Chapter 1
Brooks Pov:
I packed my last bag, making sure I have everything in my suitcases. "LEE, come on buddy, we need to pack. Today is our last day and we have a flight to catch at 6 am in the morning." Lee came running to our room and I helped him pack his things. "Why can't we stay here with uncle David and pops? I like it here and I have my friends here, papa."
I sighed and set down next to him on the floor. "I am sorry bubs, but I got a new job directly in London and it is beautiful there. You can see grandma and your aunties almost every day. Maybe uncle Jude will be here too. And your dad wants to see you too, Lee. I know you don't like spending time with him and his girlfriend but please do this for your dad. It is not his fault that he fell in love with Kirsty." Lee hugged me and closed his eyes. "You are way too good to everyone. You are like an angel while dad is the devil." I looked down to see a few tears escaping his eyes.
"Lee, you have to understand that falling in love isn't something you choose. Your dad and I were in love for a long time but we were not meant to be like uncle Andy and uncle Rye. But maybe he and Kirsty are meant to be. If we didn't break things off as soon as we did, your dad might be secretly meeting her and he would lie to us all the time. Sometimes it is better to let go than to hold on. And someday you and I will find someone too."
Lee wiped his tears and smiled at me, kissing my cheek. "You deserve it, you have been the best father there is and I can't wait to see you falling in love again, papa. I can help you look, like a young wingman. Waitt, will we live near uncle Randy? Because they are my favorite uncles." I laughed and nodded. "Good because then maybe I will enjoy living in England." Within a few minutes Lee fell asleep and I put him on the bed, making sure he gets enough sleep. Soon I fell asleep too.
Next day:
I got woken up by my alarm, so I got dressed and then I woke up Lee. "Papa, I still want to sleep. So sleepyyy." I smiled and sat him up. "Bubs, you need to get up now, you can sleep on the plane. Now, we need to eat and then get to the airport, okay?" He nodded and started to put on the outfit I put out for him.
After we both got some breakfast from my uncle, we put all the stuff in the car, and uncle David drove us to the airport. "I will miss my boys. Take good care of your papa, will you Lee? And always remember, your name comes from your grandpa Lee, who was one of the strongest people I have known but so is your dad and so are you, my little boy. Luckily for you, your parents didn't go crazy on your name." We all laughed. "Your name is beautiful, Lee David Daniel Duff Wyatt." Lee hugged him tightly. "Thank you, uncle David. I will miss you too." Lee went to sit on one of the chairs to wait for me with the luggage.
"Gib, take care of yourself and Lee. But most importantly, enjoy your life. Lee might only be five but thanks to you, he is one of the smartest boys. Jack and you did a good job with him but since you've been alone, you have accomplished to raise this beautiful boy all on your own and I am so proud of you. Send me pictures of you all every week, okay?" I nodded and we hugged it out for a while until I took my things and got Lee to check-in.
Soon we got on the plane and had a long journey ahead of us. Lee could sleep anywhere just like his dad. He is the perfect mix of Jack and me. Curly brown hair, green eyes, skinny just like Jack, and a very beautiful singing voice. He speaks Greek and English fluently but we started teaching him Spanish for quite a while now too. It was a mutual agreement between Jack and me to raise him bilingual and if he agrees to it, he will learn as much as we can support.
I looked at Lee as he silently snored, putting his hands next to his head to support it, and soon I fell asleep too. Not a lot of time passed when I got woken up by a stewardess. "Sir, we are landing. Please wake up your son as it can be quite scary to wake up while flying down." I smiled and said thank you before slowly waking up Lee. "Good morning buddy, we are in England. Just flying down soon and you might want to see that." Lee excitingly looked at the window as we flew lower and lower.
As we got out of the plane, we called a cab and got to our apartment where we saw Andy, Rye, and their little daughter Lucy waving. Lee ran out to hug them while I got all the stuff out and paid the driver before wishing him a good day. As I put all our bags towards the front porch, I was hugged by Andy. "Hey Brook, it is great to finally see you again. I missed you a lot." I hugged Andy back and smiled at them. "I missed you all too. Especially little Lucy is growing so much." We quickly caught up on the latest gossip as we went inside to put the bags somewhere. We sat down in the living room to talk more.
