First night
And Jake was getting bored while he looked to the camera system, watching how the rest of the building wasnt much more than he saw before. It was the same rotten, moldy and grungy.
Everything was silent, while the lightbulb twitched, thing that only made the room more annoying for Jake. There was no middle point, or everything was very annoying due to Greg's fault, or everything was too silent without no one talking to him.
By accident, Jake hitted with his foot to a box that was below the table, and filled with curiosity, he decided to pick it up and see what was inside. It wasn't very had to open it, due to its lack of padlock or something that will keep it closed.
He placed the box in the desk and opened it, curious about what was inside. His surprise was ruined when he saw that all that was inside were some devicies that could perfectly appear in a sci-fi movie.
Fortulately, there were some notes for each device, so he at least would know what each one would do.
"Sound location radar: Detects sound sources
White noise generator: makes white noise with adjustable frecuency
Pulse detector: checks the pulse of the subject"
Jake really apreciated those explanatory notes, but, why didn't Greg talked about these devices? Did he forgot to mention them? He would tell him about this when he could and better that he has an explanation.
He looked back at the secutity cameras, because he was payed for this, checking over the place with the cameras. So he opened the system again, and started looking in all the cameraw, searching for those "toons". The hallway, the meeting room, the kitchen, the toilet... all those cameras were empty, no one was visible in them.
However, in the mascot's prep camera, was diferent. There was someone, or, something. He finally found one of the Toons. A Mickey mouse, with white fur and... blue skin? That was... melting? All the Toons are like this?
Intrigued, and with the new tools on his hands, Jake decided to go and to his work. He took the box and his notebook, got up from his seat, and started walking towards the prep room, where the Toon was.
Thank God that the monitor of the computer was a note that showerd where were the cameras located, otherwise he wouldn't know how to get to the dammed prep, it was very hidden ref. the others.
Even though, he didnt needed to get to the room. That white and blue Mickey managed to open the door and get to the hallway. Okay, this thing is smart enough to open a door, a concering thing because this was a humanoid creature and not an animal, thought Jake
The creature just moved its melted ears side to side, probably analyzing the surroundings. And even though the creature was looking at Jake, it seemed like it ignored him. As a test, the threw his pencil to the floor, and without hesitating, the inverted Mickey rushed towards the pencil, took it, and when it realiced it was just a pencil, it throwed it back to the floor, losing its whole interest on it.
Jake crouched and took the pencil, as he started to note everything he saw on his notebook.
"Subject 1, Inverted Mickey
Melted Mickey with inverted colors, with agresive behavior and aparently blind, so its guided by its hearing"
The toon just bothered in kept listening, it knew something was wrong, something shouldnt be there. But Jake, fooling him, walked just when the toon took a step, confusing it and making it think that they were its own steps.
When he was close enough to the toon, he decided to have fun with the devices. He took the white noise generator out ot the box, try to be as silent as posible, while the inverted Mickey kept trying to locate him.
But with just taking the generator out of the box, was enough noise for the toon to locate him, so it inmidiately turned back and stared at him.
Slowly aproaching, it surely didn't had good intentions, so Jake didn't hesitated ane used the white noise generator.
At first, the toon just kept walking towards Jake, but while he kept increasing the white noise's frecuency, the toon started walking back and covering its ears. It seems like its ears were very sensible and had an efficent hearing, because Jake couldn't hear the white noise anymore.
Jake took this oportunity to get closer to the toon and use another device, the pulse detector, and put it close to the inverted Mickey's chest. After a few seconds, the detector made a beep, and the result was 0. This Mickey wasn't alive, or maybe it didn't had a heart.
Thanks to the white noise, the toon didnt heard the beep or Jake's steps when he left. He has been here enough, so he turned of the generator. He could keep an eye on it with the cameras in the office.
But something happened that gave him chills. A deep voice, with a whisper, talked. "Hey". Jake turned back, just to see that the inverted Mickey was staring at him, with a dead and empty gaze. He did the most reasonable thing he could do, take whatever he had close and throw it so the toon got distracted.
