Chapter 75- what's wrong?
(Y/N) POV:
I push the food away listlessly, from one end of my plate to the other, playing with it and not really eating it. After a mouthful or so, I could no longer swallow the morsels- food turning to sawdust in my mouth, feeling like I was chewing through cardboard. Tasteless and stiff. And nauseating to keep down.
I gulp down the water thirstily, allowing the cool liquid to slide down my throat easily, soothing my parched mouth.
And push the plate away from me, the usual enticing smell of Jinnie oppa's cooking doing nothing to rouse my appetite and oddly enough making my stomach churn viciously instead.
A large hand comes to rest on my own, drawing my attention to Yoongi oppa who's sitting on my right. His face is scrunched up with concern, eyes dark and serious as they look at me.
"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" he asks, a low murmur under the clinking of cutlery and low hum of chatter.
I nod, dredging up a tired smile as I look at him.
"Just tired. I'm going to go to bed early." I reply, pushing my chair back so I can get up- pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before picking up my mostly full plate to put away.
Each step seems to take effort, a deep exhaustion as I trudge out of the kitchen and up the stairs to slowly pull my clothes off, pulling on one of the t-shirts the guys have left in my room.
And sink gratefully into the mattress, falling quickly into sleep.
I notice (Y/N) leave the kitchen, slow and heavy movements- she's exhausted and I don't need to see the dull edge to her aura to realise that. I worry that she's working herself too hard, that she's pushing away the fatigue just to spend time with us, to smile with us.
I note the nearly full plate she takes off the table and when she disappears up the stairs, the pretence of chatter ceases- replaced with worried gazes and furrowed brows.
"Is she okay?" Kookie asks, turning anxiously to Yoongi hyung, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes wide and concerned.
Yoongi hyung sighs.
"She said she's tired. And I think that is the case. She looks like she hasn't rested enough." He adds but the frown doesn't disappear from his face, he looks deep in thought.
Jin hyung looks saddened knowing that she hasn't eaten well either, and I know the day isn't far when hyung calls an intervention to sit her down and tell her why self-care must be on her priority list.
The atmosphere is slightly stilted as we all get up, cleaning up after ourselves before heading off to bed- splitting off with who we're going to bunk with tonight. Jimin-ah pads off to (Y/N)'s bedroom, slipping in silently under the covers with her, scooping her close as he settles down. I smile softly at the sight of Jimin wrapping her up properly before I allow myself to follow the other two maknaes.
Tae and Kookie curl into my arms- settling their heads into the crook of my neck either side and when their breaths even out, soft puffs fanning across my neck- I allow sleep to lure me in, away from the niggling worries that something might be wrong.
(Y/N) POV:
I wake up early the next morning, stomach twisting itself into knots, bile rising up my throat. I extract myself from Minnie's arms as gently and quickly as I can before bolting out of bed to rush to the bathroom, throwing the door open and bolting it before falling to my knees in front of the toilet- bringing the little I had consumed up as I heave.
My stomach spasms, emptying itself, the vile taste of bile acrid in my throat and when it finally stops, I drag myself to my feet and clean my mouth out- washing away the bitter taste.
And then I trudge back to bed, sinking gratefully back into the sheets where Minnie is still sleeping and huddle close to him- seeking comfort from his slumbering figure. And allow the warmth of his body guide me back into the darkness of sleep again.
The aching tiredness doesn't fade but sits heavily in my bones, another week passing by in a body that feels exhausted to even attempt to make my way through the day, limbs feeling large and out-of-place as I drag myself out of bed and get ready for work.
When Hobi oppa slides into the shower behind me, I can't muster the energy to spin around and hug him. But soon enough, his arms slide around my wet body and hugs me from behind, head dipping into the crook of my shoulder as he holds me close against him.
"Morning kitten." He mumbles sleepily against my neck. I relax back into his hold, allowing myself to use his body as a crutch, a pillar of support for my weary body. His grip tightens, legs tensing to support both of us.
"You're energy is low." He murmurs sadly against my wet skin, a trail of heat against my neck, and then there's a jolting rush of energy rushing through me, pushing away the ache and tiredness and making me feel better than I have been feeling this past week. Restoring them back to normal.
