chapter 3 | Flirt
10 minutes later...
I walk towards the front of the classroom after climbing up the stairs with difficulty and sluggishness. Both of my best friends talking while I'm not saying anything out of tiredness.
Once we reach the line of students, the petite figure dressed in pink catches my eyes, and I grin. I'm ready for the payback she deserves. I precede my friends to get right behind y/n, I tuck my hands in my pockets but stick my body to the back of hers. "Do you want to know how it feels like?"
She clicks her tongue but punches me with her butt, right in the crotch. A groan that quickly turned into a moan slips out, and my body bends over. "Goddamn—" I bite my lips and rest my head on her shoulder, handling this type of pain for the second time today.
"Stop flirting, Jungkook," the English teacher appears from out of nowhere with his bullshit, I raise my head up to glance at him, but he just passes by. "Flirt?" I chuckle. "Is this guy serious?"
"He's jealous," my best friend backs me, and I straighten up. "This guy is a pervert who likes young girls."
"I heard that he had sex with a few students..." I state some facts, or at least, reveal the rumors that spread more and more every day in the school. His finger suddenly raises up towards the girl standing before me, he points at her but gets me to frown at him. "What?" I whisper. "What if she's one of them?"
"She doesn't even know what eat out means, are you kidding me?" I scoff but get startled by the one we're talking about who just whirled around. "Do you think I can't hear you?!"
I smile at her, innocently. "Do you like Mister Park?" I ask as the students in front of us are moving up to the classroom to get inside. "Why do you even want—"
"That means yes," I say with no doubt. She huffs but follows the others. However, once she passes right in front of the teacher, I check his reaction.
He smiles at her and keeps his eyes fixed on her, even when we're getting in the way. What a pervert. I nudge Hajoon to make him notice, but he grimaces. "He's disgusting."
"Yep," I agree and go up to my desk in the back of the classroom. I drop my bag on the floor and sit down, but notices something new on y/n's feet. "Do you have new shoes? I guess they costed more than my house in the future will."
"They're Louboutin sneakers if you want to know," she glares at me, probably still bitter about what I said earlier. "And they costed nine-hundred bucks. Are you happy to have a reason to judge me again?"
"I'm not judging..." I smile and stare at her laying her stuff on the desk. "Just observing..." I mumble. "Jungkook," the teacher already catches me when I was about to take my bag. "You stop chatting."
"I was just asking an important question, Sir," I emphasize on the last word, giving him a fake smile. He sends it back to me and puts his glasses on. "She obviously doesn't care about your question, you're just bothering her."
"How do you know—"
"You keep quiet now, or I take your diary and leave a note in it. Understood?" he doesn't kid anymore but shows the authority he never needs for y/n, his pet. "She answered me though. Why would I be the only one concerned?" I don't let this end, not appreciating the way he constantly treats her with partiality.
"Answer me just one more time, and I give you detention. Is that clear?" he stares at me as the whole class became muted. I push my tongue against my inner cheek, before smirking. "If so, I'll complain about the favoritism to the director."
"All right, detention for you," he nods, but I don't give a damn, I have nothing to do after school anyway. I take my supply out and put it down on the desk, making enough noise to get on the teacher's nerves.
"Stop..." y/n whispers in an annoyed manner, looking at me. "Do you want him to give you detention for the rest of the week?"
"I don't give a shit about this asshole," I exclaim. Does he think he's going to get to me? I'll just laugh at his face because of all the things I know and can use against him anytime.
9:20 am.
As the teacher is walking out of the room, I drop my pen on the desk and throw my body back to stretch and yawn, feeling exhausted after this first hour.
"Why did you provoke him?" the little girl by my side ask, curiously. I let my body relax and land my arms over the desk, smiling at her. "I don't want to let this pervert believe he can control me."
"But he just gave you detention..." she states there facts to humiliate, but I act indifferent to this reply. "Yeah, but I got him mad."
"But he made you—"
"Shut up," I cut her off, tired of hearing her smart remarks. "Play with your Pikachu and leave me alone," I assert but see her raise her eyebrows at me, before doing as told.
Jesus Christ, what do I need to do to shut her—
"This Pikachu is not just a Pikachu though..." she comes back with her pouty words. "Ah yeah? And why?" I cannot resist, I'm too curious. "Because it's a gift from my daddy," she smiles and looks at me, now making me understand why she's so rich. "You have a daddy at seventeen? That's not right, girl."
She frowns at me and sighs. "By 'daddy' I meant 'dad', dude...why the hell do you always have to be so nasty?"
"Because you make it hard not to be," I say in an evident manner. Where does she come from? The Care Bears world? Dammit. "And no one calls his father 'daddy' at seventeen."
"I do, so fuck you," she goes off like an insane girl who forgot who I am. I look at her with a startle. "Excuse me?"
"Fuck you," she repeats with no fear, staring into my eyes. "Okay? I call my dad the way I want to."
