Chapter 88- our poor baby
(Y/N) POV:
Today's not a good day. I know it because I've been up five times more than usual in the night gone because Dae-Hyeonie just wouldn't fall asleep- he had been restless and fidgety and his wails had gone straight to my heart and made me rush to him. It's not a good day because I've been up constantly since 4am- long having foregone the idea of sleep being possible.
Everytime he'd wailed I thought he had been hungry, his nappy needed changing, he just wanted some attention, was too restless- but at 3:23 am I had noticed the flush that had appeared on his cheeks and how his face kept scrunching in pain.
At 3:25 am I had concluded that Dae-Hyeonie was ill.
I didn't know the exact details about this illness that had crept up on him, but my ability instantly was alerted by the high temperature, the clamminess to his skin and the way when he wailed- there was a raspy breathless quality to it.
The others had slept through it- only enforced by the shield I'd put up around them as they slept. There was no need for everyone to be up and in a panic but looking at the clock that now said 9am- maybe sharing this with at least one of them would've been better in hindsight.
I pull myself off the bed- dragging my weary legs onto the carpet before going to scoop Dae-Hyeonie to my chest- not crying but his pained eyes still blink imploringly up at me, asking me for comfort and respite that I want to give but am unable to.
If he had been older then I could've used my ability to heal him but after the last chat I had had with Jinnie oppa who was talking about how children didn't respond well with direct ability exposure- a comment made during dinner conversation, it had taken root and I had been too fearful and nervous to risk it with him.
So I had to do this the standard way. Nurse him back to health. And when Jinnie oppa was awake- have him take a look at our poor, ailing baby.
I press a kiss to Dae-Hyeonie's feverish forehead, heart twisting in pain for him and trudge to the door, blinking back exhaustion. When I throw it open I realise that at some point- the shield must've naturally faded away because there's the sound of commotion and bustling as the others make their way out of rooms in various states of disarray.
I push back the twinge of self-pity when I see how well rested and refreshed the others look, even Yoongi oppa managing to be more alert than he usually is at this time of day.
"Morning kitten!" Seokie's enthusiastic, bright voice chirps bounding over to greet me but comes to an uneasy stop. And I don't for a second doubt that he's picked up on the low energy levels, nor how dismal they must seem.
He approaches and places a hand to both mine and Dae-Hyeonie's foreheads- lips twisting into a sad frown as he takes in how Dae-Hyeonie must be feeling and how tired I am.
"Kit...why didn't you get one of us?" he frowns, voice deep and serious. The sheer demand in his voice has my back straightening both in defence and in response to the tone.
But I can't shake off my resignation. He's right. I should've gotten at least one of them.
"I just wanted you to rest. No point in all of us worrying all night." I say but Hobi oppa's eyes narrow dangerously.
"All night? Kit!" he exclaims indignantly and frustrated before wrapping his arms around me and propelling me forward, waiting for me to freshen up before escorting me down- a solid firm unrelenting wall of displeasure behind me.
The others are quick to crowd around and voice their dissent but that soon fades away when Dae-Hyeonie lets out a soft, pained whimper- disturbed by the noise as well as the fever.
I quickly set to hush him, rocking him gently and murmuring to him but the fear that squeezes my chest doesn't abate- it grows tighter and tighter.
I meet Jinnie oppa's eyes- beseeching and pleading.
"Please oppa..." I whisper brokenly but he's already rushing forward, a soft understanding smile as he cups my face- allowing calm and control to flood through me, pushing my jittery nerves aside and allowing me to regain control over my scrabbled frayed self.
"He'll be fine sweetheart. Don't get yourself worked up and ill too." He murmurs before gently examining Dae-Hyeonie, taking in the flush, the clamminess, the pained eyes and how his face continues to scrunch up with discomfort.
"He's got a fever. I'll go out to get medicine, but darling I think you should hand him to one of the others. You look shattered." He continues.
But when Joon oppa comes to lift Dae-Hyeon out of my arms, they tighten reflexively- holding him closer to my chest protectively. The flare of surprise doesn't go amiss but his face creases into understanding.
"You'll get sick too. I'm already exposed- there's no need for everyone else to get ill too." I say, twisting slightly but Yoongi oppa's firm arm stops me- looking at me with such softness and imploring eyes that I stop.
"Baby let us take care of him too. It doesn't matter." He tries to persuade.
But it does, because practically we'll be no use to each other, unable to help if all of us fall ill simultaneously. But I want to relent and give in- hand Dae-Hyeonie over and just for a bit indulge in a nap leaned up against one of them. I stand there dithering- torn between the battle between my head and my heart.
"My love, we're all exposed to each other. It doesn't matter, whatever happens we'll deal with it." Jinnie oppa reassures, hands gentle as he holds me, Yoongi oppa leaning forward to scoop Dae-Hyeonie away.
I hesitate as his hands go around our baby, still trying to hold on.
"Jagi let us all help." Tae says, voice thick with persuasion and my shoulders slump in defeat- hands going lax and I turn to glare at him, knowing he used his ability against me.
"I'm sorry jagi but you need to rest. And I'm more than happy to be the one to hold you." he consoles, coming over to wrap strong firm arms around me, head pressed against his chest as he rocks us slightly, voice deep and sweet.
"Baby he'll be fine. None of us will get ill." Minnie comes to reassure, smiling as he steers Tae and my uncooperative body towards the couch, nudging us down and draping a blanket over me.
I reach out to grasp his hand when he's about to turn, tugging him to face me again.
