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"there's something in the way you roll your eyes"
sidra; meaning 'like a star'
one year and ten months
☮genetic makeup☮
forty-five percent siberian husky
forty percent alaskan malamute
ten percent saluki
fiver percent greyhound
-sidra is a beautiful canine, weighing at around fifty-five pounds and standing at twenty-three inches tall at the shoulder. she is well-proportioned and well-muscled, even at her younger age, meaning she is likely to gain a bit more weight and get a smidgen or so taller. her siberian husky heritage gives her compact build and her natural athleticism, but like her alaskan malamute heritage, the dame is broad-shouldered and thickly boned with evident muscle tone and a deep chest, emanated strength and power in each effortless stride. her slight bits of saluki and greyhound blood offer up slightly thin and longer legs with lots of muscle in the haunches designed for galloping and leaping. the tips of her ears lean forwards ever-so-slightly, hinting that she isn't a full sleddog all the way through. and though before mentioned that her bone structure, though thick, is a little lighter than most sled breeds, but it is hardly detectable underneath her double coat of red and white fur.
-this female has a beautiful double coat that keeps her body nice and warm in the colder northern climate of her home. her top coat is a beautiful dark rich red color with the usual white secondary markings common in both the siberian husky and alaskan malamute. the white color can be found on the inside of her ears, around her left eye, the sides and bottom of her muzzle, the lower section of her cheeks, under her chin, her throat, chest, all four legs, her underbelly, the under part of her tail, her tail tip and she has a few white patches on her back, shoulders and flanks. her pelt is very thick, and the top coat is quite long, though it could of course be a little longer, and though the amount of saluki and greyhound is quite a small amount, it contributes ever-so-slightly to the length of her pelt, making it nearly a quarter shorter than it would be without that part of her genetic makeup.
-sidra is a heterochromic canine, meaning her eyes are two different colors. both are an almond-shape with black rims, but her right eye is a beautiful dark brown with hints of green throughout the iris, while her left eye is a stunning pale ice blue. both her eyes are very expressive and show so much emotion that one could almost be able to tell her whole life story just in the detail and thought that is reflected in her gaze. she doesn't quite like her bi-colored eyes and wishes that they were normal like every other dogs', but there isn't much she can do about it. her eyes do have a slight oval look about them, making them essentially a fatter almond shape which just adds to the expressiveness of her hues. both her eyes are very brightly colored and shiny, indicating her good physical health.
-this female was more kept-to-herself as she grew up, refusing to play with her siblings and risk marring her pelt or having them tease her because her eyes were weird. due to that she doesn't host very many scars under her dense pelt, those she does have mark up her lower back and face, courtesy of her former owner. she has a few on her neck and muzzle just from being put in her place by other 'boss-dogs' and learning where she fit in the pack. due to her distant sighthound bloodlines, this female has shock-absorber-like paws that are thick and hardy and keep her paw pads protected against the harsh ice she runs for miles upon.
"takes me back to a better time, when i saw everything is good"
-sidra is a bit of a perfectionist, for her, everything has to be perfect or else she is prone to having little anxiety attacks when things don't go over flawlessly. she gets very down on herself due to how critical she can be of her performance and sometimes the performance of others. she is very rational and is known to think, or even overthink, before each and every action. this dame is also a principled figure, she has morals set in place and has a good mind between what is right and what is wrong. along with this, this sleddog is a neat freak, especially when it comes to her pelt, as she likes to appear composed and like she has everything under control, even when with one glance any common dog can see that she doesn't. this female can't stand having a dirty pelt, or a dirty kennel, as she knows that that is something she will have to clean off of herself, with her tongue. not to mention that with such a thick pelt, this canine struggles to get even the simplest things out of all of her fur.
-this dog is a bit of an enigma, being both introverted and extroverted. her introverted side is very prevalent when engaged in any type of social interaction, she doesn't look her conversation partner in the eyes, she is constantly looking for a way out, she stutters and is obviously uncomfortable. part of this is due to her former sled team in which the older canines were very 'alpha-type' and didn't take well to a smaller and younger canine acting like she was their equal, and took simple things as engaging in a conversation, as a way of sidra trying to be the boss of the situation. however, this female has an extroverted side that only really comes out at night, when the team is settling down to sleep. this dame does not like to sleep by herself and needs to have some sort of contact when asleep, even if it only the edges of her fur occasionally brushing with that of another teammates'. without that little bit of acceptance, this canid is prone to feeling like an outcast which can damage her relationship with the team as a whole.
