Sixty Five: Lover Contrast
Yes, updates very close xD But I have everything planned and I will also be in Auckland, NZ for 3 weeks as of Jan 8. I might not get to write as much so I want to be at a certain point in the story.
Love you all xx
Maybe delectable isn't the word I should use, for my own emotional safety, but damn, she does look delectable in the dress she is borrowing from the collection Ginger left at my apartment.
Kalie had been nervous to accept, but when I explained that I didn't want to go, and that she could choose from Ginger's dresses, she said yes.
Right now she's wearing one that Ginger deemed 'too schoolgirl', a pale pink gown that contrasts well with my own rose gold one.
"Why does he have so many charity events? I hear people think he's kind of a dick," she asks, turning away from the limo window to look at me.
"It's for that exact reason. He's keeping up the appearance of rich asshole. He can throw these parties whenever he likes, wherever he likes for whatever he likes. It's self-gratifying, but it's still charity so no one should have any complaints," I respond.
Instead of the manor, the event is in one of Bruce's penthouses overlooking the city. It's not far from my own, so we get there after a short ride.
The expected swarm of paparazzi are there to gobble up a sight of anyone. I imagine the DA attending the party with a girl, her secretary/assistant no less, will be interpreted in all sorts of twisted ways.
I also imagine that Eli will accuse me of turning out in order to gain the only advantage he might have on me; the LGBTQ+ community.
Of course, should he assume that, I'll destroy him in the comeback.
The limo stops and the driver gets out. I take a deep breath, ready to smile and ignore the stupid, shouted questions.
My door opens and the cameras are blinding as I step out, flicking my dress aside as I do before stepping up over the curb, onto the sidewalk. I give a smile and a wave before turning back to the car, holding my hand out for Kalie.
Noise increases tenfold when she steps out of the car, almost deafening. I can see a bit of panic rise in her eyes and I have no choice but to grab her hand and help bare it.
"Smile and don't let go," is my short advice before I turn back to the crowd, leading her with me.
Her finger's tighten around my hand painfully, like I'm going to leave her behind or something. Ignoring the questions shouted at me on our way down the path, I slow down, allowing her to walk right beside me.
She's so tiny, nowhere near my height.
We are welcomed into the complex and lead to an elevator with platinum walling. Typical Wayne styles.
When the elevator doors shut, Kalie lets out an exasperated sigh, bending slightly like she's going to vomit.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're out with me a lot. Why is this coming as such a shock to the system?" I ask, trying to sound as un-condescending as possible.
"Am I suppose to be used to it? Wait- Are you? Is that even possible?"
The elevator dings and I grab her hand again, "Smile. Feel free to talk, too. You're not an arm piece, you're an associate."
I've never been to this particular penthouse, but one step in and I can tell it's the grandest.
Larger, at least twice the size of second place. Everything is styled metallically, looking futuristic and bright, creating a wintery-cold feel.
Very luxurious, very soulless. I suppose it's what Bruce was aiming for though.
People around the room make eye contact, waiting for me to respond with a smile as a symbol to talk. Others whisper among themselves.
I accept the smile from Lucius Fox, COO of Wayne Enterprises and builder of the batmobile and Bruce's other gadgets. He's the most familiar face I see (at least, the most tolerable) and so we meet half way.
Starting with Lucius was a good choice. We laugh, I introduce him to Kalie, we talk about the election and he tells me he supports me.
It's casual, and exactly what I needed to survive the rest of this night(mare).
Next it's city manager, then my friend the mayor. Commissioner Gordon, a couple of random socialites whose I've spoken to before but not bothered to remember and a few businessmen and businesswomen.
Following a goodbye after a cheerful 'We'll be voting for you, Miss Meadow!' I turn around to look for another person that might be of come use to my campaign, when there are dark jade eyes staring up at me.
He's always been adorable, especially is his little suits.
Damian isn't giving me a flushed glare or a coy smile. Instead it's a sour, confused look, like someone forced him to come over here and talk to me.
