Notebook with names (Chapter 30)
Pic comments;
- Percy Jackson references for you all!
Loki blinked back into awareness. One moment he was practically floating in blissful, benumbing darkness, the next he was gasping awake, coughing. His shoulder ached and he was sitting on something hard, which he recognized as the floor after a few seconds. His throat felt like sandpaper, and his stomach was throbbing in time with his heartbeat, each pang felt like a stab to his gut. It hurt. His vision was painfully tainted, every light causing seemingly unnecessary needles of pain in his head. He closed his eyes let his head fall limp against the ground. He felt shivers run down his spine, which chilled him even more. Maybe he was ill? But he'd never been this sick since he was a child. And even then, he'd had mother to heal him. At the thought of mother, his head twinged, as if any thought of her had to be accompanied by a stab of pain. His head was swimming, and he felt like he could throw up at any moment. He felt bile rise in his throat, not a second after the thought formed itself into existence.
Curse his brain.
He barely managed to summon a bowl in time before he puked inside it. His arms felt weak as he clutched the bowl, his hands clammy, which normally wouldn't have been happening if the damned voice had just left him alone. His stomach was doing flips the entire time, which made him want to stab himself if only to stop the pain and horrid vomiting. Curse the Norns if someone shows up right now. He felt a shiver run down his spine at each retch, but he managed to keep his eyes shut the whole time, trying to focus on his breathing or at least anything else than the acid that just wouldn't stop coming.
Eventually, it did stop, and Loki was left dry heaving against the bowl, on his hands and knees, clutching onto it for dear life. He didn't want to move an inch at risk of rupturing one of his internal organs. He heard a 'pop' sound erupt simultaneously all around the room, and the light dimmed into near-oblivion.
His head was spinning so bad that he almost missed a timid-sounding voice speaking up from somewhere in front of him.
He opened his eyes, looking straight past the bowl with surprising ease to stare at the intruder, silhouetted in the hallway. Cassidy. He brought his arm up feebly to gesture to himself, to bring the point across that he did not want to talk at the moment. Cassidy seemed to understand his annoyance, but only for 5 seconds since she crossed the room and yanked the bowl out of his hands, teleporting it somewhere. (Preferably Hel) She waved her hand again, and the smell disappeared and the lights came back. The sound of reforming glass was oddly satisfying, keeping his mind off the growing intensity of the throbbing in his head as the bulbs reformed. A cup of something clear was summoned in her palm, probably water. She grabbed both of his hands and shoved the cup into them, making sure each of his fingers was grasping the cup tightly before letting go.
He nearly dropped the damned thing. His hands were shaking that bad. Before he managed to spill any more water, he brought the cup to his lips and forced some of it down.
He almost choked at his reaction. It did not help the headache. In fact, it may have made it worse - No, it made it worse, it definitely did - His head throbbed even worse now, his vision started swimming with vertigo and he vaguely felt himself drop the cup onto the floor, spilling whatever was left in it onto the carpet. Tony was probably going to kill him for that if Thor didn't first, ruining his friend's tower and all that. It seems like something Odin would do. Loki thought. He was surprised Tony hadn't complained to Thor about the state of the room yet.
He brought his hands up to clutch his head, and immediately, another pair of hands yanked his own away from his scalp.
"Cassidy. Stop." He managed.
"Nope. Not until you drink the rest of this stuff." She waved her hand, and the cup appeared again, off the floor. He would have written an entire list about how it was a safety hazard to use cups that were dropped on the floor of Stark Tower if only the Norns-damned headache would go. it was back to being full, except there was a different liquid inside this time. It was a different colour, amber-looking, like honey.
"W- " He coughed, then tried again. "What is that?"
"Ambrosia," Cassidy said with a smile. "I've been dabbling a bit in the Percy Jackson universe, and I borrowed a bit."
Loki blinked.
"From whom?"
"Chiron, but it's fine. He should have more. Somewhere." Loki has no idea who Chiron is, or what Ambrosia was, and he might have known Cassidy for practically his entire life, but there was no way he was going to drink some random potion that she refused to explain.
Thankfully, it was almost like Cassidy felt the unease practically seeping out of him since she elaborated the next moment.
"It's stuff that's drunk by half-bloods in case of an accident and you need to heal. It should work on you just fine, though, since you do have some magic in your blood. Being royal, blue ice-people comes in handy. Plus, I already know it works on Lokis since there was that incident a few years ago, remember that? I think you should remember that since it was only a few hundred years ago if my brain's working right now. That tree was so tall, though! I don't know how you even survived the fall, especially when you were practically a 5-year-old. Or at least a 5-year-old compared to me, but-" Cassidy stopped rambling as soon as she realized there was a dagger floating right in front of her throat.
