Sanctuary *Part 7* (chapter 14)
Sorry if this chapter's crappy, I put it off for a while and wasn't writing all that much.
3rd person p.o.v
Loki replied; "What more than that." He slowly started advancing towards Odin; "The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim, that day, was it?" He stopped and stood in front of the stairs, staring at Odin. "No," Odin confirmed Loki's heart fell, he felt a sick sensation in the bottom of his stomach as he stared at the man he once called father. Odin continued; "In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple, and I found a baby. Small, for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son."
"Laufey's the king, right?" Clint whispered to Natasha, who whispered back;
Yes." "Laufey's son," Loki repeated, Odin replied; "Yes." Loki inhaled sharply and turned to Odin, before speaking up; "Why? You were knee-deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?" Why would he take you? You're pathetic, weak, not worth anything. Odin replied; "You were an innocent child." But Loki cut him off; "No, you took me for a purpose, what was it?" Loki stared at Odin, before screaming out; "Tell me!!!"
"I hate to be the one to say this, but that isn't a good excuse, I don't think anyone would adopt the kid of their enemies, just because they were innocent," Steve said, Illusion-Loki nodded and resumed the video. Odin responded; "I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace. Through you." "He wanted to use you as a bargaining chip for peace between your kingdoms?" Clint asked, horrified and sombre. Illusion-Loki responded; "That seemed like a good excuse, but I assume he actually took me as a war prize."
Loki breathed shakily before speaking up; "What?" Odin finished; "But those plans no longer matter." Loki spoke up "So I am nothing more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me." Odin cut him off; "Why do you twist my words?" Tony spoke up; "He technically isn't *twisting your words*, it's literally what you said." Illusion-Loki resumed the hologram.
"You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn't you?" Loki yelled, Odin, replied; "You are my son, I only wanted to protect you from the truth." "That makes no sense, why would he lie to you to protect you, that's not how it works," Natasha said while frowning, IIlusion-Loki shrugged and resumed the video. Loki continued; "Why, because I- I- I'm the monster that parents tell their children about at night?!" Thor turned to Illusion-Loki and spoke up; "I'm so sorry brother, you're not a monster."
Illusion-Loki turned to Thor and replied; "I know you meant it when you say, it, but actions speak louder than words." Thor nodded gravely and turned to the screen. "No," Odin said faintly before bending down, Loki continued; "You know, it all makes sense now. Why you favoured Thor all these years," Thor looked away, Illusion Loki looked at him despairingly before turning his attention to the screen.
"Because no matter how much you claimed to love me," Loki gestured to himself; "you couldn't have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" Odin fell limp, Loki looked at him, confused. His hands hovered over Odin's unconscious body for a moment, before grabbing his wrist. He felt a pulse, Loki stared at Odin for a few seconds before screeching; "Guards! Guards, please help!"
The doors boomed open as 2 einherjar burst into the room, approaching the fallen king. Loki stepped back as the guards pulled Odin up and dragged him out of the room. Loki turned to look at the Casket, still sitting on the pedestal before following the group out the door, the memory faded to black. Thor looked back at the screen with tears in his eyes, everyone else looked at Illusion-Loki with sympathy.
"What's next?" Bruce asked, Illusion-Loki replied; "You will now be shown my... suicide attempt in sanctuary." Everyone paled, Clint spoke up quietly; "So you attempted suicide twice now?" Illusion-Loki only nodded, everyone looked at him with empathy, while Bruce looked at him with understanding. Loki woke up once again in the cell, but noticeably, much time had passed. His hair had grown longer and many more parts of his body had been replaced with machinery.
"Oh, you look awful," Tony said, Illusion-Loki only nodded. Chitauri were also in his cell, one of the Chiaturi grabbed a small staff, black and made of, what looked like, plastic. The Chitauri clicked the bottom of the staff, and a blade came out of one end, stabbing the Chitauri. The other 2 Chiaturi in the room looked at their crony convulse on the floor with blank stares. After a few moments, the tremors stopped and the 2 Chitauri's turned to each other.
They opened their mouths, well what looked like a mouth, and spoke up. A horrible grating sound came out, thankfully they stopped after a few minutes, seeming to have come to a decision. They stepped up to the dead Chitauri's body and grabbed the sword, which came out with a sickening squelch. The Chitauri said something else and then pointed at the door, the Chitauri left the room, leaving Loki with the one with the sword.
