CADEN HAD GROWN UP FAMILIAR WITH prisons and police stations because of her father but coming in on her own was terrifying. She was completely shaken, she didn't let FP know that when she left him. What in the hell did this cop need?
"What can I help you with, sir?" Caden asked as the officer entered the empty room. Caden was on edge as she glanced at the one way mirror in front of her. She felt like she was in trouble.
"Well, I'm the new sheriff in town and would like to be updated on all my cases. The biggest one of the moment is your father." Sheriff Keller was young, like her. Probably was his first big shot job.
"Oh?" Caden acted nonchalant, glancing around yet again. She was going to be in a lot of trouble if she stayed too long... she couldn't tell this guy much because her fake truth might not align to what the Sheriff has heard before. She didn't want to get her dad in trouble even more.
"Yeah, the judge might grant him early release due to good behaviour." Keller said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the cold, metal table.
"Really?" Caden asked, truthfully surprised. Her mother hadn't mentioned it, nor had FP. " I had no idea."
"I would assume you wouldn't, but with your ties..." The sheriff sighed, placing his hat down on the table beside him. "I can't always know."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Caden didn't like the way this way going. He sounded like he was accusing her of being a Serpent! How did he know?
"You're DeSantos' kid... and you're dating FP Jones I hear?" Why was he interrogating her suddenly? It changed from her dad in jail to FP? Keller was up to something... "I believe that you would have some intel on what goes on in this town."
"I might be dating FP casually, what's that supposed to do with me or my father?" The young woman shrugged her shoulders casually, although her tone was frigid. Where was this cop getting his information from? Should she divulge how close she was with FP?
"Caden," the sheriff sighed, "I'm smart, okay. Your father is a notorious member of the Serpents. Your boyfriend is heard to be the new leader of the Serpents. Very dangerous people you are surrounding yourself with. Especially if they're both leaders of a notorious gang."
"B-But I'm not in the Serpents." This, was true. She wasn't... yet.
"But you could be, eventually." Tom was trying hard to get something out of her.
"How do you know that?" Caden was surprised, "is it because I'm Southside trash you're saying that?!" Tom's eyes widened slightly, not realising how accusing her would rile her up.
"I know people like you, Caden. Have you heard of Alice Cooper?" Tom brought up the name, hoping that the young women knew of her. Alice Cooper could be a good influence on her.
Caden shook her head, "no, never."
"Well, she was a Serpent once. But she made a better life for herself." Tom's words lingered... Should he say it?
Should he tell her about Alice Cooper and FP Jones?
"Okay...?" Caden didn't understand what the Sheriff was saying.
"I hope you can do that too," Keller sent her a small smile. "I know you're a waitress at Pop's... I don't think you want to do that for the rest of your life, do you?"
"N-No, I'm only 21, sir."
"I know, just know you do have options. If you want, there's a position here at the station if you want a better job, a better life..." Tom Keller didn't want to imply that she lead a double life... but that could beneficial to him and the troubled young women. She could be his insider.
"I-I'll think about it," Caden said shortly, crossing her arms in self preservation. She did not like how Tom's eyes were analysing her carefully, she felt naked under his gaze.
"Thank you for coming in, Caden." Tom stood up from his metal chair, motioning for Caden to do the same. He reached out his hand to her, hoping she would take it.
"Not a problem, sheriff." Caden felt weary as she stood up to shake his hand.
"Think about what I said... And while you're at it, look up Alice Cooper."
º º º
CADEN STOOD IN FRONT OF FP JONES AFTER EXPLAINING what had happened at the station an hour before. She didn't like how the meeting with the sheriff went– Tom Keller was up to something and Caden knew it in her gut not to trust him.
"He said what?!"
Caden winced at Forsythe's tone of disbelief and anger. "That I could have a better life... work for him...?"
"That's bullshit," FP seethed in anger, pacing back and forth around the room. He never liked the law because of how he was raised. And now they were trying to use Caden as a pawn? FP knew that the officers in Riverdale knew that Caden was involved with him. "What the fuck are they thinking at that station?! He's trying to make you— you— a snitch?"
"It would be a life... yes, but I don't want it!" Caden didn't know how to calm her boyfriend down, he was livid.
"Like hell it would be! You have a family here." FP raged and for a moment Caden swooned at the word family. He was her family. "He's trying to tear us apart!"
"Hey, hey, hey." Caden stopped Forsythe from pacing, pulling him into her embrace. His hands wrapped around her while his chin dropped to rest on the top of her head. "It's okay, I'm not going to do it."
"I won't leave you."
long time, no post!
short chapter, i know. if you want another chapter soon please comment. spam me with comments if you'd like.
the more comments, the more motivation ;)
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