Chapter 23- good things must come to an end
(Y/N) POV:
I found myself becoming melancholic and downcast as the end of the week approached, I had grown so used to the presences of my soulmates that I didn't know how I was going to go without them. The problem was that it hadn't been aired out nor made clear whether or not I was meant to go when the week was over, whilst ideally I wanted to stay I knew rationally that they might not be prepared for an additional presence in their daily life, I also couldn't up and leave from my dorm without owing it to my friends why I was moving out. My mind was becoming scrambled and I grew frustrated whilst drawing the next episode, having to re-do several scenes.
I was broken out of my musings when Yoongi huffed, sinking down into the space next to me, my fingers scrambling to lock the screen before his eyes fell on it. That was something I didn't think they needed to know; it didn't seem important. It was just something I did.
"You know I can practically hear the cogs in your head shifting, what are you thinking about so hard?" he said, turning to tilt his body towards me.
My fingers lightly outlined the shape of the tablet, trying to choose the right words.
"About us. Me." I sighed.
He nudged me gently.
"Why do you sound so down about it? Did you want to leave when the week was over?" he asked, nervousness creeping into his tone.
My head flew up, almost colliding with his and I stared at him wide-eyed.
"I thought you guys wouldn't want me to stay longer than required." I said.
He looked at me shocked before letting out a small chuckle.
"I guess we all should have aired this out when you came, we never talked it out." He answered
"Hurry into the room NOW." Raising his voice for the rest of the house to hear, somehow his voice was both loud, but it didn't deafen me.
Through the door burst in six figures, all setting down into the couches wrapping their arms around one another, piling onto laps, legs intertwined and casual affectionate gestures. I was looking at them with only softness, but I felt Yoongi's arm sliding around my waist before gently squeezing, his large hand fanning across and sending tingles across my skin.
"We never really said what the plan was once the week was over." Yoongi said, drawing confused stares that slowly morphed into comprehension.
"Ahh....(Y/N). I'm sorry. We forgot to tell you what we'd all agreed on before you came." Namjoon said, rubbing his head sheepishly.
"(Y/N), we all bought this house together so we could all live together, that always meant you were included in our plan no matter how long it took to find you." Seokjin added, leaning forward slightly, smile gracing his thick lips.
"But do you all feel that way? I don't want to intrude in any way, so please don't be willing because you're soulmates. If you want to wait until we're closer, then that's fine too." I said even though I hoped they wouldn't agree with what I'd said.
Yoongi's thumb was rubbing back and forth and I was so grateful for the slight barrier my clothes provided because it was distracting enough without the adding sensation of skin-to-skin contact.
They shook their heads.
"There's nothing more that would make me happier, us happier. And besides, if you stay with us, we'll have all the time to get closer." Tae said, eyes twinkling as he delivered the last blow to my weak defence.
I smiled at him, at all of them.
"If that's the case, then I'd love to. But I'm afraid I'll have to go back to the dorms at least for a week. I need to sort out everything, put things in order." I said, crumbling at the way their faces failed to hide the disappointment, eyes downcast.
"Come on guys, it's a week. Who said we're not going to see her in that time?" Yoongi said, tone hopeful and optimistic.
"He's right, what could happen in a week?" I said, trying to placate them unprepared for the loud outburst of protests that burst out of them all.
I pouted as I saw (Y/N) pack up her bag, I didn't want her to leave. One week hadn't been enough with her, it'd flown by but the week she was going to be away was going to last forever.
"(Y/N), I don't want you to go." I whined, sulking from my sprawled-out position on her bed.
She looked up from meticulously folding her clothes, small sad twist of her lips as she looked at me.
"I don't want to either, but it needs to be done. I'll try to be as quick as I can." She said and I felt bad, of course it wasn't her fault neither was she doing it to distance herself. She was just sorting out matters and packing her stuff. It didn't mean that it wouldn't hurt being separated from her again.
"I'm sorry, it's just I've gotten so used to your presence and the bond just clicks. It makes sense for me to want to be around you all the time. I can't fight the pull." I said.
"Oh, Jungkook. Look...I'll try my best to do it in even less than a week. Okay? But no spoiling the potential surprise okay?" she said smiling as she leaned over to gently cup my cheeks, clothes forgotten.
I leaned into the touch, her hands were warm and the way her fingers were gently rubbing back and forth on my skin was driving me crazy, the sparks leaving a fiery trail.
I tilted my head to gently kiss the inside of her hand, lips pressing against her palm.
She grabbed her hand back as if it'd been burned and my face shot up to see if I'd made a mistake, but she was blushing, clutching at her hand as she stared at me before her face broke into a smile.
"Promise." I said.
"I'm gonna visit, all the time. And drag you out to meet us. And don't go back to ignoring me in lessons. And don't—" I was cut off by Hobi hyung's elbow digging into my ribs, but he was laughing in amusement as he watched me try and block (Y/N) from leaving through the door.
"She got it Tae. You sound like Jin hyung these days." He teased, dodging behind me when Jin hyung tried to swat him, laugh resounding in my ear.
I tried to control the twitch of my lips; I was trying to be stern here.
"Taehyung can you please move? As endearing as it is I've got to—" before the sound of the doorbell going off cut the end of her sentence off.
Hobi hyung detached himself from my back and walked over to open the door returning with an additional set of footsteps.
I saw (Y/N)'s eyes widen in joy and I turned to see who it was, who it was that made her smile in such uninhibited happiness.
JB hyung was standing there, smiling as he took in (Y/N)'s face, peering over my shoulder.
