They know (chapter 3)
3rd person p.o.v
Loki was a mess.
He was covered in wires, blood, and metal, he had quite a lot of bruises and scars that they could see where his clothes had been torn. The team couldn't move, they were paralyzed looking at the once-proud demigod, who had an air of confidence where ever he went, who was now a mess of limbs, metal, wires, and blood on the floor. Bruce finally snapped out of staring at the mess of a body on the floor and went into doctor-mode. "Tony go get me a stretcher, someone go get me gauze, bandages, and medical tape from the infirmary."
Everyone jumped into action as Bruce broke the silence. Tony ran out of the room and Natasha and Steve sprinted to the infirmary to get the medical supplies, Thor and Clint stayed where they were and stared at Loki. Thor had tears in his eyes as he looked at his little brother and clint just looked confused. Bruce just ignored them as he walked to the unconscious Asgardian. (I'm going to make Loki keep the Asgardian illusion, because, in my version of things, Odin placed the illusion on him, even if I like the idea of Loki being so powerful as a baby that he made his illusion, I think it's better If Odin put the illusion on him instead, besides I'm probably going to make them react to Jotun Loki later.)
He pulled up his leather sleeve a little higher than the wrist, put his pointer and middle finger to his wrist, and pushed lightly. He felt a small, but quick pulse, he made a mental note that he might be going into shock, judging by the more-pale-than usual colour of his skin. Tony returned with a folded stretch, placed it on the floor beside Bruce, and unfurled it.
"Tony grab his arms, I'll grab his feet." Tony went and grabbed the demi-god's arms as Bruce grabbed his legs and heaved him onto the stretcher. Tony panted for a few moments before declaring. "For goodness sake, how heavy is this dude? A billion pounds?" Thor spoke up from his spot on the floor. "Asgardians are denser than Midgardians, so our weight is heavier than mortals, that is also why your bullets do not affect us." Natasha and Steve ran back into the room with the medical tape, gauze, and bandages.
"Good job Tony, Thor, come here and grab the other side of the stretcher. Natasha, Steve you hang on to the medical supplies for now." Thor immediately stood up and walked to the other side of the stretcher with Bruce, who grappled the handles. "Ok on 3, ok? 1, 2, 3." Bruce and Thor pulled up the stretcher holding Loki, who sank into the fabric a little.
"Tony, what floor is the infirmary on?" Bruce asked Tony, who responded with; "Jarvis which floor is the infirmary?" "It is on the 87th floor, sir." The A.I responded with his British accent. "Yeah, what Jarvis said, let's use the elevator, that should be the fastest." Everyone piled into the elevator, except for Steve, Natasha, and Clint, who took the stairs since the elevator was too crowded.
Time skip to the infirmary because writing elevator scenes are awkward.
Thor and Bruce ran out of the elevator and to the infirmary, Natasha, Steve and Clint were already there, with the gauze and bandages set up around a medical bed, while Clint was leaning on a wall outside the door. They placed the stretcher on the floor, and Thor lifted his brother and put him on the bed. Loki groaned quietly as started to stir. "Thor, what's the dosage for Midgardians to Asgardians?" Bruce asked the Thunder God as he rummaged through a cupboard looking for anesthesia.
"You take the usual amount needed for Midgardians and triple that dosage Banner." He replied as he watched Tony fold the stretcher. "Ok, and how old is Loki exactly then Midgardian years?" After a moment of thinking, Thor replied; "Asgardians live for around 5000 years, and he's 1040, so he would be around 16 or so, Banner." Tony, Natasha, and Steve looked up from what they were doing to stare at Thor, their eyes wide. Coincidentally, green light started glowing from the trickster again, everyone looked in his direction, when the light dimmed, no longer was there the man they battled during the invasion, but a battered-weirdly dressed teenager.
Before anyone could say anything Banner spoke up from his spot on the floor beside the cupboard. "So, the average 16 year old should get around 15 mm, so if you triple that, you should get..." He paused for a moment before continuing. "45 mm." (I spent way too much time googling average medical stuff that made no sense to me whatsoever, so this part is in no way at all accurate.)
"Tony do you have anything able to peirce Asgardian skin? My needles keep breaking." Bruce declared. "Um, yeah I think I might have something lying around here somewhere." The inventor responded as he approached a cupboard and opened it, he pulled out a seemingly normal-looking syringe. "what's it made of?" Bruce asked as he walked over to Tony's side to inspect the syringe.