He sighs happily when he notices that my body doesn't sag desperately against his, and I turn to face him, wrapping my own arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to the centre of his chest.
"I still think you should go to a doctor." He mutters unhappily even if he gladly reciprocates the hug.
I mumble incoherently against his chest, and he shudders slightly from the sensation.
"Stop distracting me. I'm're energy has been so depleted recently; I'm scared it might be a health issue." He says into my head, tucking my close to him even as the cascade of water washes over the two of us, soaking us.
My grip around his tightens for a second. The thought had crossed my mind, but I don't want to entertain the idea, if I don't get checked up- then they can't tell me if something's wrong.
I allow my hands to rise from where they sit on his waist, rubbing gently at the tension in his back, trying to ease out the knots. He groans, sinking his head to lie on my shoulder, hands on my waist tightening in warning. My hand trails back down to his left hip, trace his mark and allow my feelings of love and concern wash out over him. He bucks his hips instinctively into the touch, brushing up tightly against me where are our hips are flush against each other.
"Stop..." he murmurs.
But the movement of his body rocking against my own, bodies slick with water and sliding easily over each other stirs up a fiery pit in my lower abdomen.
"What if I don't want to?" I ask, mouthing gently against his shoulders, kissing a trail down his chest.
But his grip tightens, hoisting me back up, meeting my eyes with his own dark simmering ones.
"Then I won't be able to either." Is all he says and after that, I'm incapable of making any coherent words, only moans and whimpers slipping out and bouncing off the walls.
But I'm perfectly fine with that.
What I'm not fine with is the way my knees crash painfully against the tiled floor, stomach upheaving its contents yet again- emptying itself into the toilet for an umpteenth time.
The acrid taste burns my throat, makes my eyes water, body spasming weakly as it heaves. I startle when a large hand presses against the base of my back, rubbing soothing lines up and down as I vomit, one hand gently gathering my hair away from my face.
And those same large hands tender and careful as they help me back up onto shaky legs and help me stumble to the bathroom sink.
When I raise my head again after cleaning my mouth, my exhausted, watery eyes meet Yoongi oppa's, his grip gentle as he presses close.
"You need to go to a doctor." He says gently but there's also a firmness. There's no space for negotiation.
And I slump weakly in his arms, resigning myself to visiting as I shake my head, feeling miserable as I tuck myself up against him.
And when he tucks me up into bed next to him, scooping my body to entangle easily with his.
"Don't be like that baby. Your wellbeing matters to us." He says softly, and it's his low soothing hum that easily guides me into a dreamless sleep.
I sink into the beanbag, looking tiredly at the tablet in my hands- the brightness of the screen glaring at me, hurting my eyes. I wince as I turn away from it, allowing it to sink into a beanbag next to me.
I rub the palms of my hands frustratedly against my eyes, pushing back the annoyance at myself for not being able to focus or work properly, eyes feeling heavy and weak as I tried to draw. But nothing came out. And after hours of desperately trying, I gave up. Discarding it to the side.
There's a deep unsettling feeling in me, prickling the corner of my mind- an insistent niggling that I'm forgetting something, I've missed something important.
There's an uneasiness in me, as if something is not sitting right and my brain is trying fervently to alert me of it. But what is it? What have I missed?
I sigh when I take a glance at the time, pulling myself upwards so I can leave. The day had been extremely unproductive and the feeling itself had left me feeling dissatisfied.
I nod at the employees who walk past me, enter the lift, and make my way out of the building. When the cool gentle breeze washes over me, it loosens the tightness and frustration- just a little, eases the knot in me and makes my shoulders relax.
It's still day outside- nearly lunchtime. But I've taken the rest of the day off, deciding to work from home- maybe there inspiration will strike.
And begin the walk home, enjoying the weather as I walk- light footsteps so in contrast to the tiredness I've been feeling recently. And that reminds me of the appointment Yoongi oppa had booked for me, deciding that he'd get off work a few hours early so he could go with me. But there's still time until that.
"(Y/N)-ah!" a loud exuberant voice calls drawing my attention. I raise my head to see Eunwoo waving at me energetically, hand holding a bag from the bakery he's just stepped out of. I smile back, and make my way over, beaming up at him as we walk.
