Sanctuary *part 9* (chapter 16)
*I did most of this chapter before, I only had to add a paragraph, or two*
Memory Maw p.o.v (I'm gonna try doing not a 3rd person for once, hope it's not as bad as I think it is)
Pacing around the halls of Sanctuary is not enjoyable, to say the least, well that would be the case for any other life form, but not for me. The dark walls have shadows, that crawl and whisper, sending shivers down your spine, but I enjoy it. But, I was the only one out of my father's children to come willingly, after all. All the others were pathetic orphans he adopted, but, I admit, something about watching someone writhe in pain is just so... exhilarating. The ability to control someone else's pain is such a delightful sense. My train of thought was interrupted by a Chitauri stepping up to me. "What?" I questioned harshly.
I felt slightly pleased as I saw him tremble a bit before replying. "W- we don't know what happened, h- he just," but the Chitauri didn't finish, and kept his mouth shut, I sighed, why on earth did father hire these incompetent fools? "Just show me what happened." I snarled, the Chitauri immediately bowed his head, nodded slightly and walked down the dark corridor. I followed him down the familiar twists and turns of Sanctuary, I peered into a few rooms, which brought back a few memories. This room, on the left, is where I tortured Nebula, the one over there was for Proxima, and the one on the right was for Cull. I admit he was, so far the hardest, but not as hard to break as the pathetic Jotun runt.
The runt was taking much longer than expected, it's already been months, he's stubborn, but we'll break him eventually. Father said that if the runt doesn't comply, he'll use a special weapon, I've personally never seen it in person, only Father and the other have seen it, but I've heard it's powerful. Extremely powerful, powerful enough to turn one's mind inside out, from a report I heard, they tested it out on one of the Chitauri foot soldiers. It didn't end well, well for the Chitauri that is.
We stop at the cell of the runt, the Chitauri fumbles with the keys, before finding the correct one. The Chitauri jammed it into the lock and pushed open the door, which gave off a slightly irritating banging sound. The door opened, and revealed the runt, on the floor, in a large pile of blood. I felt the colour drain from my face as I stared at the unconscious Jotun on the floor. "What. Did. You. Do?!" I screeched, punctuating every word.
"We didn't do anything! We found him like this!" The Chitauri responded, trying to defend himself. "Well, then help him! Heal him, or something! Do you know what father will do to us if we kill the runt?!" I hissed at the daft fool, really he was idiotic. The Chitauri scrambled to the Jotun and grabbed his arms, another Chitauri dashed into the room and grabbed his legs. They pulled him up, and dragged him out the door, the Chitauri stopped and turned to me; "Where do we take him?"
These blundering imbeciles! "To the infirmary! Where else?!" I screeched. The Chitauri nodded and hurried out the door, dragging the Jotun runt. Today was an awful day indeed.
3rd person p.o.v because I think that Maw's p.o.v was awful.
*Time skip to after Loki gets healed in the Sanctuary infirmary (just assume they have one) because MeDicAl StUfF iS PAiN tO WriTe*
Loki woke up to darkness, black all around him, his throat felt hoarse and was aching slightly. He brought his hand up to check his neck but found out it was covered in bandages. He poked the bandages slightly, but that caused the dull throb to turn into full-on agony. He made a mental note; don't poke the bandages whatsoever. He flinched at the pain and sat back down, he then realized he was sitting on a bed, not the usual rocky, cold floor of his cell.
He glanced around the dark room, it was quiet, too quiet. As if thinking could summon something, a creak was heard from the darkness. Loki got up off the bed and stared in the direction of where the sound came from. A dark silhouette inched out of the darkness, Loki spoke up to the shadowed figure; "Well hello, Gamora." The figure stepped out into the light, and it indeed was the green-skinned Zen-Whoberi.
"What brings you here?" Loki asked, when Gamora didn't reply, Loki continued; "Let me guess, on behalf of that psychopath you call father I assume." Gamora pulled out her sword and pressed it to Loki's chest, directly above his heart; "Don't speak again, unless you value your life." She hissed at him, fury evident in her tone, Loki chuckled, then replied; "I wouldn't dream of it."
She lowered her sword to her side, a scowl still present on her face as she stared at the Jotun. "Stand up." She ordered, Loki glared at her as he got to his feet, he swayed slightly but stood upright. She marched out the door, and he followed. After a few minutes - or so he assumed- of walking, they stopped at now-familiar black double doors. Loki paled as soon as he saw it, Gamora glanced at him, studying his reaction, before swinging the doors open.
Thanos sat on his throne, as intimidating as the first time he'd been in the room. Gamora escorted him - well, more like walked, and she shoved him harshly when he slowed - to the steps in front of Thanos. They eventually stopped, Thanos nodded to his daughter, who nodded back and left the room. Everyone knew that Gamora was Thanos' favourite child, which sickened Loki that the monster could even love someone.
"Runt," Thanos stated, Loki just stared back defiantly, Thanos continued; "I heard about your attempt to end your life." Loki didn't respond, he just continued glaring at the Titan, who once again, proceeded; "You know that we have routine guards surveying your cell, and since you pulled that little... stunt we will increase the security. You know there is no way out of here, runt. Unless you comply, that is." Loki only glared more fiercely at the Titan, who only stared back, with a slightly amused expression on his face.
"Very well, I was patient with you before. Now you leave, no choice." The Titan motioned to someone or something behind Loki. An old woman came out of the shadows, who looked, oddly normal and didn't have any mechanical replacement like everyone else in Sanctuary, save for Thanos of course. The woman could have passed for an elderly sorceress in Asgard, or just a rather ancient Midgardian.
