chapter 8 | Close to me
50 minutes later...
The end of the class ringing, I close my book and yawn, tired of this day. Y/n stands up right next to me but walks away, the students talking loudly as the teacher just left the room. I keep my eyes on her but slide my hands in my pockets, not getting out of my head how dirty she was.
"Hey," Byunghun, who I thought would leave her alone for the rest of the year, stretches his arm out to grab her skirt once she passes by him. He pulls on it and gazes up at her. "Was he good?"
She grabs her hand to try to get away, but he doesn't let go. "Leave me alone," she grips her skirt to keep it the way it is, but he smiles with smugness. "What? Don't you want to share how good Mister Park is when he fucks you? We all know you're his little slut, baby girl."
In no time at all to think, Haneul stomps towards him and makes y/n step away. He grabs him by his collar but throws him out of the classroom effortlessly, making the students run to the door to see everything while y/n hurried to come back on her chair. Her reaction astonishes me, she covers her ears and looks down to close her eyes, making me feel like something is wrong.
Given the voices yelling, and the name they're shouting, Haneul must be destroying Byunghun, some of those teenagers taking their phone out to record everything. Why did he get him out of the classroom to beat him up? Why didn't he do that in front of her?
I frown at her but place my hand on her back, getting her to flinch in a serious manner and set her teary eyes on me. She starts to cry for no reason known, and she comes closer, landing on my lap but putting her arms around my neck to hold tight onto me but take me aback.
Her heart is pounding but hitting my chest, her body is trembling, and she's clinging onto me as if it was for her life. "Y/n...? What's wrong...?" I return the embrace, comforting her the best way possible. She doesn't answer but grips my hoodie, her face buried in the crook of my neck, she breathes heavily and unsteadily while her tears are dripping down my skin. "Hey..." I rub her back, finding a way to calm her down, I tighten my hold around her and caress her back, but the students move away as the sound of a man's voice reverberated through the hallways.
"Haneul! In the director's office, right now!" the man tells him off when this all happened because of Byunghun, this damn pervert. "When is the school going to fucking do something about those perverts? Isn't a pedophile enough as a teacher?!" the boy shoots back, mentioning Mister Park for sure. "You leave, now!"
Haneul bursts into the room but puts his eye on me and y/n right away, he walks up to us. "Y/n, come here," he gets her attention, some blood remaining in the corner of his mouth. "Haneul..." she stands up but sobs, getting into his arms, he carries her like a baby and goes out of the room.
What the hell just happened? She even left her Pikachu on the desk.
Everything went so fast that I can barely process it. They must be hiding something serious, I'm sure of it.
11:05 am.
The lesson now over, I peek at y/n's side but see her Pikachu, this toy she usually holds in her hand and uses to annoy me. Since what happened earlier hurt me, no matter how complicated our relationship is, I grab a piece of paper now that the teacher is outside, and I rip a small part to write a little note.
_ :( _
I leave it like that, not knowing what to say more. I fold it and put it in her pencil case, but I add one more note to make sure she will smile in front of it.
_ ♡♡Jungkook♡♡ is the most handsome man, I love him more than I love my Pikachu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♡♡ _
I put this in her pencil case and get all her stuff inside to close it and tidy up for her. I hope she's okay though.
12 pm.
"Guys!" I run towards my best friends after leaving my classroom and grabbing y/n's stuff on the way, feeling the need to talk about what happened. "Hm?" Hajoon gazes at me, Taeyeong doing so. "Something happened earlier, that was freaking serious," I keep the suspense like a jerk but walk towards the stairs with them. "What? Tell us."
"Haneul beat the shit out of Byunghun because he touched y/n and talked badly to her, but she ran up to her chair and covered her ears and all, she was crying, and when I touched her, she flinched like ever but then came onto my lap to hug me and sob..." I explain to them everything. "That was totally crazy..."
" you know why she cried?" he raises his eyebrows, walking down the stairs and being careful. "No, once Haneul came back into the room, he took her away and left, but I haven't seen her again, that's why I have her bag..." I hold it up, but point the Pikachu out as well. "And this..." I squeeze it.