"Uh... Loki? That you? If you are, could you please-"
"Just be silent. Please." Loki's tone was pleading, which was already concerning enough, but Cassidy noticed he was also pale, or at least paler than usual. He took in a deep breath when Cassidy stayed noiseless. Whether it was out of fear or respect, Cassidy stayed docile and hushed until Loki spoke up a moment later, his voice sounding even more desperate.
"First of all, please listen to what I'm going to tell you, and in succeeding order, give me the Ambrosia for Norns sake. This headache's going to kill me before Odin does." Cassidy handed him the cup, not speaking a word. Loki stared at the cup for a moment, as if he was dazed before he blinked a few times and drank half of it in one sip.
Cassidy had the immediate urge to tell him to say; "Slow down! You can choke!" but Loki had pretty much formally told her to shut up. Plus, he told her to listen to what he was going to say, which meant he was going to spill some tea, which meant that in a few moments, she was going to have a new Odin or Thanos torture method to add to her list. She waited patiently for Loki to finish his drink. When he was done, he turned back to her, staring past her for a moment before focusing on where she was.
"Cass," Loki mumbled, bringing one hand off the glass to rub at his forehead. Cassidy, meanwhile internally screeched. Either Loki was going to pass out in the next 3 seconds, or he was going to randomly throw the cup in her general direction. Turns out she was wrong with both assumptions, since he did a combo of both, dropping the cup while falling to the floor. Cassidy prevented him from having a worse headache when he woke up with a bit of telekinetic help, while she waved her other hand to clean the floor.
Frick. Now he's passed out twice today. Cassidy thought as she checked his pulse again after being done with the carpet. Normal. She sighed, then bit her lip.
"What is wrong with you, Loki?" She mumbled to herself, dimming the lights before placing him back on the bed gently as walked away, closing the door behind her softly.
— - * - —
"And he's not getting better?" Samantha asked, oddly nonchalant about the situation.
"No, he isn't," Cassidy said, leaning on the wall again. "and if we're being honest, who knows until he'll get better? He might stay in Thanos's grimy, sticky, gross clutches until we kill the grape."
Reggie looked up from the floor. "Are you seriously giving up on him?" Cassidy turned to him.
"Is that what I said? I didn't say I was giving up on him— Hel, I said I was going to help him. All I said is that it's going to take time for his mind to heal from all the psycho stuff he's been dealing with for years." Cassidy retaliated. Samantha looked confused.
"Don't you mean year? He's been with the grape for a year. One. Singular." Cassidy snickered.
"Really? You guys really don't think the wrinkly eye-patch Nick-Fury wannabe didn't do anything to his adopted child? Just as a refresher, remember what he did to Hela? His biological child at the time? He tortured her and turned her into a living Beyblade weapon with nercoswords, as a minor, mind you. He wiped her memories more times than even I can count, then he tortured the living daylight out of the kid when she didn't aim properly at targets, and all that fun killjoy stuff, and then proceeded to wipe her and his memory of the whole incident when he couldn't handle her screams. Loki's lucky he can't remember any of the stuff that happened to him. I eavesdropped during the sessions and even I don't want to remember that. But I mean it when I say it— that Odin variant is evil. He's not like the other ones. There's something... wrong about him."
"Why don't you just... unalive him?" Reggie suggested.
"Don't you think tried? I've tried 274 times by this point, yes I keep track, and nothing's worked. The bastard's immortal or something, he can't die." She kept talking until she put her hands on her head.
"I've killed two million, eight hundred and fifty-seven enemies in my lifetime. That's almost two times the years I've been alive. Two million people I've killed. And I remember them all. Well, at least thanks to this," She waved her hand and a small leather-bound book appeared on the floor in front of her. She looked away from it though, as if it was a bad omen, and brought her legs up to her chest. "I should have burned this thing years ago." She whispered. The pages were well kept, except for a few smaller book-mark-looking-type pieces of paper stuck out the sides. Samantha and Reggie stared at it, neither of them saying anything.
"So... uh, can we look at it at least?" Samantha questioned.
"What?" Cassidy looked up, her eyes almost foggy looking. "Oh, I thought you guys already took it. Sorry." She snapped her fingers and the book was in Reggie's hands. "Go through it, do whatever, I honestly don't care."
Reggie motioned and Samantha came a few steps closer, peering over Reggie's shoulder at the notebook. It was small, the leather softened over time. He carefully pried open the first page, careful not to rip anything, even if Cassidy had basically said that she was fine if she burned it. Inscribed carelessly with what appeared to be black pen, were 4 names that made Reggie sigh in remorse.
