Chapter 86- small moments of joy
When you think that your heart is so full, fit to burst with love- as if it's impossible to love them any more than I do now, I'm proved wrong...again. But I have no complaints. Seeing a six-month Dae-Hyeon have everyone wrapped around his little fingers is a sight that's too endearing and sweet to not stop and gush- even if he's playfully being difficult.
When Tae, Hobi and (Y/N) pointed out that babies focus on facial expressions, that it's one of the earliest things they begin to process- not a single one of us had missed on the opportunity on making silly faces for him or simply just staring at him in awe- he'd always return the look with sweet intrigued eyes, committing us to his memory and chuckling and giggling when we laughed and smiled. When Yoongi had teasingly put their words to the test- pulling a stoic face it had taken mere moments for Dae-Hyeonie's eyes to begin to water and face to scrunch and when the first wail broke out, everyone had swooped in to stop him from crying shooting Yoongi exasperated looks- even as he backed out with raised hands and a gummy apologetic smile.
When Dae-Hyeon had begun to make gurgling, mumbled sounds of garble- all of our hearts had melted and squealed, gravitating around him as we chattered excited, enamoured with the way his own soft baby talk and sounds mingled, his own sweet cute way of communicating.
When Joonie had been cooing over him, holding him close to his chest as he talked to us, hand gesticulating and he'd suddenly paused when he looked down and saw that Dae-Hyeon had latched onto his pinky, blinking up earnestly as he held the finger- and the entire, eloquent argument he had planned trailed off as his dimples poked out, smiling down beatifically at our baby and he'd literally melted when Dae-Hyeon let out a cute yawn and drifted off to sleep because of the reverberations of Joonie's voice lulling him to sleep.
Somehow, every day brings a new surprise, a new cherished moment of happiness, of bonding. For the baby who we decided had an enormous pair of lungs- rising us all up in panics or fretting over him when he wailed, he was also surprisingly quiet at times; nothing but soft gurgling and sounds of happiness and excitement when he was tucked away with one of us. With seven dads and a mum- there was plenty of love and attention to go around, not just for him but for each other too.
And who knew he was such a teasing baby? I could read the playfulness coming off him as Hoseokie fed him breakfast, mimicking not just aeroplanes but a range of animal sounds and expressions to make him giggle and eagerly accept the spoon of soft food we were trying to get him to slowly start eating. The splatters around his face and Dae-Hyeonie only showed me how hard he was being but Hobi's energy remained relentlessly high, bolstered by our fussy baby, and rising to match it- two constant jets of energy colliding as they played more than feeding and being fed.
Behind him Jiminie was stopping the food from splattering against the floor and walls- ability gently shifting the flying food back- which not only avoided a mess, which I gratefully appreciated with a kiss to his lips, but also intrigued Dae-Hyeonie and his sweet burbling was enough for all of us.
Kookie in particular was enamoured with how tiny he was, and yet how perfectly he slotted into our arms or nestled his head close to us when we held him- the baby we had thought of him, to shy away from nappies and bottles and toys and feeding that (Y/N) was constantly doing- he revelled in them, marvelling at these small moments of intimacy and bonding, the scattered belongings around the house- it brought the cutest smile onto his face as he eagerly trailed (Y/N) wanting to help in any way whilst making cute faces at Dae-Hyeonie who at times was peeking from the top at his youngest dad.
Tae was the dad to go to when our baby was kicking up a fuss, his ability merged with the silly voices and sweet phrases and worked a dream in making Dae-Hyeonie part his mouth when he was refusing to eat, coaxed him down from fitful tears and allowed him to babble happily as he splashed in the water as (Y/N) and one of us washed him gently. Tae's eyes were always bright and no matter how tired we all were from the late nights he kept us up at, he was always grinning and making grabby hands to take our baby into his lap instead or to giggle and talk baby with him- losing himself in a whirl of sounds and clappy sounds.
Yoongi had been extremely careful and attentive around (Y/N), more so than usual and especially in those crucial early months after birth, he saw the lip wobbles, saw how exhausted and strained she was no matter how much we helped, the tears when she thought she was failing as a mother and helped her in his usual subtle, silent ways. Positioning himself so he was closer to the door, cocooning her hearing with a soft lilting sweet hum sound that helped her to continue to sleep deeply whilst he tended to our baby right next to her- rocking him and finding a soft sound that helped him too. And soon he was waving his phone triumphantly- having created the most relaxing and soft soothing melody for Dae-Hyeonie, one that helped him drift right off to sleep. And when he saw (Y/N) well-rested and smiling and laughing- his own gummy smile came in response, pleased that he could help her.
I still remembered how distraught (Y/N) had been when I'd lightly suggested weaning Dae-Hyeonie off breastmilk soon, to try and incorporate soft foods into his meals. She had at the time just finished feeding and was wiping herself clean when she'd turned the most heartbroken expression towards me, clutching tightly at the cloth and eyes watering.
"Am I not doing it right? Is he sick of it?" she asked, insecurity in her voice.
And I'd kicked myself for not broaching it better, more sensitively. And I'd scooped her close as Dae-Hyeonie lay sleeping in Yoongi's arms- who'd taken him whilst shooting me a meaningful look to fix up as he'd left. And told her that she could feed ideally as long as she wanted, to the age of 1 and more if she wanted to, but just so his stomach could adjust. And after calming her down she'd shot me a teary smile and kissed me breathless, straddling my lap and coaxing me closer and further into her, wrapping me up tightly into her embrace.
