Satomi was still a 1-year-old child- a baby to be more specific, so it never failed to amaze every one in the League of just how intelligent the little girl was and them wondering just how far that said gift could go and be of benefit to her and them.
The kid was also starting to learn how to walk and whilst she still didn't know how to speak properly, she sure as hell understands very complex things some not even a grown adult could get easily.
But I guess her gift of intelligence shouldn't have come as that much of a suprise... after all, her biological mother did have the same gift along with the rest of her side of bloodline- it was never a quirk, but merely a genetic thing that obviously proved to be extremely helpful.
However, it seems as though little Satomi has over-surpassed the level of intelligence of her own mother; her mother who was a well-known hero that worked with the great All Might with her husband and has taken many S-ranked villains to Tartarus with her own hands.
That fact was starting to be awknoledged within the League and has raised some tension.
Everyone sat around in the tiny shed of a home that served as their temporary base, all holding a cup of steaming instant ramen that Compress had stolen from a convenience store two cities away from where they were.
The atmosphere was nearly silent and tense.
Satomi sat on Dabi's lap, clad in stolen warm clothes that consisted of winter socks, leggings and a thick padded coat, and as well as a giant bow on her head for decoration that Toga continuously pestered Dabi about to have the child wear.
In terms of clothings to keep someone warm in the harsh evening winter, Satomi was the most well, appropriately, and maybe even over-dressed as the scarred villain feared of the possibility of waking up to craddling a frozen corpse.
Dabi was blowing on the steaming noodles as Satomi squeeled and whined with impatience to try the unfamiliar food that was out of her typical diet of manufactured milk, hitting on her non-biological father's forearm that held the cup of ramen to express herself other than crying.
"Patience, princess." The scarred villain sighed out, giving the child a disapproving frown. He wasn't going to allow himself to raise an impatient and possibly explosive child just because she didn't get what she wants when she wanted it. "It's either that or i'm not giving you noodles at all... your choice."
But Satomi only responded to whining more and scrunching up her face— a sign everyone knew very well that she was about to cry. And with crying came with screaming and tantrums.
Everyone knows that a crying child is one of(if not the most) annoying and draining thing to ever be in contact with.
But as Dabi had said to himself multiple times before: he wants to be as much of a good and better dad he can be to Satomi, which meant having to deal with the child's constant outbursts and having to work on having a very high level of patience himself.
Satomi was already an orphan and is currently being raised in a poor, unstable and dangerous environment. Dabi doesn't want to give her another issue.
"So you don't want any noodles then." The scarred villain raised a brow with a pout, his words immediately causing his child to scream and cry and worsen her hitting on his forearm— it was actually starting to hurt.
Spinner frowned from where he sat, silently watching as Dabi struggled to calm the child down to no avail. It was both undeniably annoying and concerning.
"She seemed pretty stressed out earlier today as well." The reptile-mutant villain shared, Dabi immediately snapping his head to look at him dead in the eyes with furrowed brows.
"Yeah, you think i didn't know that, Monty?" Was all the scarred villain replied with, with a snarl.
Satomi had always been vocal and obvious when there was something she didn't like— this fact has always been true since the beginning; when Dabi brought her in when she was still six weeks old. Though those negative moments seemed to have always been overshadowed by the more happy and high-seratonin moments.
Despite her seemingly high intelligence, Satomi is still a baby that can be difficult to deal with at times... however it seems as though this past week grew to be even more challenging. It was a gradual process, but those in the League who payed a close enough attention to the child could see just how much minor details were starting to upset her— so much so to the point not even Dabi could figure out the reason for her outbursts at times.
The highly energetic and playful child that served an unhealthy amount of seratonin to readers was slowly transitioning into a child that was, unadmittedly, giving the League more hardship than before.
Though Dabi never once thought she was becoming a burden– never once thought she even was in the first place despite some moments where he was tested to think such.
Dabi merely thought this was just a normal process all parents go through with their children.
"Sam- no!" The scarred villain immediately ate the noddles dangling from his chopsticks and swiftly moved the cup of steaming ramen to his other hand before Satomi vertically hit down on his forearm with much more force than before, leading to his right hand being aggresively brough down to his knee.
If Dabi hadn't moved the cup away before then, both of them(especially Satomi) would have been burned.
"Control your damn kid!" Shigaraki seemed to have had enough and practically became the voice of what most of everyone was thinking in that moment.
"You don't think i'm trying to do just that?! And watch your language around her!"
Dabi's frustration was starting to get the better of him and the fact that Satomi was practically screaming in his ear wasn't helping one bit.
"I suggest taking her out of this little cramped shed for a bit." Mr. Compress softly spoke up, making sure not to frustrate everyone any more than they already were, including himself. "She might have been feeling claustrophobic."
And Dabi did as that.
He immediately stood up from the broken couch, Satomi on his left arm and the now-half empty cup of instant ramen on his right hand. Twice quickly moved to open the door for them and close it back once they were out. Almost as if on cue, everyone there had let out a sigh of relief to finally be away from all that screaming and crying.
It seemed like Satomi really did just feel claustrophobic. As soon as they got out of there, her cries began to halt until the child could do nothing but let out hiccups and snuggle into Dabi closer for warmth and comfort. She was back to being an adorable baby.
Dabi couldn't help but to sigh both in relief and realization. "So you were suffering in there, huh..." He frowned, "I'm sorry, princess."
Any ideas for a quirk?🤔
The last time I updated was in october of 2021 and noe it's 2023(´Д`) anw i'm back hehe;>
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