Chapter Five
When the time of the ball did come, Harry found himself standing at the front of the ballroom, between his mother and Louis, as his father said a few words. He held Louis' hand, tracing circles onto the back as he always did when he was nervous.
When the music started up, and Harry let out a sigh. He stepped down off of the raised platform at the front of the room, reluctantly letting go of Louis' hand, and stepping into the crowd.
He floated around talking to some girls, dancing with others, though he wasn't really paying attention. Instead, he was thinking about sneaking out with Louis after the dance so they could watch the stars. After dancing with about twenty girls, and talking to another twenty, Harry needed out. His eyes scanned the crowd searching for Louis.
Eleanor was draped all over him, and he looked slightly uncomfortable.
Harry worked his way over and grabbed the boy's hand pulling him from the room. You could still hear the music from out in the hall.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Louis asked. "You are supposed to be in there talking to the girls."
"I know. But I have talked to far too many and I needed a break. Besides, I would rather dance with you," he said.
"Okay, fine," Louis said, accepting Harry's outheld hand. "One dance, but then we are going back in there."
Harry sighed but didn't protest.
"So, what did you think about the girls you talked to?" Louis asked, pulling him close.
"Some of them were nice enough I guess, but some of them..." Harry said.
"Okay, so who didn't you like?"
"Well, Princess Sylvia for one. And..."Harry paused to think. "Princess Eleanor," he said. "She has got to go."
"Ugh agreed. But my opinion doesn't matter. Why don't you like her?"
"Your opinion matters!" Harry said.
"Okay, but why don't you like her?"
"Ugh, are you kidding? She was so annoying and full of herself. And she was all over you. She was trying to kiss you! Who does that?"
"Well her, I guess," Louis said.
Harry laughed. "Yeah. My fangirl prophecies are coming true. But seriously, that was unacceptable. You don't try to kiss random people you just met especially when they don't show interest. Wait- you don't like her right? Because if you do, then she can stay."
"No, she goes," Louis agreed hastily. "But the first cut isn't until the start of next week, which means I have to put up with her until then." He pulled away from Harry, dramatically falling against the wall, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. "Oh Harry, whatever will I do? I've been spotted by a fangirl."
Harry giggled at his dramatics as Louis stood, pulling him into his arms again. "We could talk to Princess Taylor as a way to avoid her. She's really nice. She came out to her parents as bi, and sending her to this was their way of trying to 'turn her straight'."
"Is it working?" Louis asked with a small laugh.
"I'm guessing by the way she was staring at Julia the whole time we talked, no."
Louis snorted. "We should set them up," he said.
"Ooo yes, we totally should," Harry giggled. "We should-"
"Harry!" his mother said, stepping into the hallway. "What are you doing out here?"
"Um, dancing with Louis," he said, though it seemed kind of obvious by the way they were standing.
"You should be in there with the girls. This is not the kind of reputation you need if you are going to marry one of them."
"Okay, first of all, slow down, no one ever said anything about marriage. I'm still only sixteen. Second of all, aren't they supposed to be the ones trying to make me fall in love with them or whatever, and not the other way around?"
She paused, considering this. "Fine. One dance, and then you are coming back into the ballroom to dance with the girls."
Harry pouted. "Fine."
"Good," she said, looking at them a moment, before returning to the party inside.
"Aww don't pout, love," Louis said, finding himself with the sudden urge to kiss it away. If there wasn't a room full of Harry's suitors on the other side of the wall, he might have. "After the ball, we can sneak up to the roof if you want." He knew it was one of Harry's favorite things to do.
"Can Niall and Zayn and Liam come?" he asked.
"Of course," Louis said smiling. "We should head back in," he said, noticing the song had ended.
Harry frowned, pulling Louis closer and burying his nose into his shoulder. Louis tightened his hold around Harry's waist into a proper hug. "Come on, Haz," Louis whispered. "Let's go. It's only for a couple of hours."
Harry reluctantly pulled away, opening the door to the ballroom, giving a slight pause before stepping in.
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