Chapter 6- the Daegu boys
I called out the name on the slip of paper I was holding, it sounded oddly familiar.
"(L/N) (Y/N)-ssi" I called out, scanning the remainder before I saw a hand slightly rising, tips of their fingers peeking through the hand that was drowning in fabric. I lowered my gaze to see their face, it was a girl. I silently prayed she wasn't going to go announcing it through campus, the last thing me and my soulmates needed was a horde of angry girls. Her face was framed by wavy dark brown locks, big (E/C) eyes staring at me with shock? Fear? I walked over, stopping briefly by her to tell her to follow me before moving to the table at the back of the room. I tended to sit at the back, it was a way of staying away from all the stares and glances, it also allowed me to observe the people in the room. I sat down waiting for her to reach the table, I didn't know if she always walked like that, but she was walking over slowly and cautiously.
The tables were designed for partner work, there was only two seats, she pulled the chair out and sat down before gripping the sides of it and edging away until the table obstructed her from moving away further. Was she scared of me? I wanted to bash my head against the table, first meeting and she's already petrified. I swear I'm not that clumsy, I won't break her.
The professor called out instructions telling us to introduce ourselves. I hoped I could be friendly at least with her, it'd be a nice change from avoiding most of the female population. She fidgeted with her hands. I'll start then, hopefully put her at ease.
I stuck out my hand, "I'm Kim Namjoon."
She stared at my hand but didn't move forward to shake it so I brought it closer into her line of sight but suddenly she flinched away from me and the sudden movement, her elbow colliding with the edge of the table and she pressed her lips together in pain, clutching at her arm. Oops. I had just caused her to injure herself because I couldn't respect personal space. Great, what a lovely start Namjoon I berated myself.
I withdrew my hand shooting her an apologetic look. The way she had flinched shocked me, I wonder why she gave such a response.
She bowed her head, dipping it slightly towards me.
"I'm (L/N) (Y/N). I hope we can work well together Kim Namjoon-ssi." Her soft voice spoke up as she lifted her head looking at me with those wide eyes. Her voice was oddly comforting and even though she spoke softly, it wasn't weak. Interesting.
I nodded "Let's get to know each other, I'll go first." I wanted to put her at ease, she was too jumpy and on edge.
"I'm majoring in English Literature and also studying Philosophy. I like music, meat and reading books. I've got six wonderful soulmates; they mean everything to me. They're all so different but they complete me. I love cycling and the most recent book I've read is 'Me Before You'."
I felt my lips stretch out into a smile as I talked about my soulmates, it was an unconscious response. I didn't usually bring them up, especially during lesson, but for some reason I wanted her to smile with me. I wanted to see her eyes sparkle, I wanted her to be happy for me.
"Your turn." I said, gesturing with my hands for her to start talking.
"Ummm...I'm afraid I'm not that interesting Kim Namjoon-ssi. I'm doing English Literature and Psychology. I both love and hate looking at the sky. I enjoy cooking, I love binge watching shows whilst eating junk food...the last book series I read was 'The Infernal Devices'." She said her voice losing its earlier strength, she spoke quietly and hesitantly as though she was expecting a crude remark or insult to be directed to her by me. Did I give off snobby vibes? Was I stand-offish?
"What about your soulmate or is it soulmates, what does your mark look like, how did you meet them?" I asked, she hadn't mentioned hers nor acknowledged that she'd hear me talk about mine. I wanted to know what type of mark she had, who she was bonded with. Maybe I knew them.
But the instant the words left my lips an unsettling feeling sank in.
"Go on. Tell me!" I prompted.
"I don't have a mark. I don't think I need a soulmate to be happy." She said, I couldn't pinpoint the emotion or tone of her voice. I felt guilt wash over me. I knew as popular as the topic was, people could lose their soulmates and when they did the mark would become dull, there were also the few who were born without. And I had just inadvertently rubbed it into her face how happy I was with my 6 soulmates when she didn't have even one.
"I'm so sorry, that was really insensitive of me I—" I began but she cut me off.
"It's okay, you just assumed we were all as lucky as you. Anyways, I'll go get the syllabus." She got up and hurried off, but I thought I saw a sheen of tears in her eyes before she turned. Now I had made her cry, what a horrible first impression I had just given her, and we had to work together all semester. I knew I had to fix my mistake somehow.
I kept my eyes on her as she reached the front, a guy turned to hand her two copies when suddenly the guy scooped her up into a hug, pulling her tightly into him and her face was buried into his shoulder. Her body shook slightly, and it was a few moments before the guy removed his arms from around her and peered at her, lips moving to say something.
