I Have Been Tagged
so last update was sooo depressing so let's talk about happy go lucky shit aka that I've been tagged twice for reasons yet to be known
so Caileen25 tagged me with these questions:
1) who was your first crush, give me name and age? His name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and he's currently 17 years old. He's been my crush since I was 7.
2) When did I first discover yaoi? It was two or three years ago. I accidentally stumbled into SasuNaru which went against my straight ship NaruHina and I liked the fluff since Sasuke and Naruto have moments in the anime, me being quite homophobic back then opened up to the beautiful world of Rainbows and Sunshine!
3) Do I like waffles? Normal waffles? YES. Blue waffles? Yes and No. No 'cause they're a fake disease on the vajayay and Yes 'cause Percy Jackson.
4) What's my favourite ship? (favourite is spelt with a 'U' but spell check says no 'U'. I am not American!) My favoUrite ship is right this fucking second... SasuNaru, HideKane, MikaYuu, all gay ships in FairyTail, KillGon, NaruHina (yes straight ships), Jerza, GaLe, NejiTen... when your mind goes blank... I have way more ships. Where dey at doe?
AND LASTLY... SasuxBen, SasuxNico, SasuXSasuke SasuX SpaceyNoodle aka misty
5) Favourite Movie? Well Boruto: The Movie I guess but I like Home. That animation with Rihanna. The soundtrack is amazing. But I also love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Maze Runner, Star Wars, ALL DISNEY MOVIES (the animated ones) all dream works movies and more...
6) My favourite singer? erm... I like bands more... Beyonce I guess. the women is bae
7) Who do I dislike the most? Light Yagami... Actually I hate him
8) Who is my best friend? Used to be a girl called Georgia... We were besties for like 7 years then we went different schools from last September.... Right now? idek... Ben 10 'cause he's always there for me
9) Do I know who AlunaGeorge is? Yep, they're from London so I have to know them. Don't like them. Only heard "You know you like it" remix which was good, original wasn't as good!
10) What's your age? 666 years 6 months and 6 days 6 hours 6 minutes and 6 seconds and 666 milliseconds
Next! *cRYIng* from
1) Favourite thing to do? Fangirling! About anything
3) Marvel or DC? no I will never choose between Loki and The Joker
4) My "PROPER" New Years Resolution (not whatever the fuck I wrote in last update)? Nothing. I am already perfect... the only thing I look forward to is amazing people with my awesomeness which has increased recently! I guess that's it. I hope to shock more people than last year. But it's not shocking since they should already expect this much at least. I am amazing, everyone knows this!
5) Favourite video game? Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
6) Favourite soda? It's not called a soda. It's called a soft or fizzy drink. And I like all and any.
7) Favourite Restaurant?... ???erm??? Well there's a Japanese restaurant in Japan that's One Piece themed. Never been there. It's my fav. But there is this Japanese shop called Wasabi, it sells Onigiri. Me love me some Onigiri
8) What do I want for ma bday dis year? something, anything, unlike last years nothing
9) Favourite shade of gray? Platinum. It's an actual shade. I looked it up
10) Favourite school subject? FOREVER CHEMISTRY! And free periods!
11) Wii U, PS4, XBOX ONE? PS4 bitchees
12) What book on Wattpad book are you currently are you reading? erm I read many
13) What Electronic addict are you? Laptop, iPhone, PS4, TV, Electronic amazing fridge at my aunts
that was something...
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