Purple space grape (chapter 1)
3rd person p.o.v
White-hot pain flared through his body as the chitauri soldier cut of yet, another part of his body to be replaced with machinery. All he could do was bite his tongue until it bled to stop the waves of pain coming from his arm. Unfortunately, he had a port on the back of his head to view his memories, not unlike Nebula. He had so far, had his left arm completely replaced down to the shoulder, his right hand was also completely removed, bit by bit. His right leg had also been completely replaced with machinery, to the knee, thankfully he had most of his torso and left leg intact. it probably wouldn't stay that way for long if he didn't agree to help- no don't think about him.
He kept silent as the chitauri soldier replaced his forearm with metal and wires instead of flesh and blood. He could hear the dulled but shrill screams of Nebula. One of Thanos's children, he hated her with all his guts. The mad titan usually forced them to fight, Nebula usually won, but it was only because he was in such a weakened state. Every time she would win, he would get a part of him replaced with machinery not unlike how that would happen between Nebula and Gamora, another one of Thanos's so-called "children".
He felt a twisted sort of satisfaction that he wasn't the only one going through the same tortures he's going through. As if the chitauri heard his satisfaction, it suddenly grasped his arm and bent it unnaturally. He tried to scream from the pain, but the only sound that escaped from his raw throat was a wet cough and a gasp. The chitauri grinned as he looked at the Asgardian trying to escape the tight grasp on his arm. "I hope you're having fun little runt since this is only the beginning." The creature sneered as it let go of the Asgardian's arm roughly.
"What could be worse than this?" The Asgardian managed to rasp out. The chitauri chuckled, but it sounded more like a dry laugh. "You have no idea runt, you think this is pain, you will beg for something as sweet as pain when we are done with you." It sneered as it grasped a piece of metal and shoved it roughly into his wound, blocking his magic from healing it. He bit his tongue harder, as to not make a sound as he felt the wires connect to his veins with a sickening pop and a small humming sound as the device connected to his body.
He felt a jolt of electricity flow through his veins, he gave up on bitting his tongue and decided to gnaw the inside of his cheek, seeing as his tongue had started to bleed. "I'm surprised you have survived this long, Jotun runt. No matter, our Lord Thanos will make you submit to his will sooner or later, it doesn't matter that you keep fighting. You will give in eventually, everyone does." The chitauri uttered as it walked to the control panel.
It clicked a few buttons and soon the blue force field turned off, the Asgardian fell to the floor and remained motionless until 2 more guards came and pulled him to his feet. They dragged him down a familiar hallway. When they reached the door at the end of the hall they yanked it open and roughly threw him inside. he already knew the layout of the cell, since he'd been here since the chitauri found him.
How long has it been? Days? Months? Years? Since that fateful day, The fall, the fight on the Bifrost? If it has been this long, then why did no one come for him yet? Why not Frigga, or Thor? Or even Odin? Even facing his wrath would be better than anything the Mad Titan did to him. He ran his mechanical hand across his forearm again. It was still there, the metal, the lingering pain. He wished he could go back in time, where the only pain he had to endure was Thor's childish fights with wooden swords, which would often result in bruises or scratches.
With thoughts of playing in the palace garden, with the bright sun above. His mother's bright smile as she watched them fight with wooden swords and childish pranks was how the second prince of Asgard fell asleep.
The chitauri soldier was right.
The next day, as usual, the guard barged into his cell and pulled him along a corridor, they took a sudden unexpected right along the hallway. Dread and fear sunk into the bottom of his stomach as he realized where they were going. They stopped at 2 gigantic black double doors, the chitauri opened the door and shoved him into a kneeling position, then left. Before he could get up, a dark, gruff voice spoke up. "Stay where you are runt, and no further harm will come to you."
He stayed down. The voice continued. "I have heard that our methods are... procrastinating. It has been quite some time now runt, and you have not yet broken. I must say I am impressed but also disappointed. You will succumb to my will sooner or later, and if I have to break and remould you into a mindless puppet to do so, then so be it." At the last statement, the speaker leaned over from the darkness that was covering his figure.
