A Magical Apprentice/1k special (Chapter 20)
3772 words :D
1K HUMANS 🎉🎉🎊🎊🥳🥳
Sorry if this chapter took a bit, I kept adding stuff
3rd person p.o.v from outside of the room / real Loki 3rd person p.o.v
It's been a few minutes since the group entered the room, around 10 or so, but he didn't expect the showing to take more. He conjured another chair for himself, a dark green plush chair, much more comfortable than the wooden ones he'd summoned earlier. He sat in the chair for a few moments, eyes closed, simply enjoying the feeling of the recliner when a hushed *swooshing* sound caught his attention. He didn't have to open his eyes to see who it was, there was only one of his magic students who could open portals so far, Cassidy Bell.
"Good afternoon, Miss. Bell." Loki addressed as he opened his eyes to stare at the young sorceress. Cassidy Bell is a young girl, who couldn't be more than 12 by appearances, but her height made her look like she was in her young 20's, a mistake most adults made. She had dark, calculating dijon eyes, with a hint of tawny, and annoyance. Her Umber hair was dyed at the tips, going from caramel, burnt Sienna, to the final colour of bronze, her hair lay straight against her back, only waving at the tips. She wore a Rossa Corsa (that's a colour by the way, not a brand) hoodie, with two black strings hanged off of the collar, ending in two feathery onyx pom-poms.
A scowl was present on her face as she stared at the Asgardian, who was still staring at her, her hair in a messy ponytail bun with pencils sticking out. (Image below)
"Miss. Bell?" She questioned as she scrunched up her nose in vex. "I already told you, it's Cassidy, C-a-s-s-i-d-y come on you can say it, or Cass, did you get amnesia or something? No *miss* stuff. Way too formal for friends." She said, then continued; "Anyways, why did you call, it's not like it's been ages since you last contacted us, not at all?" She said, her voice bitter; "It's not like that when you go missing your friends care about you, not at all." Her voice accusing as she stared at him.
Loki sighed; "I'm sorry Cassidy, I truly am. Things haven't been the easiest for me at the moment." "Well, if you're having trouble you could have called me, or Reggie, or Samantha, or someone who cares about you," Cassidy replied as she sat down on the floor, beside the chair Loki was sitting in. "Speaking of them, how are they? Reggie and Samantha?" Loki questioned.
"They're doing pretty good, Reggie's getting along fine without you, surprisingly. He managed to levitate an orange, but that was it. Samantha's teaching me illusion projecting, and it's going pretty great. Reggie keeps pranking me and Sam without his *partner in crime* as he says, without him." Loki nodded; "And I had to be his magic tutor for a bit, seeing as you weren't there." She added, as she stared slightly accusingly at the Asgardian, who looked down sheepishly. "But anyway, back to the main topic, why'd you call me over?"
"Well, I didn't invite you, exactly. My illusion did." Loki replied, Cassidy, nodded; "Then why did your illusion call me over then?" "Well, I'm not sure, but I guess we'll see," Loki answered, Cassidy, nodded again. An awkward silence filled the room, both of them not willing to speak, so to say, thankfully the silence was stopped when a portal opened in one of the walls. Illusion-Loki stepped out first, followed by Tony, Bruce, Steve, Natasha, Clint, and finally Natasha. Cassidy immediately got to her feet and gazed at the Avengers.
"You never told me the fricking Avengers were here?!" She screeched as she turned to Loki, who was still sitting in the chair, his hands up in surrender. "I didn't think you needed to know," Loki replied apologetically. "Well of course I needed to know!" She retorted, then sighed. "Sorry for yelling, I just don't like going into a situation unexpectedly." She then glanced at the Avengers, who were staring at her then continued; "Especially when it's the Avengers. Besides, which one of us is the Black Widow fan?" She questioned.
Loki sighed, then replied. "You," "Exactly, now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go fangirl over the best, original Avenger." Loki raised an eyebrow, then questioned; "Aren't I, your, quote; *favourite original Avenger*?" "I meant out of the original six, you get a category all to yourself." She replied; "Well, I'm honoured." He grumbled. "Is that a compliment I hear?" She answered while smiling.
