Louis opened the door to his apartment, toeing off his shoes. "Honey, I'm home!"
Luke laughed. "Honey, I'm in the kitchen!"
Louis pad off to the kitchen, jumping onto it and swinging his legs as he watched Luke take a casserole dish from the oven and discard the oven mitts.
"How was your day?" Luke asked, snaking his arms around Louis's waist.
"Great," Louis said, shifting in Luke's grip.
Luke frowned and pulled away. "You've been distant with me lately."
Louis shrugged, eyes casting away. "I'm sorry." The truth was, Louis was bored. He was bored of his and Luke's relationship. There was no thrill in it and he just missed Harry.
"It's our neighbor, isn't it?" Luke asked quietly. "You wish you were with Harry."
"Luke, I'm in love with Harry! I can't just stop myself from caring about him!" Louis said with a frown.
"Oh, I'm sure you just miss your sex life with him! I can't give you all of the good sex that you want!"
Louis frowned deeper. "Luke, our sex is great-"
"But I'm not into being called Daddy and I don't tie you up and I don't punish you. You enjoy being a little slut for Harry and that's all you'll ever want to be!"
Louis's jaw dropped and his eyes watered over. Luke frowned, realizing just what he said, but he didn't take it back, moving to cut the casserole. Louis hopped from the counter, pulled on his shoes, and left.
He went for a walk, going to a nearby café and sitting down, eyes on the table. He snapped his head up when he felt someone sit across from him.
Zayn gave a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey," he said quietly. "Look, I want to apologize for that one day. It's all my fault Ashton and Harry had sex."
Louis shrugged. "No, it's not."
"But I bet-"
"I know what you did," Louis interrupted. "But you do not control Harry's actions. He does. It's his fault. It's as simple as that."
Zayn sighed, frowning a bit. "All Harry does is sulk. He misses you."
"Oh, all he does is sulk- when he's not fucking Ashton," Louis hissed.
Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Ashton hasn't had sex with Harry at all since that day. Ashton is my boyfriend now and I trust him."
Louis's jaw dropped. "Ashton's your... But, just a few weeks ago-"
"Ashton told you that he and Harry fucked because he's protective and doesn't want you around Harry. Harry has feelings for you and Ashton just wanted to protect him. That's all."
Louis was shocked. They hadn't really fucked but one time? Though, it didn't make any sense. "Harry said that-"
"You were accusing him of it and he was pissed off so he just agreed," Zayn explained simply. Louis stared.
"Okay... Okay, but how come Ashton has been at Harry's constantly?"
"I told you Harry's been down. He doesn't eat until we force him to. He barely sleeps. He quit his job. He's... He's hurting himself, Louis. I'm not telling you to get back with him. But I know you can persuade him to get healthy again. You're the only one who can do it."
Louis but his lip. He was scared. "If I see Harry again, I might make a mistake and kiss him or something. I love him."
Zayn nodded and gave a soft smile. "He loves you. He does. He's just difficult."
Louis laughed quietly. Yeah. He was difficult. "Okay... I'll go see Harry. But I want you to make sure Ashton isn't around. I don't really like him."
Zayn nodded. "I can understand that," he said softly. "It's fine. Ashton's at my house. Go to Harry now."
Louis nodded, standing up. He knew he had to. He had to help Harry and break up with Luke. Not necessarily to be with Harry, but because being away from Harry and being with Luke made him unhappy.
Louis rushed up the stairs to Harry's apartment, knocking on the door. He heard movement almost immediately and Harry opened the door. He looked awful, as he'd looked when Harry came to see him after the 'break-up'.
"Oh. Hey," Harry said, voice dull. He thought Louis had come to tell him something important or else he wouldn't be here. "Wanna come in?"
Louis nodded, stepping into the house. It was a mess. Harry didn't apologize for it. He led Louis off to the bedroom, which was pretty clean, surprisingly.
"I came to tell you that I love you. And that I want you to stop hurting yourself."
"Zayn sent you here," Harry said immediately. "I know he did. I'm fine, Louis. I don't need-"
"You do need my help! You don't want anyone else, Harry. You want me. I know that now. I'm sorry I've been so cold."
Harry frowned, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "You... You are sorry?"
"Yes. I'm sorry."
Harry sighed. "I'm sorry, too."
"I know," Louis said softly, reaching to take Harry's hand. "I know that you're sorry, Harry. And I miss you so much. You make me happy. But I can't continue with the relationship we had. Maybe we can start fresh- as friends."
Harry nodded, biting his lip. "I think I can handle that. I'd just... I'd want to touch you, Louis. I miss you."
Louis nodded. "That's okay, Harry. Only no inappropriate touches. I know that you'll be used to that but I want to go slow."
Harry nodded, suddenly pulling Louis into a hug. "Thank you."
Louis smiled the first real smile in a long time.
the end
Read the epilogue my bitches
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