( get up and see the sunlight ! )
I groan into my pillow when I hear a knock on my hotel door. Who would be knocking on my door. I choose to ignore it and try to go back to sleep. They eventually leave.....right?
Wrong. The person on the other side kept on knocking. "Go away!" I yelled groggy.
"Its Roman!" I bang my head against my pillow. Not him. Roman continued to keep on knocking. I cuss under my breath and threw the covers from my body. I stomp over to the door and yank it open. "What?!" I exclaimed.
Roman rolled his eyes, "Well good morning to you too."
"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.
He pushed past me and looked around. "I was thinking we could spend the day together."
"And I'm thinking you can leave before I make you leave." I say walking back to my bed and laying in it.
"All come on Charlotte!" He exclaim. He walked over to the curtains and pulled them open revealing the sunlight. I quickly put the covers over my head.
Roman tugged on the covers, "Come on Charlotte, get up and see the sunlight."
"No I don't want to. Now please leave. I just want to spend my day off watching Flash and being down about losing my title." Roman finally was able to get the covers off of me.
"That's sad." He commented.
"I know it is; I have a very sad life. Now can you really just leave."
He shooked his head and smiled wide. "You're going to spend the day with me. Now go get dress."
"Do I have to?" I ask silently hoping the answer is no."
I groaned and stand up. "Fine." I mumble.
Roman ploped onto my bed as I grab some clothes for the day. "Don't take so long." He said in a cheerily voice.
"Fuck you." I said mocking that cheerily.
I do all my hygiene stuff I need to do. I throw on a plain white shirt, with black ripped pants, and my black boots. I did my makeup simple since I didn't feel like doing nothing at all. I threw my greasy hair into a braid.
"There. Ready under fifteen minutes." I say walking back into the room.
"But it felt like forever." Roman exaggerated. I shake my head and grab my phone from its charger.
"Come on, let's go before I change my mind." I say. Roman got up and followed me out the door.
"So where are we going?" I asked him once we're in the elevator.
He pats the backpack on his back, "I thought we could go to the park."
"Ooh that's gonna be fun! Its gonna be so hot that I will cook like a hot dog and grass is going to be bothering me!" I say sarcastically.
He shakes his head. "You need to stop being sarcastic; its very hurtful."
I smile a little, "Sorry, I can't help it. Its just the way I am."
Roman smiles at me. "You're too cute." I make a face. Me cute? Oh please.
I roll my eyes and took out my phone. A picture of my younger brother pops up as my wallpaper. I smile and race the picture. I sometimes just turn on my phone to see the beautiful picture captured.
"So what are we gonna do?" I ask Roman when we start walking to a grass area. He took out a frisbee from his backpack and handed to me. "A frisbee?"
"Yeah." He walked far away from me. "Now throw it!" He exclaimed.
I threw it lightly and Roman catches it easily. "Oh come on throw it harder."
I roll my eyes and catched the disk. I then threw it with more force but Roman wasn't pleased. "Oh you throw like a girl!"
"Because I am a girl!" I yelled.
"Throw it like this!" Roman exclaimed. He threw the disk very rough but I luckily catched it. I stumbled back with it and feel right on my butt.
Roman brust out laughing. I groaned and glared at the man. I got up and dusted myself. "You want me to throw it harder? I'll throw it harder." I throw the frisbee with all the strength that I have. I purposely aimed it at Roman's face and just as planned, it hit him right in his face knocking him off his feet.
I chuckled and walked over him. By the look on his face he was caught off guard. I stand in front of him with a smirk plastered on my face. "You told me to throw it harder and that is what I did." He rolled his eyes and brought me down with him.
"Are you serious?!" I half yelled as I layed next to him. He shrugged and laughed.
"That's what you get baby girl." I roll my eyes and slapped his chest.
"The pink ones taste like crap." Roman commented.
"No they don't. I can't believe you like the green ones, they taste absolutely gross to me." We were currently having a argument about jolly rangers. This man was absolutely insane.
"You are terrible person." He said.
I unraveled my braid and let my blonde locks free. "So I been told." We walked over to a bench that was in front of a playground. When I sat down the warmed bench burned my butt a little.
We sat there in silence watching children full of laughter being kids.
I miss being a child. As much as I suffer not having my dad here, I had my brother and my sister. We all have always been closed. Megan, Reid, and I would have the best times. We were each others everything. Megan was the wild and outgoing sister. I was the quiet and shy one. No one expected much of me. Reid would always comfort me when I would get hurt by something someone had said. He was my everything. He still is. He is the one who held me above water, but he couldn't breathe underwater.
I watched four little girls on a bar type thing trying to pull themselves over the bar. It reminded me of myself when I was first starting out in gymnastics. That image makes me chuckle. Roman followed my glance and nudge my shoulder. "Go show them how its done."
I hesitated at first, unsure if I should go. I bite my lip and sprung out my seat and ran to the bars.
My hair bounce therw the air. Sweat collected on my forehead. The girls luckily moved out of the way. When I reached the bar, I gripped it tight and did a kip to get my hips leveled to the bar. That boasted my confidence and I did a back hip cycle. I almosted lost my grip on the bar but I manage to keep a tight lock. I couldn't help but let a giggle out.
I tried it one more time and nailed it. I swange threw a couple more bar moves. I loved the feeling of having the hard rusted metal hit my hip bones. I likes to see my hair swing around, loose and free. I wanted to go upside down over and over again.
I forgot about my dad; I forgot about Sasha; I forgot about the woman's championship; I just forgot about life.
This cheapy piece of bar was my universe. My body moved as light as a feather. Gravity forgot about who Charlotte was. I am now Ashley, the girl who was cared free and in loved with the flowers singing.
The bar was high enough for me to excute a dismount. I simply did a back tuck dismount and landed perfectly. It was a simple dismount but it meant something to me.
I smiled wide once my feet were back on earth. I threw my hands up like I would when I was little. Though no one was clapping for me, in my head I could hear my siblings younger self's clapping for me.
I was brought out of my trance by Roman clapping for me. His bright smiled shined through my tortured soul. "Well done." He said raspy. I smiled back at him. He was caught off guard by my true smile, but continued to show one of his own.
I am happy that Roman brought me to the park. My dark sky's were gone.
For now.
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