( tell me what type of person to be then ! )
I unlock my hotel room feeling absolutely drain from my previous work out. I had just gotten back from going out to lunch with Roman. What he said early was still in my mind. The thought of what he said, makes my heart flutter.
I threw my gym bag on the bed and my eyes widen in the sight in front of me.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Where were you?" He says completely ignoring my question.
I clear my throat, still freaked out on how he got in my room. "Why dose it matter?"
He smiles a little, but not a true smile. He was pissed off. I knew the man with tattoos ways. "Because Ashley, you are my wife. I just want to make sure you were safe and sound."
By the sound of wife made me want to gag. "1. I am not you're wife. Don't you remember getting the divorced papers? 2.Don't call me by my real name, and 3.How did you get into my hotel room?"
"1.You can keep deining that you're not my wife. 2. I can call you Ashley, and 3.That is for me to know." He says mocking me.
"You are psychotic, strange, and absolutely clingy. Um remember back two years ago when would come home constantly drunk or high screaming and yelling at me. You didn't care about me then, why would you care about me now?" Venom dripped out of my mouth.
He chuckles and gets up from the hotel spinning chair. He walked over to me. I looked up at him. He stood at 6'0, just a couple of feet above me. People sometimes don't take him seriously, he easily scare the living crap out of someone in a blink of an eye.
"This isn't the type person you should be Charlotte."
"Tell me what type of person to be then."
"That's easy." He brushed him hand with mine, sending chills through out my body. Funny how he still has the same effect on me.
"You should be a selfless caring girl who practically sings that she's in love. You should stand in my locker room supportly each night after my matches. You should kiss me with those luscious lips and stare at me with those jewals eyes." His arm with some of those black ink tattoos snake around my waist and pulls me close. I look up at him frozen in place. Only he can make me feel paralyzed. "And there you are looking at me with those jewal eyes that I missed so much."
Before I can even think about pulling away, he crashes his lips onto mine. I don't kiss back. I refused to kiss back. His fingers grazed the tips of my hair. Finally he let go of me and smirked. "I'll see you later Char."
I watch him walk out of my hotel room. I placed my fingertips on my lips.
What exactly dose the devil want with me?
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