Carol - Ahmed- Astrid - Adara
"Do you really think you were responsible for their deaths?" Samantha asked, her voice steady as she looked up at the girl on the floor.
Cassidy smiled, but there was no joy in her expression. "They were the first to die because of my actions. Don't you think they deserve to be there? Their names written in that book?"
"No. They died because of the Organizers. Not you." Reggie said.
"No, the Organizers didn't have crap to do with what I did back then, and what I do now. I killed my friends. Me. Only me. No one else." Cassidy protested.
"Why are you even defending them? I mean- I know they gave you powers and stuff, but other than that, that's the one good thing they did for you. Everything else has been just missions and lessons, and all that drivel you told us about."
Cassidy looked like she was going to argue, but thought better of it and slumped against the wall.
"I want for this to be my last one," Cassidy said. Reggie frowned.
"What do you mean?" Samantha asked, taking the book from Reggie as an excuse to go sit beside Cassidy. Reggie's frown deepened as he took a seat on her left. (On your left-)
"You guys know I've been doing this for a pretty long time. The whole 'Saving Lokis through the Multiverse' thing." Cassidy stated.
"Yeah, it has been a while hasn't it?" Reggie mumbled, borrowing the book from Samantha's hands to flip through the pages. He kept flicking until he made it to the end before he stopped and peered at the last name written in the log, written directly onto the leather were four letters. His eyes widened as he stared at it.
"Cassidy, did you do this?" Reggie all but shoved the page in her face. Cassidy furrowed her brows as she stared at the page.
"Hang on a second." she shoved the book back into Reggie's arms as she crammed her hands into her hoodie pocket, before pulling them out a second later, empty.
"Nothing. You guys got my glasses?" She said, turning to Reggie, a confused expression on her face.
"Ah, right. You don't have them?" Samantha asked, checking her pockets.
"No. I think I left my glasses at your guy's place before Loki called." Cassidy summoned her bag, and reached through, shoving her entire arm up to her elbow inside the pouch. After a few seconds, she pulled her arm out with a groan.
"I hate this." She mumbled.
"There are Walmarts here, right? Why don't you just go to a Walmart or something, and go to the Vision Center to get glasses?" Reggie asked when he was done checking his pockets.
"I can't. For that, you need a prescription, and for that, you need an ID to actually go to an optometrist, and for someone my age you need a legal guardian, etcetera etcetera. It's an excessively painful process." Cassidy explained, taking the book back from Reggie's hands and shoving it into her bag before teleporting it away.
"What did the last page even say?" Cassidy questioned as shifted and sat crisscrossed.
"That book has the names of the people you killed, right?" Reggie asked, Cassidy nodded.
"Well, at the very end, it has Loki's name," Reggie explained. Samantha frowned and looked at Cassidy.
"What was the handwriting like?" Cassidy inquired, not at all fazed by what Reggie had said.
"Why would that have anything to do with it? It's supposed to be your book." Reggie protested.
"You're right, it is my book, but there have been some issues lately involving me," Cassidy answered. "Some of my stuff's been going missing. That journal's the only important thing of mine that's been gone recently, and I only got it back a few weeks ago. When you said there was my best friend's name written in the back, don't you think that's only a wee little bit concerning?"
"Well, it was written weirdly, like the letters were more or less just lines shoved together instead of actual writing," Reggie stated, his brows furrowed.
"I'm pretty sure that it's someone who's trying to annoy us, you know? Do the whole 'turn the best friends against each other' trick. Like what Zemo did." Cassidy theorized. Samantha nodded, accepting the theory as the most plausible one.
"So we have someone else to deal with now?" Samantha asked. Reggie was the one who answered.
"Yep, but I think we should tell the rest of the Avengers first. About the new villain guy, Loki, and Hela's memory issues, Hela herself, and to not bring up anything to do with Odin, and the Ambrosia maybe-coma situation we got going on. Thor might want an explanation." Reggie suggested, then gestured to the door to Loki's room.
"Plus, I think our local witch would feel better if he was healing in the normal, non-frozen world right now." Reggie pointed out. Cassidy shrugged.
"The boss man has a point." She said, before she summoned the time stone, and resumed the timeline.
"Ok, look. You do think I mind controlled your sister? Right?" Those were the first words Yelena heard as she got to her feet. She'd been running up to the little Kvetch, ready to take out her throat, when all of a sudden, she was gone. And then she ran straight into the wall, hitting her head in the process. She turned around, murder clearly evident and desired in her eyes as she switched her dagger for her batons.
