ball is life
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
THE SOUND OF THE CLASSROOM DOOR SLAMMING OPEN ALERTED EVERYONE, BEFORE THREE INDIVIDUAL'S ROLLED IN. Breathing as if they had just ran a race, a first year and two second years stood in the doorway, searching the room for something. Or someone.
"Y/N!" Hinata yelled out, making Nishinoya and Tanaka whip around to look at the spotted girl. The lavendertte was talking to a male, tan in skin tone and around 6'3, with piercing ocean eyes and medium brown hair. They both looked up in response, with Y/N waving to the trio bounding towards them.
"What's got you guys so fired up?" She asked, lowering her gaze as she looked up at the three boys crowding around her desk, the male she was talking to only watching with a small grin.
Thankfully, they had come in at break time, so the teacher was absent for a little while.
"Would you like to come on our training camp?!" They all shrieked, making the girl flinch slightly, as well as her companion. They awaited with hope in their eyes, to which the girl smiled before chuckling.
"I, uh, I don't know." She turned to the male besides her, raising an eyebrow. "When's that basketball tournament again?" She asked, to which he shrugged casually.
"In a month or so, I'm sure you'd be fine." He waved off, looking at the three boys who gave him a dirty look. "Hiyaku Kiyoshi, but call me Kiyo." Hiyaku smirked, making the trio before him nod slightly. "I know you guys though, don't you play volleyball in the gym next to ours?" They nodded quickly.
"Yeah! How did you know?" Hinata asked, but soon paused as Hiyaku stood up from the desk, towering over all three of them. "Waahh! How tall are you?!" He shrieked, totally in awe unlike his companions, who merely blinked as he stood.
"6'3." He said easily, but leaned down and narrowed his gaze at the much smaller male. "I know you all play volleyball because you scream every nanosecond." He growled, a hand on his shoulder gently pulling him back from the ginger.
"Chill your shit, Kiyo." The smaller lavenderette snickered, turning her attention to the trio of boys before her. "I'll come, but on one condition." She waved a finger, grinning at the boys.
"And that would be..?" Nishinoya raised an eyebrow, his short counterpart nodding vigourously besides him.
"Y'all gotta feed me, because a bitch is kinda broke right now."
"Deal!" They yelled, Nishinoya holding a hand to his chest alongside Tanaka, who mimicked his movement to a scary degree.
"A senpai in need, how could we say no?!" Chuckling, she sent a smirk to her companion, who sighed at the whole scene in front of them. It wasn't anything new to him, she would get the underclassmen in their basketball team to give her food, and sometimes, she didn't even need to ask.
Y/N Fusanosuke was that person.
"I 'dunno about this, Y/N." Hiyaku sighed, arms crossed over his chest. "These guys seem kinda... Simpy."
A harsh laugh escaped the female, while the boys were unsure of the forbidden phrase the male had just spoken. Waving a hand, she just shrugged.
"Trust me, I know." A thumbs up. "I'll be fine." She chuckled, the male completely giving up on her words yet again. With a roll of the eyes and his gaze unwavering, he merely nodded, which was enough for the girl to let out a giggle as she turned to the trio.
"Guess I'm recruited. Tell Koushi to pack extra snacks."
"Wow, we're here!"
"Yamaguchi, shut up."
"Kei, you weenie. Let him be." I chuckled, looking back over my seat to see the tall blonde take off his headphones and give me a glare, to which I promptly returned with a wink. Turning back, I saw Sugawara raise an eyebrow with a devilish smirk.
"Ah, picking favourites are we?" He snickered, to which I saw Daichi shake his head with a chuckle. I smiled, nodding with a thumbs up.
"Damn right." I turned in my seat, sticking my head out as I looked back down the bus. "Isn't that right, World's Greatest Libero?" A head popped over a seat, a wide smile accompanying it. Nishinoya lurched up from his seat besides Tanaka, eyes sparkling.
"You bet, Supreme Basketball Goddess!" With a sly grin, I turned back to Sugawara, who now gave a frown.
"That could be us, but you playing."
"We've been over this..."
"We're here!" Takeda-sensei yelled out, which everyone snapped their head around to see, most even standing at the word.
The bus jarred to a halt and we piled out, itching to move and for fresh air. I stood outside, taking in the air and surroundings when a familiar voice infiltrated my ears.
"Wait, Y/N? No way in hell I'm seeing what I'm seeing." I turned and gave a laugh, walking over to the individual who called me out. Dark fluffy hair that stuck up like a rooster, with surprised but utterly handsome features.
"Damn Tetsuro, is it me or did you get uglier since I last saw you?" A lie, but it made him grin, so who am I to judge?
"I was just about to say that to you." Kuroo grinned, hands on his hips as he stopped in front of me. "Thought basketball was your thing?" He asked, looking over my shoulder at the boys wandering towards the complex. I gave a shrug as I held onto the bag slung over my shoulder.
"What can I say? I'm a bitch of many talents." He looked me up and down before smiling, nodding his head towards the gymnasium.
"The others are already here. Let's get this show on the road." I walked with him, looking around as my teammates noticed and followed suit. "Y'know, now I'm excited." He added, glancing over to me.
"Oh yeah? And why's that?" I asked innocently, standing just at the males chin, maybe even a little shorter.
"Because I've always wanted to block you." He said simply, grinning back at me with eyes said practically said 'and there's nothing you can do about it'. With a shrug, I looked at the large doors to the gym as we approached it.
"I don't think you'll like what you see, Tetsuro." I answered honestly, which made him raise an eyebrow as he opened the gym door.
"Try me, bitch." The doors opened with an echo and the sound of volleyballs slamming against both the floor and hands was deafening, but nothing like a basketball court. Something I had grown quite accustomed to. There were more people then I thought, and the shit eating grin Kuroo wore pained me the most.
"What? A bit more people then you thought?"
"I just can't believe anyone came to your nerd meet up." I countered, stepping inside, the floor shining with my reflection as I looked out onto the populated room.
"Ouch, that hurts, Y/N." Kuroo fiened, hand on his heart as if he was dying or something. As I looked out onto the sea of volleyball boys, one stood out.
"Alright guys, get in there and start warming up." Daichi announced, multiple 'okays!' following after as the Karasuno boys strode in, making most look at them.
However, the boy I had looked at suddenly turned and stared back, immediately making me look away in an instant. He probably thought I was a stalker or something, but who the fuck has hair like that? Nevertheless, another quick glance confirmed my deepest fears.
He was walking towards me. And fast.
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