I don't think he's too mad. I think he doesn't know what to say. But either way I can only look back with a blank stare.
They've been mad, ever since the Sukiyo incident. A lot of people died.
When the truth got out about what I had done to Jason's mother matters were only made worse. I haven't spoken a word to them.
However, there's a package from Nanda Parbat burning a hole in my clutch, which means I need to speak to at least one of them. Tim seems the most manageable, but he's buried so deep in Wayne Enterprise board members that getting him alone will be impossible.
Obviously unable to pluck up any motivation or confidence, and probably discouraged by my lack of reaction, Damian puffs his chest out and turns around, walking away from me.
It hurts.
"Jeez, what's his problem?" Kalie asks, taking a sip of her champagne. Damn, I want some.
"He's just confused," I say, turning to look at her, but instead seeing the ultimate target walk through the doors. "Kalie," I murmur.
She looks up at me, before following my gaze to where Eli has just walked in to the penthouse with his husband attached to his arm.
"Stay sharp," I tell her, hooking my arm with hers before striding through the room. Eyes follow me, as they always do, but this time it's because people are looking to witness a showdown.
Impossible, though. Showdowns only happen when the contenders are of equal skill. Eli wishes.
He dons a fake-ass smile, squaring his shoulders and holding his chin high.
"Venus," he says brightly, pointing one hand out like I'm an object being presented to his lover.
And, what the fuck did he just call me?
"Mr Delaney," I smile back, much calmer, much more collected. What makes it all the more satisfying it that, I am literally looking down on him, heels mixed with height.
He is puny.
"You're late. Did you have problems getting in?" I ask. He flushes slightly, but still manages to stay under control.
"He was just working so hard time passed quickly," his husband comes to his defence, cuddling up to him. A pretty little boy, with fair hair shaved short on the side, creating that ridiculous teenaged boy cut. "You know how it is."
I shake my head, staring at his brown eyes, "I'm afraid I don't. Business attorney work sounded very tedious to me, so I aimed higher. But I'm sure a fraction of the work I do could sum up to something like your husbands."
So polite it sounds, so impolite the words.
"I'm sure," the boy-man replies tightly.
"Venus, this is my husband Chris," Delaney says, like we're friends.
"Lovely to meet you," Chris lies, holding his hand out. I glance at it, reluctant, but classily accept the shake.
"Likewise. This is my friend and secretary, Kalie," I say, gesturing to her. It's the same awkward shake, only she has to do it twice.
"Friend? I'm sorry, I assumed it was more from the way you're holding her. I apologise for that," Delaney says. I hear what he's implying; 'It looks like you're stealing my advantage'.
"Oh? Yes I suppose the media will look at it like that. But Gotham knows me. They know I don't need to stoop or lie to try and gain the only community in the city that might be on the opposite side."
Fake smiles falter on both of them. Mine (and Kalie's) only increase.
"Do enjoy the party," I tell them, pressing a hand against Kalie's back to move her along. "I'm sure you'll find a supporter of your own...somewhere. You'll have to look hard though."
With a last smug mirth, I turn away from them and the two of us stride back across the room.
"You really know how to burn people," she mumbles, which makes me grin.
After that, there really is only one person I need to talk to. I can't exactly speak about what I want to with Kalie there, however.
Being here with her definitely contrasts to the similar situations with Jason. Instead of a hand on my waist, my hand is on her waist.
He, whose broad shoulders and thick limbs result in an imposing presence. She, whose petite stature and delicate features result in a gentle presence.
So different.
"I'm sorry," I turn to her, smiling, "but I need to talk to Bruce alone. Is that okay?"
Brown eyes flicker to the man at the head of the room, suspiciously, before moving back to me.
"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"
"I won't be long, there's just something we have to discuss. Get something to eat, perhaps?" I sound like an idiot, "I promise I'll be quick," I say, slowly releasing her.
Seconds later there is someone behind her, taller. I realise that it's Tim when I take a step back.
