a lot of bs beeches
takin full advantage of this new media thing
Basically you know when you call someone a peado...
This is a story that came to me in Chemistry. Its not even a story jfc. So the word '-phile' means like or attracted to something, right? (science teaches you a lot. XD and the opposite '-phobic' means dislike and you avoid something, cuz ya scared)
so the word peadophile literally means you like kids right? Aimed at adults.
So Peado means kid...? So you're not really dissing your friends when you call them peado. You are calling them what they really are. A kid
(I did no research on this theory. I could be wrong)
ANYways. I keep doing weird tests on line. Sanity tests mostly. Keep failing them. XD. Also 'what anime character you are most like' tests. EQ tests (not IQ. This one tests emotions not intelligence)
cute media ;-;
Then there were the sexuality tests XDDD. It's awkward when they ask if you had sexual encounters with girls and/or guys... Like I am a virgin... everywhere but my mind and eyes! I still haven't kissed anyone. Like a proper on lips kiss. Not what I gave choco-sama on the cheek back in 2014!
;-; sad lyfe.
It's get awkwarder... Why do they keep saying I am either Asexual or Bi? They're not even two similar things.
I even got a full on "YOU ARE HOMOSEXUAL" response...
Like each tests there's a different answer! and then there's "heterofluid" which is a word I didn't know existed till yesterday! and i know what it means now
I have given up guys! I like non fictional people- whether it be, guys, animals, girls and old people!
i have wives... the answer speaks for itself
media is kinda creepy sorry guys...
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