Who was he? They both started walking back towards the table, his hand was on her back as they reached the back before she walked towards me. I looked at her, trying to read her facial expression but she sat down, edging herself away again and slid a copy towards me.
She was hurt, and I was the one who hurt her. That didn't mean it didn't sting seeing her grip her copy as if it was a lifeline as she got to work reading and making notes on it. A while later the lesson ended, and I was going to apologise but she packed her bag and dashed out the room before I could even turn around to speak to her.
The feeling of guilt hadn't left me, it gnawed at me from the inside. There was something off, I thought she had an avoidance of physical contact in general, but she had fallen into that guy's hug so naturally which had made me rethink it all. I knew one thing, (Y/N) was hiding away from me, feared me, I had to make amends. But more than that, I wondered what it was that caused her to act like that?
I walked back home trying to reflect on everything I had said, trying to pick up on anything I had done that was unusual or intrusive. Maybe I needed to chat with Tae, he was highly perceptive and observant, not to mention his psychological skills were extremely useful.
Maybe he could listen and give me a logical explanation. Because I knew that otherwise the words would plague me. Making my mind up, I hurried back.
I lay sprawled out across the living room floor, psychology textbook open as I read up on the deprivation theory. I still had to finish reading up on that and start thinking of discussion points. Yoongi hyung sprawled asleep on the couch in front of me. The door opened and there was the sound of someone putting their shoes away before they entered the living room. I twisted my head to see Joon hyung standing there, a determined look on his voice, I smiled at him as he stepped closer.
He discarded his bag and lay down next to me, propping his head on one hand as he looked at me. There was a furrow in his brows, so I leaned forward and kissed it, smiling as it smoothed out. He let his head fall onto the soft carpet looking up at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I looked down at him, I could feel a bit of guilt but an overwhelming sense of curiosity coming through our bond.
"Or rather, what's on your mind Joonie hyung?" I said leaning down to peck his nose lightly.
"(L/N) (Y/N)" he sighed. I nodded before I processed the words, my head flying downwards to look at him.
"Wait, what?!" I yelled.
"(Y/N)? As in shy, cute (Y/N) who sits in front of me in psychology? (Y/N) who ran off after I gave her her pencil case back? (Y/N) who Jiminie knocked over and Jinnie hyung is in a cooking group with?" I rambled.
He groaned from underneath me, smacking a hand to his face.
"That's why her name sounded so familiar. Wait are you sure?" he reconfirmed.
I nodded.
"(L/N) (Y/N), the girl who doesn't even realise I sit behind her, I've seen her notebook plenty of times hyung. It's her." I confirmed.
"I feel so bad and confused and horrible Tae-ah." He mumbled.
"What is it?" I said, drawing shapes idly with the tip of my finger on his face and neck.
"I may have hurt her feelings..." he tailed off, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment and shame.
"How?" I said, trying to sooth his negative feelings by pushing out waves of persuasion urging him to relax, his shoulders slumped slowly as tension drained out of his body.
"I was talking about all of us and how we fit together and then I asked her about her soul mark and whether she'd bonded and who it was and then...she said she didn't have one and that she could be happy without one but I saw her tear up. And I feel so...horrible." He whispered, face twisting with guilt as it overtook his features pushing away the effects of my mild persuasion.
I didn't want to hypnotise him into being calm, I would never abuse my soulmates' trust by doing that. It was a last resort, a life or death situation.
I understood why he was feeling so burdened by his actions.
"It's okay Joonie hyung, humans make mistakes. And who were any of us to know she didn't have a soul mark, it is extremely rate, you weren't to know. I get you're feeling bad but the best way to overcome it is to start afresh from next time." I soothed him, relaxing myself as I felt the guilt and sorrow in our bond lighten and fade.
He smiled up at me, dimples popping out as he stared at me. I felt the urge to kiss his dimples, so I did, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to either dimple, lips smiling against his skin as I felt him squirm.
I slid on top of him, pressing his body down with my own as I traced his face with my fingers, trailing it down his nose, the outline of his lips, the crinkle of his eyes. Lips following my fingers, kissing along his skin slowly.
Usually it's Joon hyung who's there to reassure me, all of us. I was glad I could be there for him too. I kissed down his face, finally reaching his lips and pressing mine to his. His lips moved against mine, his body so familiar with mine as he pulled me further into him as though he was trying to meld us together, large hands cupping my waist.
I tangled my hands into his hair, lips parting to allow his mouth to explore mine, lips and tongues moving together, soft moans leaving my mouth.