"Promise me you'll wake me if Dae-Hyeonie or any of you need something." I ask, not willing to back down on this one.
And after a few moments of intensely staring and trying to wear the other down, he sighs defeated.
"Promise." he echoes, leaning to kiss my forehead and then Tae's before heading off to make breakfast- Kookie in tow, anxiously holding onto his elder soulmate's sleeve as he follows.
But my eyes remain wide open even as Jinnie oppa rushes out of the house, Yoongi oppa sits on the opposite couch rocking Dae-Hyeonie and humming softly, Hobi oppa next to him. Joon oppa's eyes catch mine and smiles wryly.
"Believe it or not you need to close your eyes to rest sweetheart." He says seating himself on an armchair near me- eyes trained onto me with a sweet tenderness.
"Jagi sleep. Rest. Let us take care of him." Tae says, hands wrapping themselves around my waist as he shifts us so we're lying down on our sides, his legs entangling with mine and hands delving under the fabric of my shirt.
His breath fans across the back of my neck, hair strewn across one shoulder. He leans forward to press slow, lingering kisses to my nape, leisurely exploring the skin with his lips and tongue- a slow, intimate caress but even though they're gentle and send sweet tingles across my body, it fails to relax me where it usually would've been sufficient.
I hear him sigh exasperatedly and fond before the hands under my shirt begin to map the skin of my torso under long fingers, gently rubbing circles into my skin before one goes to rest on my right side.
His fingers brush so lightly against my mark- enough to coax a sigh and send a tingle through it but then he presses his palm down on it fully- unrelenting and firm as it encapsulates it in his warmth. The flood of love and sweet tenderness and care that radiates through his touch- transmitting the feelings he's conveying right now is enough to make my body go loose and limp under his touch, plaint as he manoeuvres us closer.
And this time I let sleep claim me, let the exhaustion pull me under- comforted and reassured by the strong silent strength in Tae's hold.
Dae-Hyeonie begins to fuss.
After Jin hyung had returned armed with medicine and perhaps more than enough supplies, he'd dumped them onto the counter and helped us finish making breakfast- piling the food onto the table and ushering the rest of us there.
He hadn't the heart to wake (Y/N) who looked finally at rest, asleep in Tae hyung's arms that he simply fixed a plate and went to feed him himself, murmuring gently and quietly as he fed him- eyes glancing to (Y/N) occasionally to assure she was still asleep.
But Dae-Hyeonie had eaten his food, albeit with more difficulty than we'd ever had, with the combined effort of the five of us hovering over him, pleading, begging, and playing silly to get him to accept the proffered spoon but he was just fussing, pushing away or turning his mouth stubbornly. And after a long good time- we'd managed to clear the bowl, even though evidence of our struggles lay in the splatters over our hands and the little table tray of his high-chair.
And even though Jin hyung had somehow managed the miracle of getting some medicine down him, he was still fussing- drowsiness in his eyes as he tried to fight the medicine but his eyes were still roving, restless and unable to shut so he could sleep.
And after enough hair yanking, frustrated hands waving furiously to get us to move as we'd entered the living room- he'd turned frantically until his eyes latched onto (Y/N)'s sleeping figure.
And the fussing had abated. Slightly.
And I groaned when I realised that what he'd wanted and had been searching for was his mum. A role that seven dads couldn't fulfil.
And even though Tae hyung had shaking his head- muttering that she was sleeping and should get the chance to rest more, Dae-Hyeonie's alarmingly wobbling lips had set us into a panic and rather his distraught wailing waking her up, I knelt down beside her; grimacing apologetically before reaching out to wake her.
After a few gentle shakes she stirs- eyes becoming alert quickly, sleep vanishing as she struggled to escape Tae hyung's tight koala grip and unravelled their tangled limbs, sitting up, hyung rising with her.
Her eyes catch onto our fussing baby and her arms go out without preamble- quickly drawing him in to hold him against her chest.
She coos and fusses over him- her attempts much easier and quick to settle his restless nature and soon enough he drops to sleep easily in her arms, I huff half-amused, half-relieved and watch as he tucks his head closer to the crook of her neck, snuffling as he leans against his firm pillar of support and love.
"You know I'm offended. Half a bowl of baby food I got all over me and so many silly tricks and he still didn't sleep or quieten." Jiminie hyung quietly complains, whining slightly.
But the bright gleam of happiness in (Y/N)'s eyes makes it all worth it. And she finally relents and transfers her hold on him to Hobi hyung who takes him happily- emanating soft calming energy as he takes him to the other couch and she straightens up with a smile.
"He'll get better. Maybe he just enjoys annoying his dads." She teases before standing up.
But even as she walks to the kitchen her eyes dart back to Dae-Hyeonie but there's a softness in them; a patience and calmness that hadn't been there before she'd slept.
"Come on Taetae...I'll feed you if you haven't had breakfast." She calls.
And even though Jin hyung had fed him, even though we all know he's eaten- he scampers after her with a wide grin, ignoring the disbelieving stares and sounds of confusion that follow.
Because he'd eagerly run after her and nurse a food baby later- groan and whine perhaps but happily allow himself to be pampered and scolded by (Y/N) and the rest of us.
Because we're soulmates.
And right now. We all need our energy high to nurse our baby back to health.
Mine my family I don't pay for anything if I go out with my brothers. If it's as a family- my parents pay but even if I'm buying something for myself- my brothers have to pay, it's something they've been raised to do as a habit. That's why I take advantage of it!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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