tesseract blue (chapter 4)
Just watched the Steven universe movie, it was pretty good and Spinel is by far my favourite character from the movie, so I decided to draw this, because the line reminded me of a ₗᵢₜₜₗₑ bit of Loki, anyway on with the story!
Time skip to after Bruce heals Loki, cuz I'm too lazy to write medical stuff again
3rd person p.o.v
The team, minus Bruce and Thor were all sitting in the room in silence when Bruce walked in, followed by Thor. "How is he?" Natasha asked as she sat up in her chair to face the doctor. "He's stable for now, but he had a lot of injuries that I had to patch up. I'm only going to name a few of the list, he had a lot of broken bones, his ribs are the most serious, and some of them healed incorrectly, so we'll have to rebreak those eventually. He had lots of scars, that made it past the dermis, but luckily the damage wasn't that bad and I was able to heal it. His oxygen blood level is low, so we gave him an oxygen mask. We have him on a saline bag for dehydration and starvation, and yeah. That's about it"
Clint and Natasha nodded, while Tony and Steve sighed in relief before Steve spoke up; "Dr.Banner, what was all the metal though?" Banner looked thoughtful before responding; "I'm not sure, but it seems to be a part of him, Thor, did he have them before?" Bruce asked the Asgardian, who lifted his gaze from the floor to the doctor. "No, I do not believe he had them before his fall of the Bifrost."
"So something must have happened between the fall of the Bifrost him appearing on earth." Banner concluded, Tony suggested; "We could check the footage of him arriving on earth?" Clint looked at him, before responding; "But wasn't the dark joint energy facility destroyed?" Tony retorted; "Yes, it was destroyed, but Jarvis saved the recordings, right J?" "Yes sir." The A.I confirmed.
"Put them up for us, J." Tony declared, the A.I pulled up a holographic video on the table. The lighting was poor, but they were able to make out the bright glow of the Tesseract, 2 figures were standing beside the same it. "Who's that?" Bruce asked, Jarvis replied; "That's director Fury and Agent Barton, dr.Banner.". "So that's how you were there when Loki attacked?" Bruce asked the agent. "Yeah, I was there," Clint answered.
Suddenly the Tesseract pulses, light coming out of the cube, both figures looked towards it, a bright beam of light shoots out from the cube to the end of the hall. A portal forms from the beam, slowly growing, the blue edge expanded until it was almost the size of the platform, before it exploded, blue going everywhere. A figure appeared where the portal was, kneeling, the figure slowly lifted its head. Some of the people in the room gasped, mainly Bruce and Thor, when they realized who the figure was, Loki.
"Wait, there's something off about him." Tony voiced, Jarvis responded with; "You're right sir, his eyes appear to be an unusual colour." Everyone seemed concerned by this, Tony asked Jarvis to show a side by side of Loki's eyes now and before. "Yes sir." The A.I responded, 2 pictures of Loki popped up on the screen, one of him with bright tesseract blue eyes, the other with olive eyes. Clint inhaled sharply, while everyone stared at the pictures. Thor looked devastated and started a staring contest with the floor again.
Bruce sighed and closed his eyes, Tony stared wide-eyed at the screen, Natasha looked impassive always, but her eyes gave away her guilt. "H- How did we not notice this?" Clint said shakily, he turned to Natasha and said; "We're supposed to be spies, and we didn't notice his eye colour was blue, even if his eyes were naturally blue we should have noticed." Clint put his head in his hands and massaged his temple.
"Look, clint, we couldn't have known, it's not your fault, it's all in the past, all that matters is that he gets the help he needs now." (hehe, get help reference for you all) Bruce answered trying to calm the Agent down. "Fine, but we're going to help him, all of us." The agent declared, everyone was shocked that he was the one who was standing up for Loki the most, only a few hours ago he'd been planning his murder, but now he's defending him.
"yeah sure, so what should we do?" Bruce asked, he then turned to Thor, who looked up from the ground and was staring at the group. "Thor, what was Loki like before he fell from the Bifrost, what are his hobbies, that sort of thing." Thor smiled softly, before answering the question; "He was always a quiet child, shy even. When I would go to spar with my friends and go on hunting trips he would stay in the palace library, reading books."
Thor's tone of voice took a sombre turn, "After he found out he was a frost giant and not an Asgardian, he fell into madness. We assumed that after he fell into the void of the Bifrost, the attack on earth was an extension of his need for power and attention." Everyone absorbed the information, Tony then asked; "Wait, what's a frost giant? And why would he need attention?"
Thor looked up at the engineer, "The frost giants, or a Jotun, are the sworn enemies of Asgard. They're around 10 feet tall, blue with red eyes. Loki is a runt, and the son of their king, Laufey, whom Loki killed before the Bifrost incident around 2 years ago. As for his need for attention, I assume it's because he wanted to please our father, but he never... acknowledged his attempts." Thor concluded.
Tony spoke up; "So, you live for 5000 years, and he's 1040 right?" Thor nodded in confirmation, Tony continued; "So he's been trying to get your dad's approval for 1038 years, then he finds out that he's not an Asgardian, and he's the kid of your sworn enemy, that he's been living a lie for over a thousand years, what exactly happened on the Bifrost that caused him to fall?" Tony asked the thunder god, who shifted uncomfortably.
"I'm not as good with words as my brother, but I do have this." The thunder God replied, before pulling out a white crystal, Tony raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What's that?" He asked. "It's a memory stone, it can show one's memories from the past as a cohesive image." The thunder god replied. "So, you're going to show us what happened at the Bifrost?" Tony asked.
"Yes, I will.". Replied the thunderer as he placed the stone on the middle of the table. He put his pointer finger on the stone, waited for a few seconds and then removed it. He then said something in some random language (Asgardian) before tapping the stone again, twice this time, before the stone started to glow. The room dimmed around them as the stone glowed brighter before a small beam of white light shot out of it and stopped a little lower than the ceiling, white mist started forming around the edges of the beam.
The white mist started turning into different colours, which solidified into a hazy cloud of colours before clearing.
And yeah, sorry for the cliff-hanger, hope you liked the chapter, - just-a-random-tissue
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