's raining." Akir stared at her. "What are you talking about? It's not raining." Tesla felt a little frustrated. "What do you mean it's not raining? I'm feeling it right now." Then Tamera agreed that it wasn't raining and so did Ron. "Then what is-." Tesla dabbed her fingers into her soaked clothes and shown it in the light of her phone and her friends. And yet again they were right it wasn't raining. Instead it was something else. When they peered at the liquid is wasn't clear, but red. Then they all lifted their phones up to the trees and what they saw was horrid. There was a recently slain carcass of a deer, impaled into the branch of the tree.
Tesla bent over and threw up. Everyone else yelped and jumped back and squealed. But of course Ron, the sick one of the group, was still in his position observing the deer. "What in heaven's name?" Akir smacked his lips "Na uh, I told you guys this was a bad idea to come in here. Let's head back home. I'm done with this place." Tesla couldn't have said it any better. She was done to, especially the fact that her outfit was completely soaked in deer blood. Tamera looked worried. "Yeah, we really should head back." She confessed. "Aw come on guys! Can't we just stay out here just a little bit-." "NO! Ron! We are leaving." Tesla was also tired of Ron's lack of common sense. Just then something human sized burst out of a big bush and scared us all. Akir grabbed the first burnt stick he can find and threatened to hit it. "NO! Wait, Wait! I'm peaceful!" It was a girl in a blue hoodie and jeans. She had a backpack slung over her shoulder and a speaker in her left hand. She had brown eyes and red curly hair falling out of the hood over her head. From the sound of her voice Akir relaxed and dropped the stick. "You gotta be kidding me Tasha. I almost cracked ya back to next week." She removed her hood and grinned revealing her braces. "Heh, sorry, I just heard screaming and came as fast as I could. What happened?" Ron was leaning on a tree, crossing his legs and arms. "Ah nothing much, just a impaled deer in the tree." He nodded up to the center of the area where the deer hung. Tasha took out a little LED light out of her pocket and clicked the button on the back of it and shined on the deer. "Cool." She slipped off backpack and pulled out a yellow polaroid camera and took a picture of it. "Hey wait a minute. What was the speaker for?" Tesla said. Tashas cheeks turned rosy red. "Ah well, it was for mating calls." She said as she put away and zipped the pack shut then slung it back on her back. Ron's eyes widened. "Mating calls?" Tasha laughed nervously. "Yeah. See." She knelt down and jabbed a button and the disk buzzed in the player. It emitted the same roar we heard from earlier. "Oh so that was you who made that strange noise." Tamera confirmed. Tasha smiled. "Yep that was me! I'm sorry if I startled you." Akir grunted. "Hmpf. Let me guess. You are looking for the 'winged beast'?" She nodded. "You got it! You see, the beast prefers to roam at night. Especially the night before and during Halloween." Akir rolled his eyes. "You do know none of that is true right? All it is a big load of lies and cheat. You only say that to gain fame." Tasha smiled crookedly. "OK then explain that." She pointed at the deer. "There is no possible way any animal can do that. Not to mention the intelligence of the idea." Akir slumped over. "Intelligence. Really?" She snapped her fingers. "Ok if you don't believe me, why don't I take you to my hide out?" Ron jumped in. "I'm all for that!" Tesla put a hand on her hip. "Seriously? It's time to go home." Ron fell onto his knees. "Please oh Please can we just do this one thing? I'll make is up to you!" Tesla shook her head. "No we are-." "Hold a sec." Tamera interrupted. "Do you now what he is saying? The opportunity of this?" Tamera's eyes drifted slyly to Ron. "Hmm. What are you offering Ron?" he looked up eyes all big and wide "ANYTHING!" he said with his hands together. Tesla was enjoying this. Anything? That's golden. "Ok if we are to go you will have to give us all of your candy on Halloween and you have to admit that the Sasquatch isn't real." Akir nodded in approval, snickering. Tamera also approved smiling. That caught him off guard for sure. Ron sighed heavily. "Ok fine. The Sasquatch isn't real." Tamera walked up to him and patted him on his head. "That's a good boy." Tamera spun to met Tasha in the eyes. "Alright stranger! Take us to your gallows!"
