Sanctuary *part 3* (chapter 10)
3rd person p.o.v
(warning blood)
The screen lit up again and it showed Loki in a different cell, with chains tied around his wrists and ankles, keeping him upright in the middle of the room. Some of the Avengers gasped at the state of the Asgardian, while Illusion-Loki looked stoically at the screen. Loki stirred, he peeled his eyes open and looked around the cell. He felt cold chains on his wrists and tried pulling them off but to no avail, he kept yanking on the chains until a now-familiar voice spoke up; "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jotun runt."
Loki turned his head in the direction of the vile telekinetic alien, who continued his monologue; "Lord Thanos has let me have the honour of being the first to torment you." Loki blanched at the revelation and tugged on the chains again. After a few minutes, he gave up and slumped against the chains, he closed his eyes and focused on his Siedr. To his bewilderment, where the usually bright lime glow of his Seidr, there was now a dark void of nothing.
"You're trying to access your magic so soon? I'd expected you'd wait a while before attempting, but oh well. After that little stunt you pulled with your magic blasts, we had to obtain more... dependable cuffs that can control your magic. Any attempt at accessing it will result in physical agony, well more agony than you will be in, or electrocution with this." He pulled out a small remote, which had 2 buttons on it, both of them black, with the words on and off written on them in dark grey.
"This is just small electrocution compared to the future, runt." He clicked the on button. He felt something click on his neck, but that was the only warning before the pain started. It felt like his veins were on fire, his vision gradually blurred until everything was just splotches of colour, but he stayed quiet. After what seemed like an internity, he heard a faint click and the electricity stopped. He gasped for air, his lungs were in agonizing pain, the air was helping a bit, but other than that, he felt like he was drowning.
"That was only a minute, or two. I'm impressed, runt, most creatures I've met would have been screeching or debilitate" Maw voiced as he looked at the gasping Asgardian. "Still, we have much more entertaining activities planned for today, most of them will be in persecution, at least for you that is," Maw said while grinning. "He's a psycho," Clint said in revolted by the chitauri (I'm just assuming Maw is a chitauri since Google doesn't know.). You're only now just realizing this?" Natasha said blandly.
The chitauri grabbed the Asgardian's hair roughly and pulled his head up to look eye to eye. "Let's begin, shall we?" Maw brought out a large assortment of metal, slightly rusted weapons from a case tucked against a wall. He grabbed one, that looked like a machete and brought it close to the Asgardian's face. He quickly and efficiently cut a deep fissure from under his eye to across his cheek, a trail of dark blood tricked out of the wound, but the Asgardian stayed reticent. The avengers winced at the cut, Natasha spoke up; "That looked like a deep wound, didn't it hurt?" Illusion-Loki responded; "It did, but my pain tolerance was fairly high, and I didn't want to appear weak in from of Maw."
"Ah, you don't speak all of a sudden, do you? Well, we'll have to change that won't we." Maw announced as he telepathically levitated a black cup and a bottle of a peculiar atramentous liquid. "What's that?" Natasha questioned, Illusion-Loki answered quickly; "Poison." The Avengers' eyes widened. He opened the bottle and poured a little less than a cup full into the cannikin, he then occultly lifted the cup to the Asgardian's lips. "If you drink it willingly, we don't have to do this the hard way." The Asgardians kept his mouth shut, Maw tutted before lifting his finger, the Asgardian's mouth opened, and Maw poured the liquid down his throat.
Maw lowered his finger and the Asgardian started coughing and hacking, spilling some of the inky substance on the floor. Some of the Avengers gasped as the liquid was poured down Loki's throat, after a few seconds, they stopped hacking, and Clint spoke up. "Curse this pain factor." Maw looked at the scene displeased and raised his finger again. Immediately, the Asgardian stopped moving and remained immobile, maw filled another cup and let it flow down the Asgardian's throat, who was still frozen In place. This time, he brought out a piece of curved metal, that resembled a metallic gag, he grabbed it and shoved it onto the mouth of the Asgardian.
"That's a metal gag," Steve said, aghast. Illusion-Loki deadpanned; "No, it's a gas mask." Maw lowered his finger again, Loki sagged against the chains and tried coughing repeatedly through the gag, but it was no use. He wheezed through his nose at the lack of air and tried snapping the chains by pulling his wrists, but that only caused them to etch into his skin, Maw watched the scene with twisted satisfaction for a few seconds before speaking up. "Now runt, we can't have you hurting yourself, that is our job, not yours." Maw grabbed a large syringe from the trunk and approached the Asgardian, who was squirming in the chains.
