Chapter 2: Strange behaviour
The three of them soon arrived at school. They said goodbye to Toriel and headed towards the classroom.
"Kris! There you are! Even Susie showed up before you, ehehe" Ms. Alphys greeted in a slightly teasing tone. And sure enough, Susie sat at her desk, which was a rare sight.
(Y/n) looked around the classroom in fascination. She had been here yesterday when Kris showed her around but seeing the classroom in action with other students and a teacher made it seem completely different. Ms. Alphys, along with the rest of the class, noticed her. "O-Oh? A new face! You must be the exchange student Mrs Dreemur told me about over the phone" Alphys said. Toriel had called ahead and informed her about the new student living with her and her son. Which was good because that would save Kris and (Y/n) from having to come up with an excuse.
"Yup, that's me. I'm (Y/n). Thanks for having me" The girl greeted with a polite smile and bowed, like she would to her mentors back in the dark world.
There were a few snickers around the
classroom as she did that. Alphys was startled aswell. "U-uh.. there no need for that. You're always welcome. Find yourself a seat and let's get started." Alphys stuttered.
As Kris and (Y/n) walked to the two empty desks Kris leaned over to whisper something in her ear. "As cute as that was, you don't have to treat anyone here like royalty. 'Some people' don't need that kind of ego boost" He muttered eyeing Birdly from the corner of his eye. The bird kept a curious gaze on (Y/n), as if she was an anomaly that he wanted to figure out. Kris shot him a cold glare before sitting down. (Y/n) blushed at the sound of his tired voice in her ear and looked away, trying to hide it.
(Y/n) sat down aswell, she couldn't wait to get started.
Susie suddenly kicked her desk to get his attention, as he was sitting right in front of her. Kris turned his head towards her. "Hey Kris..! ..if I knew you were gonna be late.. I wouldn't have showed up on time. What? You were too busy with your new girlfriend?" She said with a bit of annoyance, muttering the last part. Kris blushed slightly and didn't answer. He was too exhausted to come up with something to say in return.
"S-Susie, please don't kick your desk.. Treat school supplies like you'd treat people" Alphys spoke up and (Y/n) sweated.
'Normally.. good advice.. but kinda aimed at the wrong person here..' she chuckled and shook her head.
Susie throught for a moment. "Okay.. next time I'll aim for the vitals" she laughed. "Actually, aiming at the vitals with a kick is much harder than it seems. A strategic kick at the back of the knee is much more effective to make someone fall. Then they are vulnerable enough to-" (Y/n) started rambling about her combat knowledge but stopped when she saw everyone looking at her like she was crazy. Kris hid his amused smile. It was funny how (Y/n) was completely out of her element.
"..Why would she give Susie advice on how to beat people up?..." someone muttered. "..You think she's trouble too?..." another whisper could be heard. (Y/n) blushed in embarrassment and sunk further into her seat.
'Okay... note to self.. combat advice is NOT appropriate for school...' she made a mental note.
"Uuuuuhhhh... in any case, good morning, class! We have a lot to go over today. First, we're starting the reading from page 142." Alphys announced, trying to change the subject and everyone got their texts books out. Which made (Y/n) feel a bit left out and awkward since she didn't have any school supplies.
Noelle, next to her, noticed this and being the kind hearted little deer she was, tapped her on the shoulder. "H-hey uhm... (Y/n) right?.. I uh.. I notice you don't have a textbook... uhm.. w-would you like to read out of mine together?" She offered. "Yes, that would be great, thank you!" (Y/n) smiled immediately and scooched over so they could read out of the textbook together.
"A-Any volunteers?" Alphys asked but nobody spoke up or raised their hand. There was an awkward silence. Noelle then gathered up the courage to raise her hand. "Umm, I.. I guess I could read the-" she started but was caught off by the blue bird next to (Y/n)'s desk.
(Authors note: so basically you're sitting in the first row between Noel and birdly)
Birdly jumped up to stand on his desk. "Ah, trouble yourself not, Noelle! I will valiantly take this blow of humiliation!!" He exclaimed like it was the most tragic sacrifice.
(Y/n) glanced up at him highly confused. She turned to Kris and Susie and pointed at Birdly with a look that said: "is he for real?.."
Noelle was about to protest, wanting to come out of her comfort zone and read the chapter but Birdly already started reading. This left Noelle sighing in defeat and she looked back down at her text book. (Y/n) felt bad for her.
Meanwhile, Kris rested his head on his hand as he silently watched Birdly make a fool of himself. His annoying voice and overly dramatic tone just bored Kris beyond belief. Listening to this, his eyes close automatically and before he knew it, he had dozed off.
~at the end of class~
Kris felt a warm hand on his back, rubbing it. It was a comforting feeling. "Kris.. Kris it's time to go.." a voice that sounded angelic to him spoke. The soft tone of it nearly made him drift further into dreamland. That was until he was startled awake by the classroom door slamming shut as the last person left and he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Have a nice day everyone! And P-PLEASE! Remember your group projects" Alphys called after the others.
"Damn it.. did I fall asleep?.." he muttered to (Y/n), who nodded. "Yeah, you were completely gone almost as soon as class started" she said, looking at him concerned.
Alphys also noticed his odd behaviour. "Kris, are you alright? You were sleeping all class. D-Don't worry! I'm not mad! J-just concerned! Usually you just sleep through the start" Alphys said.
"Yeah... sorry.." Kris muttered running his hands over his face in an attempt to become more awake. At least the nap helped a little bit with his exhaustion.
"It's okay, just rest up nice tonight, okay?And don't stay up late talking to Asriel online again- oh wait.. I guess you can't.. I hope the internet gets fixed soon" Kris nodded at her request and got up. (Y/n) grabbed his sleeve to stop him from walking away. "..are you good?.. you're more quiet than usual..." she pointed out. Kris smiled at her concern. "Its fine. I guess the long journey yesterday finally caught up to me" he said. At least it wasn't a complete lie, right?
"You know you can tell me if somethings wrong, right?.." she asked and Kris paused, going over his options.
"Your concern is sweet.. but not necessary. Now come on, I have a feeling Susie is eagerly waiting for us" he reassured her. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"Meh.. just a hunch. I can sense the social interaction coming" Kris joked and took her hand in his. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle at his comment.
"Then let's not keep her waiting." She replied. Alphys watched this interaction from her spot at her desk. Even though Kris seemed to be very tired, she never heard him speak that much to someone during one interaction. Despite everything he seemed.. more open.. and even the fact that he was voluntarily holding her hand showed a special bond between them. Is it because they're both human?.. or is there something else?..
Alphys definitely made a mental note to speak to Toriel about his fascinating turn of behaviour. And how the source of it seemed to be this mysterious girl that just literally showed up out of seemingly nowhere.
~To be continued~
Another chapter out, sorry it took me a while. I was pretty busy because I'll be having an important exam next week and I've been kinda stressing about it while studying.
Anyway, I hope that after the exam is done the updates will be more frequent.
Until then!
💕Love you all💕
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