They arrived to Tasha's hideout which was conveniently close to Akir's house but was still out of earshot. The hideout was a shaky tree house high in the canopy of a great red wood. I repeat a red wood. You know, the biggest tree of the planet? Yeah one of those. When we got up the long flight of ladders we got in the house. Interestingly the tree house on the inside looked extremely similar to Randy's room but only made with wooden planks and much, much older. Also the place had a lot of junk, just like Randy, with all these old weapons displayed on the walls. "How were you able to get all of this stuff up her?" Tasha shrugged. "I have no idea. That's a question you'll need to ask my great-grandfather." "Oh great and is your family nutjobs too?" Akir harassed. "Yep. But even worse. They think that we are a image of a reality within another reality that is nothing but dust that exists in that reality." All of us just froze. "Please don't ask." Akir turned toward us and lip synced 'Ok then.' Tesla just shook that away. "Well what is all this stuff for?" Tasha shook her finger. "Well all this junk in the treehouse that you see here, is solid proof of a greater understanding of our world. Ah." She jumped up to another floor and grabbed a battle axe off a plaque. "See this, this is the weapon that was used to slay werewolves, oh, and that up behind you there." Tasha pointed at the entrance above and there was hung a giant sickle (Reaper's scythe by the way) that had engraved symbols into it. "You see everything here is the truth and the proof of monsters." Tesla nodded. "Well as cool as all this stuff is, it's probably time for us to head home." Tasha nodded quickly. "Yeah I got to too." So we said thank you and we climbed down the ladder.
We were walking home and chatting. Even Tasha was there with us. Enjoying the evening. "So did you guys finish your Creative Writing?" Tasha asked. "Yeah I got mine down the night before." Tesla said. "Well I finished mine weeks before the assignment." Tasha bragged. Akir snickered. "Well of course with your fluent imagination. You probably knew what to write about before you were even sure you knew what to write about." And all of them there laughed. But is was broken up by the roar from earlier but only this time more detailed. Tamera chuckled. "Ok Tasha you can stop now. We get it." Tashas eyes were dark and filled with fear. "That-wasn't me..." "Ha ha, very funny Tasha-." "NO i'm serious, that wasn't me." The roar came again, followed by an evil, sly laugh. The laugh wasn't human. The smell of a horrid acidic smell, burned Tesla's eyes. Branches and trees groaned and cracked behind them. A tree fell in between them all and they all screamed. And then there it was, a tale turned into a glimpse of reality. In the dark, big red pulsing eyes stared sharp into their souls. And the eyes drifted up till the a dark shape took form. A glistening cheshire cat grin, was highlighted with the glow of its eyes. A long thick snout it had with flaring nostrils, fuming some kind of green gas. The creature had cuts, gashes and scars on its underbelly and big wide wings, as it cloaked itself in the darkness. Tesla couldn't make out it's back legs, but inferring on its stance, was on all fours. Though she was able to make out its big and powerful arms with strong talons. She was never more scared in her life. Tears ran down her cheeks and the smell of urine broke the air. Her legs buckled but she managed to stand. The thing heaved a sinister laughed and somehow said in a very deep voice. "Trick or Treat." It huffed and puffed till in the back of its throat a dark red light shined. "RUN!" And Akir grabbed Tesla's waist and lifted her up and began to run and so did everyone else. Everyone else was turned the other direction, not seeing the or listening to the sound and destruction the beast was making. Flames of hell blasted out of its devastating jaws, turning everything to dust in its wake. The flames every time was just about inches away from catching her and her friends on fire. The intense heat and light forced her eyes to close shut. The beast was laughing and chuckling madly every time is had a time to take a breathe. He was clawing and thrashing its massive body. "OVER HERE!" And Tesla was tossed into a dark and moist hole. Just big enough for all five of them. Tesla was such in a state of shock she barely notice anything happening for the next 30 minutes. The beast outside of their little cave pounded and roared, upset to lose them. Lots and lots of claws slashing and grinding into the ground. It then soon pushed and marched restlessly away from them. Till we couldn't hear the faint noise of the creature we decided to crawl ourselves out of the little cave. Akir's face turned red. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME IN THE WOODS AND WHAT DO YOU DO? THE EXACT OPPOSITE!" Akir yelled. "WHAT WAS THAT THING!?" Tasha let out a shaky sigh. "That-That was a-." she pause and gulped. "That was a Child of Nidhogg." Tamera's eyes were traumatized. "I think it's safe to say that we go home. And that we don't repeat what has happened tonight." Ron said. And without a word we all ran back to our homes.
