Chapter 19- Breakfast date
The breakfast date was a great idea, hopefully (Y/N) wouldn't object to it, it was the first time she'd be seen with all of together outside the house. But we didn't intend on going to a busy populated place, I picked up on her nerves whenever I had talked to her at campus and they only seemed to grow the more time she could possibly be seen with us.
I couldn't help but take a photo of the cutest scene I'd laid eyes on, (Y/N) and Tae were wearing a couple pyjama set and she was nestled close to his chest. It seemed like her subconscious was calling for her to accept the bond or she was hesitant in being bombarded by seven bonds all at once- it wasn't a common occurrence that someone had seven soulmates and that too found them all at once.
The breakfast date was also an excuse to order a lot of food, it worried me that (Y/N) had lost weight because of the negative effects of not having bonded, it had taken a physical toll on her body and I didn't want her cheeks to loose their fullness and I wanted her eyes to be rid of the dark circles. I was going to make sure she was well rested and well fed, that was the very least I could do for her.
Also, it allowed me to see what types of food she preferred even though her face looked ashamed at the table that became crowded with countless dishes that were being brought over. It was just a way of learning more about our soulmate and I knew it wasn't only my eyes fixed on her, everyone seemed to be adding to her plate, smiles fixed on their lips as she managed to clear a portion off or ate what they had put on it. We fed each other; forks being brought to each other's lips. My hands ached to feed (Y/N), for her to accept food that I brought up to her mouth, to behave similarly towards her in the same manner we all treated each other.
But whatever thought I had of rejection or fear of pushing her into our habits too quickly fell when I saw Taehyung bring the last piece of his waffle dolloped with cream and strawberries speared onto his fork and brought it to her mouth. To my surprise and everyone else's she just met his eyes and opened her mouth allowing him to slip it inside. Her lips shut around the food as Tae slid the fork back and chewed on it. There was a slight smear of cream on the edge of her lips and I watched as Tae's finger wiped it clean. I was sure I wasn't imagining it but (Y/N) leaned into the touch, plump lips pressing into the pad of his fingertip. I looked at everyone's expressions and they seemed as shock as I was, Tae included but surprise gave way to warmth and smiles, Tae's face breaking into his boxy grin as he stared back at her, leaning forward ever so slightly.
Her cheeks took on a rosy hue, but she didn't move away, we all got up heading to the counter to pay but it was (Y/N) who stepped forward quickly before anyone of us could register and asked for the bill. It was the first date we took (Y/N) on and here she was paying, it didn't sit right but I also knew we weren't going to be winning this argument, I'd just have to find ways to coddle and spoil her elsewhere.
The man standing behind the counter processing the payment couldn't keep his eyes off her, gaze lingering on her face, the way her hair fell over her shoulders, her collarbones on display from the loose fit of the top she was wearing and her rosy cheeks. It didn't set well with me, it didn't sit well with any of us, protective streaks kicking in and I wanted nothing more than to hide her behind my back.
Her hand came up to tuck a strand behind her ear and I watched as his eyes trailed her movements, more focused on her than on registering that she had paid.
"Thank you." (Y/N) bowed her head slightly, smiling before turning around, the gap she'd left immediately being filled by Hobi who covered (Y/N)'s figure from view. The others crowded around her, walking with her as they left, and I watched as Hobi's usually cheerful disposition vanished and a cold rage filled him.
"Keep your filthy eyes off our soulmate." He spat before spinning on his feet and grabbing my arm as he tugged me along.
I couldn't help but smirk at the shocked and slightly fearful expression on the guy's face.
That's right. We protect and look after our own. And she was family.
(Y/N) POV:
We were all walking back from the café, using a less crowded course back to their home, ambience comfortable and I lost myself in the sounds of their chatter and laughter. I was so focused on their way their laughs were so different but all so full of joy when I accidentally bumped into someone.
"I'm so sor—" my words caught in my throat as I looked up at the dishevelled figure of Myungsoo oppa. I scanned the red-rimmed eyes, dark circles and sad twist of his lips and his eyes widened before he grabbed me and pulled me into a crushing hug.
I fisted the fabric of his coat in my hands tightly, scared to let go, I hadn't seen oppa look like that in a long time and I didn't ever want to see him in this state of hurt again.
The moment when Myungsoo oppa had pulled me into a hug I heard cries of shock before my soulmates crowded us, it had shocked me for a second and I guess I had unknowingly transmitted it through the bond. But right now, Myungsoo oppa mattered the most.
I felt his body shake as he hugged me, tears dripping onto my shoulders as he mumbled words onto my skin, I reached a hand up to stroke through his dark locks, gently massaging my fingers in his scalp, feeling some tension abate as I felt him lean into the touch, shaking lessening.
"What is it oppa?" I whispered but I was fearful of the answer.
He lifted his head up to glare at me, tears still sliding down. I reached out to wipe them away, fingers catching them before they fell.
"Oh, he works at the cat café!" Jimin said, recognising oppa and I heard Yoongi mutter something angrily.
Myungsoo oppa didn't take notice of them as he brought a trembling hand to rest on my cheek, staring at me.
"You're okay?" he asked. I was confused but leaned into the palm of his hand.
