Da Club
This video was my inspiration for this one shot because my son is adorable. If you want to get a better image for this story, I suggest checking at least the last 16 seconds of it.
I walked around in the club in no certain direction. Why did I let Jared drag me here? We were playing videos game when Jared asked me. I didn't have any other plans or excuses so I just went with him. Now my anxiety was acting up.
My eyes wandered around until somebody caught my eye. Connor Murphy? Crap. This isn't good. Now my anxiety was going crazy because of all people, my crush was here. His dark brown, shoulder length hair bobbled around as he walked. He had his usual black jacket on and her was walking towards me. Wait, what. I looked into his startling blue eyes, with some brown color in the right eye. I had to do something.
"Ladies, gentleman and aliens, welcome to A La Mode and our Annual Acapella Riff Off" a large man began, "Let me explain the rules. A random category will appear and the teams will have to choose a song that fits the category and sing it when I point to you. If you can't, your out. First, we need some volunteers. Anybody?"
I looked away from the guy to Connor. Connor's gaze hasn't shifted and he was still walking towards me. Without thinking, I walked backwards.
"So it seems we have our volunteers. I will split you into teams." The guy stated.
I was brought back to reality as I saw where I was. I was a volunteer. Crap. What if I mess up and everyone laughs? What if I sing off pitch? What if I fall on the middle of the competition? What if my voice cracks and everyone teases me for the rest of the year? What will Connor think? Connor! What if I mess up in front of my crush of 4 years? What if he hates me now? What if-? Tears started to form in my eyes but I blinked them away.
I broke away from my thoughts and saw that I was in a team. It was only men and they looked confident. I stated fidgeting and my hands played with the hem of my shirt. One of the guys noticed that and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You're going to do alright dude." He said softly.
The large man pointed to the board. "The first round will be," a couple of words appeared on the board, "Country Songs"
He pointed to the first team and they started singing. They actually sounded good. He pointed to another team to sing. He then pointed at us. I gulped.
The person on our team that comforted me started singing. I immediately recognized the song. A couple of others started the rhythm. Then the others added harmonies. I joined in on the harmonies. A couple of verses in I was much more relaxed. I was actually enjoying myself. He pointed to another team and we stopped.
The guy who comforted me leaned by my ear. "You have a good voice." He whispered. "I'm Jesse by the way."
I nodded. "Evan."I whispered back.
We played a couple of more rounds and with each one I got more comfortable. I even got a solo in the last one.
"The category is... Songs About Butts"
'Baby Got Back immediately started playing in my head. I must have been humming it because Jesse turned to me.
"Hey, how about we do that song next? You know the words so you can lead it." Jesse whispered to me.
"Uh, okayyy?" I whispered back, my heart go 1000 miles an hour.
"You got this!" He cheered.
The man pointed at our group, giving me no time to overthink this. My anxiety is going to get a kick out of this later. I took a deep breath.
"I like big butts and I cannot lie." I started.
"No lie!" Jesse added next to me. I smiled. The rest of the team started best boxing and harmonies.
"You others brothers can't deny!" I continued.
"I won't!" Jesse yelled.
"When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, and a round thing in your face, you get sprung!" I rapped.
While I was singing, I scanned the audience. I saw Jared. He had an amused look on his face. He's probably recording. I ignored the though and continued looking through the crowd. My eyes landed on Connor Murphy. He was here the whole time. Somehow, I forgot about him, which was hard to do considering my massive crush. I continued thinking about Conor while I sang. Bad move.
"But the butts' not what matters. You know what does? Courtship and chivalry. I'll take you to a nice hot meal and I'll tip the waiter..." I realized what I sang. Apparently I wasn't thinking about what I saying. And to make matters worse, I was looking directly at Connor while saying that. I felt my face heat up.
I looked at my team's faces. They looked like a mix of confusion, regret and 'I'm judging you'. I felt shame rise in me. I had no more control over what I was saying.
"Dude. What the heck was that?" The host questioned.
"I'm so sorry. I saw an angel and got distracted and my mind took over and-" I rambled.
The guy cut me off. "Never mind. I don't care. You're eliminated."
My team walked off the stage. I was heading over to the bathroom when Jesse stopped me.
"It's okay dude. It happens to all of us at least once. You might feel bad but at least you tried. Remember how nervous you were at the beginning? Look. You sang two solos. That's awesome. And if you enjoyed it you might wanna try it again. You could learn from your mistakes."
I thought about it. I did have more fun than I thought I would. "Yeah. That doesn't sound that bad."
"Cool man. Now I gotta go cheer my girlfriend on. Bye!" He exclaimed as he ran by the stage yelling, "Go Beca!"
Instead of continuing my trek to the restroom I stood still and watched the rest of the show. All of a sudden, there was a black figure above me. I looked up and noticed my face reddening. It was Connor.
"Hey Hansen. You did great up there. I didn't know you could sing." He complemented.
"Oh, uh, hi Connor. T-that's, uh, really n-nice of you." I stuttered, being more nervous than usual.
"Don't mention it. You don't need to be scared, it's only me. Can I, um, how do I say this? Crap. Buy you a drink?" He stated, Slightly blushing. My face went even redder.
"Oh. Oh! Y-yeah, sure." I said.
He lead me to the bar and handed me a drink. We sat down. I silently hoped he would forget what happened on stage.
"You look good on stage." He said, breaking the silence. My crush just said I look good. Wat.
"You do too. I mean, look good. Like, in general. Like, all the time. Wait I sound like a stalker-" I rambled.
He chuckled. "Thanks Ev. Can I call you 'Ev'? I've decided I will call you 'Ev'." He stated firmly.
"Okay. I will call you..." I thought about it, "Con."
"So it is decided, Ev." We both laughed.
We talked a little more and had a good time.
"Hey, Ev? When you explained why you said that on stage, you said you saw an 'angel'? What were you talking about." He questioned.
And there it is. I mentally prepared for this to get awkward, and for Connor to hate me and never want to talk to me again.
"Um, I was, uh taking about a p-person." I said and he looked confused so I continued. "And that p-person was," I took a deep breath. "You."
He looked shocked. "Oh. Well then. I could say the same thing." He stated.
I am so confused.
"Oh?" I asked.
He shook his head and took a deep breath. What happening? Without any hesitation, he leaned over and kissed me. I jumped but quickly melted into the kiss. It was over too soon. He pulled away and put his forehead on mine.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while. I hope we can do it again." He said breathlessly.
He got up and walked away. What the heck just happened?!?! I looked down on my lap and saw a piece of paper. It had Connor's number on it with a little heart. I couldn't help myself and did the dramatic helpless-in-love sigh that you see in movies. Today was a great day.
Jared came running towards me.
"Okay Tree-boy, two things. One, I got your whole performance on tape. And two, you just kissed emo-vampire-stoner-kid. MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" He screeched and ran around. I sighed. What the heck was I going to do with him?
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