"Vibranium, toughest stuff we got on earth," Tony responded Bruce looked shocked. "Why do you have a Vibranium syringe lying around?" Tony shrugged, then replied; "Dunno might have been drunk, never know." Bruce walked to the other side of the room, to the sink, washed his hands, and strapped on a pair of blue latex gloves. He walked back to Tony, took the syringe from him, and washed it with water and soap. (is that what you use to clean a syringe? Do you even clean a syringe? I don't know, just go with me on this one.)
He then filled the syringe with the proper anesthetic and slowly pushed it into the younger god's forearm. He pressed lightly on the plunger, squeezing the anesthetic into the Asgardian. He went slowly, injecting 5mm of the anesthetic and waiting, seeing if anything happens, then squeezed the plunger again. Eventually, he finished, and the barrel was empty.
The god seemed to be sleeping peacefully, his chest slowly rising and falling. He could see some scars and bruises on his arm, where his sleeve had been lifted so he could inject the anesthetic. He noticed that the room had been eerily quiet since he had begun, he looked behind him and realized everyone was sitting in silence, Clint even came into the room at some point. "Ok, look guys, if you want me to help him, you're going to have to leave."
"Why Banner, can't I see my brother while you help heal him?" Bruce sighed, then responded; " Look, Thor, I know you care about him, but I prefer to help my patients alone, especially if Loki might need surgery, that's a thing that's usually done without other people there, ok. But for now, I'm going to give him an X-ray. You can be there for it, but you can't be in the same room as him?" The thunder god nodded his head solemnly and stayed silent.
Bruce turned to the rest of the people in the room. "Now, does anyone here have any good reason to stay in this room?" Everyone else either replied with"no"'s or shook their heads. "good, now if you all could please leave me with my patient, that would be very much appreciated." Everyone (except Thor) shuffled out of the room, when everyone was gone, Bruce turned to look at his patient.
Bruce walked to the tray filled with medical equipment of all kinds, tweezers, scalpels, syringes (not that they are going to be useful in any way), a stethoscope, but his eyes settled on the one he was searching for, the trauma shears. He grabbed the scissors and neatly cut off the first layer of leather of the Asgardian's chest. He hoped desperately Loki wasn't a fashion person, or else he would be in trouble when he woke up. After cutting of the 3rd layer of leather, he finally reached a tunic, which he sniped of quickly, he had finally reached the skin, which whatever he was expecting he wasn't expecting this.
The Asgardian's skin had been deeply cut on multiple parts of his chest, he was thin, very thin, skin and bone thin. His ribs jutted outwards, looking as if the skin stretched too tightly around it, which it probably did. But nothing, nothing at all had him prepared for the scars and bruises that covered Loki's chest. The scars crisscrossed over each other, layers and layers of lacerated skin overlapping, if he was human, he was sure he'd be dead. Any part of the skin that wasn't brutally sliced was covered with bruises that varied from red to purple-ish to yellow or green.
His arms weren't much better, with scars that crossed his arms from his shoulder to his wrists and many bruises, like his chest. Bruce sighed, he wasn't exactly qualified to fix demi-gods, but for the time being, he would do his best, so he started to get to work.
Steve p.o.v
Bruce ushered us out of the invention, infirmary, we all just got outside the door for a second before getting up to leave, we ended up in one of the conference rooms somehow. Tony started the conversation; "So what should we do with reindeer games?" "I dunno, I hate the guy, but seeing all the scars, even if I a few of them... It doesn't feel right to hate him." Clint said, Natasha continued; "Also, he's not technically a legal adult, he's 16 by earth standards, he needs a guardian."
Clint coughed, and everyone frowned at the reminder. Loki was a teenager, not even old enough to drive, while yes he is a Norse deity that's over a thousand years old, he's still young, or at least by Earth standards, he is. " H- He's 16?!" Clint screeched. " According to Thor, Asgardians live for 5000 years, and Loki's 1040, so he's 16." Natasha clarified while Clint looked convicted, after a while, he spoke up; "I shot a kid, I shot a kid."
Natasha looked at her friend wistfully before responding; "None of us would have known, even Thor didn't know until he suggested that he put the cuffs on him. Speaking of the cuffs, what do they do exactly? All I remember was light going everywhere and then randomly Loki was on the floor with magic glitter all over him." Everyone pondered over Natasha's question before Tony responded; "I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe the cuffs could be magic?"
"That's a possibility." I piped up, Tony continued; "Didn't Thor say something about *Asgardaian magic is just science you don't understand yet* or something like that". Natasha confirmed; "Yes, I think he did say something like that." "So... that means if we get our hands on some Asgardian (Tony does quotation marks with fingers) *magic* then, we can get was more advanced tech than our *lugubrious and distasteful mortal creations*" (just pretend an Asgardaian said that)
And, yeah hoped u guys like the chapter - just-a-random-tissue
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