I opened my mouth to answer but he continued.
"You're alive...Gods. Do you know how it felt being told you were in the ICU and you wouldn't wake up? And when I went you weren't there. And I—I just couldn't lose you too." He said, voice broken and despaired.
My eyes widened in understanding.
"I'm fine oppa, I'm not leaving you. Not now, not for a long, long time." I rushed to reassure.
He shook his head.
"You can't leave me alone, not after..." he broke off.
I felt horrible, guilt swamping me and drowning me in its vicious tides. Why hadn't I bothered calling oppa to let him know? Had I become so lost in the presence of being with my soulmates that I couldn't even remember to even text him. Of course, he would've heard.
I felt another hand come to rest between my shoulders, a solid warm presence. I twisted my head to see Taehyung standing there, concern and support in his eyes as he smiled at me. Could he feel my emotions more intensely because our bond had finalised between the two of us?
He didn't look pleased but he made no move to pull me away, I realised with a slight flutter that he respected my decisions, my choices and who I was with- even though I knew the bond would be urging him to come closer.
Myungsoo oppa looked at me, a silent question in his eyes and I nodded. He sighed, shoulders loosening before unwillingly stepping back a bit.
"They know then. That you're soulmates. About time...." he said, tears dried and now a slight smile pulling at his lips, relief clear on his face.
"I'll visit later when you're back at the dorms. Go bond with your soulmates baby." He said, even though I wasn't comfortable with leaving him, he meant safety for me, he'd been there for me for years, and seeing him so close to a mental breakdown and yet willing to give me space...what did I do to deserve this angel?
"Promise?" I asked, wanting to be reassured.
He nodded.
I stepped forward, tiptoeing to peck his cheek lightly.
"I'll see you soon honey." I said, the endearment coming naturally to my lips for him.
He smiled before focusing his stare at the guys, an unspoken conversation happening before he stepped back nodding.
He turned around to walk away but strangely I didn't feel deserted or abandoned, I felt content standing with Taehyung's hand seeping warmth into me.
"Let's go home." Namjoon said.
Baby? Honey? Pecks on the cheek? Hugging? I wanted (Y/N) to direct endearments and pet names to me, to us. I wanted her hands to run through my hair, I'd seen how he'd leaned into the touch, body relaxing, and I wanted to be on the receiving end too. The way the loving endearment had so easily rolled off her tongue, love laced into it, I wanted her to look at me and speak so closely too. And although I was itching to use my telekinesis to pull them apart, I knew whatever they shared was special and something I shouldn't intrude on. None of us should. They had a past together and we all respected that, we all had to accept she had an intimacy she shared with those close to her and I would do all it took to make sure we reached that stage too.
I watched as (Y/N) sank into the couch, pulling a cushion into her lap, feet curling to the side. She looked at home. And I knew slowly but surely, she was letting the walls down.
I couldn't help the anger and jealousy that bubbled inside when I saw how closely (Y/N) and that man were hugging and touching. He didn't seem to care where he was because he just swooped her into his hold, practically melding the two together. If it hadn't been for the worry and hurt and guilt seeping through the bond from (Y/N) I would have acted to pull the guy away. But it seemed like she was worried for him, panicking almost. So, I could only see the love she held for those close to her heart with a wistful longing that one day that would be us. Close and in each other's hearts.
The moment the bond flared with a brief instance of shock; we had all reacted instinctively turning to assess the danger before I realised, she was hugging someone. And from their closeness and the way his body shook with emotion, I knew they were close. I used my ability to sense his aura and it radiated around him in sad tones of grey and black- despair hanging over him. Every aura had a colour and right now the guy was encompassed in sad, hurting hues and his aura was so miserable that I couldn't help the ache that filled my chest just by looking at him. Slowly, the colours brightened taking on a tinge of happiness and relief and I knew that (Y/N) seemed to heal his hurt, bring him up to a balanced level.
(Y/N)'s presence was a balm and I knew that whenever I saw any of our soulmates brighten up when we were all together that their auras were glowing. I couldn't wait for the day (Y/N)'s aura would glow too.
(Y/N) POV:
I settled into the couch, hand snagging a cushion before the rest of them piled on. It was a habit of mine to take the corner of the couch, being in the corner meant easier escape and less chance of being surrounded. It seemed like such habits weren't going to go away easily.
Taehyung rushed to plop himself down next to me, half-hearted glares directed at him before they all sat down, wrapped up in the arms of each other. It was warming to see how content they looked just by sitting with each other. And even though we weren't touching Taehyung seemed happy too.
My fingers itched for something to do, and rather than just fiddle with the tassels at the edge of the cushion I could do something productive.
I shot up to my feet abruptly, heading to go to my room. Yoongi got up too, and when I looked at him quizzically, he just shrugged his shoulders looking disinterested.
"I'll just nap or something." Before he followed me out the room and up to the bedroom. His eyes were trained on me, I could feel them boring a hole into my back, but I just pulled out my tablet, turning to see him looking at home nestled in the blankets as he slipped my earphones on, eyes sliding shut.
I turned back to my tablet. It was time to create the next episode.
Stay safe and healthy and happy!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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