He escaped, due to that inverted Mickey getting distracted with the object that Jake threw, and got the office faster than he thought. He put the devices on the box, and sitted in the low-quality chair he had.
He decided to cheek the camera system and continue with his duty. The only thing that happened was Jake not being able to hold his laugh wgmhile he watched the toon alking around the building for 2 hours, because it was really stupid and always passed through the same rooms.
Jake was genually having fun with the toon, and started thinking that maybe, MAYBE, this job wasn't that bad. He just had to watch over these creatures, it wasn't that hard.
Those thoughts dissapeared sooner than later, when he started hearing steps close to him. Inmediately after those events, Jake looked at the noise source.
A white-skined rabbit with black fur peaked out from one of the doors that leaded to the office. It had the same features as the inverted Mickey, like being melt, or the fact that its eye sockets were empty, blacked, and had that lifeless gaze.
Then, Jake remembered what Greg mentioned about the cameras, they make a loud noise when shutting off. And because the rabbit was getting closer, he decided to shut off a camera, the kitchen's one, specifically.
The noise of the camera, as further as it was, could be heard in the office. This just annoyed Jake a bit, but the rabbit toon, which was already entering the room, turned back abruptly, and it runned away, probably to the dammed camera.
Jake just sighed in response, while he took his notebook again to write about this new toon.
"Subject 2, Rabbit without arms
Its a rabbit, without arms"
He wasn't in the mood to write about these things anymore.
And that's how he passed the night, watching the cameras, while the two toons some times walked on some of them, and some others passed throught the office. Either way, Jake could do the tests to the rabbit as well. As a result, and it was a bit obvious, it was blind, guided by its hearing, and its heartbeat was the same as the negative Mickey, 0.
Being him silent by nature, he just saw how the toons walked through the office. There was a lot of space between the entrances and the desk where Jake was, the toons just passed in that space, and never tried to walk towards him. If they did got too close, Jake automatically threw whatever had close, a pencil, a cardboard piece, a metal scrap (it was a bad idea, the toons got mad at it and broke it) whatever he had, in order to make the toons leave.
The night felt infinite for Jake, but he did really apreciated when a sunray hit his face. Well maybe he didnt liked it too much, but he at least felt relieved because his turn in the office finished. He was going to sleep 10 hours today.
When the clock chimed at 6:00 am, for some reason, the toons looked at each other, and decided to walk away from the office, like if they didn't had more time to walk. Jake obviously noted that, he was getting payed for it, so he will write every single thing he saw. Classifing the data was their work, not his.
Jake inmediately relaxed, and rested his head in the desk to sleep a bit. What a shame that the phone ringed, again. Couldn't he had rest for a minute?
He just growled, and took the phone, without even getting up from the desk.
"What?" Jake ask, he just wanted to sleep, what could this old man want now?
"Hello hello Jake, how was the night? It wasnt that hard, right?" Greg replied, with a playful tone
"Yeah yeah, coming from you, that you didn't trusted me and i would die, i dont have that feelin'. Just know that i heard you sayin' that" Jake said, completely pissed off. Greg just stood in silence, he didn't thought that Jake would heard him saying that
"W-well, but you are alive, aren't you?" Greg replied, trying to ignore what Jake was saying. He seemed nervous about Jake hearing what he said.
Jake growled again. If he was in front of Greg right now, he knew that Greg would feel ankward due to the dead look he would give to him.
"T-talking about another thing, i have to request you something" Greg said, and Jake rolled is eyes in annoyment.
"Could you go to one of the stores nearby? We think that maybe there are more toons there, so, could you investigate?" Greg asked kindly, trying to not make Jake more mad than he already was.
"Ugh, okay, i'll do it" Jake acepted, just to stop listening to Greg
"Thanks Ja-" Greg tried to say, but Jake ended the call before he could finish the sentence
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