He was purple, with gold and purple battle armour. He had a double-sided sword hanging over the edge of the armrest of his throne, the other side leaning on the floor. He could see crimson blood staining the edge of the sword. If he was going to execute him, he might as well get it over with. The creature dawdled up from the throne, slowly descending the stairs. "It has come to my attention runt that we haven't exchanged formalities." He paused then continued. "I am Thanos, the last Titan in the universe. And you little runt will succumb to my will. This is your last chance to accept willingly, you will go and get the Tesseract for me from Midgard. Do you accept?"
Loki slowly rose from his kneeling position, looked Thanos in the eye and said; "No, Thanos, I do not accept your bargain." He said trying to keep his voice from cracking as he looked the Mad Titan in the eye. Surprisingly, Thanos looked only disappointed, not murderous as he had expected. " Very well, I didn't want to have to resort to this method, but you leave me no choice, runt."
He walked back to his throne and brought something from behind the seat. He felt a sudden rush of power overwhelm his senses, he looked back at the Titan who was now walking towards him with a menacing-looking sceptre, with a glowing blue stone in the middle that radiant an almost nauseating amount of power.
He tried to step back, but 2 chitauri soldiers appear behind him, grabbed him by the forearms and pulled him closer to the stone. He could hear its voice whispering in his mind, sweet promises of glory and revenge over his brother and father. "Join us, we can make all your fantasies become reality. Join us and we can kill the All-father, we can kill your brother, join us and we can do it all. All you have to do is accept, Join us."
Why would he want to kill Thor? Why would he want to kill Odin? Yes, he hated them, but Thor was still his brother, no matter what happens. And Odin- well... he didn't want to kill him, make him at least suffer a little bit yes, but not kill the man. Its voice kept whispering louder and louder as he was forced closer to the stone. "Runt, this is your final chance, do you accept to go to Midgard willingly and to go get the Tesseract?"
He forced himself to look up at the Titan, look at him in the eye and say; "No, Thanos. I do not accept your offer to go to earth to get the Tesseract for you." The Titan sighed, he replied, in an almost bored tone. "Very well then" Before he could process anything that was happening, he felt cold metal being pressed onto his chest, then everything froze and went cold. He felt cold blue enter his mind, freezing his thoughts. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of blue.
Pain exploded all over his body as the green beast hit him mercilessly on the ground over and over and over again. Eventually, the smashing stopped, but the pain wouldn't go away. His ears were ringing loudly and he could barely hear anything even if he tried. The ceiling blurred above him and black crept into the edge of his vision. He thought the green beast said something but his ears were ringing too loud for him to make anything out. A small sound, a pained whimper escaped his lips as he continued to look up at the blurry ceiling. His mind felt oddly clearer, he tried to organize his thought against the blue barrier blocking it, but his efforts were useless. He could feel the blue mist slowly leaving his mind. He wished it would go faster.
As he laid on the cracked and broken floor he tried to sort his thoughts from the few days prior, he felt as if he was watching a movie through a blue haze. Feeling everything that happened, but as if it happened to someone else at the same time. A horrible headache and more blue came suddenly into his mind and blocked the rest of his memories. He didn't know how long he laid on the floor, trying to expel the blue haze from his mind. seconds- minutes- hours? But eventually, his consciousness gave out as he succumbed to the blissful darkness.
He woke up with a throbbing headache, why couldn't he stay dead for once? Luckily more of the blue mist left his mind and he could think again. He looked up, groaning as his body protested at the sudden movement. He squinted as he opened his eyes, the bright light blinding him, which was not helping the headache. He thankfully, felt a shadow cross his vision, he looked up to see who, or what was blocking the light.
Out of everyone, everyone who could have been there of course there had to be Thor, his not-brother was with what appeared to be a group of Midgardians. Oddly, he recognized a few from the odd group standing before him, one, the archer, Barton if memory serves him correctly. He remembers controlling him with the sceptre, no wonder he was the only one amongst the group to look murderous, with an arrow notched to his forehead.
The other man, Stark, is a man of wealth and humour, he remembers having a conversation with the man. Something about offering drinks, declining, the "Avengers", and him getting thrown out of a window. He forced himself out of his stupor and to face his enemies.
Hope you liked the chapter! - just-a-random-tissue
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