"Well then, what *category* am I in, then?" He queried. "The *Anti-hero, most liked character in the entire MCU category.*" She replied, Loki smiled. "I still don't believe I am the *most liked* as you put." Loki said; "Oh pish posh, I would've been surprised if you weren't" The Avengers, who up until now were silently gawking at the scene finally spoke up, well Tony did, specifically. "What the hell is going on here!? What's the MCU?! What on earth are you two talking about?!"
Tony then turned to Illusion-Loki; "She's your *friend*, right?" Illusion-Loki nodded; "Then where are our answers?! You said that we were going to waltz out of here and that she," Tony pointed at Cassidy; "Would tell us what is going on!" "Calm down, Stark. You'll get your answers soon, well as soon as I know what's going on as well." Loki responded as he turned to Illusion-Loki.
"I may, or may not have shown the Avengers the... zombie footage," Illusion-Loki reported. "And let me guess, they are curious about how they were there and how we knew about them before we met them." Loki filled in, Illusion-Loki nodded. "You could have just told me that," Cassidy mumbled. "Oh, yeah and magic lady, or future lady. Or whoever you are, what's your name?" Tony questioned; "Cassidy. And I'm not a *lady* Tony, I'm 12. No formal stuff. It's a no-go for me." Cassidy responded.
"Wait, you're 12?" Clint questioned; "So our magical universe guide is a kid?" "You'd know to respect *kids*, Clinton Francis Barton," Cassidy responded, slightly harsh. Natasha, snorted; "Francis?" "It's a family name," Clint responded. Bruce, cut in. "But anyway, how did you know about us? Are you from the future?" Cassidy shook her hand in the so-so gesture, then elaborated
"I am from the future, that part's true, or at least here it is. I'm from 2021, in my world." Clint cut in suddenly, looking like an excited puppy; "What happens in the future?" Cassidy picked at her palm slightly, (A habit she picked up from Loki) before replying; "Well, I'm not exactly from your universe." Everyone looked puzzled at the stared at Cassidy. "What do you mean?" Clint questioned; "This might take a while, so buckle in." Cassidy said as she summoned chairs, coincidentally (Or not exactly) that were everyone's colour palette. Everyone went into their designated seats and plopped down.
"Well, I do know what happens to the Avengers up until 2023, if anything happens further than that, I don't know," Cassidy replied, when everyone still looked confused, she continued; "Let me just show you guys what I'm talking about." Cassidy waved her hand, and an illusion of what looked like a weird lopsided tree appeared. "This is the Multiverse." "I-it exists?" Tony mumbled.
"Yep," Cassidy replied enthusiastically. "And this, is your universe," Cassidy said, and the hologram zoomed in on one of the smaller branches near the start. "What's the big thing in the middle, the part that looks like a trunk," Clint questioned, looking once again as an excited puppy. "Well, I'm glad you asked Merida- oh sorry, Clint," Cassidy answered, Natasha, snorted. "That's the sacred timeline, or was the sacred timeline I guess," Loki looked away guiltily, Cassidy sighed; "Loki, that wasn't your fault. I already told you, it was a whole bunch of stuff happening at coincidentally the same time." "But I still helped," Loki mumbled.
"That wasn't you, that was Sylvie, and Sylvie's a variant, like you. She's your sibling at maximum. No-where near you." Loki huffed. "Fine. Keep feeling guilty about something you didn't do." Cassidy continued; "But anyways, this is the sacred timeline. Long story short, there's this company, place, thing that was called the TVA. The TVA supervised the sacred timeline, while is one *special timeline* that's destined to be the only one allowed to exist."
Clint raised his hand; "Yes, clint?" "What doe- what did the TVA do to the timelines that... existed without permission? Is that right?" Clint questioned. "Yes, that's correct. And when a timeline existed out of the sacred one, they would disintegrate the timeline. Well more like teleport the matter to the void at the end of time where it would get destroyed by a magic purple smoke dragon called Alioth." Everyone looked bewildered. "But that's a story for another time," Cassidy added.