I panted as he parted our lips, lowering his head to suck at my neck, biting it before tugging at the skin with his teeth, suckling at it before his lips started kissing at the skin of my neck, my head tilting back to give him more access. He gladly obliged, hand cupping the back of my neck as he pressed kisses along my collarbone.
Our bond was thrumming with love, filling me with a warm feeling. So, when Joonie hyung pulled me into his lap and cuddled me, spooning me from behind, I relaxed into his embrace, head resting on his shoulder.
We sat there basking in each other's presence, unaware that behind us lay a smiling figure, head facing the couch as he listened to us, but heart and mind burdened with thoughts.
(Y/N) POV:
I stretched from where I was sitting, arms rising and shirt rising slightly shifting as I looked down at the pile of assignments the professor had asked me to organise before the psychology lesson today.
I sorted each stack of papers into packs for the students to collect when they walked in, I just had to bump into the professor at the campus café didn't I? I couldn't say no either, if someone needed help, I couldn't refuse. I'd sworn to myself that I would help others as much as I could even if it was a small thing, if I could make a single moment of someone's life better, why should I hesitate?
A cough sounded from behind me, I twisted in shock falling backwards, hands catching on the edge of the table in time. Kim Taehyung was leaning forward, boxy grin on his face as he looked at me. He was standing close, too close.
He waved both his hands at me.
"Annyeong (Y/N)-ah!" he said to me, voice lit with brightness.
"H-Hello Kim Taehyung-ssi." I replied, trying to find somewhere to look at, an excuse so I could flee to the back of the hall.
"Ahh don't be so formal. We're in the same classes for this course. Call me Taehyung to begin with." He urged.
I shook my head, trying to look apologetic.
"We're not close for me to drop the formalities." I said, body tensed, I saw Saemi enter the class, her long legs suddenly entangling as her body tilted forward and she went tumbling. Her bag sliding off her shoulder, mouth opened wide.
I watch in horror as her body falls to the ground, hands scrabbling to shield her face. I tensed as she contacted the ground, I slid off my chair rushing to kneel down beside her.
"Are you okay? You're not too badly hurt, are you?" I fretted, slipping an arm around her as I helped her sit up. I supported her body with mine as I helped her get up, holding tightly when her knees buckled, a cry of pain coming out of her throat.
I narrowed down my senses, she'd sprained her left ankle. I focused on keeping her upright as I helped her to a seat at the front, bending down to check her ankle.
She whimpered when I touched it, foot withdrawing slightly, I shot her an apologetic look.
"Is there someone I can call Saemi-ah?" I asked softly.
She shook her head.
"Professor said there was going to be an important assignment handed out, I'll go after the lessons." She insisted whilst I gently examined her ankle.
"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded, cheeks flaming up when she realised Taehyung was also in the room, hair falling forward as she ducked her head.
"I think you should stay here for today then Saemi, you shouldn't strain your ankle going to your usual seat, wait let me grab something to elevate that foot." I said, grabbing a nearby chair and propping her leg up on it. I grabbed her bag, brining it over to her.
I was about to walk away when her hand reached out to grab mine.
"Thank you, (Y/N)-ah." She said, looking at me with warm eyes.
"It's okay Saemi, hang on wait, you're older than me. Unnie, can I call you unnie? It seems rude, we're almost a year apart." I asked, she nodded squeezing my hand gently.
I smiled at her.
"Well unnie, I think your ankle might've just gotten a temporary shock, it should be fine." I reassured before moving to go sit in my usual seat near the back. I watched as the room began to fill up, smiling at the few who smiled as they passed me or sat down in front of me.
The lesson passed by, without another incident, before the professor started talking about the details for our assignment.
"You'll need to write a psychological paper on any relevant topic, bring it in next lesson. But. Your work will be exchanged with someone else's next week and after a bit of peer-assessing, I'll be assigning groups for the next assignment. You're all dismissed." She said before packing up.
I got up, slinging my bag over my shoulders, ready to leave the class when someone yanked at the handle of my backpack, feet stumbling from under me as I crashed into a large frame. I turned my head to glare at the person, gaze faltering as I looked up at the laughing figure of Kim Taehyung.
I pulled away, highly conscious of how closely our bodies would be pressed together if my backpack hadn't been in the way.
"Yes Kim Taehyung-ssi, how may I help you?" I drawled, trying to keep my annoyance and simmering frustration under a tight lid.
"No need to be so pleasant. Anyways, I wondered what you were gonna write on." He said nonchalantly, hands tucked into his pockets now.
I narrowed my eyes. Why would he want to know that?
I hadn't realised I had voiced that thought.
"Just curious." He shrugged.
