( i'll wait for you as long as you want me too )
I woke up with the sun shinning down on my face. I groaned and covered my eyes when I felt my head hurting, I probably shouldn't have drank so much but oh well it was worth it. I rolled over and to my surprise, there was a wonderful man sleeping next to me. A smile danced upon my lips remembering the events from last night.
I traced the artistic pattern on his arm with my index finger. Roman likes me and I like him. It was a relief off my chest. I felt if I could finally breathe now.
I gave Roman a kiss on the cheek and slowly got out of bed. I ignored the pounding in my head because I was too happy to care. I threw Roman's button up shirt that he was wearing last night, over my naked body. I tip toe into to the bathroom and closed the door behind me softly.
I stand at the edge of the doorway, with damp hair on my back. Roman stirred and stared at me with those loving brown eyes.
"Good morning." He spoke.
I smiled widely and jumped on the bed, laying next to him.
"Good morning." I said to him.
Its been a long time since I had one of those nights. Its been a long time since I had somebody make skin contact with me. Its been a long time since I had kissed someone.
Roman cupped my face and brought me closer to him. He climbs on top of me and I wrap my legs around his torso. He kisses me deeply. To my surprised, he didn't have bad breath. The thought of that made me giggle. I was being extra happy today.
"Did you sleep good?" I asked as he kisses down my neck.
"I slept perfect since I was next to you." He said into my neck.
I ran my fingers through his wavy black hair. "You know that I have to train to today."
He groans and places his head on my chest. "I know but I don't want to let you go so fast."
I hug him closely to me, "I know, but after today our little paradise will have to go away."
He looks me in my eyes and kisses me again. "I know, but lets not worry about tomorrow and the days after that. Let's put all our attention today."
He places a small kiss on my nose and gets off of me.
I sit up and look down at his shirt I was wearing.
"I guess I have to give this back to you then." I say starting to unbutton the shirt.
He shakes his head and pulls on a black shirt. I notice that he was in grey basketball shorts. "Keep it. I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't want to stink when you woke up.
So I walked to my room and took a shower and came back. I just didn't want you to think this was a one night stand and you don't mean anything to me, because you mean everything to me."
I smiled wide and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. I mean everything to him and that made me incredibly happy.
"Charlotte, your gonna over work yourself."
"I don't care, let's just do it again. I need to prefect my moves." I said climbing back on the top turnbuckle.
"Your moves are already perfected, you can almost do anything." Roman said redoing his bun.
"But I need to make sure I have this solid, just in case anything happens outside of the cell. I need to be prepared for anything." I said.
"What do you mean if anything happens outside of the cell?" Roman asked serious.
I shooked my head and ran a hand through my tangled hair, "Nevermind, let's just do it again."
Roman nodded his head hesitately, "Okay, just take it easy."
I was going to preform a full backflip, it was much more trickier than just my back layout. I couldn't exactly calculate if I was going to hit the target. I just needed to take the risk.
I had been working at this local wrestling gym for about five hours and I was exhausted. My body was aching. My legs were wobbly. Everything seemed blurred out. I wanted so badly to stop but I couldn't. It's probably not smart for me to continue working myself out but I needed to. I needed to redeem myself.
I gave myself a quick heads up and without thinking too much about it, I threw myself up and let my body do all the work.
My feet landed perfectly on the mat that we had set up. Just as I thought I had landed it, I lost my balance and collapse on the mat.
I felt heavy footsteps run towards me and haul me up. Roman kept a steady hand around my waist and a arm around my shoulders. I groaned when I felt myself get light headed.
Roman swooped me off my feet and set me down on the ring's apron softly. My hand went to my head. I had a pounding in my head, probably from all the thinking I have been doing.
"Okay that's enough for today." Roman said sternly.
"But Roman I need to work on my moves and strength. I need to be read."
"Charlotte you are going to drive yourself to an injury. You are tired."
"I just want to be prepare."
"You are more than prepare." Roman looks at me and frowns. "You seem to be thinking a lot. What's going up in that beautiful head of yours?"
I sigh. I have thinking about everything again. I really need to stop over think everything but I can't help it.
"I'm so scared. I feel hopeless."
"You are not hopeless."
"There's just a lot of things going on right now and my head is clouded with thoughts."
I look at Roman and place a hand on his cheek.
"I am really sorry for bringing you in this mess."
He places his hand on top of mine, "Don't be sorry for anything. I'll told you that I was going to stay by your side for through out anything."
"I just don't want you to drown with me." I said to him. Something popped in my head that I really didn't want to do but I felt if I had no option.
"Roman let's not rush into things right now. Let's just focus on this huge wall in front of us. I can't afford for something that belongs to me to get hurt."
Roman stared at him. He gripped my hand in his, understanding what I meant. "I will always belong to you."
Roman was the only pure thing in my life. He lifted me up so high. He guided my hand through the dark. He truly did save me.
"I'll wait for you for as long as you want me too."
My green orbs stared into his honest ones.
"I will never leave you. Okay let's wait till this whole war is over. I want to bring you out of the rumble and show you off. I want you to be completely well and focus. I want you to complete this dream you have."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me.
"We will be together one day."
Roman kissed me softly on my lips, "One day."
When you feel that bang in the chest and the suffocation in your lungs, you know you have fallen deeply for someone.
Hiii babes! You guys don't know how much I missed you guys
(LLLLOOOLL calm down bitch, it wasn't even a week)
I decided to give you guys a chapter because I feel good today, I guess that's since its my birthday.
Ahhh yes children, millions and millions of years ago this little rat was born!
So this book literally have 8 more chapters left till the Epilogue and trust me, I feel so sad about it. I am gonna try to update some time this week. Again I'm still struggling through a few things but eh one step at a time.
Just from me to you;)
Happy Birthday me.
Stay Strong❤
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