"Oh, that's the toy she always plays with, isn't it?" he remembers what I already said, but I nod and keep it in my hand to make sure I don't lose it. I hold her bag on the front of my body while mine is on my back. I wonder where she is and how this little brat is doing.
"What did he say for Haneul to go berserk?" Taeyeong cannot help but be curious. I step out of the building with them and answer. "He asked if 'he' was good, then he insisted once she tried to push him away and throw his hand away from her skirt, he said that we all know she's Mister Park's slut and asked why she doesn't tell us how good he is when he fucks her...and all that shit..." I recall the moment, regretting the fact that I kept my mouth shut. "Oh, I understand."
"But Haneul already told him to stay away from her and never try again or else he would beat the shit out of him. So that's exactly what happened," I tell him about this which would make it even more understandable why he didn't wait a second before using violence. "Haneul is a good guy. Thank god, he's here for her."
"Yeah..." I mumble, feeling ashamed for not doing anything. "Oh, isn't it her?" Hajoon points his finger towards something, putting my eyes in that direction. I walk up to her as she's heading towards us with Haneul, none of them looking at us.
"Hey," I get them to stop, their eyes landing on me. "I have all your stuff," I remove her bag from me to hand it to her, but Haneul takes it. "Thank you."
"And your Pikachu," I give it to her, seeing a smile form on her face. She grabs it, holding the boy's hand. "Are you okay...?" I don't keep it to myself since I want to know, and she nods. "Yeah..."
"Great. What are you doing to do now?" I tuck my hands in my pockets, hearing my best friends come closer. "We're going to eat together," Haneul says, laying his eyes on Hajoon. "Do you want to go out with us?"
"Are you going to eat at the Subway?" he doesn't refuse as I've been totally thrown to the side. "Yes, I'll pay for your favorite sandwich if you want," he grins, not caring about me. My best friend agrees. "All right, let's go," the boy, who's holding y/n's hand, steps back and leaves.
"The fuck...? That's mean as hell," Taeyeong expresses his frustration while I'm keeping quiet. "He could have invited us!"
I raise my eyebrows but walk to a bench, not paying that much attention since it's pretty obvious Haneul has something against me. Taeyeong follows me, and we both sit down.
I gaze at the students, cogitating as the guy next to me is taking his food out. "Am I a jerk?" I peek at him, asking a random but important question. "Honestly?" he removes the wrapping of his food, biting into it with no hesitation. "Sometimes," he answers with the truth but kind of hurts my feelings. "Well...thank you for being honest..."
"No problem," he smirks but eats. Moron.
— Three days later —
Monday, November 16, 2020.
8 am.
"Hey, angel," Hajoon greets y/n as she joined us and sat next to him. "Hey, where is Taeyeong?" she takes her bag off of her shoulder to places it over her lap. "He's sick," he answers for us, my eyes not leaving her. Why can't I stop thinking about Friday and what she did to me?
"Oh, okay," she smiles but opens her bag. She takes her banana of the day out of it and already eats it. "Why didn't you come back after lunch yesterday?" he asks her, my focus remaining on her lips and what's entering it. I gulp but try to keep calm, feeling like I'm doing something wrong.
"I didn't want to," she answers, making eye contact with me but forcing me to glance away. "Oh, all right," he chuckles. "I wish I could do that. My parents would have killed me if I told them that."
"Only my dad is cool, you know. My mom doesn't like me...I don't know why..." she talks about her for the first time. She barely mentions her parents, I wonder why. "Is it true that your 'daddy's girl'?"
She shrugs but smiles. "I guess I am," the length of the fruit slides in her mouth again, the memories of the other day reminding me of the feeling she can give with it. I lick my lips but tuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans, fidgeting on my seat the more she's playing with the banana. How can he look at her without being turned on?
He peeks at me as y/n put her eyes on the students, but no time to even react to it, his attention lands on my crotch as if he knew, making me pull my hands out to place them over this spot. He smirks but looks up into my eyes, so I retreat and bounce my legs nervously.
"Why don't you sit on Jungkook's lap today?" he dares to ask her, getting a hit in the arm from my fist. He cannot be serious. I and her both get into eye contact again, but my heart loses its peacefulness. "Because she doesn't want to," I straighten my back. "Well, I need to pee before the classes start," this jerk leaves us alone and runs away with his bag, meaning he won't come back.
