Chapter 13
Ashton's face when he saw Luke with Varia kept plaguing Luke's mind all day.
He frowned as he looked out the window. He didn't understand what the problem here was, but he wanted to fix it.
Did Ashton not like Varia? If so, why? Did they know each other?
He sighed and faced the board again, where the teacher was writing problems.
Lame. He faced the window again. Ashton drifted back into his mind.
Luke smiled as he imagined Ashton's curls, soft skin, and his best feature, (in Luke's opinion), Ashton's smile.
He loved Ashton's smile more than anything. He wished he could see it more. He wished he could be the reason Ashton smiled.
Well, think then, idiot! What does Ashton smile at?
Um, well he gets happy when he solves a complex problem...
Okay, what else? Cos you obviously can't do a complex problem.
Ouch. Okay. Um...he also smiles when someone compliments him, or he finds something similar to his interests-
Luke gasped aloud and the teacher shushed him.
He smiled at his desk. He knew how he was gunna make Ashton smile.
Luke: meet me @ the libary after school
Ashton: library* and y?
Luke: just plz!
Ashton: y
Luke: please princess
Luke: princess
Ashton: im hanging up
Luke: but were texting?
Ashton: we're*
Luke: thought u were hanging up ;)
Ashton: shut up
Luke: please just meet me there, I have a surprise
Ashton: I dont want it
Luke: trust me, u do
Ashton: how many times do I have to tell u I dont want ur dick up my ass?
Luke: at least one more time.
Luke: want my dick up your ass?
Ashton: -.-
Luke: im telling Calum u were racist.
Ashton: due to the retrieval error of me not knowing who Calum is, I cannot attach any emotions to him. Therefor, no fucks shall be given about his emotions towards your telling him about this conversation.
Luke: wut
Ashton: it means idgaf
Luke: oh
Luke: but plz meet me in the library
Ashton: I dont want to talk to u
Luke: ur doing it rn
Ashton: this is typing.
Luke: whatever, plz just meet me?
Ashton: god. Fine
When Ashton arrived at the library, the last thing he expected to see was Luke dressed up in glasses, suspenders, and a shirt pocket full of pens.
But that's exactly what he was staring at.
Luke beamed at him. "Hey! Look what I did, I became a nerd for you!"
Ashton glared at him. "What is wrong with you? Really."
"You don't like it?" Luke frowned.
"No I do not like it!" Ashton exclaimed. "You didn't 'become a nerd', you just threw on some stereotypical clothes and classified yourself as me, as some geeky dumbass. So thanks. Exactly what I needed." He turned around and stomped out of the room.
"Princes- Ashton! Wait!" Luke chased after him.
"Don't touch me." Ashton snapped, yanking his arm away from Luke.
"I'm sorry I offended you." Luke apologized. "I really didnt mean too, it was actually the exact opposite of what I was trying to do."
"And what exactly were you trying to do?" Ashton asked in annoyance.
"Make you smile." Luke said softly.
Ashton stopped. He looked up at Luke, who was shamefully looking at the ground.
"I just think you're really beautiful when you smile, and I wanted to be the reason you smiled. I wanted to make you smile, but instead I made you angry. I'm sorry." Luke scratched his neck.
"Oh..." Ashton looked to the side. "Um, well, thanks for trying. I think that's sweet that you would want...." He met Luke's gaze. "Thanks."
Luke nodded. "Yeah, well, anyways...see you tomorrow." He started walking off.
"Wait!" Ashton called. He ran up to the taller boy.
Luke watched as Ashton stood up on his tip toes and put his hands on Luke's shoulders.
Ashton hesitated a moment, before leaning in slowly.
Both boys closed their eyes as their lips became closer and closer togeth-
They broke apart so fast, Ashton fell to the floor.
Varia stormed over to them. She grabbed Luke's arm roughly. "What the hell is going on here? What the fuck are you wearing?" She glared at Luke. "You were supposed to meet me in the car after school today."
Luke frowned. "What? We never planned-"
"And you." She spat at Ashton. "I thought I made myself clear last time." She narrowed her eyes. "Do I need to give you another lesson, freak?"
Ashton shrank closer to the floor and casted his gaze to the lockers to avoid Varias harsh stare.
"Let's go." Varia spun on her heel and marched to the doors, tugging Luke along behind her.
"Varia! Hold on a minute!" Luke protested as she pulled him outside.
Ashton sighed and blew his hair out of his eyes. He could hear them arguing all the way across the parking lot.
He laid down on the cool tile and closed his eyes. His mind drifted to Luke. Despite actually insulting him, Ashton appreciated Luke's effort to make him smile. It was a sweet gesture, and Ashton wanted Luke to try again, because Ashton loved to smile, but he never really had a reason.
He laid there for a while, before realizing he was laying in the middle of the hallway after school and it was dirty.
He heard fast footsteps approaching his direction and his eyes flew open.
He sat up abruptly, only to have a sharp pain jab his chest, shoving him back to the floor.
He looked up in surprise as Varia stood over him, her heel pressing painfully down on his chest.
"Stay. Away. From. Luke." She hissed. "He's straight and he's mine. If I see you with him again, I will personally ruin your life, you freak." She spat.
Ashton flinched and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.
She shot him one last glare, before stomping away.
Ashton sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. "'M not a freak...."
*whimpers and makes grabby hands at Ashton* no no baby, ur not DX
But dont worry, Varia will get her comeuppance, mama Irwin style >:)
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