We make small conversation, light talk- talking about this and that, until I begin to zone out a bit, a wave of dizziness making me stumble before I right myself, clutching gratefully at Eunwoo's sleeve.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks concerned, eyes wide as we stop.
I nod, but the movement makes the haziness in my mind grow, blurring my vision slightly.
"Yeah I'm fine." I insist, and though he looks unconvinced, we begin to walk again though he keeps a sharp eye trained on me.
And then another wave of dizziness, more intense than the last, bringing black spots to cloud my vision, I sway slightly where I've stopped, clutching at my head and trying to will away the fog.
Eunwoo must've walked on ahead unknowingly.
And then there's a piercing ring that cuts through the fog- a shrill noise that makes me fumble for my pocket.
I answer the call, bringing it to my ear even as the other hand remains clutching my head.
"(Y/N)? Where are you?" a panicked voice asks, and it takes me far longer than it should to place it as Jinnie oppa's.
"Me...I'm, I'm with Eunwoo." I force out through the stuffed, clogged feeling in my throat.
There's a loud sigh of relief.
"But you're fine right? You're okay?" he asks desperately, worry bleeding into his tone.
It takes a moment for the words to be processed by my brain.
And then I realise he's been calling my name a few times.
"---(Y/N), (Y/N). Can you hear me?" the voice rises, taking on an almost hysterical note.
And then a strong grip on my arms.
I blink past the black spots to make out Eunwoo looking at me with concern, mouthing something but the words don't seem to make it into my head.
I look at him blankly, words melting away and world spinning nauseatingly around me.
And then my body swaying, eyes slipping shut as my knees buckle.
A distant shout, the sound of something clattering against the floor.
Then nothing.
There's the feeling of something crawling across my skin. A deep pit of uneasiness and worry bubbling in my stomach. There's something amiss in the bond, a sort of gnawing ill feeling. And I don't know who it's coming from. My phone begins to chime with messages from the others- all of them asking about the same thing. Messages of worry and concern lighting up my screen, confusion all around from where the feeling is coming from. We're all experiencing it.
Half a dozen calls later to all my soulmates and having in fact ascertained that they're all fine, voices strong as they answer my barrage of questions, my soul sinks as I come to a quick conclusion.
(Y/N). (Y/N) hasn't sent any messages. She hasn't answered my phone yet. Or the others.
My phone now pinging viciously with a storm of messages- all of them wondering where she is, why she's not picking up, each message becoming more frantic than the last.
A sick feeling of dread seeping through my bones and making me feel cold.
I call her with fumbling fingers, praying that she picks up now, and with each passing ring- the worry only mounts and there's sheer relief flooding through me when she picks up, when the call is finally connected.
"(Y/N)? Where are you?" I ask quickly, unable to stop the panic from filling my voice.
There's a moment of silence, a moment that's too long before her voice comes back, dazed and confused.
"Me...I'm, I'm with Eunwoo." She says, words fumbling over each other in a stilted manner.
But the profound relief at knowing she's not alone soothes me.
"But you're fine right? You're okay?" I ask, desperate to know, needing to hear from her that she is in fact fine, that she just had her phone on silent, that she's just a bit distracted.
But then she doesn't answer- and the fear comes crashing back into me.
I call her name repeatedly into the phone, there's no reply. Why isn't she replying?
And then there's the sound of Eunwoo's voice, panicked and concerned as he asks her if she's fine, and desperately asking why she's not answering him.
Then the sound of a sickening thud, echoing loudly through the phone, the sound of a clatter and the cry of alarm, (Y/N)'s name being shouted loudly and desperately.
The sound of the thud repeats itself in a vicious cycle in my head. Over and over.
I listen with my heart in my mouth as Eunwoo's voice is shocked and worried.
And then long last the sound of breathing as the phone is picked up.
"(Y/N)?" I ask hopefully.
"Hyung it's me. We're heading to the hospital." He says, and just like that my world shatters. And comes crashing down around me.
Mine be a model said by my friend, my cousin and by my Sixth Form study session teacher- considering I'm short and definitely not 'model' size in any shape or form. And most definitely do not have the looks for it either.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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