"Anyways, the sacred timeline is liked a main sequence of events. But you guys, are a branch reality of the sacred timeline." Cassidy said, slightly ominously. "Long story short, you guys were never supposed to find out Loki's real age, or the fact that he was mind-controlled or any of that stuff. He was, according to the sacred timeline supposed to be sent to Asgard, and put in prison." Everyone stared at Cassidy in dismay. "Did he at least get a trial?" Thor asked shakily.
"Not exactly, it was more Odin just shoving all of Loki's accusations in his face and being just a horrible parent in general," Cassidy said. "No! Odin isn't... the worst parent," Thor exclaimed, trying to defend his father. Cassidy turned to Loki; "Can I show them?" Loki tilted his head. "I don't see why not." Cassidy closed her eyes and positioned her hands in front of her, palms outward. The light in the room suddenly dimmed. "Woah, I need one of these," Tony said.
A glow in the middle of the room stared, slowly getting brighter. It expanding until it became relatively the size of a TV. Cassidy lowered her hands and opened her eyes, she sucked in a deep breath and the colour returned to her face. "think I did it." She said. "If Samantha was tutoring you, then you have done well," Loki said.
"Who is this Samantha, you speak of brother?" Thor questioned, startling mostly everyone in the room, seeing as he had been mostly quiet the entire time. "A friend," Loki replied curtly. "Don't worry, you'll probably meet her and Reggie later." Cassidy added. "But back to the hologram, illusion thing." The screen lit up, and it showed Odin, Thor and Loki sitting on a rock that overlooked a cliff. Thor spoke up; "I know we failed you, but we can make this right." "So this is part of the sacred timeline?" Clint whispered to Cassidy. "Yep," Cassidy murmured back.
"I failed you," Odin responded. Thor frowned. "It is upon us." "Wait, what is?" Tony questioned. "You'll see," Cassidy replied. "Ragnarok."Odin proclaimed. Thor's frown deepened. "No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur." Thor protested. "No, it's already begun. She's coming." "Who's coming?!" Steve questioned. "You'll see," Cassidy repeated. "My life was all that held her back, but my time has come." Odin sighed, before continuing.
"I cannot keep her away any longer." Thor spoke up; "Father, who are you talking about?" "Goddess of death, Hela, my firstborn. Your sister." Odin admitted, then the hologram went black. The entire room was silent for a moment before Thor finally broke the silence. "W- We have a sister?" Loki nodded disconsolately. "And you knew?!" Thor roared, as he stood up, Loki sighed; "Yes, yes I did." Thor advanced towards his brother, but Loki continued; "But, I swore an oath saying that I couldn't tell you until you knew, or even if you never did."
"You never told me this over a petty oath?!" Thor boomed as he stepped closer to Loki. "I couldn't tell you, because it was a blood oath, you oaf!" Loki screeched at Thor, who stepped back, a mixture of horror and apprehension on his face as he stared at his brother. "You did WHAT?!" This time, Thor didn't step any closer to Loki, he remained where he was, his expression turning to melancholy. He remained that way, unmoving, a look of despair on his face, for a few moments, before he spoke up. "Why?"
He turned to Loki as he said this, after a moment of silence, he repeated the question; "Why? Why did you do it?" Loki looked down at the ground; "We had to." He answered, his voice slightly shaky. "We all had to do it. We couldn't let someone mess up about the future if someone let something slip." Loki replied, his voice steadier as he said the explanation, Natasha spoke up from the back; "You said that we all had to, are you saying that someone else had to do this *blood oath* thing to?"