The Chitauri paced around for a few minutes before the other Chitauri returned with a large barrel, with something sloshing inside, and a medium-sized box precariously balanced on top of the cylinder. The Chitauri stopped at the center of the room and dropped everything on the floor with a loud clank, which rang around the dark cell, Loki only stared at the 2 Chitauri. The Chitauri with the sword stepped forward and hissed something at the other Chitauri, who replied in the same gravely tone.
The Chitauri smirked and grabbed the box of the top of the barrel, he opened it quickly and pulled out a large variety of objects. A black jug and a box of matches. He placed them on the top of the jug, mindful to keep them away from the small peephole on the top. He grabbed the box and gave it to the other Chitauri, who left the room and returned a few seconds later without it. The other Chitauri said something to the other Chitauri, who immediately scrambled and grabbed the jug.
He pulled open the barrel's lid, causing it to groan slightly. Inside there was an almost clear liquid, with a yellow tinge, the Chitauri spoke up, this time in English; "This is gasoline, correct?" Loki's eyes widened as the Chitauri continued; "Yes, the Midgadardian's use it to light fires, if I am correct.". "Where on earth did they get gasoline and matches from?!" Tony shrieked, Illusion-Loki shrugged. Loki's brain slowly made the connection; Gasoline - Matches - Fire - Wait, fire?
Before he could process anything, he felt the room start to heat up, that air became hotter and drier. He glanced up at the Chitauri, who had a match in hand, which was now afire and blazing. He gripped the wall in support, seeing as he was too weak to move in any way. The Chitauri brought the match closer to his face, Loki inched away, but the Chitauri didn't stop. He brought the match closer to his face, now only inches away from the fire.
Just as he felt like he was going to get burned, the fire went away and the air became cooler. He opened his eyes in confusion and peered at the Chitauri, who were grabbing gasoline in the jug by the bucket-full and throwing it around the cell. Realization soon dawned on him, this was much, much worse than what he was expecting. After the Chtauri finished spreading out the gasoline, the Chitauri soldier turned to look at Loki.
He made his way to the door and unlocked it. He stepped behind it and twisted to glance at the Asgardian one more time, before throwing the match into the puddles of gasoline. Loki stared at the Chitauri, who threw the match, then locked the door. The match fell into a puddle of the yellowish liquid and stopped. At first, Loki thought it had been luck, that the match had gone out, but unfortunately, his hope was crushed, as suddenly, the entire room erupted into flames.
The air became arid, to say the least. He coughed as the air became dry, his throat became parched almost instantly, as he tried breathing in through his mouth. Seeing as it had become too hard to breathe through his nose because of the smoke. The bitter taste of smoke made its way into his lungs as he tried gulping in any oxygen in the air but to no avail. The smoke intensified and made his eyes water.
He slid down the wall and leant on his side, staring at the blazing white of the fire. He felt hot tears flow down his cheeks, but he couldn't care less. (Cruella reference?) If he was going to die, he might as well think of a happy memory to end it all off. He racked his brain for any memory, anything at all. He thought he heard something click, he might have been imagining it, but he heard it nonetheless. He felt memories flooding back to him. (Spinel reference?)
Years of playing in gardens together, adventurous quests, training lessons, he pushed himself to remember further, everything. People he knew, the nice memories of Thor, of Frigga, everything he'd forgotten. He felt as though a dam had been opened, once again, even more, memories came back. Playing with fake swords in the garden, while their mother looked at them with a soft smile. A quest to Alfheim with Sif, Hogan, Volstagg, Fandral, and Thor. Fighting enemy after enemy, side by side with Thor for thousands of years.
Hours spent reading in the library, book after book, about everything ranging from the kingdom of Vanaheim to the treaty of Jotunheim. Loki brought himself back to reality. When even though it had probably been a few seconds, for him it felt like years had passed, reliving every memory he had lost. The fire had increased, and so did the warmth. He panted as the heat became more unbearable with each moment. He felt something scorching beside his head, but he couldn't bring himself to even lift a finger.
He felt abrupt blazing pain erupt all over his body, his vision went white with pain. His vision dimmed to black, and he gladly sank into the darkness.
- Hope you like the chapter - just-a-random-tissue
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