-sidra didn't have a very good upbringing, her original team was very abusive, emotionally and physically, and she was more than happy to be removed from that environment to the one she is in now. but since then, the female has remained emotionally bruised, such as her strange behavior about sleeping alone and constantly searching for that feeling of acceptance. not to mention her social skills, or lack thereof, are a direct result of her treatment and lack of a bond between her and her former teammates. though it may appear that this female is much happier, which she is, very much so, the canine remains very closed-off and guarded. she doesn't like talking about her past and would rather just put it behind her and live in the present. when straight up asked about her former life, this dame gets very terse and snappy, which is about the meanest she will ever get. seeing as she would rather forget that entire year of her life, it is understandable that she has no wish to speak upon it. if a canine was able to get this sleddog to open up, maybe they could help her work through some of her trauma, but she doesn't appear to be ready to lighten her mental load anytime soon.
-the red and white canid is a rather sad creature, and due to her young age, she hasn't quite mastered how to hide that emotion from permeating her gaze from the moment she opens her eyes to the dawn of a new day to when she closes them at the black void of the night, only to repeat the process again in the next morning. the dame has a number of regrets in her life, such as wishing that perhaps she had tried to establish a relationship with her siblings, maybe become a little more of a forward canine and then maybe her first owner wouldn't have selected her because she was 'submissive enough to fit in' but no matter what, she is much more happier now than she was back when she belonged with her former team. and despite this newer feeling of belonging, sidra still can't help but feel down on her luck, sure she played the hand that was dealt to her, and something good came out of it, but she can't help but feel that it will all go to shit in a matter of time. she is so used to things not going her way, that when her life is beginning to look up, she gets quite wary.
-sidra is a pessimistic fellow, as before stated, she is so convinced that something bad is around every corner that she has stopped believing that one day everything will calm down and she can be in peace. this canine has no belief that anything will turn out okay, and though many find her pessimism annoying and find her to be a real downer, she would love to be an optimist, but she has to be true to herself, and that truth, at least to her, is that nothing good ever comes from who she is. the dame learned a while back not to trust good things, even her owner, whenever she felt that maybe the dynamic between them was changing for the better, she was quickly proved wrong. which then forced this female to become mistrustful of most humans, especially men, seeing as her former owner was in fact male, and though he fed her and kept her alive when her packmates decided that for some reason or another, she was overstepping her bounds. every time she felt that maybe the dynamic of her old team had shifted and she was no longer the common enemy, she was yet again shown that she was still the common enemy and she couldn't put down her guard around the savage canines.
-as sad and mistrustful as this female is with her new team, she will always be loyal to them and to her new life, seeing as she already knows that they are different and aren't the kind of dogs to suddenly decide out of the blue that she is a threat that needs eradication. and though she remains wary of them, it will take time before she warms up to anyone. some would stop and wonder what is keeping sidra moving when she has convinced herself that life is completely against her and is standing in the way of her being able to prosper as an individual canine, and the answer to that is rather simple. this female is a fighter, determined, not one to give in too easily. she sees the easy way out and she turns away, she knows that life isn't easy and it is those that wake up and work their asses off every day to make it through that become legends and that become something and who get something out of life. this sleddog is all about the 'dying is easy, living is harder' mentality. she refuses to give up, even when most others do, when peta removed her from her former home and placed her in a foster home until an eventual adoption, her drive to work was so strong, she couldn't be controlled until she was sent to the team where she is now.
