Chapter 91- old connections made anew
I could only stare, gawping at who stood on the other side of the door, clad in a fluffy soft white jumper and loose trousers, grinning from ear to ear.
"Aren't you going to let him in?" a bemused voice calls from behind me, soft and lilting as it approaches and despite the almost quiet quality of it- I hear it loud and clear.
I turn to padding footsteps, looking down at a glowing face, eyes lit with both amusement and exasperation.
Unconsciously, my bottom lip juts out in a sad pout looking at her. She tiptoes up, my arms automatically settling on her waist to steady her, the curve of her stomach stopping us from being flush against each other.
She brushes her lips against my own, the barest pressure against my own before she leans back whispering a gentle 'behave' before she's stepping around me to greet the visitor darkening our doorsteps.
"Oppa!" she says happily, I turn to see her drawing her arms around his torso, snuggling in happily to his embrace- jumper clad arms wrapping her in close, head tucking hers under, tilting to press a kiss there.
"I've missed you sweetheart." He says, voice soft and warm.
And suddenly I hear a wet sniffle, a slight hitch of breath- my ears catching onto the almost inaudible sound, eyes narrowing onto the figure who's holding my soulmate and making her cry.
The bond itches with the need to draw her into my own arms and sooth her, but I can tell that she's crying because she's happy, because she's missed him. So even if I don't like it, I let them hug for what seems like infinity, just clutching tightly at each other on the doorstep.
She leans back, just so she can snag a hold on the hem of his jumper, tugging him eagerly over the threshold.
"Come in. It's been ages since I've seen you." she says, a wobbly smile on her face.
Indeed. Indeed it has been ages since I've seen him too. The last time I'd seen him, he and (Y/N) had been crying hysterically in each other's arms at the airport, unwilling to part from one another. I remember the way her fingers had curled desperately onto his jacket, wanting to tug him back and plead him to say. But she'd let him go, because he'd wanted to travel, do things that he'd always planned to.
And when we enter the living room, smiles are directed towards the doorway; towards the figure who is still practically latched onto (Y/N), stepping in closely so her back and his chest almost meet.
My fingers twitch with the urge to separate them and it takes sheer control and determination to watch them sink onto a couch together without pouting or huffing.
But I'm not jealous or anything. Totally not.
(Y/N) POV:
I turn excitedly to Myungsoo oppa, it's been ages since I've seen him and my eyes rove over his face carefully and slowly- trying to see if there's traces of exhaustion or anything he's trying to hide, committing this newer altered face to my memory. He seems simultaneously older and younger- his face sharpened with a maturity, but at the same time his eyes are less haunted, less plagued- they're brighter and the curve of his lips is as bright and carefree as I remembered.
The trip really did help his soul heal a bit. When he'd announced he wanted to travel, to complete pieces of the bucket list he'd once made all those years ago, with me cushioned between him and Hye-Sun unnie. He'd said he was doing it for the two of them; so I couldn't hold him back from that.
But the year or so he had been gone, he'd missed a lot of things and I can see both the questions and bubbling curiosity in those familiarly soft brown eyes.
"You're pregnant again...what number will this baby be?" he asks, looking down at my growing curved stomach, a smile on his lips.
"Only baby number two..." I say and when his eyes fly to me incredulously.
"I'd have thought...given how many soulmates you have and how they're just dying to always be with you..." he mumbles, torn between smirking and blushing.
An embarrassed groan slips out of my mouth. The last time he had been at our house, I had gone into the kitchen to get some drinks and snacks for him and had gotten held up between Yoongi oppa and Joonie oppa- and I had been mortified when I'd found that Myungsoo oppa had come in search for me, only for his eyes to widen and meet mine as they'd fluttered as I'd whimpered and for him to hastily retreat. It had been so incredibly embarrassing.
But he's not wrong. It's just that not every time with them is with the intention of having kids. But I only duck my face away, feeling my cheeks flame with the memory but his good-natured laugh tells me he won't push it.
"Where's my little baby? He'll have grown so much from when I last saw him!" he says both wistful and regretful- knowing that the timing of his travelling meant he missed those parts of his growth.
But my smile only widens in knowledge of how surprised and happy he'll be to reunited with our baby. During those times, when the others had slowly started returning to work Myungsoo oppa had been over quite a lot of the time and we'd both learnt that Dae Hyeonie liked babbling and gurgling happily to oppa but he had adored Soo-ah. I couldn't wait to see the reunion and for Dae Hyeonie to now be able to consciously remember and form the connection- it would be reaffirming and reconnecting that bond again.