Thor turned to Loki again, his voice firm; "Who, who else did it." Loki sighed, but before he could reply, Cassidy spoke up. "Me, I- I did it too." "Wait what the hell is a blood oath exactly, so we can, you know understand what you all are talking about?" Tony declared from his seat, Cassidy spoke up; "Well, Tony." Cassidy sighed before continued. "A blood oath is a- well, it's not exactly a- wait never mind. A blood oath is kinda like a simple oath, but with a not-so-fun twist." When she stared at the confused faces before her, she continued. "You all do know what an oath is, right?"
Everyone nodded; "Well a blood oath, requires, as you might guess a bit of blood. And I mean a bit, not a gallon of the stuff, I mean like, 1 drop would be enough. But basically, you take that drop of blood, you mix it in with some weird magic plants, potion stuff, all that witch voodoo stuff, then you add the blood, 1 drop, but it also depends on how many people you want to do the blood oath. For example, if you have 2 people, each person puts 2 drops of blood. It's actually really simple when you think about it, but anyways back to the DIY for how to make blood oaths." Cassidy paused, then continued.
"So you mix all the magic stuff, you say what oath you wanna do, in our case, it was *I solemnly swear I am up to no good-*, Nah I'm kidding, but that was a good reference though," Cassidy said as she turned to Loki, who surprisingly was smiling slightly at the allusion. "Oh frick! Did I make the Loki, God of mischief smile! Am I dead? Is this heaven?!" She said sarcastically, Tony spoke up; "Am I the only one who's confused right now?" Cassidy sighed; "Well if you must know Tony, I've been trying to get a reaction out of him for years, and it never bloody worked!" She declared, her voice turning to a British accent at the end.
"Why did you randomly go full *I'm a British, I drink tea 60 times a day* on us?" Tony questioned, Cassidy, replied; "I do that sometimes, don't be rude." at the same time Loki replied; "She does that occasionally." "Ok, but back to blood oaths." Cassidy asserted, in a way-to-cheerful-tone-for-the-current-situation. Thor poked Loki in the shoulder, Loki turned to him; "What?" He muttered. "Is she usually this cheerful?" Thor questioned; "Well, she is slightly less boisterous than usual if that's what you mean." Loki replied nonchalantly.
"No, I'm just surprised that someone as hearty as her agrees with you," Thor said, slightly anxious as he said the words. "Are you saying that you think that I can't be friends with people who don't act like me?" Loki alleged. "I- No- I mean. I- I . . . yes, that's what I think." Thor blurted out, as he stared at his brother, Loki sighed, then replied; "While, yes Thor I'm not surprised that you thought that, the fact is it still it hurt for you to say it." Loki said scornfully, and surprisingly calmly, Loki turned to walk away.
"Loki, wait! Please, I'm sor-" Thor tried to reason with Loki, but he cut him off. "Save it, Thor. I don't want to hear your explanation." And with that, Loki strutted to the middle of the room. Everyone turned to look at him, but he paid them no mind, he walked over to the chair he had summoned earlier and sat down. After a few moments, Thor shuffled to his chair and sat down. "ok, yeah. You went to go something, but now you're back. Ok, now officially back to blood oaths." Cassidy exclaimed.
Cassidy's tone suddenly turned darker and more ominous. "Ok, but in our case with our blood oath, we swore that we couldn't tell any of you guys about what happens in the future until you guys know. But, we can show you, thus the illusions." Everyone absorbed the information. "OK, uh.. yeah. That's about it, I think." Cassidy said. "Wait, you never told us exactly how you knew about us," Steve said, in a slightly suspicious tone.
"Oh, yeah! We never finished the discussion about the universe and stuff, did we?" Murmurs rang out around the room, most of them negative. "Well then let's do that real quick to clear things up, then we should be done." Cassidy waved her hand, and the same illusion from earlier popped up in the middle of the room. "You're getting better." Loki praised. "Thanks," Cassidy said.
"Ok, as a quick recap, we have the universe, which is where we are now." The hologram zoomed in on a smaller branch from the bigger picture. "Then we have the Multiverse." Then the illusion zoomed out to show a large tree-looking shape. "Which has a sacred timeline and branches and stuff. Next, we have the Omniverse." (Which is an actual term in Marvel, it's pretty cool) The image zoomed out again, and it showed a multitude of Multiverses, with circles surrounding them. "Woah," Tony murmured as the group stared at the Image.