"Talk to me like that again, and I destroy you," I warn her, not appreciating how she dares to say those words to me. "Ah yeah?" she scoffs, not believing in what I say. "Ya," I lurch towards her and look her in the eye, her body not even flinching or retreating. "If I tackle you down right now, I never stand up but let you die under my weight. Got it?"
"I'm heavier than you are," she laughs at me without giving a damn or fearing anything. Why the fuck doesn't it work? The girls I know usually answer with a 'yes daddy' and shut up. I don't like to face such a brat who responds with amusement.
"You better watch your tongue with me," I back away at the sound of the teacher coming in, but she giggles and gives her attention to her toy.
12:20 pm.
"Jungkookie," Ruby, one of my friends, comes next to me when I'm eating with Taeyeong. "Hey," I answer her, my mouth full of rice. She lays her tray on the table, and from out of nowhere, presses a kiss on my jawline. "Act cool. It's a dare, so don't ruin it, please."
"Excuse me?" I don't move my jaw anymore but stare at her, startled by this sudden action. She smiles at me but blushes. "My friends, you know how they are, they dared me to kiss you, and if I get one back, they pay me."
"Ah, and you think I'm gonna do it?" I don't play along but only care about my food, feeling hungry as ever today. "'s for ten bucks..." she gives me her puppy look, making it difficult for me to refuse. I lick my lips to make it unpleasant for her and lean forth to press them on her temple. "There, are you happy?" I go back to my rice.
"Well...that could have been spontaneous and more fond, but thank you..." she doesn't show any satisfaction when I took a break from eating just for her. I chuckle and shove more vegetables in my mouth. "I would never have kissed you if you didn't ask me to."
"All right! No need to be rude!" she slaps my arm but does not get any reaction from me, except for a smirk. "He already has a girl in sight, Ru. Sorry."
"What?" I frown at him, not aware of this when I am the main subject. "Yeah, you know...this cute little, rich girl..." he fakes a smile, teasing me when he knows how much I hate this brat. She doesn't have a name, she's just the brat to me, the rich one. "Y/n?" Ruby asks.
"Yeah, she's so caring and adorable, no wonder Jungkook likes her," the bullshit going out of his mouth disgusts me, so I decide to stop this right away. "Bro. I hate this girl."
"Isn't she...the rich girl who dates Haneul, and who apparently had sex with Mister Park?" she curiously demands to know, but Taeyeong hurries to answer. "I think this whole thing is complete bullshit, I know who she is, and she would never fuck with this guy. Unless he manipulates her and forces her to do it, but Haneul seems very protective of her, so I doubt this."
"I know, I was just asking because that's what I heard," she understands his reply. "And Haneul is not her boyfriend, apparently," he adds to make it clear, even though I do not believe this. "Really?" she raises her eyebrows, holding her chopsticks between her lips. "But...she holds his hand all the time, and I see her often hugging him. They always hang out together...that's impossible."
"I thought the exact same thing," I point out and agree with her. "She told me that he's just her best friend, but when I think about it, look the way she acts with me. She sits on my lap all the time, she almost rests on me and calls me 'papi', or different nicknames...People could also believe I'm her boyfriend."
"But maybe you make people believe you're not," Taeyeong doesn't drop it, making Ruby laugh while I'm not enjoying it. "If you just wanna say that type of shit, keep it in your mouth."
"Oh, come on. You can't take a joke," he rolls his eyes and sighs, tired of the way I take every time at face value. It's not my fault, jokes aren't funny if they're not made by me. "Anyway, how was your classes this morning, Ru?" he focuses on her to let me eat in peace.
"It was fine, I had a test in Chemistry but everything went well," she smiles at him. "But stop calling me 'Ru', this sounds ugly."
"Ugly? I find it cute," he pouts at her reaction, but she chuckles. "All right, call me 'Ru' if you want, I don't want you to cry."
"This guy is weak," I snipe at him to give him a taste of his own medicine, with a little curve full of mischief in the corner of my lips. "Shut up," he snaps, not appreciating it once that comes back in his face.
"Guys! I'm back!" Hajoon joins us after going to the subway to get some food, he sits down next to Taeyeong and bites in his sandwich. "Were you alone?" I pass my tongue over my teeth, looking at him. "No," he shakes his head, chewing on his food to not speak with his mouth full. "Haneul and y/n were with me, y/n paid for us."
No way. "Are you serious?" I hate him for mentioning this girl, hearing her little voice, seeing her pigtails and space buns that make me want to pull on them all the time, and her damn Pikachu, let's not even talk about it. "Yeah. I took the ultimate steak, but this one is like the most expensive sandwich there, and I always wanted to try it, so she paid for me and her, but Haneul insisted on paying for his own food."
"How much is the one you got?" Ruby asks him, this boy acting all happy about it. "It was twenty dollars, so way too expensive for a sandwich, but y/n knew I wanted it and she bought it for me. I love this girl."