He shoved the syringe into Loki's neck, and slowly pushed the plunger, squeezing the liquid into the Asgardian, whose writhing had gradually started to come to a halt. Maw spoke up again. "Now runt, this is just a paralytic, so you should hear me just fine. In the case of moving, that should return in between a few minutes to an hour or so." Maw walked back the trunk and rummaged through it for a few seconds before returning with a bayonet knife.
He clutched it and quickly, and sufficiently cut off the frayed leather armour, with the exclusion of the black leather trousers he wore underneath his armour. He then stepped back to the trunk, he scoured through the chest before returning with a dagger, around 6 inches long. "I've heard that daggers are your weapon of choice, that you attack your adversaries with them. Would you like to know how it feels?" Maw inquired.
He stepped close to the Asgardian and brought the dagger in his line of vision, intricately designed lines were carved in the steel. Runes. He tried to move, but the most he could do was twitch his thumb. "Ah, so you recognize these runes, don't you? They're yours, to be correct, some for strength, protection, luck, victory, and of course, your rune, knowledge."What's a rune?" Steve asked Illusion-Loki responded;
"Runes are symbols used in magecraft, some noteworthy sorcerers, such as myself and a few others have runes after us. The basic ones are strength, speed, wealth, victory, etcetera. You can apply runes to weapons, armour, shields. Basically, anything that can be amplified, but runes take Seidr from the spellcaster, to make a rune slightly stronger, the spellcaster wouldn't feel a thing, but for a stronger rune, the spellcaster would get tired slightly easier. Since I'm a more experienced Seidr master, it would feel like a basic rune, with little to no side effects."
The avengers nodded and absorbed the information. "So, if my theory is correct, this dagger, or any weapon with runes as powerful as these, should be able to pierce your skin, lets test this idea, shall we?" He seized the knife and plunged it onto his side. The avengers gasped and clutched their sides, but the effort was futile, as Maw clutched the knife again, and twisted it a full 360 degrees before snatching it out with a sicking pop.
Maw wiped the knife with a piece of bloody cloth he had retrieved from the trunk, he lifted his finger and the gag came off, the Asgardian gasped and coughed out blood. Maw clicked his tongue and shook his head slightly as he stared at the Asgardian, who was convulsing and choking on the cold metal ground, blood dribbling slowly down from his mouth into a pile of dark red the floor. "I will leave you now runt, but I suppose that's enough amusement for one day," "Wh- Why does he get delighted by seeing people get tortured?!" Steve said, flabbergasted, and outraged, Illusion-Loki replied; "Maw is... different from Thanos's other children. He came willingly to him since he gets... physical joy from watching other people's suffering and moulding them into new personalities, which is what he did to all of Thanos's other children when they arrived. He prefers youth since they're easier to mould into what he desires." "I've said it once, I'll say it again. He. is. A. Psycho." Clint said, punctuating every word with venom in his tone. Maw stated as he analyzed a set of metal keys before picking one out from the group.
He shoved it into the key holder and twisted it, he pulled the door open, before he left, he turned to the Asgardian and clicked his fingers. Causing the cuffs to come off and for Loki to fall into a heap on the floor, and disappeared behind the door, before closing and locking it again from the outside, with a soft, but audible click. After a few seconds, Loki's finger twitched. A few minutes later, he shoved his arm up and leaned on his elbows on the cold floor. He coughed repeatedly for a few minutes before stopping, a clicking sound was heard from the cell door, Loki looked up from his spot on the floor. A chitauri soldier came into the room, with Loki giving it a glare that could kill.
The chitauri soldier was holding a small tray in his hands, he placed the tray on the floor, then left, locking the door again. After a few seconds of silence, Loki crawled to the bowl and looked inside. There was a stagnant piece of bread and a small cup of water, barely more than a few millimetres. nevertheless, it was food and water so he took the piece of dry bread and bit off a chunk, but immediately coughed it out, as the second he had put it in his mouth his throat started burning. "W- What was that?" Clint said as he struggled to talk, Illusion-Loki responded; "Remember how I told you the drink earlier was poison?" The avengers nodded, Illusion-Loki continued, "Yes well in a normal system it's harmless, but since the bread had the activator, now it's starting to become poisonous."
"It won't kill you, will it?" Clint croaked out from his now-sore throat, Illusion-Loki replied; "No, it won't but I will fall unconscious shortly." His vision blurred suddenly and the room tilted sideways, at some point he'd laid down on the floor, looking up at the blurry ceiling. A fuzzy grey blob came into his point of view, he faintly heard a sentence being said, but it felt like everything was underwater. "The idiotic runt thought we would actually give him food, he must be more foolish than we thought." After that, everything went black.
- hope you liked the chapter - just-a-random-tissue
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