"I don't know what you're talking about. She is controlled. You did something to her head." Yelena shoved the ends of her batons together, making a rather wicked-looking staff.
"Look. Have some proof." (And yes, that was wordplay from 'here, have some blue') Cassidy announced as she summoned the scepter to her hands.
"This is the glow stick of destiny. And this," Cassidy pointed at the now yellow mind stone resting in the tip. "is the rock that mind controls people. And the only way to mind control someone is to poke someone in the chest. Do you think Nat would let me? I'd be dead if I stared at her the wrong way, let alone try to attack her." Cassidy reasoned.
"Yelena," Natasha warned. "It's best to not make her our enemy. Either way, I'm not under her or anyone else's control." She paused. "It's me Сестра. I promise."
Yelena eyed her sister, before twisting the bo-staff back into batons. Natasha took a cautious step forward.
"If she isn't manipulating you, then why is she wearing that?" Yelena challenged, turning her bat once again in Cassidy's direction. Cassidy, frowned and looked down. Oh. She was wearing her Black Widow hoodie.
"Hang on a second, you think I'm controlling your sister because of my merchandise?!" Cassidy screeched, spreading her arms in a 'what the Hel?!' pose. (It's just the Loki pose, y'all don't need to do any thinking for this.)
"Yes? Why else would you wear that?" Yelena took another step forward.
"Oh for London's sake. If I was wearing a Loki hoodie would you not stab me with those?" Cassidy waved her hand at the bats.
Yelena's brows furrowed.
"This 'Loki' is the man unconscious in the room?" Yelena questioned.
"Yes, he is. And if you try to stab him, I will rip you to molecules, but yes. If I wore a hoodie with his logo would you not stab me?" Cassidy offered, crossing her arms. Yelena frowned.
"I suppose?" She replied.
"Good. Because I think Tony doesn't want more people ruining his tower." Cassidy responded and teleported down the hallway before turning the corner and disappearing.
"Hey, kid! The bathroom's on the-" Tony started before Cassidy interrupted him.
"Left! I know!" A green flash appeared and Cassidy teleported back to where she was previously standing, a rather large green and gold hoodie now present.
"Happy?" Cassidy questioned, before strutting in the opposite direction down the other direction in the corridor. Samantha and Reggie started to follow her, but when everyone else didn't move, they stopped.
"You guys coming?" Samantha asked, turning back.
"Where are you guys even going?" Tony asked.
"I would like to know that as well," Thor added.
Samantha's answer was simple. "Conference room. We have crap to talk about, and you," She pointed at Thor. "need to be there. You guys too. So come on." She strode down the hall, and turned the corner.
"Should we go?" Bruce asked, stopping fiddling with the edge of his sleeve.
"If it concerns me, I have no qualms. I can handle myself. But you, mortals, I have worries for." Thor replied, tigtning his grip on Mjolnir. (COUgH Jonathan) Tony glared at him.
"Look point break. We're not just 'mortals'. This dude can turn into an even bigger green guy who's pretty much indestructible," Tony pointed at Bruce, who immediately found the floor rather interesting. "these two could probably kill me with a pen." he waved his hand at the sisters' who shared a brief glance. "This is an old guy who can probably punch to through a wall." Steve, who had been silent almost the entire time, look up. "The bird guy could shoot me from miles away." Clint smiled at the appreciation. "And I, for one, just flew through open space in a tin can. So we're not pieces of glass that break when we get thrown. Yeah, sure most of us are broken, and most of us won't get fixed, but we're not shattered, and we sure as Hell don't need a Thunder guy showing up and calling us 'fragile'. So whether you like it or not, I'm going with them. Not because I trust them, or because we're friends. I'm going to convince you we're not porcelain dolls." And with that, Tony left, Bruce on his heels, having silently agreed, both of them turning the corner and leaving the corridor.
"I'm going with him." Natasha stated, and she followed him.
"And I will come with you." Yelena added.
"Me too, I guess." Clint sighed, before catching up.
"I don't like this, but I guess it's just you now Thor." Steve awkwardly said as he followed everyone else. Thor glanced at the room door, sighing before pacing down the hall, keeping his stride slow.
WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK?! Was it good? I really don't know since this is my first upload not on my computer. This chapter was 4000+ words so uh... HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Now enjoy some ✨pics✨
Hope y'all like the pics Tizlits, I also uploaded some drawings in my art book, so maybe check that out after you're done here, so uh... Yeah. TISSUE OUT
- Just-a-random-tissue
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