And right now seeing the way she cooed as she wiped his face, placing fluttery kisses across his face as he giggled and for some reason, docilely accepted the food without complaint- to the huffs and sounds of indignant betrayal from Hobi, and grabbed her finger when it came close- I knew she was a marvellous mother, always had been- fitting so naturally into the role.
Her and Dae-Hyeonie shared such a deep bond, as if she could assess immediately what his needs were and fulfil them- I knew too well to how many half-hearted complaints it had given rise to. Myself, especially, included.
But every day I saw my family growing closer, and with it- my heart did too.
(Y/N) POV:
"Tae stop! He doesn't need to wear so many layers of clothes." I giggled as I saw Tae proudly lift up an outfit he'd chosen- it was cute and charming, but it was way too many when Dae-Hyeonie was going to spend the day scooped up in one pair of arms into the other- no-one could seemingly let him just lie there, he was too precious and was doted on, cooed at from different arms at any given moment.
"But jagi..." he whined cutely, approaching closer with an extremely contradictive gleam- glittering and sensuous.
I stiffened at the approaching figure of sensual promise, of the confidence and persuasion he was oozing, charm thick and heavy in the way he called my name as he approached.
I clutched Dae-Hyeonie closer, using my baby as a barrier- even as he gurgled happily at the sight of his dad.
"Stop! You can't! Not in front of our baby Tae!" I protested but Tae's deep, promising smile sent shivers dancing across my spine and tingles across my skin.
His hands latched onto my waist and tugged me towards him, Dae Hyeon held up between us. His arms were hot, strong, and holding me captive- the heat of his skin radiating through the fabric of my top.
"What if I tell Dae Hyeonie to take a nap?" he bargains, eyes sparkling.
My mouth falls open.
"You can't persuade him to sleep whenever you want me." I huff.
"And besides the others will be here soon Tae—urgh"I said before my words were cut off. Tae's fingers dipped under the fabric of my shirt, dancing across my skin as they teased me by drawing ticklish circles, edging closer to my mark.
"Okay, okay! I'll let you choose something- but with less layers." I negotiated and when he stepped away grinning and nodding happily I could only stare incredulously.
But he wasn't having the last win.
Cheeky, sly soulmate.
As I walked towards the bed with Dae-Hyeon whilst Tae scampered to the wardrobe I called over my shoulder.
"You're not allowed to be with me and Koo tonight. And you are uninvited from my shower too- Joonie oppa will be glad to take your place." I said.
And this time- his whining and vehement protests did nothing. This round went to me.
"Aigoo, he's so adorable. Come here baby, come to uncle Jinyoungie." Jinyoung oppa cooed as he plucked Dae-Hyeon from my arms, fussing and giggling and smiling at him and cooing even louder when Dae-Hyeon's hands latched onto his face, patting slightly as he played.
Behind him JB oppa came forward smiling wryly at his soulmate before scooping me into a hug.
"Motherhood is a good look on you. You're glowing." He said as he parted, smiling proudly at me.
I beamed back.
"Where are the others?" I ask, trying to peer over his shoulder but yelp when a pair of arms scoop me up from behind.
"As if we'd miss a chance to see you and our newest baby!" Jackson oppa chirped as he swung me around lightly before giving a bear-hug and entrusting me to another pair of arms- allowing the others to descend on me and hug in full-force, proud sweet smiles on their faces.
And when my own soulmates bustle in, there's a hive of laughter and chatter- Dae-Hyeonie captivating everyone as they fuss and demand to be the next one to hold him. I notice the disgruntled pouts on my soulmates' faces as they see the others holding him.
"Babies...he's ours. He's not going anywhere." I chide gently.
I look at where he's settled happily on Mark oppa's lap, small hands grabbing at the air when he sees all seven of his dads in front of him.
Seeing him be able to sit up with little support is such a big moment, where he nestles happily into oppa's chest whilst fiddling with the gentle arm holding him, poking at it interestedly and trying to put his fingers into his hand.
Dae-Hyeonie has slipped into everyone's hearts- I can see it in the way everyone keeps getting distracted and continue to focus on the unknowing baby, the way our conversation is disturbed by occasional happy babbles and everyone just shoots loving eyes- chat forgotten.
He's slipped into our lives so easily- and I wonder how we never felt a piece of us missing without him.
And when I look at him, I see a bit of everyone in him. I see Minnie in his soft, round cheeks. I see Kookie in his doe-eyes, I see Yoongi oppa in his way of sleeping- when he yawns and makes bleary eyes, a look I've seen so many times over the years. I see a bit of Jinnie oppa in him in the way he adorably demands attention and has a great appetite but also in the soft way that he just snuggles against me- giving me comfort without needing to do anything. I see Joonie oppa in the way he has small indentations in his cheeks when he smiles. I see Tae in the wild, gorgeous dark locks of his hair. I see Seokie in the way he's bursting with energy and filling up the room with his presence.
And I wonder what the others see of me in him.
In our baby boy.
Mine is...someone who is there to share the burden, who doesn't make me feel alone during a hard time and is there even if they're just giving support. Someone who can be a pillar for me.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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