And speak of my adorable sweetheart, I can hear Minnie cooing and giggling as he talks to Dae Hyeonie stepping out of the kitchen with our baby hoisted happily over his shoulders- I smile at the sight of Dae Hyeonie's small chubby fingers gently tugging at Minnie's hair, trying to direct him one way and another and Minnie happily indulging him.
But his bright, excited yells of 'dada left', 'dada right' accompanying the light tugs tail off when he spots a new figure mingling with his dads and mum, mouth parting and head cocked in curiosity.
"Hello hyung!" Minnie says, unable to wave because both hands are secured around our giggly two-year-old.
Myungsoo oppa greets him two, but his eyes draw quickly to the sight of Dae Hyeonie who is now a talking, walking grown baby. And his mouth mimics his, dropping in surprise. Minnie gently draws Dae Hyeonie off his shoulders, setting him down carefully and then he's toddling over slowly, eyes bright with curiosity as he approaches me.
Dae Hyeonie raises his arms automatically, waiting for me to scoop him up and then he's nestling happily on my lap twisting and shifting to get close before peering over my arm that's wrapped around him.
"Hello Dae Hyeonie..." Myungsoo oppa breathes, eyes looking suspiciously wet.
And then Dae Hyeonie surprises us all. Leaning forward over my arm to peer intently at him, as if he's trying to place him from somewhere. But there's no way he remembers him right?
He leans his arms out, reaching out for oppa who takes him with eager hands. Dae Hyeonie stands on oppa's lap, expression still curious but his hands reach out to pat along his face- becoming more and more animated as he explores oppa's faces, giggling when Myungsoo oppa simply allows it, laughing with him.
I can see the two reconnecting and it's amazing to see. But I can't help feeling curious that if Myungsoo oppa transforms, will Dae Hyeonie remember then?
The answer comes hours later when Myungsoo oppa approaches me with the same question and I take him to my bedroom- which is now largely unused mostly and has adapted to accommodate Dae Hyeonie's collection of belongings too.
I reach down to draw Soo-ah into my lap, sighing with happiness at the familiar weight of the cat curling up contentedly in my lap.
And when we step downstairs I don't miss the slight glare Yoongi oppa seems to direct at him, but surely he's not still holding a grudge. There's no way right?
But Soo-ah gracefully leaps out of my arms, soft paws landing against the carpet and padding over to where Dae Hyeonie is holding a picture book open, without any words and seemingly creating his own story- speaking to an enamoured Joonie oppa who's just marvelling and staring more at our baby than at the book.
"Dada...listen!" he huffs, tugging his sleeve. Joonie oppa smiles sheepishly, pecking him.
"Sorry dada will listen." He says, smiling apologetically.
But Soo-ah pads over carefully, eyes brighter and more alert than I've seen them- as if in this moment Myungsoo oppa is more conscious of his human thoughts than he's ever really been. His tail curls in the air, careful steps towards Dae Hyeonie and just as Dae Hyeonie turns to see if his dad is still focusing, he drops onto the book, curled up and lying on his back, paws raised.
Dae Hyeonie turns, mouth parting with awe and surprise and chubby hands coming down...I tense up unconsciously- eyes glued to the scene. But his hands just fall to brush wonderingly across his soft fur.
"Cute kitty!" he says, playing with said compliant cat who just purrs and leans into the loving touches, eyes twinkling.
And then there's a sharp gasp.
"It's my kitty." He says, words possessive and full of remembrance- eyes alighting on him, hands struggling to lift the cat towards himself.
But Soo-ah straightens up, clambering carefully into his lap and mewling happily, tail slowly swaying in the air- and I can just see how happy oppa is, how happy Dae Hyeonie is at the two of them being reunited.
And it doesn't matter that my baby's attention is solely on Soo-ah, nor does it matter that the others complain half-heartedly or that Yoongi oppa pouts like a sad baby.
Because this is their moment.
And I can always kiss that pout of Yoongi oppa's away. With lots and lots of kisses.
And with that goal in mind, tug him out of the room and upstairs. Away from accidental walk-ins again. And then tug his lips to mine, swallowing all his complaints and replacing them with groans and deep breaths instead.
And when he rests his forehead against mine, there's no sign of that pout. Just his endearingly sweet gummy smile.
"There's the smile I wanted." I whisper.
And this time his lips surge to meet mine.
Mine is...dying because of how beautiful and perfect the song is, coming back to life just cos of how much of a bop it is, and having it run through my head over and over- and I ain't complaining.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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