"Don't be Kim Taehyung-ssi, and for both of our benefits. Don't get curious about me, just let me live quietly in the shadows. You've got 6 soulmates and a campus who is ready to worship the ground you walk on, so please. Please let me be." I said, words slipping out my mouth as an unconscious strategy to distance, to keep away.
I turned around and walked off, not seeing the hurt expression he stood with as he looked at my retreating figure.
I sat in Serendipity watching the cats play with a small smile on my face hidden by my black mask as I waited for (Y/N) to start her shift which should be any time now.
"Yoongi-ah, why did you call to discuss our next music piece, here of all places? Not that it isn't super cute and all but it's not exactly ideal. It's very date-sy." Chanyeol hyung questioned.
"Suga, just call me that hyung." I insisted. I didn't want (Y/N) to accidentally hear my name and flee. She didn't have any reason to, but just in case.
"Okay...Suga. Why here?" he repeated.
I shrugged, "I felt like it, Jimin-ah keeps going on how he loves the cakes here. So, I figured it'd be easier to pick one up on the way out."
He clutched his chest.
"Betrayal, that's it. You chose this café rather than our usual one so you could kill two birds with one stone." He accused.
He wasn't wrong.
Just then the bell chimed and I watched as (Y/N) entered the café, smiling as she made her way to behind the counter wrapping her arms tightly around one of the workers' waists as she hugged him tightly, taking in how the guy leaned down to press a soft kiss to her head.
Was he her soulmate? I wondered.
I refocused my attention on Chanyeol.
"So, what should we order hyung? My treat." I offered, I was ordering so I could go up and see what (Y/N) was like.
"Ooh your treat huh? Well then I'll have a latte, see if (Y/N)'s working will you, I hear she makes the cutest designs, a slice of cheesecake and...that's it. That's all I want." Chanyeol leaned back in his seat smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, getting up from my seat.
I walked over and reached the counter just as (Y/N) stepped outside dressed in the Serendipity uniform.
"Hello, welcome to Serendipity. What can I get for you today?" she asked, a lilting voice filling my ears.
"Oh, latte, an ice americano with two extra shots, a slice of that cheesecake and a chocolate chip cookie." I listed, pointing at one of the cheesecakes in the display unit.
She nodded.
"Is that to eat in or take out?" she asked.
"Eat in." she nodded, small fingers deftly grasping the receipt which she slid over to me.
I waited as she bustled off, careful hands slicing the cheesecake, plating it and then decorating the plate. She slid a chocolate chip cookie onto a plate with a pair of tongs before moving on to make the drinks.
I watched her hands work with precision, quick and efficient as she made the latte first, finishing the drink off with a cute design of a kitten. She made the ice americano adding in the two extra shots before coming back after placing them all onto a tray.
She smiled at me, shocked to see me waiting before her lips pulled upwards. She walked out carrying the tray as I walked in front of her, leading her back to the table.
She placed the tray down in front of our table, handing the latte and cheesecake to an eager, excited Chanyeol who clapped his hands at the items she placed down. She placed the cookie and americano in front of me.
"You shouldn't make a habit of having too much caffeine in your system." She said to me.
"Yeah Yoongi-ah. She's right." Chanyeol piped up, but I saw her expression freeze as she imperceptibly slid her hands down and stepped away slightly.
"Thank you (Y/N), I'm glad you took my order." Chanyeol beamed at her, I watched as her face lit up in pure happiness as she beamed back at him.
"No problem Chanyeol-ssi, I'm glad Kai oppa recommended me." She bowed her head slightly before walking off.
I stared at her walking away, my cover was busted. She had frozen up for some reason when she recognised who I was. Did she really fear me and my soulmates? But why? I couldn't recall a time we had ever reacted to her that made her so insistent on avoiding us.
I watched as she walked behind the counter, the tall guy from earlier bumping her hip with his as he said something, laughing at the flustered expression on her face. Who was he to her? Were they close? And why on earth did I have this niggling need to find out the reason behind her behaviour.
As I was leaving, I remembered to get Jiminie and the boys some cake. I looked around to see (Y/N) but she wasn't there. The guy who was with her walked over, smile faltering as they fell on me.
"Six slices of that cake to go." I said bluntly, pointing to the one I'd seen (Y/N) carry out earlier.
He nodded, silently moving to pack them up before he returned, sliding the bag towards me.
His lips were pressed tightly, as though refraining himself from speaking, as he processed the payment.
I grabbed the bag, eyes narrowing at his cold attitude, glancing at his nametag.
Myungsoo. As I walked out, I wondered who he was to (Y/N). Not that it mattered to me, just...mere curiosity, I guess.
Shine bright, dream harder, live intensely.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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