I chuckle and raise my eyebrows, pissed off to know she's buying my best friends. "Bro...does she like you or something?" Taeyeong smiles. "She bought you a damn expensive pen, now she buys you the most expensive sandwich on the menu to make you happy."
"Uh. Haneul is her boyfriend..." he almost expresses some disappointment while eating, making me believe he likes her more than a friend. "He's not," he tells this boy the truth that we were told by this girl. "Are you sure about that?" he doesn't believe it as we all did. "Because...they were holding hands for quite the whole way to there and back here. She stays really close to him."
"I know, I thought the same, but as Jungkook said, she always gets on his lap, gives him some nicknames, kisses him, and does all those kinds of things..." he states what I said earlier to make it more probable, getting him to tilt his head and show some agreement. "Yeah...maybe she likes being physically close to the boys."
"Or she's just a flirt," I throw out of my mouth without any care. "Or too kind," he doesn't accept what I uttered, certainly too attached to this girl. I roll my eyes and land them onto my food. "I heard that she's a daddy's girl, you know. Some of my friends said she has a sugar daddy."
"She calls her dad, 'daddy'," I remark, not keeping it to myself. "Really?" Taeyeong reacts with some surprise, dumbfounded in front of this truth. "Yeah. She said it earlier."
"Well..." he licks his lips. "Maybe she's very innocent..." he finds an excuse for her, as expected from him. He will never say anything against her. Seriously.
2:15 pm.
I wait in front of the classroom, ready for this class since we're going to watch a video and nothing else. I lean back on the wall behind me, my hands in my pockets, I gaze down at the little girl on my right, her eyes directed towards her phone as she's trying to use me and the wall as a shield.
"I'm gonna tell him you're using your phone," I snitch, raising my eyes up to hers once she looks up at me. "You're a jerk," she locks and hides it in her pocket, mad about the fact I could get her in trouble if I want to.
I grab one of her pigtails and tug on it, upsetting her but enjoying it. "Ya! Let go!" she grips my wrist with her small hand the best she can as I'm not releasing my hold just to piss her off, but for no reason at all, she steps forth and puts her arms around me. "Don't let go, and I won't either," she glances up into my eyes like an evil girl, finding the best way to get free. I move my hand away from her to not let people think I'm hugging this little brat, and she smirks at me before stepping away.
"I hate you," I snap, leaning over her to make sure she hears me, her cocky expression doesn't change, she stares into my eyes. "I love you too, Jungkook!" she raises her voice, highly enough for the whole hallway to repeat her words. Some students look at us, getting me to be embarrassed as hell.
I throw my hand in her arm to slap her, but Haneul stops me right away, holding my hand firmly to not let it end on her. He fixes his eyes into mine. "Don't touch her," he tosses my hand away.
I don't complain or try to act rude, I look daggers at y/n, who's now holding onto this guy's arm and taunting me. I lick my lips and pretend not to care. I'm fine, totally fine. I wasn't humiliated by this guy a second ago.
Once the teacher appears, I turn to the right to have her behind me and not within sight anymore. Now, I can finally walk inside the room and get to one of the single desks. I sit down on a chair that is in the back since I don't want to be close to the English teacher I hate, but have y/n within sight, in front of me. She turns around once she's down on her seat, and a smile forms on her face. "Are you ready, Mister bulebble?" she mocks me about this again, but Taeyeong who sat next to me chuckles.
I kick her chair and glare at her. "Shut up, not everyone is perfect like the little rich ass you are," I fight back, hating her for always making fun of this mispronunciation of the word 'bubble' that everyone heard in the classroom, and which I will not ever want to hear again in my life.
She giggles and turns back towards the smartboard. Damn girl...
"Pull on her hair," Taeyeong tells me in an undertone. I check what the teacher is doing, and since he's still getting the smart board ready for us to work, I lean forth and give a tug on one of her pigtails, getting her to glare at me. I should be careful though, Haneul is next to her.
"What?" I smirk while toying with my pencil. "Don't play with me, you're gonna regret it," this small thing threatens me. I sneer at her, but she lays her eyes on my best friend. She doesn't say anything, but they both smile at each other, before putting their attention on the teacher who spoke out.
What the hell was that?
I shoot my eyes in his direction, not believing what I just saw between them. I make my stare linger to get his attention, and only short seconds are enough for me to get it. "The fuck was that?" I direct my hand towards her, seeking in a whisper to not be heard by the teacher who hates me. "What?" he frowns at me, acting like nothing happened.
I want to punch him right now. "What was that little smile?" I clench my jaw, ready to throw my pencil in his eyes. He shrugs. "Nothing..."
"Yeah, sure," I do not accept this answer. "Nothing..." a chortle runs out of my mouth as I cannot swallow the bitterness of my frustration. Now he's fooling me just because of her.
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