Ruby Is Too Pure
A/N: Warning: contains a naughty joke. Forgive me, I'm twenty years old and my humor is a bit mature sometimes.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang are just chilling in their dorm room in Atlas when Ruby suddenly bursts into the room, loudly announcing her presence.
"What do you want, Ruby?" Weiss asked.
"I wanna ask you guys a question." Ruby replied.
"What is it?" Blake asked her.
"What's...p*gging?" Ruby asked her teammates.
Simultaneously, the other girls's cheeks turn pink. Then Yang tries her best not to laugh hysterically, while Weiss glared at her. Blake just hid her blushing face behind her book.
"Well...what is it?" Ruby asked again.
Weiss is about to answer the young girl's question when Yang covers her mouth.
"We don't know, Rubes....why don't you go ask Uncle Qrow?" Yang said, struggling to contain her laughter.
"Okay." Ruby shrugged before turning and walking out of the room.
Once Ruby was gone, Yang lets her laughter loose and starts rolling on the floor.
"Yang, stop laughing, this is not funny!" Weiss said with a huff, placing her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, it's not funny, it's hilarious!" Yang laughed.
"Qrow is going to be so embarrassed when Ruby asks him that question." Blake said.
"I know! This is gonna be priceless!" Yang said excitedly.
Yang gets up, grabs her friends's wrists and drags them behind her as she follows after her sister. The girl in the red cloak finds her uncle talking with his boyfriend, Clover, and bounds up to them.
"Hi, Uncle Qrow! Hi, Uncle Clover!" Ruby greeted cheerfully.
"Hey, pipsqueak." Qrow replied.
"Uncle Qrow, I heard this word while I was in town today, and I wanna know what it means. Can I ask you guys?" Ruby asked the two men.
"Sure, kid. Go ahead, ask away." Clover said.
"Do either of you know what p*gging means?" Ruby asked.
And just like with her teammates before, Qrow and Clover's faces turn red. The two stammer nervously, unable to think or speak clearly.
"Go on, Uncle Qrow, explain what it is." Yang giggled.
Cheeks still bright red, Qrow glares at his elder niece.
"Yang, what the h*ll are you up to." Qrow whispered to her, gritting his teeth.
"Hmmm, it seems like Uncle Qrow and Uncle Clover don't know either." Yang said draping her arm around her sister's shoulders.
"*gasp* I know! You can ask Winter, she's smart, she's sure to know." she told her sister.
"Umm...okay?" Ruby replied, not understanding everyone's behavior or why they're giving Yang shocked and angry glares.
She sped off, leaving behind a laughing Yang who is being yelled at by Blake and Qrow, as Weiss repeatedly punched her non-metal arm. And Clover just stood there still shocked and embarrassed by Ruby's question.
"Why are you laughing, Yang!? This is serious! She's gonna embarrass herself and everyone else!" Qrow told his niece.
"Oh come on, guys! This is funny and you know it!" Yang said in defense.
"What about any of this is funny?" Weiss asked angrily.
"The fact that our pure and innocent little Ruby has no idea what p*gging means. I mean, how is that not hilarious?" Yang answered, her laughter dying down.
"I don't think this is funny, Yang. Not funny at all." Qrow said folding his arms across his chest.
"Sorry, Uncle Qrow, but I can't really take that seriously from you. H*'ve most likely been p*gged before." Yang said flatly.
Qrow's entire face, ears, and neck turns red and he clenches his jaw, not saying a word.
"Qrow....have you?" Clover asked him.
"I....I-I....I ain't answering sh*t!!" Qrow said, voice cracking.
Then he turns into his bird form and flies away.
"Hehe...yep, he's been p*gged before." Yang chuckled shaking her head.
"I'm outta here, there's no way you're dragging me into this mess." Clover said before walking into the direction his birdie boyfriend flew away in.
"You're horrible, Yang." Weiss told her.
"Don't care." Yang said before walking away to go find her sister.
After some searching, Ruby finds Winter talking and having lunch with the Ace Ops in the cafeteria. She walks up to the table and sits with them.
"What's up, kid?" Hariet asked her.
"I wanna know what this word means, but no one will tell me!" Ruby whined pouting.
"Well, what's the word?" Vine asked.
"Does anyone here know what p*gging means?" Ruby asked.
Winter chokes on her drink, Elm starts laughing, Marrow gasps covering his mouth, Hariet's eyes widen and her jaw drops, and Vine simply stands up and walks away his cheeks growing darker and darker.
That's when Yang, Weiss, and Blake enter the cafeteria.
"Aww, d*mn it! We missed her asking Winter the question." Yang sighed disappointedly.
"You! How could you allow your little sister to go around asking people such a lewd and inappropriate question!?" Winter said storming over to Yang.
"Lewd? *gasp* Does "p*gging" mean something...dirty?" Ruby asked innocently.
"YES!" replied Winter, Hariet, Elm, Marrow, Weiss, and Blake.
"YAAAANGGG! How could you!" Ruby yelled at her sister.
"I'm sorry, sis. It was just too funny, I couldn't resist." Yang said hugging her sister and ruffling her hair.
"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Ruby told her.
"Okay, Rubes." Yang agreed.
"So...what does it mean?" Ruby whispered.
Yang whispers the answer into her little sister's ear. Ruby's cheeks turn as red as her cape, her eyes widen, and then her jaw drops to the floor.
"Oh my gods! I can't believe you had me asking people about that! You are a horrible sister, Yang, you have betrayed me!" Ruby scolded.
The young huntress pulls her hood over her head, hiding her blushing face. Then she declared that she was never showing her face ever again....and that Yang was to blame...for not telling her what it meant.
A/N: LOL, sorry for the adult joke in this.
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