"Hey kitten." He said softly and I couldn't help the twist in my gut at the familiarity, I was on a mission to make her use pet names and endearments for us too. Me first if I had anything to do with it.
"Hello oppa!" she beamed as she chimed back, huh...oppa. I didn't hear that term for us but I knew it was only because of how long they knew each other.
He shouldered past me, gently twisting my body to the side so he could get through before he was scooping her up into a large bear hug, swaying from side to side.
And then she giggled. A light airy sound muffled by JB hyung's shoulder and I wanted to hear more, wanted to capture its essence but hyung's shoulders were blocking them from spreading through the house.
He set her down gently, effortlessly grabbing her bags before draping his arm around her shoulders.
"I will never be able to thank you for saving our kitten." He said bowing his head deeply in gratitude.
Theirs? She wasn't theirs? I huffed.
"Well kit, I'll see you Monday morning bright and early." I said disgruntled but I didn't miss how her cheeks flushed at the pet name.
Looked like she wasn't unaffected, and I hadn't been the only one to notice, Jin hyung and Hobi hyung's eyes sharpening in observation as they took in her flustered expression.
I watched as JB hyung shot me a playful teasing look- he was well aware of how his actions were ticking us off. But it just amused him.
She was our soulmate. But even then, he was rubbing it in silently.
I rolled my eyes at JB's antics but even so I couldn't help but want to draw her into my own arms and hear her beautiful laugh coming because of one of us, because she was happy with us.
One day.
I saw Hobi's lips tighten fractionally and his usual sunshine and joyful emotions dampen slightly, I pushed out a strong feeling of love through the bond smiling when he relaxed and my smile widening when I saw the look of content that spread across (Y/N)'s face. She could feel us all through the bond. It was just a reminder that this week had slowly brought us together, we weren't the closest we'd ever be, that was a day by day process. But the baby steps we'd all taken had allowed us to walk alongside her.
(Y/N) POV:
I couldn't help the tugs at my heartstrings at the thought of leaving even if I were happy that JB oppa was here, it was just disheartening slightly. I couldn't help but let the resolve grow for me to hurry and make sure all my matters were wrapped up quickly.
It was a bittersweet parting; I was leaving to come back but I felt the bond tinge with sadness, and I knew it wasn't mine alone.
"Let's go oppa." I said and the urge to hug my soulmates was so strong that I didn't even bother considering fighting against it.
I rushed forward to embrace Jin, melting when his arms came around me to squeeze me briefly and he leaned forward to press a kiss to the top of my head. Hobi came around, pulling me into a tight squeeze the moment I left Jin's arms, body thrumming with newfound energy and happiness that bubbled inside me and I could feel his body hum in content.
I left the hug feeling upbeat and morale restored before Taehyung swept me into a tight hug, head muffled against his chest as he murmured something for just me to hear.
"Chin up kit. We can't wait for you to move in." he said, tilting my head up and looking deep into my eyes before moving closer and closer and then pecked the tip of my nose.
I squirmed under his intense gaze. Me neither.
Seo-Yeon unnie and Soo-Jin dragged me through the dorm door when I entered, clutching me tightly between them whilst their hands wondered across my face and limbs as though assuring themselves, I had arrived intact and unbroken. After the third examination from Seo-Yeon unnie who insisted on being there when I changed in case I was 'hiding injuries again' I gave up and resigned myself to the overprotective mother hen she'd become. Soo Jin plastered herself to my back, her longer limbs wrapping themselves around me as she trapped me on the sofa, content to just lie there with me as we watched dramas.
JB oppa had left after a brief chat with unnie but I knew from the glint in her eyes, she was upto something and I hoped whatever it was, I was prepared for it.
"I'm so happy for you (Y/N)-ah. You deserve so much more." Soo Jin mumbled from behind me as we waited for unnie to return from the kitchen so we could play the next episode.
I relaxed in her hold.
"I think I'm happy Soo Jin-ah, it's just I don't know how I should act around them." I mumbled, insecurities coming to surface.
Her arms tightened around my waist.
"Be you. The one you've always been. The (Y/N) we all love and adore. The one who cries reading sad stories, the one who loves cuddling, the one who can cook enough to feed an army and the one with all her flaws." She said. It wasn't often Soo Jin acted maturely but it was in these small moments I truly felt like the youngest in the dorm, someone who had friends to rely on.
Seo-Yeon unnie came in bearing food which she sat down on the table in front of us, waiting for us to straighten up.
"I want the plates pristine; god knows if you ate properly whilst you were there. And don't think I didn't notice you've lost weight too." She fussed, it had been my own fault and act of pushing myself away that had led to that.
"And did you sleep properly? Did they keep you up all night?" she questioned, swatting Soo Jin's arm in reprimand as she snorted at her words.
The light bickering, the drama that started playing and the warmth of the plate of food unnie had made- I was going to miss but I knew without a doubt, I was always going to have a place with them.
The following week didn't seem too bad, despite my fears, the guys never really let me feel their absence, we all had lessons but in gaps in between I found myself with at least one of my soulmate's keeping me company, scarily already outside my classes waiting for me. But how they knew my timetable I couldn't fathom.
And slowly I let myself be lulled into the familiarity and ease I felt around them, let myself fall into the simple warmth they effortlessly provided.
But in all honesty, I should've seen it coming. Life had been going smoothly, too smoothly. And now in front of me was the hitch in the road.
Smile, dream, shine. Very wise words- I plan to follow them as much as I can.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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