Loki spoke up as he turned to the woman; "And who might you be?" The woman's only scowled in return, Loki added; "Madam." (Because we all know Loki is the God of politeness, that's why I put the meme) The woman responded; "I am Herfna, child. A sorceress." Loki frowned at being called a child but otherwise didn't interrupt until the woman had finished. "A sorceress? From where?" The woman replied; "Asgard, well it was where I was from, until my saviour, the Titan found me."
Thor, who had, until now, remained silent as he watched the screen with wide eyes, finally spoke up; "She is the missing sorceress? The one who disappeared eons ago?" (Assume Thor paid attention in Asgardian history class, but if you can't imagine that, assume he copied of off Loki and just remembers stuff) Illusion-Loki nodded, then spoke up when the Avengers just looked at them with confused expressions on their faces.
"Herfna was the head sorceress in Odin's council when Asgard was formed, she helped advise Odin with any mage-related problems, she went missing a few centuries ago, and was never found since." (Just assume that she helped do conquering stuff with Odin, I just said that she was there during the *Founding of Asgard* since Loki and Thor don't know about Hela, or how Odin conquered the nine realms.) "So she's a m-magic person?" Tony stuttered, when everyone gave him a weird look, he continued; "I can't say magic, it's too unprovable and unbelievable." He said as he crossed his arms.
Illusion-Loki shrugged, then replied; "As you wish." He snapped his fingers and the hologram continued. The Titan spoke up; "Herfna, if you be so kind," But the sorceress cut him off; "Anything for you, my liege." "He really must have screwed her up in the head, for her to be this faithful to him," Bruce muttered, Loki sighed, and resumed the memory; The Titan continued; "If you would be so kind, as to show the runt your... technique?" The Asgardian nodded her head, with an unhinged smile on her face.
She stepped towards the Jotun, quite quickly for her appearance, and grabbed him vigorously by the wrist. Loki yelped, trying to yank his arm free, but her grip was too tight, she tightened her grip slightly, making the Asgardian fall silent. She dragged him roughly out of the room, and down many hallways of twists and turns. Loki tried to block out everything, he was tired, so tired. Of torture, of pain, of everything. His brain sluggishly made the connection, that he had technically had 2 suicide attempts, by this point, both of them were unsuccessful.
Was he doomed to live in this cursed world? The sorceress stopped walked, they had stopped in front of a pair of black double doors, not unlike the ones that lead to the throne room. The only difference being that the other doors were slightly smaller. The Asgardian yanked open the door, revealing its interior, and what was inside, made Loki's blood run cold. (Did I end this paragraph early for possible reading suspense? Yes, yes I did)
Arranged around the room, were various torture devices, but the thing about them was that they weren't ordinary torture devices. They were mage torture devices. Loki took a step back, but the sorceress pressed cold metal to his back, A knife, he thought languidly. He forcing himself to move forward, or else most likely get stabbed, which wouldn't be agreeable. The sorceress forced him ahead, until they stopped in the middle of the room, with Loki now being in the middle of a circle, painted on the floor. Loki examined the ring around him, nothing unusual about it, no runes, simply, just a white plain circle on the floor.
As if the Asgardian could sense him calming down slightly, she spoke up; "Oh, don't worry, we'll get started soon." "Well, that's not ominous at all," Tony mumbled. She paused, glanced at him, and then continued; "But first, we have to start with the basics." She created a small blast of energy in between her palms, almost identical to the one Loki had made earlier, but violet instead. "Why is her magic purple when yours is green?" Bruce questioned, Illusion-Loki replied; "She uses dark magic, which is usually drawn from other creatures, aforesaid is why her Seidr purple. My Seidr, on the other hand, represents power, magic, and intelligence, therefore it is green."
Herfna waved her hand, and the ball of violet light split into 4 miniatures of the original. She grabbed each of them and hurled them across the room, and at the walls. The balls of light exploded, strange symbols appearing where they shattered against the surface. "What are those?" Tony asked, Illusion-Loki replied; "runes." Bruce, this time inquired. "Like the runes from before?" Illusion-Loki responded;
"No, there are 2 different types of runes, the ones from earlier, which are symbolic. And these here, which are magic barriers." "How are they different?" Steve asked, Illusion-Loki replied; "The runes Herfna is using here, are used to subjugate magic of any kind, that includes Seidr, which is what I and my mother have. Chaos magic, which is still just a myth. Asgardian magic, which is what Thor and the rest of the Asgardians have. Just any magic in general, to be honest. Even your Astral dimension magic, which you have here."
(I have an idea, that in this fanfic m a y b e Loki spent some time on earth before his fall, or at least until Rowling published the first book, which was June 26, 1997, *According to google* So just assume his last trip to earth was during that year, or at least close to that year.) "There's magic on earth?!" Tony voiced, Illusion-Loki nodded, then replied; "Yes, you Midgardian do have magic, there had been for quite a few years now." Bruce spoke up; "Are their different types?" Loki continued;
"Yes, on Midgard, there is currently, Astral Dimension Magic, Dark dimension Magic, Eldritch Magic, which I studied for a bit, mirror dimension magic. Also, do you still have the scepter? The one containing the mind stone?" Bruce nodded, Loki proceeded; "And a few infinity stones." (Also, just to clarify, Eldritch magic is the magic they use in doctor strange, the weird orange-yellow circle things.)
Finally got this chapter done, hope you, humans, *Or hopefully, humans* like it, as always, unless I forget, have a great day/afternoon/night - just-a-random-tissue
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