Tesla got up groggily, got dressed and ate breakfast. "Have a good day today sweetie." Tesla's mom said. But she didn't reply. Tesla decided she wasn't going trick or treating today and so did her friends. Ever since last night Tasha became a close friend to Tesla's crew. So we are going to introduce her to Randy today. By the end of the hour everyone, including Tasha, all talked about what happened last night to Randy. "Wow, all of that really happened?" And we all said, "YES!" Randy chuckled. "That isn't funny." Tesla said sternly. Randy raised his hands up. "Oh i'm sure is isn't, I just wished I was there with my ancestors gear and slain that dragon." Tasha rubbed her chin. "Wait a sec, would this stuff happen to be like, I dunno, swords and shields?" Randy smirked. "Yeah why do you-?" "Do these weapons happen to be the weapons of fallen warriors?" Tasha looked angry toward Randy. Randy grinned that seemed familiar. "I don't know what you're talking about." The teacher called up the students who had their stories finished. By the end of the hour the teacher held up us except Randy. "Hey did you guys know that Randy's story has characters that are detailed just like you guys?" None of us recalled of such a thing. "Yeah and the story is pretty good. It's about five kids who venture in the forest that encounters a sinister figure. Isn't that creepy?" Tesla's spirits died. How do I have a sick feeling that Randy was that creature last night? We then got onto our last class of today. History. The topic was about the certain creatures that were able to disguise themselves as humans. There was of course witches, vampires, werewolves etc. but the thing that turned my blood cold was this. "Though the most powerful creature of darkness was a Child of Nidhogg, capable of making deep relationships and trusts to only then to be used against them." Said Mrs. Stalker. At the end of class me, Tasha, Ron, Tamera, and Akir came up to the teacher. Randy was still at the back of the room finishing his assignment. "Uh Mrs. Stalker. We have a question." Mrs. Stalker was behind her desk and seemed to be interested on what we had to say. "Yes?" "Is it possible for these creatures to be real?" Mrs. Stalker smiled. "Well of course not. They're just old folk tales." Tasha hammered her fist on the desk. "But we saw one last night!" Mrs. Stalker tilted her head and her eyes were filled with sympathy. "But that couldn't have been possible my dear." "But we saw one." Tamera said. "Tasha even has a picture." "Oh yeah!" Tasha ran back to her desk and took out a photo of the deer. "See this is proof." Mrs. Stalker took the photo. She squinted her eyes. "Well I don't know how this happened but that isn't enough proof i'm afraid." Tasha stormed "Not enough?! How else could have that happened?" Then the door to the class slammed shut and made all of us jump. We all looked at the back of the room. Randy wasn't there. "Oh my what's wrong Akir?" Tesla turned her head to Akir and his face was pale. He looked like he just saw a ghost. Tamera shook Akir. "What is it Akir?" A minute later Akir raised and pointed at the door and there tapped to the door was a well drawn picture. It was a dark scene in the forest with trees lit a flame. There was five teenagers that was running from something. A guy with bling had a girl with a witch hat being carried over his shoulder looking at the darkness. And in that darkness was a red eyed demon with a crooked grin with a massive powerful claw reaching out to the five teenagers. Tesla was hesitant but took the picture off the door and looked at the back and almost screamed. Everyone asked her what was wrong. But all Tesla could say was, "Trick or Treat."
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