Stone (chapter 5)
3rd person p.o.v because I'm repetitive
The group watched as the mist solidified into an image, the dark starry sky behind turned into countless pixels of shades of blue. There was a bright multi-colored bridge, which was glowing brightly, with 2 figures standing on it, one of them decked in a bright red flowing cape and silver armor, while the other with a green cape and black, gold, and green armor. "That's you and more and Loki," Natasha said while pointing at the figures on the hologram when Thor nodded, she continued.
"So why is the stone showing you and Loki in third person?" Natasha questioned, Thor just shrugged. "It's how the stone works, I've never been that interested in the working of Siedr, you'd have to ask Loki, he's one of the more advanced in the art of Seidr. If you'd want to see a memory in first person, you'd have to do a spell for that, but unfortunately, I can't do it." Natasha nodded and turned back to the memory. The figure with red was pounding the bright bridge with a metal hammer.
"Why are you hitting the Bifrost with your hammer?" Steve asked, Thor responded; "Loki was attempting to destroy Jotunheim with the Bifrost, so I had to destroy the Bifrost to save the Jotuns." "Why was he trying to destroy the Jotuns?" Natasha asked. "I do not know, I remember him saying something about *to prove to father that I am the worthy son* and *when father wakes I would have destroyed the race of monsters and I would have saved his life*."
Every processed the information, before starting at the hologram again, Thor kept bashing the bridge. Loki said that he'd never see her again before he smashed the bridge one final time before it finally exploded. A bright white light exploded as both the figures flew into the sky before falling downwards. Just as they were about to fall off the edge of Bifrost, Loki grabbed the edge of the staff, and Thor grabbed the other end. When they were about to fall into the void, an old man grabbed Thor's ankle before they fell.
"Who's that?" Tony asked as he turned to the thunder god. "He's our father, Odin All-father," Thor replied Tony continued. "So he's the dude who Loki's been trying to get his attention for a few years now?" Thor responded; "Aye, and unfortunately I was blind to his desperation for attention, I admit now to not being the best brother to him in our younger years, I recall in our younger years that I and my friends teased him often about his magic."
Everyone turned back to the hologram as it continued to play. Loki looked up at Odin with glossy eyes. "I could have done it father, I could have done it for you! For all of us!" Everyone felt a part of their hearts break as they saw Loki look up at his father figure with the hope that he would accept him. Thor looked away, knowing what would happen next. Odin looked down at his son, and simply said; "No, Loki." Everyone looked shockingly at Odin, shocked someone would say that, to their son right to their face.
Loki looked up at his father with teary eyes, Thor said; "No Loki.", realizing his intentions too late. Loki let go of the spear and fell into the void below. The image blurred before turning into white mist and getting sucked back into the crystal. No one said anything for a moment, the only sound was Thor's muffled sniffling. Steve and Clint looked pale at what they just saw, Tony looked away from the table's general direction, instead of focusing his attention on the wall on the other side of the room.
Bruce also looked away, being reminded of his own suicide attempt, Natasha, for once didn't look impassive as usual, but she frowning and looked intently at the floor. Tony finally broke the silence; "So he didn't fall, did he?" Thor shook his head mutely and continued to stare at the floor while trying- and failing- to wipe his tears. "He tried to kill himself." Bruce declared everyone jumped, except for Natasha and Thor, since they'd forgotten he was there. "Sorry," Bruce muttered as everyone calmed down.
"Ok, I need to make a list for this, Jarvis." Tony declared, the A.I retorted; "Yes, sir. Would you like to project it onto the table, sir?" "Yeah, sure J," Tony responded, a box appeared on the holographic table, with a pencil next to it. "Ok, so what do we have so far?" Tony said as he wrote *Issues with reindeer games* on the top of the box with the holographic pencil before turning to the group.
"So, we obviously have suicidal on the list, and Point Break, you mentioned something about *teasing him about his magic* or was I hearing things?" Thor nodded before responding in a slightly quieter voice; "Aye, we did torment him as a child, even until his much later years, a few days before my coronation, if I recall correctly." "So far we have bullying, suicide, daddy issues, is that it?" Tony said.
"I don't know, Loki might have other issues that we might not know about," Thor said after Tony finished writing *daddy issues* on the board. "We could ask him when he wakes up," Natasha suggested. "Yeah, sure we could do that," Tony replied, conveniently, Jarvis spoke up. "Sir, it appears Mr.Odinson is awakening."
Tada :D Sorry if this one took a bit to write, I had a few roadblocks. - just-a-random-tissue
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