( book is completely redone. please reread past chapters ! if you aren't comfortable, don't read.
warning : smut )
HAVING HER LIPS ATTACHED TO FORSYTHE'S was pure heaven. His scruff scraped her skin lightly, contrasting to the hard bite he delivered to her bottom lip. She moaned against his lips, the older mans body pressing her into the wall behind her.
Caden's skin was on fire as his hands glided down her sides, landing on her hips to squeeze tightly.
"Jump," FP mumbled against her lips and she complied, wrapping her legs around his waist. She was completely enthralled with the enigmatic male in front of her whose tantalising lips descended to her neck and began leaving hickies behind.
It was like Forsythe was on a mission to make her moan out loud as his lips found her sweet spot and his hips pressed against her lower body.
They both still had clothes on yet Caden was pulsing with desire.
"When does your shift end?"
"In thirty minutes," Caden breathed out. Forsythe reluctantly let her go, watching as she reentered the diner. The brunette woman knew that her hair was probably a mess but she didn't care. She was just ready to leave. She glanced at the clock, noticing that it was almost 5 pm, the time she was meant to leave. She hurried and cleaned up after the tables she had and did her closing work, like wiping down her tables before she clocked out. She wasn't a slacker and keeping her job at Pop's was important to her. She was almost 20 years old.
Caden said goodbye to Pop, his knowing gaze following her as she met Forsythe outside in the back again. He was leaning up against the wall, finishing another cigarette when he noticed her. He smirked as she approached, his eyes dropping to take in the expanse of her body.
She walked up directly to him and planted a kiss on his lips, her hands wrapping around his neck. Caden was surprised with her bold move but was pleased as FP reciprocated her actions. Lips upon lips, a moan escaped her as Forsythe began to get more aggressive by leaving open mouthed kisses down the side of her neck.
"Your place?" Forsythe asked in a strained voice, he had waited long enough.
Caden barely registered what he had said, but shook her head when she cleared her thoughts. "Can't, my little brother is home." She cursed herself for having a family who was at home all the time. "What about yours?"
A grimace washed over his features but the expression quickly fell. "Can't. Follow me?"
Forsythe led the young woman to his bike, passing her his helmet. He placed himself on his motorcycle, revving the engine as his grey eyes watched Caden put the helmet on. When she was finished, she hopped onto his bike, suddenly not afraid of the death machine.
She was going into uncharted territory with a stranger. But was Caden okay with that.
"You ready?"
º º º
HAVING HER ARMS WRAPPED AROUND FP Jones caused her stomach to flutter nervously. Sure, she's had sex, but maybe it was because he was a stranger who was a Serpent. She noticed where they were, a small motel on the edge of town, no car in sight.
The older man waited until she was off of the bike before he pulled his lengthy body off. Silence was between them as his fingers found the small of her back, leading her into the lobby.
Caden stayed silent as FP got a room for the two, letting him lead her into a hallway that led to an elevator.
The elevator door shut and Forsythe was immediately on Caden, his hands holding hers against the wall as his lips pressed against hers. She moaned loudly, content with how he took control of the situation.
Something about the way he towered over her— how Forsythe dominated Caden made her melt more into him.
"Excuse me!" The two sprang apart in surprise, noticing the old lady who stood outside the elevator doors that opened. The short elderly lady looked disgusted at their display of affection.
FP dragged Caden out of the elevator without a word to the woman and to their bedroom door that was across the way. Caden mouthed a sorry to the elder and Forsythe noticed, immediately smacking her ass. Caden was shocked at the action but didn't say a word, looking back as the elevator doors began to shut.
And the hotel door slammed shut behind them, leaving the old lady to stare in horror.
"Did you like that?"
Caden was jolted from her embarrassment and looked up to see Forsythe towering over her small frame. She stood in front of the closed motel door and noticed the look FP was giving her. He was asking her about how rough he was with her.
"Y—Yes," Caden told him. She was going to be honest with him. It turned her on. Never had a previous boyfriend ignited a spark within her as FP did.
"Good," FP grunted, shoving her back against the door. It seemed like Forsythe liked her against the wall, and Caden has no complaints as she sent him a wicked smile. "Let me know if you want me to ever stop."
Caden opened her mouth, about to reply but a moan escaped instead as the man in front of her dipped his hand into her pants.
His fingers brushed against her centre and Caden was a shaking mess, anticipating what was to come.
"I can't wait to have you moaning my name and writhing underneath me."
Forsythe's hand left her wanting more but she wasn't disappointed as his hands reappeared on his shirt and began to unbutton it. She hurried to do the same, ripping her shirt off over her head, followed with her bra.
Caden looked confidently at the older man in front of her, watching his eyes darken at the sight of her naked chest.
She slowly moved around him, sashaying towards the bed, resting her ass at the end of it as she wiggled out of her shoes and jeans. The sexual tension between the two was palpable as he approached the young woman, her eyes landing on his tented jeans.
Caden was almost naked, her underwear being the only thing left on her body. She knew that she did well with teasing men, she just hoped that FP was feeling just as frustrated as she was. She wanted more, and even though it was greedy Caden wanted to feel her body against the older mans and succumb to the pleasure.
"I'm into kinks," Caden whispered as she watched Forsythe's belt buckle hit the floor followed by his pants. She waited in anticipation as he crawled onto the bed, his body above hers as she moved her body more onto the bed. The heat between the two of them was mounting, and Caden felt her legs shake in desire.
"Don't worry," FP said huskily, planting a kiss on her lips. "I am too."
Caden knew that his kinks involved domination but she didn't know the extent of his, and she knew she liked being submissive.
"Just, one thing," FP said as his lower body pressed against hers, a moan flying from her lips as she felt his hardness pressed against her.
"Call me sir."
º º º
okay, decided the flashbacks weren't working so we'll start in 2006 for part one and part two will be riverdale season one. if you have read this before this chapter is posted, please reread the book! majorly edited.
Also I want to do more smut but I'm afraid this story won't be published. How do I work around that? I don't want to censor it though ;)
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