Harry pushed his hair from his eyes, searching for his shirt. He really needed to get to work.
It was seven in the morning, but it was his choice on the times he worked. His uncle owned the icecream and sandwich shop three blocks away, Ice to Meat You.
Stupid name.
But, Harry got paid for lounging around and that's all he ever wanted in life. Sometimes he'd go help out at the mechanics shop next door, makin twice the money, but Harry's been distracted lately and he really needed to pay some bills.
Harry finally found the maroon button-up, pulling it on and leaving the top threw buttons undone. He squeezed into tight jeans and stepped into the cool October breeze, making his way to his car and pulling open the door.
On his way to the shop, Harry decided to send Louis a text.
Are you working tonight? xH
No. I'm heading to work now. A girl needed me to take her shift, but they days aren't usually busy so I'll be home around noon. -Lou
Harry read the message at a stop light and sent a quick message back.
I'll be at your house at 2. Better make sure Luke won't be there. (; xH
Harry pulled into the shop's lot and got out, going to the door and greeting his friend Perrie, who was at the counter, leaning against it.
They normally didn't get customers until around eight besides the few stray runners looking for something to drink.
"Hey, Harry," she greeted, smiling at the lad. "Finally back to work?"
"I've been busy," Harry replied, stepping into the back to grab a tee from his cubby. He undid his shirt and pulled on the ugly lime green shirt, cringing.
"Busy with what?" Perrie scoffed. "It's not like you have a real relationship."
"I didn't say I was busy with a relationship," Harry replied as he came up behind Perrie, wrapping his arms around her and placing his chin on her shoulder, having to slouch awkwardly.
Perrie chuckled, awkwardly tapping his head, be for the tinkling bell chimed.
"Get your slutty hands off my girlfriend," the customer, Jade, said, narrowing her eyes at Harry.
"Sorry, Mum," Harry grumbled, pulling away from Perrie. The two girls exchanged a quick kiss before Jade ordered a blueberry pomegranate smoothie.
Harry set to work, not looking forward to this day.
Until three, that is.
Louis was really nervous. So nervous that he didn't even reply to Harry's text. He knew Harry would come over either way.
And, although Louis wanted to have sex with Harry, Louis was practically a virgin. His last time having sex was when he was twenty and he's nearly twenty-four now.
Besides this fact, Louis was just never good in bed. He was loud, probably annoying because all he did was whine and whimper.
It's not that he didn't trust Harry to make him feel good- he did!- but Louis was scared that Harry would be too rough on him.
Nevertheless, Louis made sure that Luke would be out- he had work until seven so yes- and cleaned himself up well in the tub.
It was only two. Louis didn't know what to do with himself until he got a wild idea.
Praying he still had it, Louis dug through the small box at the top of his closet- he used a chair to retrieve it- and found two bottles of nail polish, given to him by his sisters when he saw them a few weeks ago.
The prettier one was a peach color that would look good with his tan skin. He sat on his bed, letting out a deep breath.
He'd painted his nails before, but it would always be when he was playing with his sisters. He became pretty good at it, so the peach Polish came out smooth and shiny on his nails.
He painted his toes the same color, hoping it wouldn't turn Harry away. It was a little girly, but Louis's always been a fan of girl things.
He raved over girl outfits in magazines and picked out polish colors for his sisters. When he was younger, he played with dolls and dressed up as a princess.
This was Louis's darkest secret. It wasn't normal.
But Harry likes to be called Daddy, so he didn't have much room to protest.
His nails had just finished drying when there was a knock and Louis frantically put away the box, yelling, "One second!"
He went into the den, opening the front door and greeting Harry.
"Hello," Harry said with a smile. "Watching more porn?"
"No," Louis said quickly, a blush on his cheeks. "'Course not."
"You must do that a lot since you never have sex," Harry stayed, inviting himself inside.
"No," Louis lied.
"Ah, okay, well I know that's a lie. We must talk about the rules."
"Daddy's rules," Harry said with a smirk.
"Do you have, like, a paper I can tack on my wall?" Louis asked, rolling his eye.
"No," Harry says. "But we can make one."
Harry smirks and shuts Louis up by kissing him, pushing the door closed and shoving Louis against it. They kiss for a few minutes until Harry pulls away and asks Louis for his laptop.
The older lad fetched the laptop and they sit on Louis's bed. Harry opened up the notepad, naming the file "Daddy's Rules".
Louis sat back and let Harry make the list before Harry turned the computer to let the lad see the list.
Daddy's Rules
1. If ever in dominate mode or any sexual activity, don't say Daddy's real name.
2. Accept all punishments like a good boy.
3. Don't ever tell Daddy no.
4. Don't come without permission.
5. Don't touch yourself without permission.
6. Do what you're told without hesitation or argument.
7. Don't have any sort of sexual or flirty relationship with anyone else.
8. Check with Daddy if you want to make plans.
9. Always ask nicely.
10. Be Daddy's good boy.
Louis glanced hesitantly at Harry, biting his lip. "Punishments? They'll be worse than the other night?"
"Sometimes I'll spank you, deny you from coming, make you come more than once, tie you up and leave you alone... Things such as this. I hope you'll just be a good boy and follow my rules."
"You take this so seriously," Louis said quietly.
"Yes, I do. If you ever want anything, baby, just ask me, yeah? I want you to become a little more... Experienced. I'll even buy you toys and let you play with yourself, yeah?" Harry offered, smiling warmly and Louis bit his lip harder, breaking the skin. "Don't hurt yourself, Lou," Harry cooed. "What's so wrong with this?"
"I just... It's so different," Louis said quietly, making Harry chuckle and take Louis hand. He just so happened to glance down and immediately smiled fondly.
"I didn't know you painted your nails."
"I don't," Louis mumbled with a blush. "I just... Sometimes I like to feel pretty," he whispered, making Harry's eyes glisten with lust.
"Yeah? Want Daddy to get you some panties? A dress? Heels? Anything you want, baby," Harry cooed.
Louis shook his head. "That's too weird-"
"No, love, lots of gay couples do it, even ones who don't say 'Daddy'. This is actually good, I was hoping you'd do something like this."
Louis smiled shyly and then widened his eyes when Harry stood. "Are you leaving? I thought we could... Well, I wanted-"
"Louis, calm down. I'm taking you to go buy some pretty things, okay? I'll take care of you when you're completely comfortable."
Louis blushed, standing up. "Really? You don't think it's odd?"
"No, baby boy, it's just fine. Let's go, okay? Then I'll fuck you good in your lace panties."
QOTC: How well do you think Louis's going to take the cross-dressing? Do you think he'll be uncomfortable or...?
PQOTC: Does anyone drive? What kind of car do you have?
MA: Yaaas I have a 2013 jeep and a 2008 mustang but they're both my dad's technically
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