"Have you talked to Jack recently?" "Actually yeah, because from now on Lee spends one weekend a month at his house. We just made some arrangements and he and Kirsty got engaged. Pretty crazy everything." Rye looked quietly in my direction. "Are you okay with that, Brookie?" "Yeah, it is not like he owes me anything and after we broke up, I told him that he shouldn't hold back just because I was still in love with him."
Lee ran around until he landed between us. "You know, papa and I will look for a new lover for him. He needs someone to kiss and love. And maybe I then don't have to see dad that much because he is just sooo boring. He always spends time outside when I am not allowed to or he spends his time in his room while Kirsty and I do fun things." Rye and Andy looked pretty shocked at me. "Do you know why Lee doesn't get dad time?" I looked down and my face definitely spelled guilty all over. "He smokes and gets high during those times. He only takes Lee because he doesn't want to be the father who just pays some money for his child because according to Jack, cigarettes are very expensive nowadays."
We talked for several hours until they had to go home with Lucy, so Lee and I decided to go out for some food. As I would work at the restaurant the following day, we decided to go there. We both got dressed and made our way which wasn't very long. As we entered the building, Liss came forward. She is the lovely lady who hired me for the evenings. "Brooklyn? Is that you? I thought you were starting tomorrow?" She looked very confused until she saw Lee next to me. "No, I am so sorry, we just wanted to grab a bite as we haven't gone food shopping yet. I also wanted to show my son around." She smiled and kneeled in front of Lee. "Hello big boy, how about you and your papa sit in a more excluded area and I will have Harper coming to take your order."
We both thanked her and she smiled as she went back to her office. As we sat at the table, Liss wanted us on, a beautiful man came towards us. "Hey guys, I am Harper. You must be Brooklyn and you must be Lee. Liss talks about you all the time." I smiled at him. He had gorgeous blonde hair and his smile could probably light a lot of dark areas around the world. "I am indeed Brook and I thought I could show Lee here the area. Lee has never been directly in London, just in Essex mostly." "Well, how about I show you guys around and in the kitchen I will take your order to the chef?" Lee jumped up and down on his chair. "That would be amazing, thanks, Harper."
We got up and Harper went in front of us to show us around. "The first room will be the staff room. Lee can stay here at all times, only if you want of course, as the staff room has game consoles and desks for homework and we have a small room with two beds if anyone needs a nap during breaks." Harper opened the door for us and what I saw is something I didn't expect. The whole room was themed pastel colors. It was really beautiful. "Papa, it is so great. Please let me stay here after school." I laughed at how excited Lee was and it made me happy knowing the little boy had no problem fitting in. "It would be great because babysitters are really expensive and we would have more money for the house." We left the room again to go further.
"The next room is the kitchen. Our chef is one of the best in this area." He opened the door and I was more than shocked to see a certain someone in there, cooking. He turned around and looked at me the same way. "BROOK??" "MIKEYY??" God, I couldn't believe it. I quickly moved forwards to hug him tightly. "Mate, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Greece with your fiance enjoying your Mamma Mia dream? And who is that little fella?"
My smile faded quickly. "Wait, you don't know about me and Jack? We split up months ago. Five months ago and he went directly back to London with his new girlfriend." Lee came forward and shook Mikey's hand. "Lee David Daniel Duff Wyatt, five years 4 months and 12 days old. It is a pleasure to meet you." Mikey looked even more shocked at my son. "Wait what?? How was I not informed that Jacklyn had a child that has the second-longest name I know? I thought we went over this many times that a child can only have one middle name, Gibson." He turned towards Lee. "It is my pleasure to meet you too, Jacklyn baby."
Lee quickly pulled his hand away. "I am just my papa's child. Not my dad's. Because he is an absolute asshole." Mikey finally pulled me out of our hug. "Why would you say that, little Brooklyn? Don't you like your dad?" "Mikey, I don't know how to exactly tell you this but Jack changed. I let him go and ever since Lee has been born, Jack used weed and alcohol to calm him down. But he will be okay, I hope so. He will get all the help he needs." Soon I was pulled back into a hug from Mikey.
