Hey, Lou, I've got a free night and I was wondered if you'd like to come over for dinner and a movie? I've got to talk to you about something. -Liam
Louis sighed, thumbs hovering over his phone. He'd love to go eat some of Liam's yummy homemade food, but he now had to ask Harry to go places- except work and the hospital, if needed- and Louis didn't really feel like being spanked anytime soon.
In fact, Louis was worried about the whole entire process but he didn't find it reasonable to tell Liam about the situation he was in.
No, thanks. I'm feeling a little ill. -Lou
It was simple, but just enough explanation. A lie.
Alright, but soon. This is important to me. -Liam
And, oh, Liam must have a crush on a girl and needed Louis's advice. Or... something along those lines... Except this is now and Liam's gay and taken.
Louis sighed, crossing his legs as he scrolled through Twitter on his laptop, lazily favoriting a bunch of stuff and waiting- waiting for something to happen.
Luke suddenly burst into the room, eyes lit up. "Louis! Harry, Jesy, and I are going to the club, d'ya wanna come?"
"My club?" Louis asked, scratching his wrist nervously. Lord knows what Harry would do to him at a club and if his boss happened to be there and see it, he'd think Louis was unprofessional.
"'Course not, Lou, that's bartender's code not to party at their place of business, innit?"
"It is," Louis agreed. "Okay, I'll come out. Jesy's coming? I like her."
"Yeah, her and a few friends."
Louis nodded and got up, deciding to change clothes. His phone buzzed and he picked it up, reading the text from Jesy.
Coming out with us tomight? xxJesy
Yeah, Luke just asked. I suppose I can come. -Lou
Goodie! Want to come over? (: I can dress you up. Surprise that boy of yours. (; xxJesy
And, okay, Louis couldn't leave without permission but this was for Harry. Louis was going to wear girl clothes.
He replied, telling Jesy to send him her address, and packs himself a small bag- including pink panties- and made his way to his car, thankful that he didn't run into Harry.
He followed Jesy's directions to her flat and went up to her flor, knocking on the door she'd told him was hers.
Except, Jesy didn't open the door. A girl with white-blonde hair opened it, smiling at him.
"Hey! Are you Louis? I'm Perrie! Harry's your boyfriend, right? He works with me! Jesy's inside setting up! Come in!" The girl said all in one quick notion, startling Louis, but be let her drag him inside and towards a back bedroom were another girl was starfished on the bed. Jesy and one more unknown girl came out of a large closet, holding tons of clothes in their arms.
"Louis! How are you?" Jesy asked, grinning. Louis shrugged, watching her lay out the clothes.
"I only need one outfit, Jesy."
"Oh, love, we can't know what looks good on you until we try it on," the girl beside Jesy said, smiling fondly before adding, "I'm Leigh-Anne."
"And I'm Jade," says the girl on the bed, who Perrie was now sitting on, wrapped around her body like a koala.
"Okay, Louis, you're gonna let us dress you up now, right?" Jesy asked, a glimmer in her eyes.
And Louis said yes.
Louis nervously pulled on the end of the high-waisted black skirt that stopped mid-thigh. He was wearing fishnet leggings underneath with black ankle boots and a white The 1975 tank top, tied up in the corner. His feathery hair had a tiny little now clipped into it and he had on makeup, but the dark eyeliner showed off the blue in his eyes and the pink blush made his hollow cheeks glow.
He was standing in the middle of the dance floor, swaying as the other girls danced around him.
Jesy suddenly squealed and they all turned to see that Luke had popped up behind her, frightening her. Harry was there, eyes hungrily raking over Louis's small, curvy body as if he was a vulture and Louis was his prey.
"Where's your phone?" Harry asked quietly as he pulled Louis closer by his petite hand.
"At Jesy's," Louis replied. "I wanted to surprise you and I'd be tempted if I had it."
"Why didn't you ask Daddy to leave like you're supposed to?" Harry asked, allowing Louis's arms to wrap around his neck.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," Louis whispered, cheeks tinting red. "I just wanted to surprise you."
"You're lucky I know Perrie well... And... You do look very pretty," Harry complimented. "I love-"
"The 1975. I remembered and saw the shirt... Wanted to look a little grungey."
"Don't interrupt," Harry reminded Louis, but still smiling fondly. "I'd love to see you in pink, though. You'd be very pretty. Although, these leggings are making me want to fuck you against the wall or something."
Louis blushed, burying his face into Harry's chest. "I'm glad you like it, Daddy."
Harry rubbed Louis's sides and kisses his feathery hair. "I really want to eat you out, Lou."
Louis blushed, shuffling around awkwardly. "You do?"
"I do. You look delicious," Harry whispered. "Want my tongue in your arse, princess?"
"Yes," Louis said immediately, remembering the first- and only- time he's been eaten out, all thanks to Harry himself.
"Hm?" Harry hummed, smacking Louis's bum lightly.
"Yes, Daddy," Louis squeaked.
"Good boy. Wanna take it to my car? That way you can come back and have fun with your new friends? Or do you want to hang out and then I'll take you home and eat you out?"
"The second option," Louis said immediately, not wanting to get caught in the compromising position of someone seeing them.
"Alright, let's step back into their circle."
Louis allowed Harry to guide him back to the four girls and Luke, all of them smiling when spotting the boys.
"Do you like Louis's outfit?" Jesy asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Very much so," Harry replied, shoving playfully at her shoulder. "He looks good."
"Delicious, even?" Perrie snickered, causing the group to laugh.
"Were you guys listening!?" Louis asked with a blush.
"That was a private conversation," Harry snapped.
"Please don't punish me," Luke said, pretending to shake in fear, "Daddy."
"Fuck you guys," Harry muttered as Louis cradled his blushing face, feeling humiliated.
Jade, who was giggling quietly, patted Louis's shoulder and offered him a shy smile. "We're just teasing, Louis. You and Harry can do whatever you want- it's not abnormal."
"What- do you call Perrie 'Daddy'?" Leigh-Anne said with a smirk, making everyone laugh this time- except Harry, who was merely biting back a small smile.
"Let's dance!" Perrie cheered, dragging Louis to the dance floor and starting a very interesting night.
I'm really tired so I'm gonna just go to sleep if I can- hopefully I can. Goodnight.
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