"Venus, who might this be?" He asks, lies in cerulean eyes.
He must have been watching; my gesture to Bruce, letting go of her. He's helping.
"Tim, this is my secretary, Kalie. Kalie, this is Bruce's Wayne's third ward, Timothy Drake."
"Hello," Kalie greets, but tightly, like Tim was interrupting us.
"Hi, I've heard about you," Tim responds with a charming smile. I start to slip away after that, feeling like I'm abandoning her in a way. I nod a small thanks to Tim, not bothering to wait for a response, before turning to where Bruce is.
He's already watching, even though he is surrounded by a few people in a conversation.
Swallowing my pride, I walk over, having to receive smiles and acknowledgements on the way. When I reach the group, they turn to me simultaneously, eager for the chance to express their support.
"Sorry to interrupt everyone," I smile, ignoring their attempts to appease my 'guilt'. My eyes stay on Bruce, whose fake smile is actually quite convincing, "Bruce, I wonder if I might show you something? It just arrived, from a friend in Nanda Parbat."
Ever the greatest detective, his smile doesn't falter, but he understands.
"Of course, I have the observation equipment in my office," he responds, excusing both of us before leading me away, towards the interior door.
He opens it, inviting me through first. I step through and everything changes. I reach into my clutch (he seems on guard for a few moments, like I might draw and shoot him) but instead I pull out the small box and note.
"About four hours ago. Got home, it was in my letterbox."
He reads the note sceptically as we walk down the dark hallway. At the end, he presses his thumb against the open head of an ornament.
The entire wall slides back with a soft bang, before sliding into a gap on the right, revealing a small but no doubt efficient secret room.
Without opening the box he walks in. I think of following, and boy do I want to, but I'm not up for standing by awkwardly. Plus, I don't want Kalie to be mad at me.
"Look, I just thought I'd take it to you for investigating. It's not like I want whatever is inside. Let's just...leave it at that," I say, folding my arms and staying in the 'doorway'.
Bruce, who looks very serious and very Batman compared to how he was a minute ago, simply gives a stiff nod.
Neither of us need to say anything unspoken. We understand; this is not forgiveness or truce. This is a situation of no other choice.
Silently, I turn around and walk back down the hallway, stopping at the interior door. I'm ignoring it, or trying to, at least. The pain in my chest at the disappointment in his and Tim's and Damian's eyes when they look at me.
I don't need them.
Deep breath, fake smile, graceful walk and I'm back out into the snake pit.
I find Kalie, looking as reluctant (but attempting to cover it) as she can, dancing with Tim. I decide to collect her and go home. I don't want to be here anymore.
The one thing I was really after doesn't seem to be here.
He guesses that, because of all of these vultures surrounding her, she doesn't pick up on his stare.
It is there though, boring into her. The sparkling dress, the cascading waterfall of her mahogany ponytail, the flawless skin, the elegant motions.
Few things can distract him though from the arms she has around her secretary. When they walk in they're holding hands. When they travel they're hooked at the elbow. When they stand her arm is around Kalie's waist.
One thing that does distract the hold is the look in Kalie's eyes. Such adoration and infatuation that he wonders if he ever looked at her like that.
Had he been the instigator of his own replacement, by introducing them?
Nothing was going to plan. He was supposed to show up, looking good, showing her he didn't need her.
But the moment he saw the crowded room filled with people he wishes he had her body to clutch and he voice to whisper courage into his ear.
He never had the patience to face these people. Paired with how flawless she was without him there, it crushed his confidence.
The thought of descending the steps from the upper-floor outlook made him feel sick.
He realised, I can't do this type of thing without her.
It's also when he came to the conclusion that everything he had done leading up to this was with the intent to see her again.
The tie, the car, the plan.
He needs to snap out of it; follow Roy's advice, perhaps. Get out on a job and kill something. Remind himself of who he was before he ever decided to help Bruce protect Gotham elites from the Sons and the Brotherhood.
He needs to forget.
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