Cassidy continued; "Each Omniverse is composed of many Multiverses, yours is 1-99999, which is one of the most famous in my universe, along with the 616 Multiverse as well." Cassidy let the group stare at the image before continuing; "And, finally. We have the Infinitverse." (I added this one because in Marvel nothing goes past the Omniverse) Cassidy waved her hand, the image zoomed out further, showing all of the Multiverses as specks in a huge splotch of the Infinitverse. "This is, as we call it in my universe, the Marvel Infinitverse, or Infinitverse number 2895." (I just made up that number)
"I, on the other hand, am from infinitverse number 637." The image zoomed as if it was scrolling through a screen before it stopped before on a globule, not unlike the other one, but this one was different. This one only had a branch inside, not like the other one which had many flecks of Multiverses. "Why does yours look like it's just one Multiverse?" Tony questioned, looking puzzled.
"There are only a few Omnivurses that have many Multiverses, like yours, Harry Potter's-" Cassidy started but was cut off by Tony, who exclaimed; "Harry Potter's real?!" "Yes, Stark. Most if not all the books that you read are real in some way, or another." Loki mentioned, Tony suddenly turned to Loki; "Wait, be honest for a second here, kid." Loki raised an eyebrow, then replied; "Not exactly my forte." Tony continued nonetheless; "Were you, Snape?" Loki sighed, then replied; "Fine, yes. Yes, I was."
Tony continued; "So that means I can go to Hogwarts?" Cassidy snorted, then replied; "I've seen how your entire life plays out Tony, and there's no way you're gonna give up science. besides, you haven't got a magical bone in you're body." Tony was about to protest, when Bruce, surprisingly, spoke up; "wait, how did you know about how his entire life plays out, this Inifnitverse explanation didn't clear things up."
"I was going to get to that, but Tony interrupted," Cassidy said. "So, you all know how Harry Potter exists in your universe, right?" Tony nodded, everyone else did a so-so gesture with their hands. "Well, who wrote Harry Potter in this universe?" "Katherine R.J," Tony replied matter-of-factly. (Yes, I did just mix up J.K Rowling's name) "Well in my universe, it's J.K Rowling, and it's the same book so . . . " Cassidy trailed off, letting the team fill in the blanks.
"So that means that someone from their Omniverse travelled to ours, and yours and published the book?" Tony said hesitantly, Cassidy smiled; "Bingo. I'm pretty sure none of you all know all that much about dimensional theory, though." When all Cassidy got as a reaction was bewildered faces, minus Loki, Cassidy resumed; "Well, in my case it was more of a summoning gone wrong." When the group perked, she sighed, then continued;
"Well, a few friends and I were attempting to do a weird shifting thing. Shifting is kinda like moving your consciousness to another universe." (I'm not a shifter, I just couldn't think of any other example that would fit.) The group nodded; "But, instead of moving our consciousness's, we were attempting to move our physical selves to your universe." Loki raised an eyebrow, then questioned; "Why would you want to do that? Dimensional travelling is treacherous at the minimum."
"Yes, well I know that now." She replied. "But anyway, so we attempted it, it . . . worked, kinda. I got teleported to your universe, but it also . . . backfired. I- I." Cassidy sniffled a bit, she sighed, composing herself; "I- I killed them." She admitted everyone's eyes widened. "W- What do you mean you killed them?" Steve asked. "T- the attempt worked, but. W- Well. Nothing is sparkles and rainbows. Turns out I was the only one out of my friend to survive since I got powers that could survive a 20, 000 feet drop. from the middle of the sky." She stated detachedly.
Edit; I know Cassidy didn't explain to the Avengers yet about how she knows about them, or much about blood oaths so I'll get to that next chapter
Hope u humans/aliens/whatever you are, like the chapter! Hope you have a great day/night/afternoon!
- Just-a-random-Tissue
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