"Well, to lighten up the mood, how about Lee and I cook something for us all? Harper can show you the rest of the restaur- Wait no I have a better idea. What if we get the whole band together? We could cook a few bites for everyone. Are you still talking to Andy and Rye?" I smiled at how Lee immediately joined Mikey and how he got so comfortable so quickly. "Yeah, we talk to them every day. I can call them and Jack. What about Sonny? Should we invite him and his girlfriend Minnie?"
Suddenly Mikey started laughing so hard he almost fell on the floor. "God, that joke never gets old. He is still saying his 'girlfriend' is called Minnie? God, he is a funny man." I looked irritatedly at Mikey. "Why is that so funny? Is her name not Minnie? What have I missed?" Lee raised his hand before he started talking. "I think what uncle Mikey tries to say, is that he and uncle Sonny have been dating for three years now and they wanted to wait to see when you, papa, would figure it out." Mikey and Lee did a high-five and laughed. "How does everybody know this?" "Welll, when uncle Sonny came to visit us with his family, uncle Mikey called and they didn't notice that i was right next to them. I figured it all out pretty quickly." I really have the smartest boy.
"Well, I will call everyone and you will call Sonny? Good, Harper, can you show me around more as well?" He smiled and replied with a very sexy 'yeah'. What? He is a very sexy man. There is no denying that because just one look and you're fucked unless you are a lesbian or a straight man I guess. Anyways, I and Harper left the kitchen and sat down in a quiet area. "Could you stay with me for the following call? It's my ex and I just don't want to be alone." Harper pulled me closer to him so my head laid perfectly on his chest. "Of course, just remember I am here. Just hold my hand tightly if you need me to say something." I nodded and dialed Jack's number, feeling a little shaky because sometimes if he is drunk or high, he gets aggressive and mean.
Then I heard his voice including his Irish accent. "Fuck off, Brooklyn. No one wants to hear you. Go back to Greece or wherever your dead father was living before he met your horrible mum. Don't call me anymore." "Jack, please. Mikey and I want the band to meet up. Will you come with Kirsty, please? Your own son will be there too. Please, Jacky, do this for the sake of the band." I took a deep breath waiting for his reply as tears rolled down my cheek and on Harper's clothes. He quickly wiped the tears away and kissed my head. I thanked him silently as Jack started talking again. "God, Brooklyn, don't you get it? The band is over and it's all Mikey's fault. He is to blame for everything. But fine, I will come. Does Kirsty know where it is? We will be there shortly." "Yeah, tell Kirsty to drive to the restaurant. She will know where. See you later, Jacky. It will be a good night, I promise." "Just fuck off and go take care of whoever your next victim is." And with these words, the call ended.
Harper hugged me a little tighter while I tried to relax, not thinking of Jack. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Let's call Randy, shall we? They are very nice, a little hyper but wonderful people." I dialed their number and a screen popped up seeing their faces on facetime. "Heyy, ohhh who is that hot guy with you Brook?" Harper blushed and I smiled at him. "That is Harper, he is my new co-worker here at the restaurant. Buttt, I just met Mikey and crazy thing, he and Sonny are dating. Like what? How did we not know? Anyways, we want to get the whole band together for dinner in half an hour. You up for it?" Rye and Andy sat there laughing their asses off while Lucy laid smilingly on Rye's lap. "Brookie, everyone knew Minnie is not an actual name. Plus we would love to come, we will be here shortly and I want Harper to stay. He looks hot and cute, almost like Rye but Rye is more of an introvert than cute. See you." With that, Andy ended the call, and Harper and I got the table ready for us to eat.
Only a few minutes later, the door opened and Kirsty came inside with Jack. "Brook, hey, it's so nice to meet everyone finally. Is Lee here too?" I nodded and hugged her. "This is Harper, he is a waiter here. Mikey and Lee are in the kitche-" Mikey and Lee came forward with some food when Lee saw Kirsty. "Kirstyyyy, hiiiii, what are you doing here? And what is dad doing here?" I watched them as Kirsty explained everything and only just a few minutes later Sonny, Lucy, Rye, and Andy came inside making it really dramatic. "Someone called for a band reunion? Roadtrip it is, dear ladies and gentlemen. Roadtrip live performing here on stage tonight. For one night only." Everyone started laughing at Sonny's little speech and everyone hugged everyone. We sat at the table and started eating. Lee sat between me and Harper and asked everyone weird questions.
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