Have u ever
So some random question. Answer ALL OF THEM next to it, in the comment section.
1) held a broom or mop and pretended you were walking towards a Quiditch match? Yes... a few minutes ago to be precise.
2) heard the fairytail anthem and stood up doing the FT hand sign? My brother has it as a ring tune. So I do it loads.
3) did neji hyuugas palm thing. 2 palm. 4 palm. 8 palm. 16 palm. 32 palm. 64 palm. 128 palm. ROOTATIONNN!!!!!???
Neji... Let's not go there. 0-0
4) died? Yep
5) fell in love? I have wives and a husband!
6) pretended to be brave? (Usopp!). No. I don't pretend. I'm too awesome.
7) imagined you were actually in the anime world as an actual character than the other characters could communicate too? Basically what I day dream about.
8) went to a beach and knew that Poseidon was somewhere in there and Percy might also be there on a date with Annabeth so she can meet the other side of his family? "I will one day" *looks at the sunset with nostalgia filled eyes* she whispers "Percy Jackson... My childhood"
9) walked in the street at night and thought batman would come to save you from ken kaneki as kaneki attacked you since he wanted to eat you? I sometimes look at roof tops waiting to see the bat sign and hope to be attacked!
10) died multiple times? Yeah. Ever heard of angst and character deaths?
11) got freaked out by the stuff I say or write? I'm not the one who should be answering that.
12) hated yourself? XD
13) thought you were god? No cuz I'm a greater being
14) wanted sebas-chan to be your butler? We can all dream can't we!
15) thought you were worthless? I don't wanna sound arrogant so let's not answer that. And anyways. Everyone here is worth more than all the worlds riches!
16) wanted to either be a ninja, a mage, a pirate, a soul reaper, a fricking ghoul, a hitman or a hunter? Or all!? So... all!
17) thought about writing a yaoi manga. Except with characters that don't have a large age gap? YUSH
18) had homophobic tendencies? the past is the past
19) was hurt by someone you cared about and trusted? Erm no. Well, I once felt betrayed when sasuke got married. But then I forgave him cuz his daughter is cute.
20) shipped a ship that hardly had any moments but because of fanfics you read, it became an OTP or at least a fav ship? So... Rowen. NaLi. Nejiten. ZOLU. Sabo x koala. Basically those rare one piece ships. Armin x eren? Illumi x Hisoka!!! Etc
21) got jealous? Yes, my reflection was hotter than me. Oh wait that's impossible.
22) thought jerza was already canon? It's life, of course I do!
23) CRIED CUZ OF ANIME? The real question is, who hasn't?
24) read smut? The real question is, who hasn't?
25) wrote smut? Guilty.
26) had that moment where you think of someone who's like family or is family in a dirty way and run to the toilet to throw up? Let's not talk about it.
27) wondered who your true friends were since in anime.... When someone has a friend or nakama, they would do anything for them? Yes it's worrying. I doubt they'd bust into a jail for me. Break the law for me. Start a war for me. Much less go round the corner to buy me something?
I have slaves for that ;)
Anyways this was fun. I'll be sure to do another one! Answer the "dam" questions :'(
(titans curse is when we first meet nico)
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