Y/n takes this opportunity to inch closer, but right when the side of her thigh touches mine, the wind blows a little harder, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal more of her skin. She pushes it back properly instantly, and without saying anything, she sits astride my lap and gazes into my eyes.
"I thought I would be lucky for once..." I pretend to be indifferent to it, clearing my throat once she leans forth to put her arms around my neck but get my crotch to be pressed against her panties. She kisses my neck when her lips are covered in red lipstick, and she brings them to my ear. "Now girls are gonna believe you're taken," she giggles but lands back next to me, keeping her legs over my thighs.
I touch the spot she must have marked but check my fingers right after, realizing she left a print of her lips on it. "Tsk, you—" I glare at her but do not say too much, feeling a bit too aroused by her touches. She grins but lies down, using her bag as a pillow.
"Why does it feel hard?" she rubs her calf on my boner, obliging me to grab it and keep it still. "Stop," I look at her. "Oh, you're telling me to stop now?"
"Do not play to that," I tighten my hold on her, and she tries to pull her leg away from it. "I'm not playing."
"Yes, you are. Would you want me to finger you in public? I don't think so, so stop this," I answer with more sternness, not liking this at all. She smiles and swallows the last piece of banana, before standing up and grabbing her bag. She walks away from me without saying anything and throws the peel of the banana out.
I decide to leave the bench as well but find a way to hold my bag in front of my crotch, walking along y/n's steps to head to our classroom since the bell is about to ring.
5 minutes later...
I sit down on my chair and y/n joins me after talking to Haneul. She lays her stuff on the desk but something grasps my attention, Byunghun isn't here. I lay my eyes on y/n out of curiosity. "Did you talk to the director?"
"No," she looks at me. "Why?"
"Byunghun is absent..." I point out, but she suddenly comes closer and puts her lips on my ear, her breasts pressing on my arm. "My dad expelled him," she smiles, proudly. "Your dad? How? Is he the director?" I frown, not understanding.
"Because he talked to the director after I told him about what happened, that's why he got expelled," she explains to me and now makes it clear. "Wow. All right..." I fear for myself, now aware that he owns a big power here. "Can he like...expel the students he wants?"
"If they do something to me, yes," she nods. I'm going to stop bothering her from now on. I know how this man looks like, I wouldn't want to face him. "Why hasn't he got Mister Park fired then...?"
"I haven't told him..." she becomes more quiet now that the man she hates was brought up. "But anyway..." she changes the subject as if she wanted to avoid it and grabs something in her pencil case. "What's that?" she shows me the note I left in it yesterday, but I smile. "I don't know. What's written?" I read it to act like I'm not the one who made it and gape. "Aw. You love me more than your Pikachu? I knew it," I take it and thank her. "No one can resist me."
"You're ridiculous," she gives me a judging look, but I laugh and toy with the piece of paper. "Can we do it again today?" I whisper to not get caught by the teacher, but she drops her gaze on my lips while sneering, so I bite them in a flirty way. "Do what?" she teases me.
I take a peek at the teacher to make sure she doesn't look at us but gives her lesson, then I lean towards y/n to whisper in her ear. "Suck me," I look back into her eyes to check her reaction, and she raises her eyebrows, not letting her smile fade away. "What did you do last night?"
"Nothing," I lie to her, bringing my hand up to cup the side of my neck. "I did it once because I wanted to know what it feels like, but I won't do it again."
"Why?" I take offense with her response, feeling like she didn't like it or found it disgusting. "Because I did it to please you once, to know how it feels like, but I'm not going to it again."
"All right...I'm not insisting..." I sigh with frustration and move back. "I don't want your dad to expel me or destroy me."
She scoffs at me, probably confident because of what her dad can do or get for her. I knew she was a sort of little princess, that's maybe the reason why her mom doesn't like her that much, her father gives her too much attention.
"Does your father gives you a nickname?" I curiously ask to know, and she nods, writing something in her exercises book. "Princess, honey, sweetheart, or sweetie," her answer doesn't even astonish me. "Hm..."
12 pm.
"Little brat," I run after her through the crowd of students that are walking in the hallway. I step in front of her to stop her way to the stairs while she's not with Haneul yet. "Hm?"
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