"walk me home in the dead of night, i can't be alone with what's on my mind"
☮three qualities☮
-firo; a giant black and white alaskan malamute with dark brown eyes, a fantastic sleddog, though not one to take orders, making him a horrible wheel dog, so he was a leader. he was strong and could make decisions to help benefit his team and did so quite well. he's a hard worker and never gives up, lots of his traits were passed down to sidra, though most of them have taken a backseat due to emotional trauma; firo and sidra never got to meet, seeing as her mother never really spoke of the canine because they only met for their breeding; alive; not in roleplay
-winnie; a beautiful red and white female siberian husky with pale blue eyes and distant sighthound bloodlines, she was the result of the attempt at creating a new breed of sled dog that introduced more sighthound blood into the husky and malamute breeds in order to create a more effective racing dog. however, some of the pups were either built with too slim body structures that they couldn't handle a sled, or their fur wasn't dense enough to keep them warm, so they had to introduce sighthound genetics in very low doses for the best results, which happened to be in the form of winnie and her littermates. winnie was a phenomenal sled dog, she was strong, smart and quick on her feet, making her an effective lead dog, traits that she passed down to her pups as well; winnie and sidra got along quite well, both understood that sidra was different in personality and that she was a little behind her siblings, developmentally, and winnie was more than welcome to keep sidra by her side. though nary a word was spoken between the two of them, the relished in the silence of each other and enjoyed one another's company; deceased due to a bought with brain cancer
-karma; a larger black and white male with pale blue eyes, he was built more like an alaskan malamute, with large paws and a hefty musculature, a bit like a fluffy tank. he was a very stoic creature with a mind of his own, often the ringleader for the mischief he got his other littermates into, he always kept a cool and level head and rarely ever got aggravated with any canine, which made him a very good lead dog. he didn't inherit much of the grace and gentleness that ran amok in his mother's veins which will causes him to tire out relatively quickly, but he is always training and working hard to build up his endurance even more; sidra and karma never really spoke, seeing as the female spent more time off alone with their mother while karma was all over the place with his entourage. karma didn't make fun of sidra and her bicolored eyes unless of course another littermate started it, and then he would join, but he never initiated any of the jeers; alive; not in roleplay; birch; a lean red and white male with icy blue eyes and a personality just as icy. he didn't like to take orders, but lacked leadership qualities which caused him to become quite stagnant as a sled dog, luckily his owner had a daughter that was big into mushing, and because she was a smaller kid, he could easily pull her by himself on a sled; sidra and birch fought often due to him being the main dog that bullied her because she was a little different, mainly in eye color, but most of it was due to his jealousy, though he would never admit it; alive; not in roleplay; blathnat; a larger, solid white male with dark brown eyes, though more oval-shaped than almond. blathnat looked the most like a sighthound than the others, and though his ears were triangular, they flopped down, though his pelt was longer and dense, it was quite a bit shorter than that of which belonged to his littermates, he had much longer and thinner legs and stood a head or two taller than karma, though he weighed much less. a very athletic canine, very smart, but with lots of energy. he would run laps around their puppy enclosure as soon as he was able to, just because he could; sidra and blathnat got along alright, their relationship was a lot like the one between her and karma; alive; not in roleplay
-urchin; a sleek, solid black female with pale ice blue eyes, she looked exactly like a husky, though black in color, she was the perfect size, perfect conformation and temperament. the first dog to find a home, and she went to live with her father, firo, and be on his team just because of how versatile she was. she remains on that team as a swing dog, and a damn good one at that. she appeared to have inherited the best of her mother's and father's personalities and has thus has a very bright future ahead of her; sidra and urchin got along alright, seeing as sidra didn't really form any sort of relationships with her littermates, she didn't really get to know any of her sisters that well and thus didn't really bond with them. but their relationship was just like the one sidra had with karma; alive; not in roleplay; wallflower; a giant black and white female husky with dark brown eyes, the spitting image of her father, in every way possible. she was built just like him and had every bit of the same markings. she was a very quiet pup, but was never far from urchin's side. wallflower was the omega of the pup pack, but she was more rambunctious than sidra, hence why sidra's first owner sided with the smaller red-colored dame; wallflower was sweet and kind to everyone, even sidra, of whom she never spoke to, but there was a connection between the two of them, very similar to what was between sidra and winnie. just a silent, mutual friendship that they both enjoyed; alive; not in roleplay; elma; a red and white female with dark brown eyes, elma was almost the perfect husky, but her ears flopped and were more rounded than triangular. this female was never far from birch, the two basically joined at the hip. she was not as intelligent as her brother, but she was a bit of a brute, and aggressive brute that liked to push her weight around and get what she wanted. unfortunately she didn't last long as a sled dog, and had to be re-homed to a siberian husky rescue foundation because she didn't know how to act without her brother to guide her clumsy pawsteps; sidra and elma didn't get along at all, but for the most part they kept to themselves except when birch had to bully sidra, then elma was all over her, in an aggressive manner; alive; not in roleplay
"so say you'll stay with me tonight, 'cause there's so much wrong going on outside"
-made by me!
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